Mystic Mentoring Monday 13th January 2020 UK

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that's let's kick off and open for anything you want to talk about or discuss today so feel free yep gonna go first there is a in sticking your hand up thing in the participants thing so I can see who'd like to go they fell amuse themselves until they speak then that will just cut down any background noise and other things okay and you want to go first thing yes please I'm been watching I'm on the second video of your vision 20/20 yeah and you have met a number of cloud of witnesses so when you communicate with them is it is it just that's what do you call it the cardio to nurse this thing or is it you actually see their mouths move and hear their voices in one sense yes but in reality their spirit beings you know their spirits so in essence you see them in the light of sort of memory of what people look like in in a sense so it's communication and ultimately it's thoughts but you may perceive it as someone talking to you but you're not hearing physical sound waves because they're spiritual beings but everything's interpreted within your mind anyway so it's just that's where communication takes place whether it's visual or all the audio or everything you interpret information in your mind so that you can connect to it so in essence yeah I have conversations some of those conversations are conversational in the most of the thing is about what someone is saying to me or communicating to me some of them they're to do with the encounter that that's in and maybe some visual or information around the encounter which is not just communication so there may be we're at in a certain place or doing something which relates to why I'm encountering them that takes place at times but most of the communication because I'm journaling these things you know I just need to write down what's going on and usually that's me having their thoughts in my mind which I've interpreted what they're communicating in that way that's basically it but some people have are quite visionary in that they see a lot of things but they don't necessarily hear a lot so it's going a balance between having experiences that are beneficial rather than having an experience which you haven't got any idea about and then you've got to try and find out what does that mean whatever so I tend to want to know what's going on and I know that's the sort of relational connections I make I asked that question because sometimes I am unsure whether I have seen or heard what I've seen or heard if you do if you know what I'm saying yeah well in in essence in that I think don't second-guess yourself just basically go with the flow way what you've heard in light of love and is is what I'm hearing in line with God being loved and if they're saying something that doesn't really fit with what you believe then ask go back to the Father and saying you know is this supposed to challenge my beliefs you know because just because someone says something that I don't believe doesn't make it wrong just because someone says something that I do believe doesn't make it right either and I think it's important that we get out the truth from the truth and we don't try and discern water is true using our own understanding because we will frame the truth out of what we already know and we may not be framing the truth correctly so if ever I'm don't understand or what said conflicts with something that I might have previously believed I just go back to the father and ask him or go talk to Jesus and say okay what was said there causes me concern should I've been concerned or actually am I being challenged by what was said and therefore you want to change how I think because that's what the purpose was and quite often that happens you know I have conversations with the father with Jesus with angels whatever that and we're like whoa where's this going and I guess the more time I've hung out with God in that father-son relationship the less that takes place now I'm not surprised as much as I used to be and therefore a lot of the encounters I'm having are confirmatory two things that God's already said to me and just takes it a bit further or another step occasionally it is sort of beyond my scope at that time and sometimes that's what God wants to do just wants to challenge you to think there's a lot more here but doesn't take it any further at that point I know that my spirit is engaging in more than my soul can contend with any one time so my spirit has a lot more revelation that my soul can cope with and that gets released in the right time at the right point you know and sometimes spiritual experiences take some years to become cognitive and that's okay I'm content with that now one stage you know I had to find out and know everything so I was not content but now I'm much more at rest so when I'm at rest I don't have to know everything I just need to know what I need to know you know and I'm much much more at rest in that position nowadays but there are a lot of challenges ahead you know you know of what I thought I knew I would say probably 95% of it was wrong and that's ok is no condemnation that comes with that it's just a journey of discovering an infinite God you know from a finite minds position which is why we needed an expanded consciousness or a renewed mind to be able to do it the key is to come into agreement with his mind and not contend with him thinking that I know better and that's what repentance truly means from the Greek word Metanoia agreeing or with mind so I want my mind to be in alignment with his mind so I agree with him he doesn't have to agree with me you know he is the infinite God I am a finite being but a son of God who is having my mind expanded so I can have a mind of a son which is essentially sonship you know having the mind of Christ having a mind which is capable of functioning as a mature son of God and Jesus described that as well you are gods so for a son of God we are in essence like God now we're not God as father son and spirit but we're his children so we go to be like him so that that can take a bit of challenge you know contention along the way but it's ok mm-hmm if ever you're unsure just take it back to the father and get some peace on it and if you doesn't give it you then just Park it until something else comes which may add to the journey you know the journey is made up of a lot of different steps you know you don't want to take 2 bigger steps and miss out important parts or milestones on the journey which are significant and the significance sometimes only comes out later in hindsight hindsight is a great thing and you look back and you see the journey you're on when you're in it you don't really see it quite as clearly because you're in the midst of it but hindsight you look back and think oh now I understand why he was taking me here because that what seemingly was inconsequential at the time as she was a significant moment and that thing I didn't understand now I understand because there are three other things that I'm connected to that understand that I understand it with you know it's like sometimes we only get one part of the jigsaw puzzle at a time and you don't get the big picture until they're all put together but that's okay I think they're next yeah