Mystic Mentoring Monday 9th August 2021 UK

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anyone that's got anything they want to to talk about or ask actually in going with the vision destiny with you and you made reference to getting involved in some groups that weren't necessarily healthy and it kind of stood i don't know if you recall what i'm saying but i um i it just stirred up a lot of memories for me because i was very involved in fact it started in my home and it ended up being really cultish and um i've been trying to dissect it a lot since all that has come up and some of my friends that were part of it we've been trying to go through it too and you see the bit of truth in it and you know i've been trying to see the layers of the luciferian spirit in the whole thing and it was it was you know it was a time where my family was broken apart you know completely broken apart so it was quite a traumatic time and i feel like i've come through it and then you go well have i [Laughter] and you know the level of trust and um you know just it just stirred up a lot but it was encouraging to me why it encouraged me because you talked about being a part of some money thing getting involved with someone with some money dealings and so i don't know why i'm laying this all out to you but it's been kind of stirring i guess more than anything and like why why do people get involved and to me it's usually out of wrong wrong identity and a need within each person that was requiring such a strong person over you and it was so structured that way and coming into such obedience uh it's scary when i look back at it i just think boy that was a scary time because i gave myself up i gave myself yeah i mean i guess the closest i've been to that was probably around 1990 when we established a church where i was previously in cornwall and the the personality who was involved with that was quite controlling and i was quite green at the time and wanted affirmation so you end up doing things because you have a need and it overrides your common sense and really it's sort of standards because you're driven by the need and you know i was i was wanting approval and having that was the first time i'd ever been involved in at that level in establishing a church or and being involved in the leadership of it and was i guess looking for approval from the a figure that i thought knew a lot more than i did and had a lot of experience and background and so it tends to be it's a trading thing you know it's one of those trading floors that you're almost willing to trade your values for affirmation from somebody and then that begins to bring you into a deception and you do things you wouldn't normally do and accept things that you would normally accept because of that and eventually you know when god started to speak to me about leaving and establishing something here that person wanted to maintain the control so they wanted me to come representing them which fortunately i didn't because god basically told me to go and start something new you know so i didn't bring with it all of that but i did have to go through the processes of recognizing that what i had done and what i had traded and why i traded and what i was looking for and how that had made me susceptible to being deceived or you know and doing the person's dirty work for him you know i was you know because i wanted his approval you know so it is it is quite powerful that type of need and of course you get programmed by the system to believe that you need to be covered and you need to have these coverings and you need you know this structure which is very top-down and hierarchical and then you know when i then moved and established something new i wanted it to be non-hierarchical although it's very difficult to do so because people expect you to be this person that they they want and they they actually try and make you into something you don't want to be you know and they want to be told what to do you know and in the early days i really struggled with the whole area of authority in that area because i didn't want to be like that which i'd received on the flip side of it then then i was sort of almost like jettisoned it all and didn't have the right sense of well you know what leadership is which is there to support and encourage and obviously release people and if you don't have it then people don't get that and so it was quite a challenge until eventually i saw all that and then began to undo that in my own life but also undo then what that outworked in what we had done foundationally because what you lay in a foundation so it gets built upon you know and then when you look later and said i wish that wasn't in the foundation you've got to you've got to deal with it and get rid of it you know or do something to acknowledge it and deal with the consequences of it you know so you know that that was something that i had experienced a long time ago but i think some of the other things that were dangerous is the religious programming that you have certain things that you've believed and then when someone pushes your buttons to say oh these things can be fulfilled in this then again you pursue it without really checking it out with god and particularly without any any insight into what's because you're tracing a dream you're tr chasing after this thing that you've been told that is going to happen and you know when it comes to the financial stuff it was all like you know end time wealth transfers and all of that stuff you know so then when someone then starts to say oh we're gonna this is all gonna be god's purposes for the end times to in a sense um fund the kingdom and you get all these words because that's what they use they trap christians by using christian terminology and people buy into it you know and now fortunately it wasn't a lot of money for me because it was an offer of put this small amount of money in and you're going to get you know millions and