Mystic Mentoring Thursday 22nd July 2021 US Eastern

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let's go if anyone wants to talk about let's go ahead ladies first okay well i've had a question um and it has to do with like spiritual attacks you know and um i think i heard you once say mike that that you don't experience that as much now and i was just wondering what what leaves you open and more vulnerable to uh attacks and you know okay um i think if you keep your eyes focused on the solution then the problems tend to go away um and i think the more people have focused on the devil and demons and the attacks the more likely they are to draw the attacks because they're expecting them so i think there's a self-fulfilling prophecy and amongst charismatic christians i know there was a lot of oh i'm doing this for god i must expect a backlash you know and all of that and they were in faith for the whole thing so i think from that perspective you know i'm not expecting that i believe that if i'm seeking first the kingdom god promises to provide and protect and direct me so i'm just not focusing at all on the negative i'm not interested in what the so-called devil's doing or any of that um and therefore i don't see it you know that doesn't mean that things don't go wrong sometimes or the things happen but i wouldn't see it well it's an attack i'm going to put that on a demon a demon made that happen or the devil made that happen that's just giving the devil so much more glory and power than he actually has the only power he really has is what we give him so i refuse to give him any and i refuse to acknowledge the negativity of things and that doesn't mean i deny that there is opposition and opposition is there to hinder us but most of the opposition comes through the way we think so it's a belief system that's the opposition if i'm as a man thinks in his heart so is he your beliefs are what really stop you and oppose you and it's using those beliefs to restrict or hinder which is most of the problem for a lot of people and then if you believe that all the things that going on around your life the storms of life or whatever well they're an attack then you will see them as an attack and then you will probably get defensive whereas if i see something in my way well i'm just going to shift it out of my way if it's in my way the way god wants me to go then i'm going to shift it you know i don't have to write i'm coming against you devil because you put something in my way yeah that's just giving that's a warfare stance which i don't think helps so i recognize his opposition at times from various thoughts and that can be from people because sometimes people don't want you to succeed and people are jealous of what you do and therefore they you know try and obstruct you um and i do think yes there is spiritual opposition to god's purposes and we need to take it take note of that and at work god's purposes which means we overcome the opposition i think even right back in the garden their mandate was to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and overcome or subdue and rule so ruling is not going to war against it's using authority to put something in its rightful place so if something's in my way then i'll put it into its rightful place which is out of my way and i'll use my authority to do that therefore i'm not going to have to fight against someone to do it i use my governmental authority in life now when things happen [Music] which people see as attacks how do you deal with them and jesus dealt with opposition in lots of different ways you know the opposition he had when he was in the wilderness tempting him which we could say was definitely enemy opposition trying to get him to follow the wrong path well he just said hey you know yeah you're quoting what you think god is like and saying and i'm gonna quote to you the truth so i'm gonna speak to you as the voice of god really that's what he was saying i'm speaking with the voice of god and therefore the enemy had no place when he spoke with the voice of god so when we know our authority as being in the name of god and we're able to speak with the voice of god then there's no real sense of opposition because you know your authority and you remove whatever is in the way but in the right way if things go wrong in your life or things happen it's having a realistic view of that and making sure you don't attribute that necessarily always to the devil because things happen you know and the bible takes into account that things happen and god does in the we mourn and he comforts those who mourn so if if things happen which are emotional losses people die parents die things happen in life which are emotional losses he helps us mourn them now i'm not going to go and attack the devil i'm going to mourn i'm going to agree but he carries my griefs and sorrows so i don't have to wear bear the full brunt of a situation which is sorrowful so there are things that go on in life and things you know happening even to me which are which make me sad because they're what people are doing either they betray you or they reject you or they don't want a relationship with you or they walk away or they they want don't want to be reconciled does that make me sad yeah i couldn't be happy about it i'm sad but i'm still joyful because the joy comes from my relationship with god i'm not going to look for external happiness from material things i'm going to receive what i need from god and that is my source of my supply and anything then that comes from people i receive as a blessing and anything that doesn't come from people it doesn't actually impact on me in a in a one way but i'm i am realistic about it i'm not going to be happy if someone's angry with me you know i'm not going to be hungry if somebody i'm not going to be sad if i'm going to be sad sorry if someone rejects me or whatever because it's because that's an emotional response i'm going to bury the emotions i'm not going to deny the emotions but i'm going to deal with the emotions how do i deal with the emotions i choose to forgive the people who are causing me to have the emotions in the first place and i'm going to give them and i'm going to look for reconciliation and if referencing is possible then i would love for that relationship to be restored if it isn't possible from the person because it's possible for me i want it but if the person doesn't want it then i accept the person doesn't want it doesn't mean i won't want them blessed i want them blessed but i have to recognize that maybe there is that sadness in the loss of that relationship for me but it's a temporal thing and not an eternal thing so it's not going to last forever and i recognize