My TOP 20 EASY Freezer Meals for Instant Pot or Slow Cooker!

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well this little girl is coming in about three weeks so i thought that i would put together some freezer meals today so yesterday it kind of hit me this little baby is coming very soon the thing is i am not ready whatsoever we don't have a crib we barely got a stroller it came in the mail yesterday and i just i just feel like i am not ready for this baby so i thought okay maybe i can prepare for some things after the baby comes like make some freezer meals so today i'm going to share some freezer meal tips and tricks and then also my top 20 favorite freezer meals and hopefully they'll help you out a little bit now if you want something a little bit easier down below in the description i have eight of my favorite freezer meals that you can make in an hour so if you do want to bulk up a little bit these eight in an hour are perfect links down below you'll get an email with all the stuff so my first tip is don't feel like you need to make 50 freezer meals in one day i actually like to make them just one day at a time so i will make just my normal recipe a freezer meal recipe then i'll double it so i can eat one meal and then freeze the other so i can have it in about two weeks now as you're freezing these meals make sure that when you get the gallon size bag that they are freezer bags there's a difference if you just get the normal baggies you're gonna get some freezer burn on your food which defeats the purpose we want to make this easier for you so when buying bags freezer gallon bags that's the secret now the best way to cook a freezer meal is to put it in the refrigerator the night before that way most of it will be thawed it'll be a lot easier to cook it either that next morning or even closer to dinner time now when freezing your freezer meals i like to save as much space as possible i don't have a ton of room in my freezer so i lay them down flat and freeze them flat so they can stack on top of each other just saving myself a little bit of space and my last tip is don't make freezer meals just to make freezer meals make sure that you're making food that your family will actually eat this is important all right if you guys are ready let's just jump into the recipes [Music] all right so we're going to start with one pound of very thinly sliced steak and i just cut it into little pieces then we have a few things that we need so we need some cornstarch some soy sauce some ginger i like to use the paste but it just makes your life so much easier that's already done then we have some garlic some crushed red pepper some sesame seeds yes you will want this because it's just fun then you need a little bit of brown sugar some sesame oil some vegetable oil and then a lot a lot of broccoli okay so first you're gonna put your steak into a freezer mail bag there we go i love these little bendable cutting boards they're my favorite and you're gonna take a fourth cup of cornstarch now i know that seems like a lot but trust me on this one and we're just gonna put it right into the freezer bag all right then you're going to take that off you want to make sure there's air in it we're just going to shake it all up because we want the cornstarch to cover all of the steak then you're just going to take all the air out of this one zip it up and then just put it to the side okay so you're gonna do a half cup of soy sauce then i have four tablespoons of brown sugar about one teaspoon of garlic minced garlic and then about half a teaspoon of the ginger one teaspoon of sesame seeds a half teaspoon of sesame oil and then 1 4 teaspoon of red pepper flakes then you're just going to mix this all together okay and we're just going to pour this into a freezer mill bag too whoa okay these little stands are saving me today okay we're going to zip this up except for a little bit we're gonna get all the air out of this we don't want any air all right so we have our last freezer mill bag i know this uses a lot of bags but if you're gonna freeze it this works the best way so we're gonna put our steak in the bottom then we're gonna put our sauce right on top and then we're gonna add about three to four cups of broccoli i'm just gonna fill it until it's to the top and i am breaking these pieces into smaller pieces because they're really really big you know what i'm saying once it's all done oh i can fit a little bit more in there i'm gonna i'm gonna fill it as full as we can we're going to close it just until there's a little bit left you want to squeeze all that air out all right beef and broccoli teriyaki done all right it's time to cook the beef and broccoli teriyaki now i'm gonna use my instant pot to cook the broccoli and then my stove top to cook the rest so i'm gonna hold on to the sauce and then just dump in the broccoli just in the bottom of my instant pot if you don't have an instant pot that's okay you can actually cook it in the microwave you just want to steam the broccoli so now i'm just going to add about a half cup of water and then put the lid on now if you have a little knob you would turn this to sealing but because i don't have one i don't have to touch anything now the broccoli i am only going to cook for well zero minutes