Mystic mentoring Monday 20th September 2021 UK

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let's kick off okay they all would like to ask anything hey tish sarah okay well it's not a question um actually but um today i felt tempted to believe in uh what's it when all are gone suddenly ah you know the the christians are uh yeah today i was tempted to believe in rapture again and uh so it's not a question but please um could you build me up again because actually i do not believe it works that way it never has not even when we were children but have things happen that way you know you do like this and and then it's over and all gone and all it's good yeah um i mean yeah that that will be what my the next book i i produce is all of that so in a sense you know you've got to go back to what jesus said you know jesus never said that he was going to come thousands of years later he never said that he was going to come on to earth and rule he said the opposite in fact so if you go back to what jesus said jesus said all the signs that he said of his coming would be in the generation that heard him speak and that's why jesus clearly said some would still be alive when he returned that they wouldn't have even gone through all of the preaching into judea and samaria before he returned he told some of the the priests that they would see him return and all of those in matthew 24 he said that that would be in that generation all these things will take place in that generation including the gospel being preached to the whole world and people say oh no the gospel has not been preached to the whole world but according to the bible the gospel was preached to the whole world in that generation for what the world meant you know because you've got to take it into context and what did jesus mean when he said that in matthew 24 the same that was said even on the day of pentecost that there were those of all nations under heaven listening when the holy spirit came and you have various scriptures in romans and in colossians which actually also talk about that the gospel had gone into the whole world so jesus clearly put it into the framework of this was the end of the old age not the end of the world but the age because various words have been mistranslated and anios is one of them which does mean a period of defined period of time or an age or a duration of an age and it doesn't mean world um so it's the end of the age that was the end of the old covenant age the beginning of the new covenant asian jesus came to bring that age to final fulfillment and that's really what it is all about and then everything then that you then read that paul wrote and others wrote are in reference to what jesus wrote so if you compare one thessalonians you know for uh in terms of jesus paul talking about sort of the rapture he wasn't talking about the rapture he was talking about the same end of the age and if you compare matthew 24 and you compare one thessalonians 4 and 5 you will see that they are all comparable and if you look in those comparisons you actually will see that all of them are there you know and this is part of the problem people only believe what they've been told or conditioned to believe rather than actually what jesus said so if you look at matthew 24 jesus returns from heaven matthew 24 30 1 thessalonians 4 16 with the voice of an voice of an archangel matthew 24 31 with the trumpet of god matthew 4 31 24 31 comes as a thief matthew 24 43 math and these theories 5 2. you know act the time is unknown both of them say that both of them say that these are birth pangs that they're going to meet the lord in the clouds first matthew 24 30 and 25 6 and for you know all of those things are there in the same thing that jesus said was going to happen in that generation that people who have are dispensational or pre-millennials have said is going to happen at the end of the age and you'll never find anywhere in the bible that says there's going to be a two-stage return of jesus he just came and when he came it was the end of the old age and fully establishing the new you know and you can sort of you know tie all that together but it's it's a big subject obviously yeah hence you know probably the book that i've just finished today actually um we'll probably have five or six hundred pages in it simply because it will take that amount of deprogramming to deprogramming people from their conditioning in the evangelical sphere to that belief but it was a very modern belief only first came about um primarily in the 1820s um with john nelson darby and edward irving and they were tying into a jesuit priests who had an obscure book before that um but in reality it was not the belief they had in the early church and was not the belief they had pretty much right throughout church history until the 1820s when dispensationalism began as a doctrine and then with the scofield bible which had notes referring to dispensationalism everyone started to believe that because that became the bible that was used in the seminaries in the evangelical movement and it programmed generations of people to believe that they were going to be raptured and saved you know when jesus already saved us and that concept of being taken and others left if if you even look at what jesus said that the tares would be taken first and the wheat left that doesn't even tie into that theory because that theory is just a it's a made-up theological position which has robbed generations of people of their kingdom responsibility because what's the point of doing anything on earth if we're going to be rescued and raptured and that includes green issues about what's the point looking after the planet because it's all going to be destroyed anyway you know and what's the point in having a good education because we're all going to be raptured there's no point you know just defend yourselves and you're going to be rescued you know that whole mentality has robbed the last hundred years uh the the world of of the sons of god functioning in sonship because it just encouraged people to