it in that way so there is often a temporary sadness from the situations that you face but there is eternal joy and i know that that joy will return and i'm not going to see everything as some demonic attack or everything else and how do you leave yourself open to negative things living unforgiveness unforgiveness is i think you know which which is really anger not resolve you know frustration not resolve bitterness resentment not resolved they give a place for the enemy to torment us you know matthew 18 and the parable of the unforgiving servant and god forgave him everything and he wouldn't forgive one thing and yeah he says well if you don't forgive from your heart you can end up in the torture chamber now that's not god's torture that's the result of what happens internally when you live in bitterness and anger and frustration and unforgiveness it twists you on the inside it is toxic to your your body it's toxic to your mind it's toxic to your emotions we're not supposed to be poisoned by unforgiveness but it will poison us so i think we give room mostly because of our how we deal with situations around us in a in a loving or a non-loving way and if we don't act in a loving way i think that does give room for the enemy to twist it in our life and make our life worse that has you know um but that's not what god wants of course god wants us to receive grace and mercy and therefore when we recognize that we've been operating in unforgiveness and we've actually been affected by that then we can choose to begin and then we receive his grace and mercy and he restores us and deals with all of the stuff that's internal that affects us but if you refuse to then you carry on being affected by it and that's not a good thing because it's very very toxic and that can actually even bring death you know some people's body becomes toxic when they operate independently from god and if you think of cancer cancer is self operating independently so i think the root of cancer comes from independence yeah oh jesus and independence operates when you're not reconciled when you separate when you're apart you know and i think that's all part of our whole system is designed to work in union and oneness spirit soul and body in relationship with god and each other and creation and when we're in divisive situations i think that can create issues for us we're never supposed to live in division in conflict and competition tribal so when we function that way i think the religious and political spirit function behind that causing conflict caused us to have to separate over beliefs and you know argue with people and try and get people to believe what we believe and it it creates a toxic environment which is just not healthy so i'm not denying that those things happen but i don't think we can stop them happening by the if we lived if we live love love living and live loving so we're living in love joy and peace and rest that doesn't give the room for the enemy we're living outside of rest in worry anxiety fear then that gives room the enemy to manifest those things in our lives we give him that by not seeking first the kingdom and by worrying and trying to do it ourselves you know all who are weary and heavy laden come to me and find rest well when we're in rest you're not worrying anxious concerned about life you're trusting god and that's that doesn't give room for the enemy when your trust is in god very good thank you okay anyone else so mike um the voice of the lord yeah a deep subject i take the position from scriptures like first timothy 4 1 now the spirit speaketh jesus repeats again and again in revelations he that hath an ear to hear let him hear and i think prayer is tied into it jesus says man not always to pray and not to faint uh paul says pray without ceasing prayer communication uh i see the capability of hearing god at any time all day long i believe god is always speaking how the spirit speaketh um i was challenged on that in a sense recently so i responded in light of some of the things that i'm saying to you i'm not at the place where i would prefer to be where i'm always where you know the scripture says he that dwelleth in a secret place so i'm seeking to dwell there more but i do believe uh now sometimes god purposely is silent and that then becomes to me his voice the voice of silence but i i look at whether we're sensing the move of god we're being led by the spirit we're seeing a visionary encounter um we're hearing through uh spontaneous thoughts coming to our minds i look at all of that as the voice of god the move of the spirit where he's communicating to us you're thinking yeah absolutely um i just think it's on another level that our spirit can be engaging that even when our soul is not and therefore our spirit can then direct to the soul what we need to know even then we're because in a sense being consciously aware of the presence of god and him communicating to me can be totally instinctive so why right now i'm talking to you i'm not thinking about well what am i going to say i'm just saying it and i believe that i'm inspired to say what i'm saying because i'm connected to the father and my spirit is engaged and has revelation and the voice of god even though i couldn't say well i'm what's god saying to me right now because that would that would almost make it well i got to go and listen this is where well i've got to go into my secret place in the closet and i've got to listen to god to be able to tell you what god's saying and that sort of makes it a religious exercise which takes it out of everyday life and then you might as well become a monk and go and live in a monastery because that's where you'll hear the voice of god because you won't be distracted by anything else i think we have to live life not distracted and able to flow in communion and fellowship with god because we're always in communion and fellowship with him we're always connected to him so we live and abide and dwell in his presence and are conscious that he's dwelling within us so we're never separated from his voice and he is communicating as you say all the time a lot of that time not necessarily in a distracted way that distracts me from life but just enables me to function in life totally in relationship with him and not separate or independent or well i'm listening to god in a special time in a different way that i'm listening to him all the time and there's of course quality time and it's great to be quality time and listening and talking and that's our that's our actual purpose at that moment but there are other things when we need to do other things like we need to talk to somebody and we need to engage with somebody and and that i can't say well sorry i'm not