and I have actually written down my question because I find it difficult to explain what I mean so if I can just read it if that's okay yes you so it's about obedience and versus free choice so when in church someone talks about accepting Jesus as Lord in your life what does it really mean yes Jesus is God he is Lord he's Lord of creation and so on but does it put the stress on obedience from obligation a promise to always do his will to give up my freedom a promise to always remember to ask him what to do every hour or is every day full of choices to make his baptism to his death a start or a journey to let him change me into his likeness to more and more fill me with his spirit as I am gradually becoming more and more free from the junk in my spirit and in my gateways that is taking up space so I asked him to write his will on my heart to obey from loving desire not by obligation and as I experienced his love and faithful faithfulness my trust is growing and I give him more and more of my heart my life my time I trust him to change me to make me free from my old identity not obeying in my own strength I still have free choice to live out on my old identity or out of my new identity when I make a wrong choice hopefully I learned from the consequences I am a free son not a slave under a lord but the son of a loving father so these accepting Jesus as Lord that's why I am reacting I join yeah yeah there's a sense where it's a good knowledge Monteux of his position as son of God and in his possession a seated right hand of the Father from which he is there to disciple us when we take his yoke on us we learn from him because he's gentle and humble and half and if we we're not made coming under any sort of negative influence of slavery or anything we're acknowledging his position and our position in relation to that so it's it can be religiously obviously have religious connotations which could be negative if you have a wrong view of God in a wrong view of this relationship I agree with whatever all you're saying there you know this is about obedience we do not have to be obedient for relationship or to earn something from God it's like obedience is an Old Covenant mindset to the law there is a law you must obey we're in relationship of cooperation Co airship that's different God does not want me to be obedient to a law that he is prescribing he wants me to be in relationship with him so that as you say my desire is to cooperate together in this relationship to out work something positive rather than a duty or obligation which if I don't fulfill there will be a negativity about how I feel about myself trust and surrender are part of getting to know God better in that the more we know of him the easier it is to trust in him and most of us have trust issues or had trust issues and therefore we through fear don't like to surrender because what might be the consequences of that but lordship you know he is king of kings and Lord of lords so if I acknowledge his lordship his kingship that enables me to be like him functioning in lordship and kingship so it's a relational thing that enables me to outwork my sonship in relation to the Father like Jesus was in the relation to the Father he only did we saw the father doing now that is not a set of instructions that for me is are you're describing if I'm close to him I know his heart and the desires of my heart align with hyssop which is like him writing his desires on my heart rather than law which I have to do or else so do we have free will choice yes but we're influenced by something you know it's not neutral you know essentially there is an influence which comes through the world we live in or it comes through our relationship with God and father therefore sonship so there's going to be an influence and you're right we do get to choose but I found that I don't really want to choose anything that doesn't align to my relationship with him anymore if I make a wrong choice out of lack of wisdom or like then I learn from it as you say but he's not punishing me if I get it wrong he wants to correct me and train me and disciple me to get it to be more like him in my decisions my thinking my actions everything else but very much keeping our identity as sons he's made us unique he hasn't made us to be clones we're all uniquely wonderfully made and therefore we have an individual personality and redemptive give pattern and everything like that to help us just be you know so that that's important to know it isn't we there isn't just one right way of doing things that we have to find or else that will keep us under bondage we have multiple ways about working his heart and we get to choose which we would like to do and that's all good so we're not slaves or uh us you know that he wants to control all the time kind of doesn't want to control at all us to be working together with him in relationship walking together and therefore sharing his heart with us that inspires us to outwork his heart in our destiny but I'm not I don't have to outwork something isn't my destiny just because a problem I don't have to fix it all you know that's why it's important to know what is the father doing in this situation so I can come into alignment with it and not necessary make an assumption I have to do something here you know how many people must have died in the three and a half years Jesus was in ministry in Israel lots did he raise every one of them from the dead not recorded so even though he had the ability to do that he didn't do it just because he could do it he only did that when it was something in an alignment with the father saw it for a particular reason that the father had you know and then he then raised people from the dead you know but he didn't raise everybody and we should also be circum back in making sure we don't do things just because we can or that there's a problem that were to fix it you know so what's really important is letting him change me you know I mean letting hate lifting him work in my life so that is surrender to let him work in my life and to let him flow through me when it's possible because I I can experience a difference it's not like sometimes I even ask him what to do but when I am available kind of when I'm when I'm available to him he can use me in some way when I'm not I often realize it afterwards that I wasn't available but it's also as he's changing me to become more more like him then I will be more available ultimately when we live in a place of rest we can just be and our being is the key it's not like well I'm available therefore he will do this it's just me being me and me out working my destiny in relationship with him just because I am you know and that that takes the pressure off I don't have to be anybody else I don't have to try and be anything I don't have to try and do things like anybody else I just have to be me now yeah there's a shaping of that where I may have been shaped by my past or other things in the process but you know my identity is found in him the closer I am to him the easier it is to see mirrored back Who I am and that really is just it you know I mean I am proactive about it my desire is that I would be more like him therefore I'm aware that that means changes so most of those changes are the way we think because as as a person is that's