millions out you know because that was the dream you know it's going to be miraculously things and you know bank debenture schemes and all of that type of stuff actually thrives on what is an element of truth but it's never going to happen for the person in the street it's nev it's not going to happen to the common man it only works for those who've already got billions and they make more billions by leveraging their billions to actually buy currency and sell it back because you only need a 0.000 or 0.1.001 increase in a currency if you've put in billions to get a lot out in terms of return and that's what they were sort of trading on and a lot of people bought into it and then when i then started to see that happening again with the you know iraqi dinar revaluation so buy iraqi dinars and it's going to be revalued because it's going to give you this huge increase you're going to get millions out of this and it's going to fund the kingdom my alarm bells went off and it was like i've been here done that got the t-shirt and the hat and i'm not gonna do that again so this time i just took it back to god and said actually is this something from you because it was a very high profile mystic prophetic person who was pushing that whole bank debenture thing and you know the the iraqi dinar stuff and you know all of the sort of secret knowledge and hidden knowledge that i have and i'm part of this group that has all this investment it was sounding like yeah i've heard this before and when i started to feel the pressure put on to invest then it was like no i'm there's no way i'm going for that i'm out here i'm not i'm not gonna do it and i didn't and you know 10 years later there's no been no revaluation all of those people who are sitting on piles of worthless iraqi debtors are you know have been lost their money you know and i actually knew that some students had used their student loans to buy into this scheme and this was a bigger scheme you had to put in more money like thousands rather than 100 or whatever but you know i got caught up with so and i was sort of you know and i guess that made me realize that you should not be trusting anyone other than god for that sort of direction and even though people say that oh yeah they have direct access to god and this is all good actually you need to go on your own experience and not on the experience or trusting what others are saying when it comes to money and and all of them at that point that all of this trading stuff started to go trading into the revelation and it was like no this doesn't just feel right you know it's something about this is all part of this is all about money now you know and more and more money issues became available around it and and it was like no i just i just felt all right i talked to god about it because i'm not against giving to people you know i give to people when when i feel god wants me to and things like that but it was the pressure you know god loves a cheerful giver and the pressure on to trade and the chaos all the trading caused in meetings was like this just is not i do not feel this is what i want to be involved with which is why we don't do it like that you know and it's okay for other people who want to do that and there's a right sense of it you know where you give people an opportunity if they want to but you mustn't pressure them and i was involved in several conference situations where people were being pressured because people wanted the money to cover the cost of the conference and all of that and there was pressure put on and i just didn't like it and i had to challenge it and i said look i'm not gonna i'm not gonna condone this and from the front i'm gonna tell people to go and ask god what they what they should do not to feel pressured to do this or that or the other because although there is some element of truth in that when it comes to people then trying to buy revelation or get it on the cheap because they put put a dollar in the basket or whatever it's like that's not how it works you can't get revelation that someone spent years getting by putting a few dollars in a bucket you've got to pursue it yourself it might be a sign that you're wanting to pursue it and you're just giving a token to say yeah i want to pursue this but if you don't if you think it's just going to come to you because you put that token in a bucket it's never going to do it and i think a lot of people got disappointed because they thought they were going to get this shortcut to revelation because they traded and it didn't work because it won't work you know you're not going to get a download because you put a few dollars in the bucket you know it's just not going to work but people bought into it you know and i'm not saying we shouldn't honor people for what they've done and what they've brought absolutely but don't do it under compulsion you know i was i was listening to a conference where a well-known speaker was speaking and his sidekick got up and absolutely berated the people because they were stingy and weren't giving enough money and they would never their country would never receive the revelation because they were stingy and he just absolutely berated them i just thought this is where this goes because it all becomes about the money you know and i'm not saying you can't charge for things and all of that because you know things have got to work they've got to operate but not under pressure you know so yeah is is it can become cult-like and figures can assume this almost like god-like status of infallibility and they're not infallible none of us are infallible you know and as soon as we start putting people into that place of infallibility they become a mediator and you believe them without going to god first and checking it out you know that's why i always say look anything that i bring you've got to check it out with god yourself for it to become your own revelation you can't just trust that well i'm saying it so i'm