talking to you because i'm talking to god well they would feel that really rude you know because that wouldn't be normal relationship with somebody sorry i can't talk to you because god's more important i'm always going to listen to him so i'm not really bothered by what you're saying it's got to be you know a loving environment sort of environment of care and concern and relationship but i think it goes on just deeper and deeper levels of being and and instinctively functioning from our relationship of intimacy which is not always okay i'm hearing but as you say it's receiving a flow a continual flow of the revelation of the heart of god coherence being coherently connected and one with you know he who's joined to the lord is one spirit with him therefore i don't know the difference between my spirit and his spirit when i'm joined and i just have to make sure that i'm continually joined and then i'm flowing in spirit and that makes it more of a just a a relational life style of living rather than trying to separate it up into now i am now i'm not no i am no i'm not and i think god wants us just to be and i think ultimately being is the greatest form of communication because you just are you know you don't necessarily know how you know you just know and i think then that becomes more of a i'm in one mind with him i'm in union and oneness with him and i think we used to use the word unity i stopped using the word unity because people associate unity with agreement of over something i mean unity over you over that doctrine well i i really don't want unity over a doctrine i want union which is a oneness of heart mind and purpose with god with other people with creation so i'm able to not just hear the voice of god but hear the voice of creation and hear the voice of other people but when i hear the voice of creation and the voice of other people it's always referenced by the voice of god that gives me my point of reference so i'm not going to be swayed by what the voice of creation is saying or what the voice of people are saying i'm not going to be disturbed by that i'm going to be informed by the voice of god so i can respond correctly to it which will be responding in love or compassion you know being moved by other people and creation but being moved not in a way of anxiety or worry or concern because i'm in fellowship with the father so i no need for that but i'm also inspired to engage with other people in a way which helps them to receive what god has for them and to be blessed in their relationship with god if that can be through me in any way um so ultimately i think there's as you say so many different ways of coming to that point of perception of knowing of being that then you don't have to analyze it you just you are it it happens you know and that comes i think with deeper deeper intimacy and more conscious engagement and then consciously deciding to dwell and remain there in the spirit and be connected in this realm so a spirit we are the convergence of heaven and earth and i think we then become the voice of god so we speak as an oracle because we resonate with his heart and his intention and when we speak it's like him speaking and then i think creation will really respond to us and that becomes very much a a way of being which i think is a oneness yeah oneness i think is the best way i can describe it then i'm not separating my life up into different parts my heavenly part my earth be part this partner but i'm just i'm a one being i might be in the round seven but i'm also in the realms of earth i might be in other realms but i'm also always connected to god and therefore in union and oneness with him and creation um and i guess you know he's on the present and we're in him so we can be omnipresent he's omniscient therefore we can be omniscient from the point of what we need to know you know i'm not saying i know everything god knows i don't think my mind is capable of that right now but it is expanding to be able to know more you know and that's a continual maturing and expansion of consciousness by fellowshipping with him and i like the word fellowship in a sense um because it's that's like a walking relationship wherein we're enjoying life together you know and i feel that's really what you're saying the communication comes in life because we're together a person is a physicist and engaged in very complicated formulas and they have to totally give their mind their conscious mind as such to that maybe they're trying to solve covid or something very serious um how does the mind of god union that we've spoken of fellowship work through all of that as their mind is fully engaged in what they're doing um okay because i don't think your mind has to be fully engaged on one thing we have the capacity to be engaged on multiple things therefore our brain functions on different wavelengths of frequency and we can be functioning with all the wavelengths at all at the same time when we live in the moment and that's being mindful and being at rest so yes i can be functioning fully beta wave i'm concentrating putting into practice what i've learned what i know how i know to function as a physicist or whatever using my education and all that i've learned in university as a physicist and putting that into practice in problem solving the situation but that does not preclude engaging in alpha waves so you want to sneeze um in alpha waves which is drawing from your spirit so it's drawing from what's within you creatively because you're made in the creative image of god and that is to solve problems in ways that may have never been solved before that way so that doesn't stop you being able to be inspired because we're creative to discover new ways of doing things but also we can draw on the spiritual frequency of theta waves which are connected to our spirit which is pre-existent and has memory of things from where it was within god before it came here so we can draw from that memory and be inspired by that to come up with things which are beyond a physicist's capacity to even understand but you can still receive that because we are joined to that the omniscience of god you could say that is focused into that situation and also you can also draw from the spiritual realm so from the holy spirit from the angelic realm from the knowledge which goes beyond earthly knowledge heavenly knowledge because you're connected to that realm and therefore that can be can always there now most people could only access that when they're asleep so when they're asleep with delta wave sleep patterns then their mind is open for beta waves to come into it but you can learn to train your senses to be constantly in that rest state where you don't have to be physically