how they think in their heart so if I think in alignment with his heart and his mind then I'm going to be that person it's only where my thinking is aligned with something else is the problem and renewing of the mind is an ongoing process and which says we can present ourselves as living sacrifices so we can choose to surrender as a matter of desire I choose to surrender as a living sacrifice everyday he can do whatever he wants in that process but he includes me more and more in the process the more mature I get living sacrifice what I'm sacrificing is that my old self my old nature I mean I don't need that anymore I'm I should be dead to my own nature so I can sacrifice that well there's a sense where yes we died with him so it's a recognition the through the cross everything has been done necessary for us to live in that but it's a process of beginning to realize and think according to it so I just want to give him my life that's really what it is and I want him to have full freedom to do whatever he wants in relationship with me but I'm getting more and more responsible in that so you know we have conversations and he trusts me to go ahead and do some stuff you know I don't get as much detail as I used to get because I don't need it anymore because I know his heart more and I know the freedom to out work his heart so I don't have to try and please him try and be obedient to something he said because he's not giving me a set of laws he's sharing his heart you know and that's that's a very different view from an Old Covenant type yeah you have to do this or else yeah and if we're in relationship we love because He first loved us so I think the primary thing in this whole relational perspective is to experience his love to be loved then we will then express his love that's that's part of the process yeah thank you okay Stella you had your hand up there you just need to unmute yourself cuz you're muted can you hear me now I can't okay my question is about you know when you talk about leaving forever and then when I was listening to vision 2020 he talked about God saying to you two about retirement and so if you're going to leave forever what's the point of retiring well he didn't speak to me in retirement as in I'm not gonna be do anything he spoke to me really about a shift in roles and doing different things all right I have no intention of retiring from I can't retire from being a son it's Who I am but my roles may change and my functions may change and I may do different things in the future so I have no intention of entire of retiring from sonship but actually I might retire from my job in this role and do something different but I'm still doing it in in regards to my destiny but my destiny may be at work differently at different seasons in my life last two or three years to shift my thinking shift what I'm doing and be ready to do some things differently and sometimes you have to let go of some responsibilities that you have to be able to then take up different responsibilities for different things so that's really what it's about and but he uses terminology that you sort of can relate to so he was he was really talking to me about thinking about the roles that I have in various perspectives and preparing for me not to be doing those roles anymore that was really what it was about it's not that I'm going to not be me and not be fulfilling my destiny but maybe I'll be fulfilling it in different ways because if and a lot of it was to do with responsibilities that I have here within our organization and if I no longer have those responsibilities then he was preparing me for responsibilities elsewhere and so sons of God who will have managed to transition into being sons of God do you do you prepare for end of life like we normally used to do like have insurances have funeral policies and stuff like this now I personally don't have a funeral policy I don't I don't intend to physically die like that you say I do believe is okay to prepare for different seasons in life so yeah to have a retention policy that can come out later in life and then you may then be able to shift to do different things it's not necessarily a bad thing I think it's being wise and ask him you know the key is ask him what he wants us to do so you know if do I do I need to take out this yes or no you know and sometimes you'll say we'll do whatever you like yeah quite often he says to me we'll do what you want you know if you want to do do I tend to try and keep my thinking in a positive light so if I'm planning for my death and that it really isn't very positive about living forever that's my yes that's my angle of question and thinking should I not be in unbelief for preparing to die at the same time you don't want to be naive because if I end up dead yeah and there is nothing there for the people I'm leaving behind it's ironic isn't it well you know I don't think our primary responsibility is for those that are left behind our primary responsibility is to fulfill the things God's called us to do and I'm people don't fulfill the things that God's calling to do because they're too concerned about what they're leaving for the next generations it's less I want to leave a spiritual inheritance in that sense and physical inheritance I mean I said I joke with my children it's like don't don't count on getting any money for me cuz I don't intend dying so you know don't don't count on it you know but actually if if God said to me I want you to bless your children in this way then I would look to do that and that might be like if I was younger to take out an insurance policy which matured at a certain age that period to give to my children rather than waiting from to die and so I can invest in my children's future while I'm alive and it doesn't have to be a negative thing or I've got to die before they inherit money you know so you there are ways of thinking about it the key is is to carry the heart of God the heart of the father and ask him you know ask him you know if I knew what I know now then years ago I would have done things differently but I didn't have that knowledge and wisdom then so I did the best I knew you know and but there are seasons in life which are different and I think you've got to be ready to engage those seasons as God leads you know things do change and we we have to be prepared for those changes and this shift of the seasons that go on in our lives but I wouldn't definitely be thinking negatively about dying no I'm not but I want I was thinking on those Alliance that okay if I do is it it me speaking unbelief contrary to what God is saying or I'm just being prudent well yeah prudence can be based in a wrong mindset you know III think there's we need to be wise and that wisdom can come from our relationship with God and he can give us insight into things that can be a blessing for our children our grandchildren in a different way I mean how many people if they had invested in Bitcoin when it first came out and was worth pennies would now be very very rich yeah well why should that sort of information yep but why shouldn't we why shouldn't why shouldn't we be those who have insight into how to be wise in the taking advantage of the things in the world now there are there are other spiritual ways of doing that in terms of the treasury