believe we're going to get we're going to fail and jesus is going to rescue us we're not going to fail yeah and we're going to succeed but it's going to be a process yeah so yeah you know you can't believe in a rapture and believe in a restoration of all things they're just mutually exclusive concepts because one destroys the earth and the other restores the earth and creation itself so there we go yeah i mean that's true uh the um the responsibility and and the rapture theory they just don't go together and uh that so many christians and generations of christians have been robbed of their responsibilities just so true um and especially in these times it's like it's a like a choice you have to make uh either i want to take my responsibility or i want to believe in the uh what's it father christmas or something you know who brings all the good presents and then it's good yeah yeah and that goes so deep it's it's like you said it's a programming and and i notice it all around whenever there's a difficult situation going on on the earth like we're in this present pandemic situation it always promotes that fear that theology the same thing happened in 9 11 it's happened various times when things are appearing to be going badly a whole lot of people then start bringing out the fear and the doom and the gloom prophecies of those things and you know a lot of people are wanting a world war because that will bring jesus back armageddon you know the the whole concept is just so alien to what jesus talked about in terms of bringing peace and filling the earth you know and seeing the kingdom of god fill the earth and all of those things which are very biblical concepts you know and it all became event focused rather than pro process focused well jesus is going to come back and he'll sort it out jesus will come back and reign on earth and then we'll have a golden age you know all of that was event focused which again removed all our responsibility and it was well jesus will do it we might as well wait for jesus to do it because he's going to come and do it for us because we can't do it ourselves which really is contradictory to our mandated sons and fulfilling our sonship because it says in daniel that the kingdom was given to the saints of the most high it's our responsibility to see the kingdom of god fill in the earth you know jesus is not going to come and do it for us but he's certainly with us to encourage us to be able to come into sonship to fulfill that restoration mandate you know and to restore the earth back to its original conditions and to restore the solar system and all of creation you know back to god's original intention and purpose so but you know it creates a those prophecies and particularly when people start to present those things in times of trouble it it sort of hooks into the negative psyche that that programming brings and people then struggle because it's like oh things are bad it must be the tribulation coming you know well jesus said the tribulation was going to come in that generation and when it came it would never come again so we don't need to fear you know perfect love casts that fear so the more we engage in love the easier it is to recognize that those things are fear-based and those fears are based in a theology which which removes our authority responsibility and everything else and who would like that to take place well it's certainly not god so it's a conditioning which was brought about by the enemy you could call it a doctrine of demons it's a demonic doctrine which actually has been very very effective in its task and now people are starting to awaken to their sonship they're realizing that those things just don't actually tie up you know you can cherry pick 10 scriptures and put them all together to make a nice theory but they're not tied together in the bible at all they're just plucked out of the air and put together to make a theory which doesn't exist in the bible itself okay anyone else got anything they'd like to talk about yeah inga you got your hand up there yeah i was um just thinking now um the new testament i mean jesus was talking to his disciples he was talking to the pharisees he was talking to the multitudes and and was this really i mean that he came the kingdom came with him but the end of the age when he was talking to them was that before the end of the age and therefore some of the things that he said um we have to be very careful not to think that it is for us now because we often forget who he was talking to and what the situation was and so i've heard so many sermons with such strange interpretations especially all the parables and other things that jesus said and i'm just thinking uh i mean i'm trying to re i'm rereading new testament now trying to to get things more right uh than i have been yeah and one thing one thing that especially i've been thinking about is this thing of creating our reality well i don't think jesus really said anything like that i mean he was still talking about praying to the father and give us is their daily bread um it wasn't like you know the kingdom has been given to the saints we are to rule we are too that that's not really well i think if you if you look at matthew mark and luke which are the synoptic gospels they are primarily speaking to those that were the audience of the day who were primarily not believers they they were old covenant believers still under the law so that was the context and jesus was talking to them to warn them that the age was about to end and that they should get ready and follow him and then he warned them what would happen if they didn't that jerusalem would be destroyed and he warned them when they saw certain signs to flee jerusalem you know and that's when you get if you're on the rooftop you know don't even bother getting your coat just run you know and actually every you know history records that every believer follower of jesus actually left jerusalem before it was besieged and fled to the hills of pella and were saved so jesus warned them of what was coming um and that's the relevance