asleep to receive information from different sources so i'm always looking you know i mean i i like making things so i i'm in my woodworking shop and i'm you know basically making something and i like to come up with creative solutions to how i'm going to make something so recently i've been making like bird tables you know and i reclaim a lot of wood from pallets and different things so i got a lot of stored wood so i like making things so the next door neighbor came round um and we had a uh my daughter invited her around and we just had a chat and we were sitting outside and she made her drunken and she saw my bird table and i made in the garden you know like a a house and a little house on top with a roof and you know the whole thing and so she was like oh that's great where did you get that from i said i made it i said oh oh i'd love to have one like that so i thought oh i'm not doing anything tomorrow i'll make one you know now i've made them before but i like to find different ways of making them so i've got like 10 different sorts of saw that i can cut things up with what am i going to use this time table saw circular saw track saw yeah cool saw so i'm not always going to assume that everything i do has to be done the way it was done before so i'm always open to different ways of doing it perhaps better ways of doing it more creative ways of doing it so this time i used a different way of making the roof than i did last time um and chose some different joints when i was making it than i did last time just because i thought oh well this would be a good opportunity to practice using this joint or making this joint then sort of using the joint i made before so i'm always open for inspiration and so i know some people like to be very much doing things the same way because they're comfortable with that and they know it works whereas actually i'm not i'd much rather be open to different things all the time so i'm not limited to what i know from the past and therefore i like to create different ways of doing things and solve problems and you know i like fixing things you know and sometimes i'll fix things because i know how to fix them and sometimes i'll fix things um in different ways and sometimes i'll fix things by just making just declaring they're fixed because i can declare their fix and they'll be fixed but i could do that all the time but actually they're worth the fun in that you know i like fixing things so there's fun for me in dissolving how this wasn't working or i need to take this apart to understand why it wasn't working so i i like to bring creativity into the different areas of my life and therefore continually be active in all my brave brain functions i'm all the capacity that i have to be able to function as a son of god with the mind of christ and being in union with him of one mind um and you know he's not he's not boring and does things the same way all the time hence you know we're all different you know and everything's look at all the beauty in creation and you know look in the rounds of heaven and see amazing colors and things that are beyond the realms here you know he loves to be doing things you know in a creative way and i love to do that as well you know so that's how i engage a problem or a situation there's nothing wrong in problem solving and using experience but don't limit it to that you know and sometimes i do go to sleep with a particular issue that i want to solve and i haven't solved it and i will go to sleep i won't dwell on it you know i would go to sleep i'm not going to be my mind trying to fix the problem but when i wake up i have a solution because it's almost like i've presented that problem to a different form of solution and then i wake up with the solution and you know sometimes we've been like i don't know how to get around this you know so how do i how do i do this um and i just wake up and they say oh yeah that's how i do it yeah so it happens in different ways but i do think we are created in the image of god or made in the image of god to be creative and i think we should exercise that as much as we can yeah in that way so it sounds like from what you're saying such as i engage in something that's really so so important like the next time i proceed to take a backswing on a drive i can have maybe one or two swing thoughts and at the same time trust in the thought of god helping me and the fellowship of the holy spirit working through that creatively right um i i think golf may be an example which is probably going a step too far it shouldn't start complicating your whole thing it tends to go wrong in my my experience i simplify golf down to one two rhythm i go back and forward in the rhythm and my thinking comes before i play the shot not during it so i do think about yeah i need to slice underneath this get a bit of elevation get some backspin but then when i take the shot it's an instinctive shot not a oh no well i'm gonna think through this but yeah you apply you apply yourself to the situation and i think in many ways um it should be an enjoyable thing you know everything i think god wants us to enjoy life he should be joyous and you know when we are worried or anxious about anything then the enjoyment goes out of it um and so you know would i enjoy a round of golf better if i had a low score probably not now because i would still enjoy the fact that i've what i've done you know in the past i might have been more competitive and therefore i would try and beat my previous score and then i'd be focusing and i wouldn't be enjoying myself because i would be trying to beat the previous score and i found i enjoy life much better in a way and therefore when you're more relaxed actually you're more likely to have a better score than when you're stressed and striving for it and i find that in all sorts of situations in life you know the more relaxed i am the easier things are because i'm at rest rather than striving for it truth be told i'm i'm guilty i can be caught up in so many things in the as they call it the paralysis of analysis whether it's golf or finances or you name it so i have to watch that yeah i and i i don't tend to analyze a lot you know overanalyze things i used to be quite analytical i wanted to to and i did analyze things a lot and i was sort of in my own headspace a lot and i've learned to be at rest and enjoy uh and not over analyze um to a way that life is so much better you know it's so much more relaxed and as things go wrong i don't dwell on them and i think and i think i've learned mercy that god is very merciful and mercy is something that helps us retain the knowledge or retain the wisdom that we had through an experience but actually don't retain the misery of it