room or heaven whatever but often it's sowing to reap you know and I do think we need to be more open for the revelation that the Holy Spirit would give us rather than just being dependent on our own understanding you know and how many how many Christians have missed opportunities that the Holy Spirit was trying to give them because they weren't listening or they weren't even prepared for that type of information uh-huh and someone else jumped into it and I think that happens quite a lot so the more intimate we are in our relationship with God the more insight we will get and therefore we will be able to may take advantage of things in a positive way and you know I think ultimately if we're trusting in his provision seek first the kingdom and everything else will be added so that I believe that I trust in that I seek that but I know the Holy Spirit also speaks to me about preparing certain things ahead of time I mean in fact this morning he told me to plan for 2021 where I'm gonna visit so I thought well that is I don't even usually think about 2021 till well into 2020 if you like but now I need to think about okay where am I gonna go and he told me I have mandates to do three things so now I will go ahead and prepare for that because he gave me that insight to do it so I will do it I wouldn't have done it in that way because I don't normally bother but he said it specifically so that's what I'll do and the other question is I'm still part of the old organization church churches and I still do things there I'm part of a lot of things there and I am now fight I don't we've had this conversation before how do i how do I introduce some of these I am don't know how to really do this to be honest well hey first thing I would ask God why wants you to be bi so does he want you to be there or not be there if he wants you to be there then ask him for the mandate for why you're there and what you can't be is disruptive in the place so if you're going to share revelation or truth or that's what God wants you to do then you need to be led by the spirit when to do it and often that is relationally with people that you share something with that appropriate moment you just know here's the moment generally if you're going to introduce things from a newer perspective you need to do it in a relatable way you know if you overload people with stuff then they can't cope with it so I tend to find common ground and then share that common ground from a different perspective there's no common ground well there there's common ground probably in the Bible because they read the Bible standing of the Bible so there so if you're gonna relate to people in church they will probably ask you or where's that in the Bible so you can use the Bible as a bridge to share different perspectives from the meaning that they might have so simple things like going to the throne of grace which it's is people would have put have no problem with realizing that the Bible says that but they don't realize that that's necessary a literal thing that you can engage so they will use it as a form of prayer or will I'm going to ask God or whatever so you can use little things like that to help people see that actually there may be more to that verse so you share your testimony of going to the throne of grace and engaging with the father face-to-face that opens up the possibility that there may be more the same with being seated in heavenly places well everyone knows that it says we raised up and seen you in a many places most people aren't seated in heavenly places actually they just it just says so in the library just about talk about it so you open that it's real but the first thing to do is find out does God still want you to be there because this pointless doing anything else if he doesn't if he does get a clear mandate then you will be empowered to do what you need to do in that situation but while I'm trying to get that Monday because if we as as I am also learning the new system of doing things I am NOT hundred percent hearing or even one percent hearing right because okay but then then just bide your time and don't try and rock the boat too much you know you know because you know it's not your responsibility to change the church system no I don't think the church system can be changed yes well you believe people can have their minds renewed so just be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit when you're talking to people that's that so it would be but the first thing I would assert a knees does God still want me to be there and for what reason because it made me just be that there's a place of fellowship for you and you haven't got any more responsibility other than just you know being a friend but there may be that there's a different purpose you know ultimately it's very different to change difficult to change anything particularly if you're not in a position of authority to do it and even if you are in a position of authority doing is still really difficult to change things because the system itself is is ingrained in a way of thinking and a methodology that's not really ideal so yeah I wouldn't I wouldn't fret about it relaxing keep engaging God and you'll find out it'll work out you know relax rest you know in everything it's easy to engage you know much easier to engage when you're at rest okay anyone else got the answer oh yeah Trish yeah okay you're a Meade yep now hi everyone my last year we came for the restoration of all things and a few questions came up and I think I spoke to Nancy regarding things in my bloodline that used to disgust me but then I realized that after speaking to Nancy if they can be restored they are actually or giftings from father he takes my kabbalah and it's beginning to disturb me that it's becoming a different worldview now and i'm just wondering what is your take on stuff like that I mean in mine in my generation online there was teleportation and things like that that I found out later it scared me and I wanted to run away from all that but when we came and nice he explained that all these things could be restored because they are all father's gifties they're not the enemies gives him he's a copy cut the question of kabbalah now comes up because i do in a healing and crazy am i busting hmm wondering what to do i was things like that and how does father see when it comes to that type of thing for me the principles that are embedded with lots of things carry truth with it but the system itself I don't believe is a true system so I only believe things can be restored that regards original intention in purpose I don't believe the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is ever going to be restored and whatever's come out of that knowledge is not going to be restored because God didn't intend it in the first place we made that so every man-made religious system I don't think it's restorable because God didn't intend any of those religious systems in the first but within all those systems there is truth embedded in there which is certainly restorable so when it comes to something like the Kabbalah all that stuff I'm not interested personally I don't read anything I don't even read the Bible very often so I'm not gonna be reading some Jewish mystical book you know because I talk to God every day you know I'm not