to what he was saying was in that context yeah hence when jesus talked about you know loving the lord your god with all your heart all your mind all these strengths you know your neighbors yourself you know that was the best under the law it's a commandment but we're not under the law now i'm not saying it's a bad thing to love god with everything but it's not a law yeah because we're not under the law so he spoke that to those who were still under the law and actually the person who actually said that was the lawyer who he jesus said well what what is the best you know and he said that you know and so the context needs to be taken in place and audience relevance is really really important because we read 2000 years later we don't have this this understanding that the audience did in jesus's day you know when jesus was pronouncing woes on the pharisees for what they were doing in leading people astray i think it was in matthew 21 you know it goes on to matthew 23 it says the pharisees knew he was talking to them you know he wasn't talking to someone thousands of years later the pharisees said they knew he was talking about them that's why they wanted to go and crucify him persecute him kill him because he was talking to them and he was actually challenging what they were doing now if you want to get jesus's teachings now i'm not saying that the sermon on the mount and the beatitudes are not good things they are you know there's there's good the golden rule is a good thing yeah but it's not a law yeah and we're not bound in a sense two laws now if you really want to look at jesus talking to new covenant believers look at john's gospel because john's gospel is written from a perspective of intimacy with jesus and an understanding of love and who jesus really was which isn't in the other gospels so the seven statements of i am the way the truth and the life i am the resurrection and the life i am the light none of those are in the in the other gospels because they're new covenant concepts and jesus was preparing his disciples and in in john 20 i think it is when the holy spirit is breathed into the disciples on the day of resurrection on the resurrection day that's not in the other accounts because their accounts were different and going into the world and preaching the gospel was specifically talking to that generation before the end would come make sure you go and preach the gospel primarily to the jewish people because that was their major focus before the end comes you know and so it's important to get that audience relevance and not to just take everything that jesus said and think it applies to us today and you're absolutely right but jesus did give some illustrations of what it was to live by faith and to live in a new covenant reality when he called peter to walk on the waters you know there was things when he did his miracles there were indications there when he talked about you know when you pray believe that you have received then you'll receive that though there are there are things there which give you some insights into what it is to live in a different type of dynamic and to be able to create the way jesus created in terms of the miracles because he said speak to the you know so there was a there was illustrations there i think that you can draw from and the holy spirit can of course speak to us through anything in the bible um and speak to us through it but it's not the primary way that jesus said he was going to speak to people he said my sheep will hear my voice you know he introduced a totally different relational dynamic where no longer were you gonna have to go through a priest no longer were you gonna have to go through a prophet or a king now you could hear his voice now he was speaking to you direct and now effectively heaven was open because the veil was torn illustrative of heaven being open so you know there are you know things that you can draw and things that you can once you have a revelation of the truth that then you can the spirit will unveil some of the things that jesus did say from a new covenant perspective and of course he's the one that we need to be like he is the fulfillment of all the promises of god they're all fulfilled in him therefore everything is in relationship to him not independently of him you know but it is a challenge you know because there we have been so conditioned well they're the red letters in the bible so they must be speaking to us yeah exactly exactly can we read them and can he speak to us through them yes but primarily they're not speaking to us they were speaking to the audience of the day you know particularly matthew mark and luke and they gave insight into the coming end of the age you know what it was going to be like and why people could avoid it and should avoid it by following him and being saved because salvation was not primarily a spiritual concept to them it was a physical concept be safe from the destruction that's coming be safe from death i'm not saying there isn't a spiritual component to it obviously there is but when we read the word saved immediately were conditioned into oh i'm going to go to heaven one day you know when i die and all of those concepts are programmed to to condition you to when you read something not to really find the truth behind it you know and yeah that ties into jesus talking about gehenna you know that they were going to end up in gehenna the rubbish that was all talking to those who were going to end up in jerusalem in the siege and were going to die there nothing to do with the end of the world you know so as you ri rightly say the parables were talking to those who had a understanding of the relevance of it in the day i'm sure if jesus was around today he would use very different parables very different subject matter most people aren't farmers or fishermen so you know things will be different and of course jesus said that he was wanted to speak to the disciples more but they weren't able to receive that and i think he's continued to speak and i think we are more able to receive things today