there's a sense where things go wrong i want to i want the wisdom that that brought experience i don't want to carry on have that bad experience for the rest of my life so mercy sort of gives me fresh mercy every day so yesterday's gone and i retained the wisdom from yesterday i don't want to retain the independent knowledge from yesterday but i do want to retain so if i made a mistake yesterday i don't want to make retain the memory of the mistake which may make me feel condemned but i do want to retain the wisdom from the mistake i made so i won't make it again but i don't want to feel bad about it and i think mercy really helps us to embrace that thing of it's a new day yesterday's gone and i've i now have experiences from yesterday which is going to enable today to be better but i don't want the negativity attached to that experience brought over in today because then i will be focusing today's mercy on yesterday's experience i don't want to do that and i don't want to be worrying about tomorrow because that will also use up today's mercy and i might run out so i want to live in the moment in the day and enjoy the day not being affected by yesterday but benefiting from the experiences of yesterday in a positive way but not negative and i think mercy is a very powerful thing goes way beyond i've engaged a lot with mercy this year and a lot with understanding triumph and mercy and how mercy really functions and it really has changed my perspective on certain things to help me um be free from yesterday and the effects of yesterday but benefit from it but not be negatively affected by it yeah awesome okay robin you got your hand up there you want to ask something you're muted at the minute i'm sorry i forgot to meet myself hi everybody hi mike um i actually had the same question as daniel did and i'm still trying to process everything that you had to say about it in particular i just want to say that presently i've been in a really wonderful situation where i have a lot of time i mean it's most of my time has been really focusing on god so it's been absolute bliss for me and then i think i project into my future you know i teach uh i i'm a kind of like an academic i'm teaching art history i'm a medievalist but i haven't taught as much more recently so i'm almost like semi-retired and i'm always thinking maybe maybe that's not a bad thing you know but i'm projecting into my future when i have you know more stress in my life and one of the most difficult aspects for me is when i am an academic and i'm sitting in front of the computer and i'm writing lectures i'm engaging with students and i'm i have to be strongly mentally focused on my job and it's in those moments that i feel like god is a million miles from my life and i just i'm wondering i see what the goal is but how to get there you know how to really get there where you really feel like you are really connected that's the big question i have in my mind because i've really struggled with that you know the brother lawrence thing in those moments i can imagine myself washing pots and pans no problem but when i'm engaged in doing my work that i think is one of the most difficult challenges for me and i'm just trying to figure out how i can be in that place where i am receiving you know from heaven where i'm receiving from the angelic and um just really flowing in that moment do you have some suggestions um so the gateway blockers you know yeah some of it's like how do you perceive the work you're doing do you believe that actually is part of your destiny and that's the stuff that god really wants you to do or is it your job and you do it because you've learned how to do it and that's your financial security in doing it i mean some of it is you know trying to understand your situation to be able to answer the question because you know if i'm doing something which i'm doing because well life has sort of led me in that direction and i don't feel that i'm inspired to do that that actually teaching people academically is something that floats my boat and makes me feel fulfilled because i know it's part of my destiny in god then it is going to be difficult to do it when you don't really feel god's behind it you know like in that position where i love it when i'm doing it yeah but you know but in those moments where i'm preparing my work okay it's just like i am totally focused on what i'm doing particularly when i'm in front of the computer and sometimes when i'm in front of the class but maybe a little bit less so if you follow what i'm saying yeah sure yeah no i would say i mean i obviously i prepare a lot of material you know and i'm at the moment i'm doing the vision destiny 2022 series and i've just recorded in session 16 and i've got another 10 sessions already to build to do and i've been you know preparing that material power points and everything else but it's very much entwined in well this is who i am and i can do this with god and be conscious of god with me in it because i don't separate it from my being it's not like i'm doing this this is who i am so if your identity and your god's god's identity for you not the identity that you might have because you're an academic or because you're a lecturer but who you are in god can inspire you to outwork that and be conscious of his presence if you don't separate it up it's like the only way god is not going to be present with you is if you are thinking that you are doing this and you have to focus and therefore god is not involved in the process i surrender everything to him every day and he's involved in all the processes of my life so i don't yeah it's kind of interesting as an art historian there are many times where jesus is in the picture and you know that floats my boat uh so i really does i get to talk about jesus you know so i mean that is like one of the wonderful things about what i get to do but there are other times like when i'm teaching 19th century art where jesus is not in the picture you know if you follow him i still really enjoy it but it's just it's just hard do you think jesus was in the picture of inspiring the art because isn't r an expression of creativity that we are made in the image of god and an expression of our love so i think you can rejoice in in just as much in any art if you see it as part of creation and the creation of that art which can be obviously come from different life experiences and may not always be good experiences but actually it's still an expression of life so you can celebrate and enjoy life and are as a part of that in a creative sense in that way i know and i would see that very much god's involved in in art um and the enjoyment of our in all sorts of forms you know so i could rejoice in that