gonna i'm okay with that bottom line is we're all responsible responsible for weighing what we hear and testing the frequency of it to make sure that it carries love with it and it's not and i found that yeah over that period it was just everything started to be pressured financially and more and more trade into this trading to my book trade into this trading to that trading to the other and it was like the whole focus changed into money you know and it was i i was just not into that it's just something i'd felt no this this is doesn't have what i the frequency that i've experienced in got in heaven with the father on it so i'm just going to leave it you know i'm not going to get involved with it and it's not for me you know just another add-on comment um just in evaluating and studying out the penal substitution and all of that we would stand in judgment of one another and and you would say they deserve that or you would look at yourself and you would say i deserve that treatment i deserve that judgment and and again that just twists things to such a point and then i began to look at myself as far as the way that i treat things even in this world and you look at people groups well they deserve that and and it's like it is so wicked yeah because it comes out of the the spirit which thrives on conflict and competition and division so it divides you over what you believe and people would rather be right than be one and you know and i really i just don't like that because yeah you can see that we have differences in belief or we may have a difference but if we if we make that the basis for our relationship then our relationship is only an agreement when you agree with my tribes and it's denominationalism again it's the same denominational spirit there isn't is there in cults and things because they draw people and they then get people to defend their position against everyone else who's against them because they they have that victim mentality that they put oh ever the world's against us we need to draw in our you know put our walls up and you end up getting waco situations and things like that jonestown situations where terrible things happen because people buy into the that philosophy and ultimately we we should not be looking i know people say well you've got to be wise and you've got to make judgments yeah i can judge whether i think something's right or not but i'm not gonna i'm not gonna name names or be critical of those people but they're on their own journey and as much as i tend to do i say look just be careful check it out yourselves you know don't just assume you know which is which i think is wise but it's not about making judgments against people it's encouraging people to be discerning and i think ev all of us are responsible for being discerning about the things we get involved with or not you know and all of us well you know i bought into that whole thing same thing you know the whole penal substitution atonement that's what i was brought up on i was brought up on that as the foundation for so much else you know not really understanding what jesus did on the cross not you know not seeing that god was with him when he was doing it and there was no separation and all of that stuff you know and you know when the father started to show me the revelation of that and jesus started to unveil the truth of it it was like whoa why could have i ever believed that because i was programmed and i didn't test and discern whether that was right i just accepted it you know and we should not be accepting what people say without testing it with god and if it doesn't have love on it it should really get our alarm bells ringing and as soon as you start to see people being pressured and badgered and controlled that's that doesn't have any love on it you know and as soon as you start to see people breaking relationship with others because they have differences of theology or doctrine or different views then it's like that's that's a slippery slope down to another denominational thing you know and this whatever this thing god's doing with engaging heaven and mystical things we don't want it to end up in a whole series of fragmented denominational streams within it you all have different beliefs because that's there's no union in that and there's no blessing in it we're not realizing we're all children of god and we need to put that as the highest point before we start separating and dividing over what we believe we shouldn't do it you know relationship should be a total priority because that is what god is he is a relationship love is the heart of who he is and you know as soon as people start sort of saying well i'm not having anything to do with you you can't come to my conferences you know and recently you know there was a person that i connected to who wanted to connect some some people who used to work together and are no longer working together because of some of these issues and she wanted to try and reconcile it and invite both of them to the same conference one of them basically just said i'm not going to that conference if he's speaking and she said well why and it was the issue was well he believes in restoration you know now it wasn't about me you know i'm way way off the scale of anyone wanting me to have me in those conferences but a well-known person who's a friend and it was hurtful it was really hurtful when people that you thought were your friends disown you because you don't agree with what they believe or they don't agree with what you believe and it ends up in more fragmentation and more brokenness and more damage and then more conflict and competition and then it all becomes a competition we're now competing for followers you know and it's just like i just can't be done with any of it you know it's just unnecessary it's not needed and you've you've got to obviously keep a loving and forgiving heart for people who don't want relationship with you but you know don't judge them