than they were in his day [Music] especially the word saved to be saved um i think yeah many times it it creates a wrong interpretation because we think we we don't realize it's about the the destruction of jerusalem and you know the physical salvation and and then then we completely misinterpret the whole passage because yeah i mean there are some verses which are definitely talking about a global sense of salvation i mean jesus came to take the sins of the world that obviously was not just talking of a of a destruction of jerusalem it was talking about what had happened on the cross you know so you know when jesus talked about the cross it was different from when he was talking about the end of the age yeah exactly and we didn't need to separate the two to discern you know what was he meaning by what he was saying at the time but it's not very easy for people to do that you know that programming is very very strong yeah thank you so much you got your hand up there yeah yes mike thank you very much that's really awesome i i was going to ask a question on grace but i think the question um sarah asked is it sarah yes um has actually triggered a few questions for me and which is the issue of well rapture once again but this i'm looking at uh festas salunius iv yeah and it's talking about the appearance appearance of the lord that when he appears then we i'm reading from 4 14 says for if we believe that jesus died and rose again we also believe that god will bring with jesus those who died who are believing in him this is the word of the lord we who are alive in him and remain and so the lord are peers who by no means have an advantage over those who have already died for both who rise together so it's talking about the lord appearing yeah i'm wondering what that means because maybe the title says the lord would appear when he appears then we would appear with him and we do not know well in another scripture we don't know what well if you go back to what jesus said that his appearing or his coming would be in the clouds and then we would you know the cloud of witnesses would rise and meet him in the clouds because that was talking about resurrection you know it it was the context was that in in thessalonica you've got to understand thessalonians were not hebrews they were gentile believers so they didn't have an understanding of the old testament and they didn't have an understanding of old covenant theology so paul was trying to help them because they were concerned that people were talking about jesus returning because they were waiting for jesus to return you know it was still future for them it's passed for us but it was future for them so they were waiting and they were concerned that as some people had died what was going to happen to them when jesus returned so they were asking questions not about what was going to happen two three thousand years later but what was going to happen imminently and what would happen to those who already died before he returned that was the context and then paul in the second letter of thessalonians goes back to the subject again because they were still concerned and they were talking about well what signs are there that are going to happen before it returns so they were still unclear and paul was sort of had to clarify the subject again so if you compare matthew 24 and 1 thessalonians 4 and 5 you'll see that the same language is used in both as i quoted earlier the voice of the archangel the trumpet of god they're in both and jesus in matthew 24 put it very clearly in that generation all these things would take place in that generation um also it talks about believers not being received deceived it talks about believers to be watched for it it talks about meeting the lord in the clouds in both chapters and you've got to take what jesus said and then interpret thessalonians in the light of that so mike so at the time paul was speaking the end of the age hadn't come no it hadn't that makes sense no it hadn't had it hadn't finished it no the it wasn't after 1870 when he said this thing he said these things before a.d 70. hey paul wrote thessalonians i think in 1863 maybe wow every every every bible book was completed before ad70 including revelation so revelation was talking about the same thing jesus was in matthew 24. it was john's version of matthew 24 if you like in a vision so that was things that then you get things about people's love would grow cold and all of all talking about the end of that age because they were persecuted they were being persecuted between 1866 and 80 70 you had first of all nero persecuting the christians the roman candles you had the obviously the jews persecuting the christians and killing christians you know it was a huge persecution time and they were so concerned and they were waiting for jesus to come back to end this time of persecution and it did obviously because the whole jewish thing came to an end and they were all scattered and they were dispersed and therefore they no longer had a religion that they were promoting in which was against christianity and eventually obviously the romans themselves and you go back to daniel it says in the days of the last kingdom of the statue remember there were a statue with four different parts yeah you had the babylonian and then you had the persian then you had the greece greek and then you had the romans and the romans was two parts feet of iron feet of clay in the days of that kingdom the kingdom of god would be established and would never end so that's what jesus was doing and you know when in in acts 3 it talks about heaven must receive jesus until the period of restoration of all things yes jesus came out of heaven to finally destroy jerusalem and the old covenant he didn't personally destroy jerusalem the romans did but he was he appeared people saw him you know i mean i'd go into you know and you can find it if you if you do a google search of all the occurrences written by the romans the jews and the christian historic historians who recorded jesus being seen with armies of angels in the