really I'm not gonna get revelation from books when I can add first-hand face-to-face encounters with God and Jesus the Living Word of God so I personally don't try and draw anything out of any system or any mystical book because it's for me it's just a mediation why do I need a mediator of anything else other than God now if God inspires me to go and look at something or read something I would but that's not my primary source of revelation it is coming through my relationship with him in a face-to-face heart-to-heart mine to mine perspective so are there people who read that and find there is truth there yes there are but also people can get actually caught up in the system rather than just the truth embedded within the system and end up going back into Jewish mysticism and I think a lot of people are doing that and I would avoid that you know I would avoid going back under any Old Covenant or any religious system it is for freedom that we've been set free why go back under the law like you know Jesus set us free Paul says to the Galatians were you foolish Galatians you know you started out in grace freedom and there you've gone back under another system so just because there is truth in something doesn't make the system true and I don't God has spoken to me through all sorts of things in my life and yeah I've looked at websites that are very much totally not Christian websites but there's been truth embedded in it and that's spoken to me I find I resonate with truth wherever it is but I don't go looking for it in other places if I come across it in another place then I will look and resonate with the truth but I'm not going searching for truth outside of the truth which is a person so if in our generational line there have been each things well some of those gifts if they're passed down generationally to you and that's God's intention that's great but not everything passed down generationally is all good you know so you you know better to spend the time getting closer and closer to God in that father son or son son relationship then you'll find discernment increases you know and personally you know I don't have any desire to pursue any of those things no I'm not knocking those who do if that's what God gives them a mandate to do that's fine but not everyone has got as much wisdom as everybody else and if you're encouraging someone to read something like the Kabbalah or the Zohar or all the other things and they don't have as much wisdom as the person who is discerning they can run into trouble and they can find themselves deceived and they can find themselves with problems because they're not at the stage where they can discern you know Hebrews talks about training the senses through practice to discern what's good or bad if you like so not everyone's in a place where they could and I would that's why I want to encourage everyone to engage with God you know a lot of people now are learning Hebrew and it's like for me it's like why would I want to learn another language when God can speak to me in English you know it's just another mediation step for me so I just don't wouldn't bother because often associated with learning Hebrew is a lot of Hebrew stuff which when under anymore so we're not under laws or feasts and yeah they have spiritual application which you can learn off but we're not under them I'm not gonna go back under you know wearing a kipper on the head or putting some Tala around me which is a another religious system not going to go back under it you know I'm coming out of religion not going back in it so I wouldn't encourage people to pursue learning a language I'd rather that people spent more time with God because you're gonna discern and learn to listen to his voice much easier than trying to learn a language why does God's got to speak to you and I know people say well you won't get the mysteries of God unless you understand Hebrew well that's nonsense it's nonsense because actually Jesus is the truth he is that truth you know I really don't need to learn Hebrew to discern the truth no I'm not saying the Hebrew living letters and all of those things aren't beings in heaven that you can connect to but they communicate to you in a heart-to-heart way they don't necessarily gonna say well here here's the Hebrew language go and learning it'll take you years of study to learn the Hebrew language just to a degree in which you will fully understand it years well I'd rather spend all those years spending the time with God because otherwise the Ebru language will come the same sort of mediator that the Bible is you know and the end of the day you know it's like do I need to go back to Genesis and read it with the Hebrew understanding or can I just ask God to show me what he wants to show me much simpler and much more relational you know and no matter how good we are any of that stuff we're still interpreting it through our intellect that that is I find the problem with anything that's taking us back out of the relationship back into something which is more formulaic you know so personally it's not something I'm drawn to or feel any desire to engage I want to simplify things and complicate them and some of it is really complicated you know now do I believe in your some of the sacred geometric stuff which is connected to it yeah because God showed me it I didn't go and study it out or find it in another book he showed me the Metatron's cube he took me there he took me into the tree of life in the geometric dimensional perspective of it he took me by engagement I didn't need to discover it by reading another book so I could have been you know go and search all that stuff out but I'd rather him direct me to the things he wants me to engage in so personally restoration I don't believe it includes everything because I don't think it was ever God's intention for certain things I do believe in the restoration of all things but all things that God intended not all the things that we've intended so Mike what are the all things I mean well everything that God originally intended like what of the demons well I don't believe God never intended demons to be no so I don't believe demons can be restored because I don't believe demons were ever God's intention I believe hands were those who were who died in the flood who did not have a human spirit and therefore they are souls of dispossessed souls still seeking a personality to work through and their thoughts and intentions were wicked continually I don't believe demons are fallen angels I did but do believe God created every angel to have a relationship with him and had a function within his kingdom so I do believe all fallen angels can be restored and I have engaged them and seen some restored so I've got tests me of that I have not and have no intention and engaging a demon to restore it because I don't believe God ever intended it or made it now there are people and in the Kabbalah and in the right hand it actually says that we can actually create spiritual entities whether temporary energy beings or permanent demons and multiply them now personally I don't want to do that so I've no interest in finding out how to do it cuz I don't want to do it III know when Ian Clayton was here in 2012 he taught a session on that you know and so whether he still believes that I don't know