just be open and be desiring of restoration and reconciliation in relationship but if people don't want it there's nothing you can do to make them you know and therefore we've got to be careful we wouldn't compromise and do things to try and re-establish a relationship which would actually compromise what we do believe you know be open for relationship but it isn't based on beliefs therefore we've got to be careful that we don't sort of try and water down what we believe because then that might make it acceptable for these people we can't do that because we've got to be in have integrity to what we believe god's saying but i can have a relationship with anyone irrespective of what they believe even people who aren't believers yeah that i recognize the traits of god in and and can see the light in it's like relationship is not based on beliefs full stop and that means christian or non-christian or not yet christian you know at the end of the day i'd rather engage with someone who was pursuing the light and love than someone who is pursuing a whole religious pattern which will put people under more bondage you know sadly but there is you know and finances do seem to be at the heart of a lot of deception because they're also in the heart of that agenda you know the whole agenda of one world system is based on a financial control system which is there controlling world affairs you know and controlling the media and controlling the law to to foster that agenda and people including a lot of christians don't aren't discerning enough to pick it up they don't see the frequency that's carried on certain things and they just run for that thing the next thing um and not realizing which is why you know i encourage people to be careful about going back under any sense of law you know don't go back under any mediation don't go back under any religious system you know don't get drawn into those the latest fad which is a deception to bring people back under the law it happened very clearly in the early church it was like you know jesus came to set people free and they didn't want to let go of their system they wanted them to stay in the system even though they saw jesus as the messiah they still wanted to maintain the law well you can't live under law and grace you can't mix covenants and that's what they tried to do and that's what is still there as the deception a mixing of covenants which is very deceptive to draw people back under an old covenant way of operating it may not appear that on the surface but you've got to deep deeper into into discernment to see what's behind this where is this going where is it leading you know and a lot of the things about the mystic stuff to do with judaism and the talmud and the kabbalah and all of those things have mystical elements to them which are in some way you know similar to what there is when you encounter god and in kind of the angelic realms that encounter those things but actually it isn't it you know you can't go down the route with the kabbalah for revelation it is totally antichrist jesus is not the center of the kabbalah they don't recognize him it has a totally different cosmology of how creation works and all of it and if you just pick up on oh well it talks about metatron and it talks about the cube it talks about the tree of life and it talks about the sephiroth and it talks about all these things yeah it might do but it's based in a philosophy which is totally deceptive and will lead you astray so we need to be much more discerning and not just think because the same words are used the same spirit is behind it and a lot of people are buying into all of that hebrew roots stuff and going back and you know wearing stuff and dates and following jewish dates and it's like why why are we going back under festivals which actually jesus is the fulfillment of it's highly deceptive and ultimately what's behind it is to bring people under no hide law which is the the sort of the common law that they want to bring people under and if people start embracing that they'll end up finding they're in huge deception and will not be able to worship god under that law because it totally outlaws jesus yeah so it's a danger you know and i think people should be discerning and not just go on the personality or the charisma of those promoting it because they're on their own journey and they may in the future realize that that stuff was not what they should have been looking at but at the moment they're not so don't assume anything that anyone says without actually going through a process of discernment and engaging god himself about it all which is what i did when i first started it was like this doesn't feel right but okay lots of things haven't felt right before but they ended up they were right because it was you know did deconstruction and challenging the cognitive dissonance of the thing so i was like okay well i'll go back to the file i'm not just going to throw this out because people are quite like and trust and whatever are doing some of these things so where does that leave me so i went back to the phone and said look i just want to be open i want you to show me is this something you want me to pursue and it was like not just no it was like no and warn people not to pursue it themselves you know yeah because the assumption that it must be okay because so and so says or so and so says so it's okay you know and i would not want anyone to say well mike says so it's okay everyone is responsible for checking it out themselves with god and therefore being discerning and learning to be discerning and being more aware of the frequency that things have you know and i'm very aware of old covenant religious deception and that frequency that it carries you know and as soon as people started going on about you know keeping festivals and keeping i mean well paul said all these festivals and new moons are nothing i mean his response to you know i count it all done basically all