clouds over jerusalem during the siege that jesus presence that was seen a sword was seen in the clouds over jerusalem these are physical manifestations of jesus's coming jesus never said that he was going to come back on earth he said he was coming in the clouds now of course he went up in the cloud now that and he said he was coming back in light manner well what cloud did he go up in it wasn't a physical cloud it was a cloud of witnesses and of course when he came back he came back with the cloud awarenesses so then paul says that when he comes we will all join him and be transported together in the clouds so with the cloud of witnesses it doesn't say that it says in 17 yeah then we who are alive will join them transported together in clouds to have an encounter with the lord in the air yes but you've got to understand what jesus was talking about with the clouds and coming on the clouds of glory it was a sign of kingdom government and authority and the resurrection was a spiritual resurrection not a physical one part of the problem with evangelicalism it is focused on physical resurrection at the end of time not spiritual resurrection which the whole of mankind was spiritually resurrected and in a sense joined those who who were already part of the cloud of witnesses as one church you know so obviously you know i've got you know thousands of words written about that subject from going through all the different scriptures and putting them all into concepts so i can't give you a full complete answer now but i would encourage you to don't just interpret something literally yeah that wasn't meant literally that's part of the problem because we read in the air well what does that mean physical air atmosphere are we not seated in heavenly places are we not to function in government inner in that realm are we not in heaven now we're seated in heavenly places so we've already joined him we're seated with him in authority so take what jesus said and then interpret everything in light of what jesus said then you won't get drawn into sort of rapture stuff about you know oh well that means a literal thing you know paul was trying to help them to understand that when jesus came that their times of trouble would be ended because most of their persecution was from the jews every time jesus went into a city every time sorry paul went into a city who did he get persecuted by yeah jews who stirred up trouble against him you know and he did that himself before he met jesus on the you know in the on the damascus road persecution so he was trying to encourage them to hang on in there jesus is coming soon and again you will find that the word soon at hand quickly are all associated with jesus coming the book of revelation at hand soon you know there are so many different um different passages which talk about soon near at hand coming quickly you know and the word mello as which is a greek word which means about to has mostly in the new testament been translated as shall or will which can be any time but if you actually translate it which is how it's translated in a literal translation you'll find it's always translated about to well about to as a very different meaning than shall shall just mean something will happen sometime about to means it's about to happen imminently yeah you know and again because we read our bible in english and we don't read it in greek we don't understand how interpreters have changed the meaning of words and one of the words that's been changed very much is the word parousia which has been associated with the second coming rapture and the word perusia doesn't mean coming at all it means presence at the presence of the lord not the coming so if you look at we were 1 thessalonians 4 5 23 i think it is you know you we will be preserved at the coming of the lord spirit soul and body sanctified at the coming of the lord no it doesn't mean coming it says presence of the lord so what is our now present reality or should be has been put off to when jesus comes he will do that for us which is why some so many people do not believe in immortality because they believe that only when jesus comes will they be given immortality whereas to be sanctified spirit soul and body now at in the presence of the lord is a immortal state a state of immortality which we don't need to die so there's a lot of it's a lot at stake over these theologies because one leads to death is your savior because when you die you will be saved and you'll go to heaven and you'll have you know eternal life to jesus is your savior now as a present reality wow makes a huge difference thank you thank you very much mike okay anyone else got anything you like to ask yeah stella um i read in one of the bibles interpreting i think it is i don't remember but um i think it's in the chap in chapter one of revelation when he says i will come when they interpret that it is interpreted in present continuous i just um i remember seeing it for the first time that he he is coming he will come and he will continuously come is that all right um yes in a sense where he promises to be present whenever we gather there's a sense that that is true you know there's a continual presence he's in us we're in him you know this gives it a very different connotation to a sort of view that well he's going to come as an event rather than he's here and he's manifesting the reality of being here in deeper and deeper and ways to bring us into a full reality of what that means so if you put something off to the future you can't live it in the presence and that's the problem with some most of these scriptures they put off what is our should be our present reality and make them a future event when jesus returns or we die therefore so many christians look forward to death because that is their savior that's how they'll get to heaven uh but in reality that's not actually it you know you know this this isn't uh i've made a covenant with death so when i die i can go to heaven and then i'll be have immortal life and then i can go and be seated in heavenly places this is something