he did then and so interestingly some of those guys believe that you we have the ability to multiply demonic beings but they don't believe we have the ability to restore fallen angels so yeah which which sounds are more bizarre you know you know I certainly am NOT interested in multiplying demonic beings from within me and I'd much rather see things restored than negative things so yeah this it's an interesting question you know I'm doing a whole module on restoration of all things part 2 at the moment looking at things I do cover it in the written destiny series of quite a bit because God took me on a journey to show me how to see something restored [Music] there are also other dimensional beings which are part of creation which are not in this dimension which I do also believe can be restored but it's all to do with our sonship and it's our our sonship being restored first to set creation free because it says creation is longing for the revealing of the sons of God yeah and it also says creation is groaning and it says that creation will be set free into the freedom of the glory of the children of God creation so that means everything that God created which I believe is what the all things referring to everything that God created will be restored back to his original intention for it therefore did he have an intention for an angel yes then I believe that angel can be restored back to that original intention and I do believe it's our responsibility to judge angels and therefore have responsibility in that role anyone to go jumping in trying to do it without a very clear mandate and the wisdom and the insight to be able to do it I God it took me three years of prompting by God to do it and in the end he had to take me and you know even last year you you can see my journey through the vision destiny series of the original thing when he said you can deal with this fallen angel and I'm like yeah but I didn't really want to so I just left it and then I talked to Nancy and I hadn't engaged I told Nancy about it and I was like okay maybe I'm not so off so off put beam here perhaps and then two more times he said I said well now you can deal with this and in the end he said now I'm going to take you so he took me and showed me what to do to deal with it you know and that I didn't do that rightly and subsequently then I've then done that more the same thing with dimensional things you know I share some of my journey to engage other dimensions and to engage other dimensional beings because I had a mandate to do it you know I would not be encouraging anyone to go and try and do these things they're so great not don't don't go and jump into these things and get yourself in hot water creates demons he created Satan and he then introduced all these silly things to us would he restore him well if God created a being that was a covering cherub the was intimate with him why would he not want to restore that being to that real original relationship and purpose because therefore why not you see we look at it from a humanistic point of view that isn't fair they've done terrible things therefore they don't deserve to be restored well then why do we you know have we not done terrible things you see and this is our problem we make value judgments on the basis of what we do rather than what God's original purpose was restoration is back to God's original purpose he didn't do these things for it to fall apart and not work so he wants to restore it back to his original intention so we will have things restored but you know I wouldn't I wouldn't so let it be a problem to you know you know because God will make it clear if he wants you to be involved in that and when he wants to be involved in it and don't try and do something if he doesn't give you clarity about it okay a lot of it is you know the same thing applies to people people some people think that some people don't deserve to be saved do you like well God's already saved everybody most people don't know it so we value judge on performance of what they've done in scales of badness so Hitler wouldn't deserve to be saved because he did such terrible things Stalin people we see us you know huge despots and dictators who've murdered millions of people well they don't deserve well why Jesus died for them this much he died for anybody else that's human justice it's human a do-it-yourself knowledge it's not coming from a loving father God didn't create things for destruction Wow and I don't believe he created demons at all right demons were the result of fallen angels ethically engaging with humanity to produce beings that didn't have a human spirit because every human spirit that God created he had a person for that spirit to be and he didn't create demons so personally I don't believe demons can be restored but I do believe everything God did create camp so thank you yeah I'm going into that in much more detail at the moment and you know I've just done for four sessions really on what can and what can't be restored why who how and I and I share my journey from the beginning of God first introducing that to me at working it both with fallen angels and other dimensional beings I'm not official intelligence I think artificial intelligence would be our creation not gods so we may be different intellect that God has given us and we may be using creativity that God's given us but we can use our creativity in a really negative way as much as in a positive way so just because we've created something doesn't mean it was God's intention in the first place that we did it so you know we've got to be careful that we are not operating out of our own understanding of these things but we get everything from our relationship with the father you know the father has led me on this journey I didn't had no intention of going down this road I would avoided it I've avoided going this thin this road but he led me down it you know I didn't know that I was going down it until I was on it and therefore moving towards it but every encounter I've had with God in that loving way in his heart in eternity in the eternal now all of that those in can have even more convinced me of how God is love he cannot be anything else other than love well that makes easier then to actually believe that God would want to restore everything even those things that we don't think deserve to be restored he has a different framework than we do and as our minds are renewed to think like his it's easier to accept that he would want to restore every everything he created you know and the more I go down that path I'm engaging love and the depth and the Oracles of the Father's heart and realizing how passionate he is for his creation you know it makes total sense to me that he has within the foundation of creation built into it the possibility of everything can be restored on the foundation stone of creation the lamb was slain before the formation of the world or the existence so built within creation is its restoration now for mankind Jesus became a being took on our DNA if you like and represented us as the son of man he didn't become an angel so Jesus didn't die for angels on the cross per se because he didn't become an angel he represented us and took our death but we're not talking about Redemption from a lost state we're talking about restoration