and be conscious and i think i would suggest you know the brother lawrence thing practice in the presence of god you can do you know if you choose to focus and practice doing it you can do and i think that would mean whenever i started something that could tend to consume my thinking and therefore i'm not aware then i i give that thing to the father and ask him to be with me in it and i consciously start with hey inspire me in this let me have your thoughts about this be my inspiration in this and therefore don't separate what you're doing from him well i'm just getting on and doing the bit i got to do for the academic actually he loves to be involved in what you're doing and he is involved in what you're doing it's just being aware of it and therefore i think you know you could every 10 minutes just re-center that yeah right this moment that's a great idea you know yeah i think that's that's probably a great idea i think one of the aspects honestly well two aspects about my job i really don't like one is grading which probably most people are on that page um and the other aspect is you know i i've never thought of myself as a writer i have developed a skill i write well but it's not really something that i truly love if you know what i mean and so i think there's that end of things where i have to you know think in advance or kind of scribe out the lectures that part of it sometimes can be a little bit of a struggle for me but once i'm especially if i'm in a classroom full of students then i'm kind of lit like a candle but i i think that maybe it's that one aspect well maybe the two you know when i'm grading and doing the writing part of it that it's like yeah there's a disconnect if you know what i mean again i would just look at we're we're blessed to be a blessing so when i if you're grading somebody you're you can take joy in blessing them with their grade now if they've not been agreed yeah but but it's all about the attitude that you take when approaching something to whether it will be a chore or whether it will be joyous and it's your attitude which changes what it is you know so you know i could be doing something which seems to be menial but if my attitude towards it is not menial then it won't be menial to me while i'm doing it so you know i can be doing things in the garden um and you know which are like digging over something or whatever and actually while i'm doing that i'm enjoying being in the presence of god in creation and it isn't menial to me because i don't ever see anything as a menial thing and therefore my attitude will determine how i engage something and if i do it in a sense of joy and i'm doing this in a sense of rest then this is just an outworking of i want to do this in a way that i you know and actually if you if you impart into what you're doing a spiritual creative energy when people receive the grade from you they will receive what you're imparting in it so if you are giving someone a a lower grade you can impart into that grade that the person will receive it as an encouragement to improve the discouragement to give up because you can impart what you're doing creatively into the person who's going to receive the grade and you can do that the same with giving a good grade so that grade would be an inspiration for them to succeed to press on that it would encourage them that it wouldn't cause them to be complacent you can impart life into what you're doing then you would see grading in a very different way yeah and i i do i am like an exhorter you know with students on that level but there's still a part of you that sort of you know when it comes to grading yeah but i think i think you got it and i think attitude towards something is like no i'm going to enjoy this grading session because i'm going to see the positivity that i'm doing in it yeah you're right i i really need to kind of because you're thinking it is this is going to be oh grading well if you think it's upgraded it's just the way you think yeah it changes the way you think which will change how you act within the situation you're doing yeah in a very positive way i think though i'll be honest i'd rather sit in my garden with my heart and just play i'd be one of those people very happy on a cloud with a harp you know up in heaven playing and playing it's like you're not in that place so you've got to make life enjoyable and all aspects of it to be enjoying it you know and i think if you just include god in it more positively in a very practical way i think you'll find that you'll find more joy in it because he enjoys being with in you yeah you know yeah good point thank you mike right okay all right anyone else speak now or i will jump in someone else go ahead you know mike um it's interesting because these are some of the recent lessons that the lord i've had you know how do i walk day to day knowing uh knowing the decisions to make and knowing you know what not to do and things i mean after unlearning all the stuff the church you know all the you know the things that the church has taught from the intellect of man and one of the things i always say is you know there's no law against love he actually corrected me he said you know i was talking about all the fruit you know the spirit and there's no law against peace joy uh long suffering and on and on he said use all of the fruit in your day-to-day walk and i'm like wow so now you know i'm sitting here like okay help me understand what all that means but i just love those intimate lessons with him and now i'm looking at more than love i'm like is this giving me joy you know because it's amazing absolutely yeah i i think that is the character of god and his essence and the more we are engaged with him in intimacy the more we become a reflection of that or we become an outworking of that and it is increasing and the levels of that are taking on different perspectives and going deeper and yeah what you thought was oh yeah and then you were as well there's nine other things here that actually encompass love i mean love really is the term you could describe for all of them because they're an expression of god who is love and light um but there are different manifested manifold ways he does it he's multifaceted and therefore love has multifaceted ways of expressing it and it's it's a joy to discover it because you're discovering him and then how i'm being more like him in that way or i'm not being more like him in that way and therefore here's an area where i can ask him for more grace to be able to help me in that area to be able to express him because everything's easy until you come across people you know there's only people that cause all this hassle we've got here you know so it's mostly how do