which is a reality for us now has opened that reality for us to experience it now um and a lot of this theological perspective for futurizing everything and making it in the future means you can't live it in the present so the kingdom in evangelical theology particularly dispensational theology is only when jesus would come on earth and establish a kingdom which isn't even for christians it's for jewish people what's the point of that what comfort is that but actually the kingdom is a present reality in fact the kingdom is within us jesus said because his kingdom wasn't of this world he wasn't looking for a political kingdom but the millennial kingdom so-called is a political kingdom it's a ruling in a political kingdom on a physical earth in a physical temple well actually didn't jesus come to change the wine skin of a physical temple priests to a spiritual temple of which we are the new jerusalem and we are the new heavens and the new earth because he now dwells in us so things have changed significantly and we need to embrace the fullness of what is our present reality what should be and can be our present reality and not be fooled into thinking that will only happen in an event in the future if jesus was to return or come back to earth or take us to heaven or we would die yeah we need the fullness of our inheritance and our reality now otherwise we can't do what we're called to do and that's why most people have not done what they've been called to do because they've been waiting for jesus to come and do it thinking that only he could do it in the future and that's you know has been very very successful in removing the authority that the sons of god should have on earth now placing it into a future age or four of different people all together and i think if you go back to daniel 7 to 9 you'll find that the kingdom was given to the saints of the most high and will never end or never be removed and never be given back to another people whereas the end of the old age jesus said that the kingdom will be taken from you talking to the jewish leaders and given to a people who would produce its fruit which is the church true church not the institution so um when we read from the book of isaiah you know that's that scripture where he talks about um uh all creation will be in harmony you know when you remember when the jehovah witnesses would produce these books with lions and stuff like this so they were they were slightly on their on the right track even though they might have what do you think what would your take on it well there are some elements of some of the things that are in jail witness and mormons and various things that have elements of truth to it but i wouldn't be looking for the truth in those no i'm not saying all writings you know i think he is much better to engage the truth himself and you know that will give you a sense of what the truth is you know [Music] i think we need to focus and this is the problem if we didn't have a bible we wouldn't be asking any of these questions because because our minds can't really our minds are so programmed to reading the bible and that was the other question i was going to ask you that um [Music] you you said you like you are discussing now with all the questions that have been put across about the scriptures should we still go back to it should we disregard it or we use it as a point of reference what are we to do because by still doing that we are getting ourselves entangled in things that we are trying to this to detangle from well i i would do what the spirit directs you to do and don't do it because you feel you have to you ought to or you're programmed or conditioned to so i can't remember the last time i read a bible at all you know have i looked at some bible verses yes because i've tried to have to use them to explain why they're not true or what they're really meaning but i don't read it like that i talk to jesus i talk to the father why would i need to read a book to talk to the father or talk to jesus so you know i would not be encouraging people to read a book that jesus didn't encourage people to read jesus didn't tell people to read the old testament scriptures he told people to listen to his voice you know so we we were being conditioned by religious programming that has used this book in a sense to create theology theological positions about god which have replaced a relationship with god you can only know god by experience truly otherwise you just know about him well what do you know about him or what someone else has said or written or what you think the bible says about him hence people have a very warped and twisted view of god by reading the bible now i'm not saying the holy spirit cannot bring truth out of that to people and many people have read the bible and the holy spirit has enlightened them and they found jesus but many people have found jesus without ever reading the bible as well you know so it's not a you have to do this what what jesus is wanting us is to have a relationship with him as the truth in which he will reveal the truth to us and we will get so familiar with the truth that it will be so easy to discern when something isn't true yeah that that's the key if i hang out with the truth i'm gonna know what isn't true it will carry a different frequency if i try and find out from the bible what is and what isn't true i'm gonna have to use some sort of theological framework to help me try and discern that and all theology is man-made every theological system has been developed by men to try and understand god from what the bible so i go back to the point i don't think god ever wanted us to have a fixed canon of scripture that was fixed rigid and the indicated that he wasn't speaking as just as authoritatively in every generation you know and that's unfortunately what happened once they had the book they then formed no different from what they did with the old the law under the old they formed their own religion around it and their own rules and their own regulations and their own pharisaical things and their their own