to a position that's different you know but I do believe there there's a there's a scripture in Colossians chapter 1 that says that all things were created by him and for him and all things are held together through him and through him God was pleased to reconcile everything all things to himself so that's reconciliation which is bringing parties which are divided back together and it says that through Jesus Lord was pleased to reconcile all things and again I believe that's the all things that Jesus created and those were the all things that God placed into his hands according to John and he will lose nothing that God has placed in his hands and he placed all things in his hands but all things created by him and that's the that's the clear message of that passage in Colossians 1 all things were created through him and for him he holds all things together and all things have been reconciled to him and I think that stacks up when it comes to looking at restoration thank you thank you very much it's I know I know these things are quite difficult these topics are quite difficult because you know it's not how we've been conditioned through most of our evangelical view if we come from that background if you come from an orthodox background although some of these things are not so strange but an evangelical background is very rigid in its view and it's a very modern thing so in the last 200 years 250 years of these thoughts have been really their influencing people mostly but I wouldn't get too burned up about it if it's not something that God's asking you to do then just park it and you know if you feel drawn towards it for some reason then ask ask him do you have a mandate you know again no I would not be encouraging people to go out there and find out all the dragons to talk taming and stuff you know it's just like it you know but some people are and I'm talking to a number of people who have been mandated to do that and that's okay all right okay I'm gonna amaz put her hand out there she's not asked a question yet so I'll throw it open to you and then if we got time we'll go back to Stella yeah Emma good morning hi her afternoon sorry yes yeah I think you just answered eloquently answered my question because I've been so excited to see truth like you said popping up in so many different areas and then I wanna oh well if that's true then you know let me see what's around it and how would I talk to somebody who who is in that system that sees that truth so I think maybe that's part of what God's calling me to do when I'm asking him about that I haven't got clear direction yet so thanks to hearing you month after month say it's the relationship it's it's the experience it's not the head knowledge and that's awesome so that said I've been excited to hear about how there are heart their brain cells in the heart that actually the the communication but from the heart to the brain is so much more powerful than from the brain to the heart so when God says as a man thinks in his heart so is he oh my gosh that makes so much sense something I I was getting along with the person who was relaying that information though was about the pineal gland and the third eye and why should I or should I not activate that seems like we are activating our spirits to engage with God so maybe their use the same can you know terminology but heading off in a different direction and yes I am asking thought about this but I would like to know if if you have any information there are there are sort of neurological cells in three parts of the body in fact their heart the brain and the gut and they all have in sort of different ways of communicating so we talk about gut instinct so there are things programmed if you like that are triggered instinctively also the heart the key is everything flows from the inside out so first years I tried to get people to get what they believe in their head into their heart and actually it's the other way round what we've experienced within our heart then changes how we think not the other way round you know you can't solve the problem with the same problem thing that created it and that's our understanding and our intellect we've created the problems you can't solve it with your own understanding so we need encounters the encounters are true knowledge and that true knowledge or testimony changes how we feel think and then act so it all flows from the inside out when it comes to things like the pineal gland and other things chakra as gateways all of that stuff there is truth there but that doesn't mean the system behind that truth is all true and again I would be I don't think of activating my PIN you're glad I just activate my imagination or have done and engage my spirit so I can engage if God had said to me oh well when you do this your pineal gland is activated well okay that's fine you never did so I've never really thought about it in that way I'm not denying that the pineal gland may have a role in that type of a discernment or engagement but he never really talked to me about it so I wouldn't I wouldn't use that terminology but also I am aware that if you send someone down that route then there are a lot of also things which I don't believe are true attached to those things which can for some take them off track and take them down a path away from the truth even though there is some truth in yeah and that's the danger a little bit of truth can be mixed in with a lot of things which aren't true I can resonate with the truth generally and discard the rest but not everyone necessarily could and I wouldn't want to be needing to do that to be honest so it's safe just to stick with engaging God because he we know that Jesus is the truth and so that should be our primary form of wisdom and godly knowledge through our engagements with him and therefore the Spirit of Truth will lead us to the truth rather than going around in just because something is true doesn't make it necessarily something we should do yeah and you know take your lead from the father as you say go back to him you know but those talking about the pineal gland and the activating it majority of them are not coming from a relationship with the father there may be some that are and that's okay you know but some of it is terminology and what does it really matter so long as it as long as you're engaging God in one sense I don't really need to know what the correct term is for anything in reality as long as I'm engaging and actually there are lots of different terms for different things because people relate to things in a different way and that's all okay you know it seems like it's enlightenment versus in gay relationship yeah and there there are so many things that these people are saying that that are really right on and and it seems like they're you know they're wanting love they're they're believing in this this love thing and I'm like but just get to Jesus so that's that's something that I'm I'm really wanting God to show me is how do i how do I show them that it's relationship that's the most important when they seem to have they seem to have so much with their their process and yet it's it's a person it is a person and you will find if you get into a good enough relationship with those people but they are broken a lot of them and whatever they're doing