my previous stuff is done compared to what i now have in christ you know he realized that the law was never ever going to do anything but produce bondage and warn people about that of course you know and it gets these things just come around and they come around they come around on a different guise or in a different way you know and it fools people because they think well it sounds very spiritual and very mystic well not everything that sounds like it is is and we've got to be much more discerning than that so i think you know it's important that we learn from our own past and don't go there again you know be aware yeah because we're all sort of susceptible at times to things which is why we've got to learn to be more discerning about the things that we are pursuing and those things that we're not going to [Music] there we go um who had their end up next so moy you had your hand up there next i think yeah hello mike hello everyone hi um i i i my question is about when you say to be what's what is the practice of being how do you practice being being it's a state of mind which is when you're in rest and you have to do nothing for the grace and mercy of god so that is a free gift of grace and mercy and love it is unconditional and you have to do nothing for forgiveness because it's already been given you just live in it you live in a state of being which means you know you're fully loved fully forgiven fully have all you need in terms of mercy and grace and that that is not associated with works of any type as soon as you start operating in works you come out of rest and you end up striving and you will be weary and heavy laden because you're carrying your own burdens because you now have to earn what god wants to give you for free and all of those religious systems are coming from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and so when you learn to just be you know you're loved you don't have to do anything to try and earn it or prove it or deserve it you just receive it so it's such a state of rest um now that's not to say that flowing from that state of rest we don't outwork things but we're only outworking them because we were connected to the father's heart and it doesn't affect our identity our identity is based purely on who he says we are who he made us to be and by engaging him face to face you see reflected back the image that he has of you rather than the image that you may have of yourself or that other people may have of you which would be a less than kind of image so our identity will restore us to the image of who he says we are and that is living in that state of being and not doing any works is doing if it's for something that you receive from god and if you're looking for a reward from him for being good then you're operating in works any religious system that requires works doesn't operate under grace and we've got to be careful that we don't get sucked back into it because it's there it is such a powerfully deceptive thing because of our brokenness and because of our lost identity we've been so used to following the knowledge of the tree of good and evil which is a works-based system that it's hard to be deprogrammed from it you know and you know when god took me through this deconstruction process and when he started to create cognitive dissonance in my experiences it was hard because i was so conditioned into believing certain things that my experiences challenged i could no longer live in that and a lot of that was old covenant mentality trying to please god trying to be obedient and it's like and god actually sort of challenged me and say well why are you trying to be obedient what is obedience what's obedience to and i was like well you no he said no obedience comes by law there is nothing to obey unless there are laws that you have to obey and with me there are no laws there's just relationship and sharing of heart and collaboration and union which will be we're working together in that relationship in that fellowship type relationship and it so challenged me you know it was like well yeah i was trying to please god and he said well why are you trying to please me you're already pleasing to me you're not going to get any more pleasing to me by doing stuff to try and be pleasing to me now in one sense i understand the thing well of course i just want to be in this relationship with god which i want him to see my heart but i'm not going to be driven by the works to please him when i am already please pleasing to him which is the state of being see that's how i'm living in how he sees me rather than how i'd like to be seen and usually that comes with works and conditions attached love is unconditional otherwise he didn't love now religious people will say ah yeah but and there's always a but when they start when you start talking about yeah but if you don't know god through jesus god can't love you love is love is conditional on you coming through jesus no it's not he loves the whole world god so loved the world not just those who came to him through jesus he gave jesus to because he loved the world and we we really need to be careful of anything which is works based because it will become a snare and it will draw us back into performance and then we'll end up going round and round and round on the hamster wheel of life trying to please god trying to be obedient failing feeling guilty feeling shame feeling condemnation and then trying to do something to make up for that so you then get back on the next cycle of performance because you've got to make up for the last failure that you have and we need to live in perpetual forgiveness because everything that we would have ever thought done is already been nailed to the cross and god holds nothing against anybody so there is nothing to make amends for with god now i'm not saying that when we do something with a person we shouldn't want to make amends because if we hurt someone we should be sorry and we should not