rabbinical schools and that's exactly what christians have done they formed their own rabbinical schools we call them denominations around the bible and all that's done is divide and separate people you know rather than uniting people because we're all one in christ so there we go thank you okay brenda just to follow up kind of is i i just remember growing up in the book of life you know is your name written there and then i have um i've been very intrigued with the second death and have been studying that out and was delighted that you had it actually in your book and i could study it out a little bit more but that that is transformational when you realize death was swallowed up [Music] and the second death is death itself and um i don't know i've just been just really uh it's like it's blowing my mind today today's blowing my mind too i like my mind blown well you know i mean my mind's been blown and deconstructed for a long time and you know particularly the last six or seven years major beliefs that i had have been deconstructed and i realized it just weren't true you know i would have sworn they were true because i was conditioned into believing there was true but i never really engaged that for myself in that truth i was conditioned when god started to give me experiences that created cognitive dissonance that i couldn't no longer marry my experience with what i thought i knew and believed particularly from a theological perspective i had to make a choice am i going to stick to what i think i know or am i going to believe what god has just told me or just shown me or just given me an experience of well like everyone else in the bible i'm gonna go by my experience because that's a record of their experiences is it not you know people say oh you shouldn't go on your experience well everyone in the bible wrote their experiences as a testimony so why shouldn't we put trust in our experiences with god you know when you've got a prophetic book like ezekiel or isaiah well where did that stuff come from it wasn't a theological school it was a prophetic insight a revelation that they wrote down so we read their experience and we're not supposed to have experiences like them and we've got god in us jesus is in us the truth so why shouldn't we expect revelation that goes way beyond what they received in the old testament and i think that's really where we should be focusing being open for a revelation from our relationship with god that totally redefines who god is because we now know him we just don't know about him that changes everything to know by experience is to truly know to have information is not to know because knowledge from a biblical perspective was always experienced not information we've intellectualized christianity into a series of belief statements that if you believe this then you will be okay rather than a whole lot of experiences so you can have people who are teaching other people as priests or apostles or prophets or whatever they want to call themselves you know who have had no experience of god whatsoever they've just been to theology school and i've been to seminary and have learned to do the professional job of the bicker or the priest or any other version the pastor or any other version of it depending on what sort of theological school they went to you know no i'm not saying none of them have experience but they're based on their teaching and their education rather than their experiences and they're taught to do so so we've got to come back to experience we need to know the truth by experience or else all we have is information and second-hand information at that so let's make sure we are open for our minds to be blown for our minds to be renewed to be deconstructed so that we can truly embrace the truth and fully find out who we are in the light of who god is because we can only see ourselves reflected in his face you know if you look in a natural mirror you're going to see a natural self if you look in the mirror of his face you're going to see the reality of who he made you to be but when we look sometimes the image is distorted because of our belief systems it's like looking in a mirror and seeing a distorted image back in the self because our belief systems twists who we are and who god is but god wants to reveal the fullness of who we are and reveal our identity as sons of god because creation is waiting for the revealing of the sons of god not the revealing of theology students or pastors or prophets or apostles or anyone else but the sons of god you know so there we go okay um who else oh moy you have your because they're still up i can't take them down you have to put take them down yourself okay yes samoy okay um i want to ask about immortality so how is there a way to cultivate it like um the way we are i mean in the world of faith movements are taught to cultivate faith um healing and things like that so and also healing too like for instance maybe extreme situation someone maybe has a is paralyzed cannot walk or an amputee you know the kind of miracles of people great at links back out there way to cultivate those kind of healings and their immortality to things you can do every day today to step into your food well i think for ourselves we can cultivate the experience of immortality by learning to be in communion with life and not death so if we fellowship and communion daily with life immortality will be the result if we hang out with death and keep thinking of death and focus on death and are fearful of death then death will be the result so we need to commune and fellowship in the light and in the life and we can do that initially by communion taking communion which is the life of god and embracing the life and not dying jesus said eat my flesh drink my blood you won't need to die but i think it needs to go beyond the physical act to a state of being a state of awakening or enlightenment where we're continually in communion and fellowship with that life so every breath that we take is life and energy now you've got people that who are breatharians who believe