is not necessarily fixing their brokenness because what's missing is the depth of identity that can only come through a relationship with the father you cannot get the depth of relationship that brings our identity from any of those things that they're doing it will still be coming from the knowledge of the tree of good and evil and that that's the problem with some of this when you have mixture mixture is never any good now Jesus you know in Revelation where it says you know I'd rather it be hot or cold rather than lukewarm a mixture of two things so yeah mixture is not a good thing and it takes a lot to see that or extract truth out of mixture so easier to get the truth without the mixture that that's my personal view you know because I don't want to make it more difficult for people to engage God to have to go through another sort of belief system or anything else I do believe we should have a belief system that can be rigged a jables who are seeking the truth and that's the problem with the religious system it does not make it easy for seekers of truth to engage it because it is legalistic often and coming without the freedom because it's a law based thing and they're looking for freedom but we can find the freedom in the relationship with Christ so that knowledge does not come through intellect but through experience and then we don't lean to our own understanding of that experience to create our own theology and doctrine around our experiences which can be done and that's not what I want to do I don't want to build then I want to encourage people to have their own experience but with the framework that those experiences are based in love you know and that's the key you know and love is unconditional for it to be love and what a lot of people are talking about love is not love at all you know some of its sentiment and some of it is selfish in fact you know and love cannot be selfish it's just totally impossible for love to be selfish because unconditional love cannot be selfish so you know when I've engaged people I try and relate to where they're broken and introduce them to healing of their own soul and a lot of them are ministering healing to other nurse out of the brokenness of their own Souls so get beneath that but without judgment and without you know negativity but look to get underneath but that takes trust and that takes building relationship with someone for them to trust you at that level but that's where you can have insight in that you can discern there heart and the thoughts of their heart as Jesus did and have insight into some of the things going on within their art and then you can help them by bringing that into the light with them in a way that helps them find wholeness in it you know because I don't believe any of those things will bring people into a wholeness that can only come with a relationship with father that's why you know all the quantum physicists who have truth and knowledge but have gone through a more Eastern mindset because the Western Christian mindset didn't work it does if you frame it the right way there's nothing about believing in Jesus having a relationship with Jesus and the father that stops us believing any of the quantum physics stuff all it all lines up with who Jesus created and how he created everything but the religious system does not and therefore people reject the religious system but they throw the baby out of the bathwater and they reject God along with it unfortunately but we need to love them have compassion for them as God does and look for ways of showing love to them and that means acceptance with not necessary agreement you know you know I can converse with people about lots of different things doesn't mean I agree with them but I also don't need to condemn them and I don't have to tell them they're wrong it's not my responsibility to tell them they're wrong I want to point them to a loving father who will help them and unfortunately we have a habit of trying to get people to conform to a behavioral standard before they can belong and actually that's not how God does it God included everyone in Christ and is included in everybody not because of our confirmation because of what he's done you know and that's what we've got to help people to see and have an experience of and helping them encounter is the best way you know there used to having spiritual experiences people these people and they're all children of God God loves them they've already got a Holy Spirit are working them we just have to introduce that help them to have an encounter with love you know and you can use generic terms love is love you don't have to use God or Jesus in the initial engagements with that Jesus is quite capable of revealing himself is the light you know so help people to encounter and trust that God will do the rest you know that's that's what we tend to do with people okay I've got a quickly if there's a quick one Stella finally if you got you know you got you know you're still muted Nemo yeah they again one of the questions was out of curiosity um when when I was listening to 20/20 you mentioned that you were a bit apprehensive oh I don't know what the right word you used when you were encountering the other dimension with the other bees yeah why would that be why would it be Experion yeah I mean I I was given a task to engage these things I was reluctant and hesitant because I didn't understand and I didn't think I had enough knowledge and to do to deal with it and it's pretty out-there stuff you know and yeah it took me four years from the initial encounter with a quest to engage beyond beyond and engage dimensions to really engaging them you know that went from 2015 I think up to 2019 when I really did engage so but the timing is now right for sharing that sort of thing whereas five four years ago five years ago it wasn't even know you know well for a lot of people yes it will cause a lot of problems for people now you know and I it shows that the hesitancy or fear within the soul can project onto what you see things that make it harder than it actually is so when I saw the doorway in two dimensions I saw it as a slit of light in a revolving door but I couldn't get through or I didn't know how to get through well actually it's not like that at all but that was the projection of my soul that made it harder than it actually was because I didn't want to go through it anyway so it was my soul sphere that did that so we've got to be careful that we discern correctly in these things now it is a diffracted portal that i can go through and see through but diffract in a diffracted way and I'm not fearful of going through it still doesn't mean I'm confident of knowing what to do and a it's not my responsibility to do it all either so that's why I share it to raise other people who can go and do it as well you know because there are loads and loads of dimensions and I'm sure loads and loads of things within those dimensions to deal with my testimony is just to say hey there is more that's possible than we can imagine or think probably so okay I'm going to leave it there and all
Channel: Mike Parsons
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Length: 79min 31sec (4771 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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