want to do it again you know but that's not the same as i need to do that or i won't be forgiven which really is why the whole doctrine of repentance has totally twisted what repentance really means with which is agreeing with the mind of god two you need to do something to show that you're sorry so do acts of penance which is another work and it keeps you in bondage and it keeps you from god because you're afraid that your works won't be good enough and therefore you're afraid of intimacy with god which is what this whole thing is designed to do to keep us from our intimacy with god which will stop us knowing our identity and it will keep us as less than and then we won't function in sonship and the world will stay as it is or get worse when we need to actually see that our role as sons made in the image of god in his likeness as children of god is to be co-heirs and co-creators with him but to do nothing independently of him and all works is independence and it comes out of that wrong tree so no i would i would be careful around any of any of that type of idea how do you relate that to foreign exercises and practices to help you in building um engagement and relationship with god do you yeah okay yeah well what you're doing is practicing to train your descent senses like you would do in anything if you want to be a good sportsman you practice you practice with if you're a golfer you practice with rounds of golf you'll practice your putting your practice you're driving you're practicing shipping until you get better at it if you're a footballer you'll play you'll train and you'll do the skills and you'll practice the skills and then you'll play matches so you hone your skills none of none of the dis practicing to train the senses is to make god love us anymore is to affect us not god our practice doesn't change how god sees us or how god feels about us that's fixed it is love but it will change how we are able to engage and discern because our senses will become more attuned to how god feels about us and then we will function out of that state of being it's not to make god pleased with us or to twist god's arm to bless us he's already blessed us it's us who struggle to receive that blessing because we're trying to earn it when it's free so yeah discernment is a good thing to practice training our senses is a good thing to do but we do it to change us not to affect how god feels about us we're not trying to get brownie points by being a better discerner or being able to travel in the realms of heaven better i mean that's that's uh again a wrong way of looking at why we would want to get better at something we're not there oh well i'm going to be really good at this so god will love me more or god will tell me more things it might be the consequence that i'm able to discern more or engage that i do receive more things but that's not a reward that god is dangling if you'll get better i'll give you more he wants to give it anyway it's just we are unable to receive it and listen very well so we practice listening we practice engaging that changes us it doesn't change how god views us feels about us in any way and as soon as we think it does then we'll strive and we'll struggle when we don't do it that well because we'll feel bad and therefore will strive even harder and it just goes on a cycle and that cycle really is a very destructive cycle whereas god wants us to increase you know that's his dislike where then is the place of something like i mean typically we've been taught or that um you you give and then you receive so well we are taught to give so money or something like that i believe that okay because of that golden you have increasing your finances sure provision blessings how do you step into something well i believe that there is a principle of sowing and reaping and if you don't sow you're not going to reap but we've got to be very careful that we're not pressured into sowing financially tithing and offerings and all of that stuff is an old covenant principle we're not under the law therefore we're not under any compulsion to give by law but if we are like our dad he's he's a giver you know he gave the most precious things to us he gave his son so to be like our dad who's generous and lavish and abundant then of course we will be open to do what he shows us to do when it comes to giving so we ask him is there anything you'd like me to do with this finances but we're not under compulsion of the law so sowing and reaping works but we've got to be careful that we don't do it in a formulaic way that leaves the relationship out of it now the faith movement or heavily into sowing and reaping and all the financial stuff and all that they've for me my perspective is they've made it a formula that you can just do and it will happen and they call it a universal law and therefore the new age movement and others have adapted the same thing well the universe will bless you if you do this you know if you if you and then they've just using the same things but they they make it that you're under bondage to it rather than it being a blessing so when i give it's a blessing to give so i'm open for whatever god wants me to do wherever he wants me to give but i'm not doing it for a reward from him again it's not about me pleasing him by the amount i give so i'll give more therefore would be happier with me therefore give me more that's not how it works and the original selling and reaping was only for blessing it was never for any cursing but of course when we started following the pathway of independence that principle was twisted so because we know we were never intended to do anything bad and receive anything bad but of course the principle then was enacted in the negative and we've got to be careful we don't get sucked into all of that system um but being generous being kind you know blessing is definitely something which is like my dad so of course i will i would like to be like him so i'd like