we deal with those people who are acting like that thinking like that doing this saying that behaving that way that's where the love and the joy and the peace and the patience of it it's got to be direct of course he's going to give you those people to help you put those things into practice you know and you just don't want it all every day you know there are some nice people today that are just filled with love and we can just hang out and be filled with love together but sometimes you come across the people that you have to demonstrate patience towards yeah and ultimately that's what obviously how he has dealt with us can you imagine how god feels dealing with seven billion people um and they're all making stupid decisions and doing ridiculous things all the time uh and yeah he still loves them and cares don't want to bring good out of every situation i mean wow and we we we complain when we're dealing with one or two people who are tough you know and he's dealing with seven billion all the time so it's one of those things that i think i'm just glad i'm not you you know i'm glad that i can deal with people one or two at a time and i don't have to deal with seven billion at a time because i think that would be beyond my ability to express to what you like at the moment but of course with expanded consciousness and awareness then we become more capable of engaging and so at times i can think of the whole of humanity and all that they're doing and love it and how can how can this be restored yeah but that isn't impinging on me all the time but it does impinge on creation you know i've as i've got more connected to creation how mankind is for humanity let's say is treating creation has affected me and i feel more moved by it and more affected by it and therefore sometimes angry by it and sometimes upset by it and sometimes i'm feeling how is feeling and how how we're treating it and therefore i have to look at the whole at times and think i have to release forgiveness if i have to ask forgiveness as being part of this at times so it does help me you know the one person does help you if you can engage in the fruit of the spirit towards one person or two people then i think it does give you the capacity to increase that because that might be you have to direct it towards a whole church of people or a whole group of people or a whole nation of people or a whole you know and of course you look at the whole nation of people and it's just like oh look at all the division and all the argument and all the conflict and whatever then it's just like oh okay well no i need to i need to respond to the whole of the nation the same way as i respond to the one person and i and i think the more we can do that with the one person and the next person the next person the more capability we will have to directing that towards larger and larger spheres that need the same love demonstrated or the same peace or joy and when you start engaging dimensions a whole dimension needs it and it's just like whoa that's how do i manage that well the same way as i do with one just i have more energy to do it and i'm totally connected to the father all the time so i'm actually not doing this in my own strength it's like my choice to engage his intention enables the energy from him to flow through me i might just be like a straw a conduit of that energy but in reality when we get enough of us together we can be like a huge pipeline to release that together in a union so together we can release love and joy and peace because we're now one mind and we're in in cooperation coherence with the father's heart and his intentions and so i'm really only doing what i see the father doing which is why being close and connected and abiding in the father's presence helps me do that you know and sometimes you know it's just like i look at some people's choices and i just think but then it's like mercy grace love because i would have been there probably in the past and i'm just so grateful that god had mercy and grace and love for me when i made some of the decisions i've made in my past so it is helpful it is very helpful to be able to put this into practice in the small scale but i do think for our role as sons of god with responsibility for creation what we are in union if we're going to be effective needs to be what we are individually towards one person and in union towards the whole of things so yeah so yeah i i i love the process um so mike i do have another question i've always enjoyed watchmenis writings and i heard you elaborate on the latent power of the soul and i've always looked at that as a negative thing and you were speaking of it as a positive and so i'd like to hear hear that once again um um yeah i think anything in the cell has the possibility of being negative or positive depending on which source you're drawing from so if you're drawing out of the knowledge of the true good and evil it is going to be negative if you're drawing out a tree of life it's going to be positive the soul itself was created by god or are formed when our spirit comes into our body to represent the vast sum of his thoughts about us and who he intended us to be in our redemptive gifts and all of that so there's nothing inherently wrong with the soul it's just what choices the soul is making according to what sort is the issue um so does the soul have power creative power yes and i'm drawing on that creative power when i'm engaging alpha waves within my mind to connect within that inherent power within me to create something or to fix something or solve something and there's nothing wrong with that i think this that's how we're intended to be but not independent so i'm never going to do it independently of god and independently of my spirit and body it's when the soul acts independently without reference to the body and spirit then that can become a problem so oneness i think is such a key when looking at any aspect of who we are to make sure we're not operating independently in any way fragmented or broken because then we're likely to be operating out of the brokenness rather than out of the wholeness um so i i think you know i i like i mean i used to i've read quite a few watchmen these books i'm not sure i've read that one um but i do believe there are abilities within our consciousness which is part of our soul our mind which are actually going to be rediscovered because god is going to entrust us with them again as he entrusted adam with them in the beginning so that will be able to engage in different wavelengths of light and sound and use those wavelengths creatively in different ways and i think that also might be tied to abilities which would be seen as the abilities that jesus had while he