that they don't need to eat physical food and that they can live on breath i think kirby uh the ronald or whatever he's called um he has demonstrated that i do believe that's true and i believe we need to be in fellowship with life in communion with life so really conscious of every breath that i take i am taking on life immortal life because i'm taking on the breath of god the life of god the spirit you know so it's the mindset begins to change i used to i used to take communion every day and i would use communion declarations every day and then i would look every time i ate or drank to be mindful that i was partaking of the life of god in that transformed food that i was eating so i was thinking of the food in a transformed way that it would be like the body and blood of jesus and would bring life to me so it wasn't then just a religious thing that i did or i took communion i was every time i was eating i was mindful of this is life and then it went from just eating to breathing to living who is the source of my life jesus who is eternal life so he has brought life and immortality to light through this amazing good news that we have so then you have us you live in a state of mind or a state of being which is continually infused with life and therefore immortal so it changes from something i did to something i'm trying to embrace to this is my state of mind and being that i'm living in so i don't take communion every day in a sense i'm going to read my declarations and take a bit of bread or a bit of this and the other anymore but i'm fellowshipping in the communion of life every breath that i take because i'm looking at a conscious awareness of life because it takes it away from the doing to the being now a lot of times doing leads to being if we embrace the full revelation of the doing so we no longer have to do it because we can then be it becomes a state of mind and an awakening to the reality of immortality when it comes to healing if you live in an immortal sense then you don't have to be concerned with anything physically in your own life but other people is different if they're not living in that state which is why god does give gifts of healing and we can begin to focus the energy of life in us to impart that life to other people when we're directed because it's something the father's doing but not just because we think we should and this is where we've got to get that communion and fellowship with the father like jesus said that he only does what he saw the father doing that will give us a clarity about what we should and shouldn't do based on the father's desire for us on a daily basis that we're in relationship with which will remove all the guilt and condemnation about well i pray for that person they didn't get healed well did the father ask you to pray for that person well no i just did because they asked me well okay i'm not saying i wouldn't pray for someone who asked me but i would make it very clear that i'm doing it because they've asked me to do it not because god has told me to do it unless he did because sometimes i can do something and jesus prayed for a lot of people that came to him and he was able to do that and i think we just need to get it first for ourselves so that then we can help other people to get that state of being for themselves that they then can live in health themselves it's difficult when someone's sick for them to embrace health and because they're looking at the symptoms and the reality from a physical sense of reality rather than the reality from a heavenly sense where there is no sickness and the kingdom is to manifest on earth as it is in heaven so god doesn't want any sickness on the earth either but we're in transition for that being outworked so at the moment not everyone who gets prayed for gets healed now i don't have the answer to why all i can say that often the causes of disease or various conditions are multiple and complex and it even if you were to pray physical healing for someone and have a gift of the spirit to do it and they got instantly healed it doesn't mean they keep their healing if the cause of their sickness was not dealt with if it was let's say unforgiveness if they carry on unforgiveness they're gonna get sick again so you also have to look the root causes of why people are sick um and that can be complex and not everyone's honest about everything in their lives you know i've talked to people about issues of sickness and ask people to talk to me about what's going on in their lives and they've just hidden things because they were ashamed they didn't want me to know well because they kept it in the dark light could manifest so there's a sense where we need to know the love of god and the unconditional love of god to be totally willing to be to share everything about our lives not fearing condemnation that then everything's in the light and there's no power that the enemy has over anything in our lives if it's in the light if he's in darkness fear is often attached to that because that's why we keep it in darkness and therefore perfect love doesn't function well so it is a complex um scenario and i don't have all the answers to every one of those things but i do know that each of us can live in immortality but we have to have our minds renewed to a state of being rather than just doing things to try and be immortal i can't try and be immortal i either i am or i'm not yeah and actually you know if i don't really believe it then it isn't going to manifest so i've got to get to the point where it is absolutely totally 100 a conviction that jesus brought life and immortality to life and therefore i don't need to die [Music] okay thank you all right okay all right okay well we'll leave it there again nice seeing you all again today and i'll catch up with you all next time
Channel: Mike Parsons
Views: 500
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: LfWBN5mzuhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 38sec (3818 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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