him just inspire me to be like him but not under compulsion and not under law okay thank you mike okay um i was just thinking about uh discipleship uh some places i've been to they have uh they are really into this and they they speak a lot about making disciples and so what would that be would that be um something to do at all or is our relationship now not disciple but another kind of relationship we are brothers we are alive yeah ultimately i think part of the problem is discipleship was about making someone my disciple so they follow me what it was intended was to help people follow jesus so we get out of the way to help people come to jesus and follow him not follow us and a lot of the discipleship models are about be like me and they say well paul said be like me like i'm like jesus and yeah he said that but the context was not follow me you know and then when he when they sort of were starting to say well some follow apollo some follow yeah he was like oh no way i don't want anyone following me that's not the point it's about jesus and yeah of course we should be encouraging people to follow jesus and you could say that is a process of discipleship for being there in relationship with people to help them when they've got need supporting one another bearing our burdens you know all the one and others of relationship are about helping each other to be the person that god created us to be and that's what i think discipleship is about but yeah the person we're following is jesus not other people yeah and every system that's developed will end up if it's about following people will end up you being under those people those people having control over you and those people using that to determine what you do and that the extreme ends of heavy shepherding and heavy shepherding movement and all that stuff people couldn't do anything without the permission of those over them whether that was the house group leaders or pastors or church leaders or whatever people couldn't do anything they couldn't sell a house they couldn't get married they needed they needed the permission because they were under this shepherding discipleship process and things which are quite simple and are relational end up becoming very organizational structural and therefore controlling and we just got to be careful that we don't start following people because that's not what it's about and if they're trying to get us to follow them then that's not discipleship that's that is a cult-like process you know a lot of churches started out in a pursuit of the right thing but they get sucked into a deceptive process when it becomes hierarchical because the whole shepherding movement was all about who you were under who was providing the covering for you who was your safety that you would then go to and ask now i'm not against people talking to one another and sharing and asking for wisdom and saying hey i thought i've heard that i felt god is saying this to me and and someone to bounce off and someone maybe who's got a little bit more experience about hearing god themselves being able to give you some wisdom but they're always going to point you back to you hearing god for yourself or going back to god so that you can clear up what you think he's saying by asking him more clear questions about it so you get a discernment about it not well i'm going to tell you what god's saying and the whole prophetic movement again it should be about equipping people to hear god and yet it's become about the prophet telling you what god's saying now i'm not saying that in a demonstration of hearing god that's not something that you could say well i hear god and i've start not to then say well i'm going to hear god for you you can hear god for yourself and a lot of things start off good but they end up getting drawn back into a mediation system of that type of perspective and then people end up in bondage or it could be about um be doing like jesus you know it could end up being just a lot of um rules about how to live or um about points how how we in what way we should be like jesus we should do this we should be this the focus on what we should do and what we should be but not so much looking at jesus not so much the relationship well as soon as you start putting should into a sentence then it means that you're being pressured to conf something well you should you should be like this and it should be like jesus it's like no i need to be me in relationship with jesus so he can help me to be the best me that i can be i'm not there to try and be like him and strive to be like him i just want to relate so i'm not jesus i am a son of god and i would like to be the best son of god that god made me to be and of course jesus can help me with that and other people can help me with that as well by pointing out when i'm not being quite loving and in themselves which is good because we can help each other you know but it's relational it's not to control people it's not to manipulate them it's not to put them in fear or condemnation or guilt but to encourage each other to continue to walk the walk out with him and mature in that relationship and so it's about maturity in relationship that i believe that we can help each other we can encourage each other but we're not there to get people to follow us always pointing them to the path to follow is where jesus is going for them and not assuming that he's going in the same place that he's going for me because i'm different we're all different paths are all designed for who we are therefore we can't make it if you do this this is going to happen because that happened for me it didn't like that principles yes but not hard and fast rules but well i did this you've got to do it you know and do it the way i do it no that's not the way to that's not the way to help people to help people is to help them apply the principles to their own lives in relationship with god so that they can learn themselves to walk the journey