was here on earth representing man that would take us back into what we see as miracles but actually are just him being able to effectively administrate the creation around him because he was the creator so he knew how to use frequency and stuff in what he was doing every day um you know and someone said the other day oh will you take the mystery out of it if you understand it i'm like no i know it's like if i understand it it makes me able to do it better you know so for me it's like understanding how to use frequency to change the energy of something so i can move through it or change my frequency so i can move through something knowing how to do it doesn't make it any less amazing you know it's just so you're taking the super out of supernatural well yeah because it should be who we are it should it shouldn't be super it should be just who we are rather than seeing it as this sort of thing not really us and only the spirit does that no actually that's who we are yeah we're designed to be able to do these amazing things you know in that way so yeah definitely i think the power of the soul given by god and in relationship with him only choosing to do which is in alignment with his heart's desires makes it powerful it can be powerful in the other way life and death are in the power of the tongue well i don't want to be using my tongue for death either to myself or anybody else so i must make sure i'm always going to use the source of the tree of life to empower my soul not the other source then i think we can be really rejoicing in the capabilities that we were created with in that way and see it as something to rejoice in you know and therefore not see the soul is this bad thing we've got to put down and keep under control or you know that just makes it rebel you know we need to embrace and be one and be whole and be integrated and completely restored and healed then the soul itself is a good thing you know mike um he came to me once and said that he was restoring what was destroyed at the tower babel you know the the true communication and you know discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart and uh he said the gift that he's trying to regift you know us with will increase when suspicion decreases he's now showing me too that that suspicion of my own soul too you know he said not just your suspicion towards people because i realize i carry a lot of suspicion you know he said but suspicion of yourself and that's you know it's like wow you know that's all again the fruits of the spirit all of that he's just been tying all of this together and it's he always takes you deeper and wider and higher and farther and smaller yeah absolutely yeah definitely and you know when you look at it that way we've been programmed to see the soul as bad and to be controlled and you need to control your tongue you need to control your emotions you need to control your imagination you know and as if it's bad and i think that has given our soul a bad you know a bad rap really and i think we need to look at how god sees us and how god sees the the way he's made us to be you know our personality he's given us and the redemptive gifts he's given us and all of that and you know and then realize that we're not under the old testament old covenant well the heart is deceitfully wicked above all things because we're not in that anymore we're new creations in christ so why should we think our heart is going to be deceitfully wicked and therefore be suspicious of everything you know i'm not saying that we don't need healing and we don't need to be transformed but we need to see and treat it with respect and honor and make the judgments towards it correctly to life and not death so it's not like oh i got to kill myself every day being a living sacrifice is not i'm going to kill myself it's i'm presenting myself for to him for no which is a totally different thing you know and i think once we're aware of that then we can embrace the process and see you know and really honor and respect the soul in its function that god gave it and in union with body and spirit it's who we are you know and as soon as you start pushing the soul down you're actually pushing yourself down you know and that's why i didn't like the version of uh separating soul and spirit which was like i'm beating my soul up you know and and punishing it and smashing it until it gives in you know it's just like well i wouldn't want to treat anyone like that let alone myself so it's actually treating ourselves with respect but not deluded you know i'm perfect and everything's wonderful and i can never be wrong but be realistic but actually be be nice to yourself you know not suspicious of self in that negative way you know and i think we're much happier when we're like that towards ourselves because we've got to love ourselves otherwise you can't love other people you know and you know what mike when we master that with the soul the body is next and then when the body is mastered immortality is next yeah absolutely yeah yeah wholeness will bring the fullness of everything god intends you know and becoming whole is the journey we're on in so many different ways and so many different levels but you know are way beyond what i could imagine years ago but now i'm enjoying and living in and benefiting from and so much more to come which is awesome yeah we beat the body up the same way the soul we've you know and these three agree yeah yeah absolutely yeah and we need to see that we're we're created to be in oneness with each other with god and creation and in harmony you know that means being at rest you know and that that totally brings us into a place of enjoyment you know and really enjoying the life that we live not being frustrated with the limitations of it but enjoying and seeing those limitations removed so we can be expanded and so yeah i definitely believe the powers that were lost in babel and the powers that were lost before and when they left the garden and loads more things also are being restored so we will get a fullness of the full abilities of sonship as god intended us to have we're in that process of freshly having our mind renewed to believe it's possible and then experiencing the reality of it and outworking that reality in everyday life which is awesome okay i need to leave it there so nice seeing you all today have a good rest of your day keep safe and i'll catch up with you next time glad i could join today thank you bye-bye
Channel: Mike Parsons
Views: 1,991
Rating: 4.8421054 out of 5
Id: Vy8hhGap0-A
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Length: 67min 5sec (4025 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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