out to follow him you know yeah which is you know quite different from the systems that have developed which are usually hierarchical and they usually end up becoming controlling even if they didn't start out that way or wanted to because they become a system and systems tend to default to rules and laws you know they just do you know yeah that's why we've got to be careful not to go back under any form of law based system even if it sounds good if it's got law attached to it it won't be good it doesn't help me if i'm always told how i should be what i should be like what i should do when i can't do it when i can't be it yeah so i need to know how how to be the person that needs to be you you know bottom line is if you're a you the god the way god made you that's all that you need to be and that might be totally different from anybody else we should not be conforming to other people behavior or standards we just need to be us and that means knowing our identity as revealed in our relationship with the father he reveals our sonship know other people can't tell you what your destiny is how you're wired you know who he made you to be other people can't tell you that because that's god alone is your dad you know he will unveil and reveal to you who you are by revealing the vast some of his thoughts to you in relationship being face to face which is why relationship face to face with god is so vital to maturing as soon as you put someone in the middle or something in the middle then you can't see in the face of god that which is he wants to reveal to you you're looking at it distorted through something else even if they're saying that they're a window whatever that will carry a distortion factor which will end up then telling you who you should be from their own understanding of who you should be rather than who god says you should be and it is definitely something to avoid and as soon as someone say should you just like no that that's an alarm bell why should i because i say so because the bible says so because this there's always going to be a reason why you should yeah but as soon as you have under the pressure because you should you are going to do works to make sure you do it and then you're back under the trap of performance because you should yeah you know and actually no one can tell you who you are other than the father you know because you're you yeah you're not like anybody else and that's really back to the very beginning that is what it is to be to be to be just in that state of being where you are enjoying being you in relationship with the father and it is joy and peace it's wonderful when you're not having to perform yeah that's freedom okay everybody else yeah stella we need really to change like you're saying that when they they should it's about learning the language of of love and of god love to god which we didn't do because that's how we understood from the environment and the background and the cultures of what we then translate into into church or into believing or christianity and in the process um we lost the meaning i think because when you we using how we lost the meaning of we don't know we tell people what the family is saying but we don't and that's how it ends and then how do i do that yeah it is all up you should do this you should do this so if i should do that like first like ammo asked what is to be we told you to laugh so how do i laugh because we haven't how to love from our environment for our parents from everything around us we decree the knowledge of good and evil but nobody from my observation and it was really frustrating so how do i do it it's like now you listen to somebody teaching on the spirit yes i so what is the practicality of being in the spirit nobody does tell you this i think i find that way it's quite simple yeah you have to be loved before you can love the simple thing is hang out with god without an agenda and he'll love you which will inspire you to love others in the same way you're being loved we love because he first loved us love one another as i have loved you yeah it's very simple allow him to love you live in that love state of love and then you will outwork that because you'll be like you behold you become like you behold it isn't you have to do anything to become that you keep observing you keep looking into his face you keep looking into his eyes you keep engaging you receive all the wonderful love and grace and mercy that he'll give you freely and of course freely give what you freely received simple as that yeah it's forbidden to look in his face no it's not obviously well yeah because the bible says it because it's got a wrong understanding of god you know exactly you know and that's part of the problem you know you get a whole load of religious stuff which will keep you from the very thing which will enable you to be because it does it doesn't to encourage people to learn to be doesn't fill the puffers of the church because they want you to feel obliged to give and to feel you pay your dues or do this or do the other you know and that that's ultimately what keeps you tied to the system in that way yeah this is [Music] oops okay here you're muted there no okay all right okay i need to i need to leave it there so nice nice seeing you all today and um have a good rest of your day keep safe and i'll see you soon next time and keep being enjoy enjoy being in the presence of love so that you can and then love will flow from you without you having to do anything because you'll be an expression of love by just being loved you know take the works all out of it and we will be much happier that's for sure anyway okay all right i'll leave it there thank you okay nice see
Channel: Mike Parsons
Views: 1,865
Rating: 4.9344263 out of 5
Id: -m1rZoBoHh0
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Length: 59min 38sec (3578 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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