because we just want it cooked we don't want a soggy there we go set it to zero and you can walk away all right so i pulled out the steak i put this actually in my fridge um this morning so i mean it's still pretty frozen but it's starting to thaw a little bit and then the sauce is pretty much thawed ready to go so i'm gonna pour just a little olive oil into a pan we're gonna heat it up to high heat all right gonna go ahead add my steak there we go and then cook it until it's pretty much all the way cooked through all right it's looking good i'm gonna go ahead and add my sauce this is all done and our broccoli just beeped so let's pull that out so it's been done for about three minutes i usually like to do it right when it's done but we need to release the pressure here now while that's releasing i kind of cheated and i love uncle ben's ready rice so we cooked up some brown and wild rice and then lots of you have been asking of what else i have with it so i just made an asian salad it comes in a package super simple and easy but i just like to have lots of vegetable options um at dinner time all right broccoli is all done nice and steamed let's put it together so first we're gonna start off with just a little bit of rice oh i made a big mess then i'm gonna add my broccoli next i like my broccoli on the side next your yummy beef i like it on top of the rice then i like to have my salad on the side my kids also love fruit when we have fruit with our meals so always make sure i have some sort of fruit and you guys that's really kind of what we eat for our dinner so we always have the main dish and then i always just throw in a few sides too okay so i'm first gonna start with my chicken i love to put it in the bottom of my freezer mill bag it just makes my life a little easier we're gonna add the rice next so we have two cups of rice you can rinse your rice if you want to if you know me by now i don't rinse my rice next is the canned goods so we have some black beans we're going to dump in some canned corn now it said the recipe called to drain this corn i feel like it's okay if you leave it but we drained it today then we have rotel tomatoes we have two cans of those now this is optional these are diced jalapenos they're super hot so i'm just actually gonna add just a little bit of these so my kids will still eat the recipe so if you use your finger make sure you wash your hands later you will regret it if you don't next we have one packet of ranch seasoning and then one packet of taco seasoning okay so we're actually going to close this up now just because we're going to add our liquid when it comes time to cooking it and i'll show you that in just a little bit look at those layers this is awesome all right now you have a few options when it comes to freezing it i like to lay mine flat and stack them on top of each other but some people like to make them more of a round shape so they'll easily fit in the instant pot but i would suggest having this thought before you cook it that's how i'm gonna cook it and i'll show you how to do it okay now this is all thought ready to go if it's frozen i wouldn't suggest doing this from frozen unless you took your rice out if you didn't freeze your rice but because i froze my rice you want to make sure you stick it in the fridge the night before so you're ready to go so we're just going to dump this whole thing into the insta pot you can see that my rice we put one of the first things down and that's kind of how i wanted it i want to make sure that we have enough water that it will cover it so i have about two and a half cups of water and the goal is we just need to cover this rice so you actually want to get a spoon and you want to make sure all your rice is touching the water because if it's not you're going to have crunchy rice and no one wants crunchy rice all right we're going to put the lid on now this one has a little knob so we want to make sure it's on ceiling okay we're going to go pressure cook and then we're going to go up to 12 minutes set the timer and then you can just walk away all right we let all the pressure out done cooking let's check this out done cooking mixing it all up before real she's very opinionated about her mixing huh yes oh this looks so good while that's cooling we're just gonna shred a little bit of colby and monterey jack cheese we need cheese on top of this put this into my bowl freshly shredded cheese on top i'm gonna serve it just like this now i had a wonderful helper put the beat in the bag because if you missed it i had a huge announcement a few videos back i'll put it right up there in case you want to see what it is and why i don't do meat right now i put my chuck roast in here then i'm gonna add just one cup of salsa and if you know me you know i like to eyeball we eyeball a lot here yeah that looks like a cup then it's called three envelope sliders for a reason so we're gonna have one package of lipton onion soup mix one package of zesty italian seasoning and then one package of aju gravy now i know those sound like they don't go together but i'm telling you this has so much flavor and then we're just gonna add one cup of water just right on top to mix all those spices together and that is it so we're going to pull this off and i'm going to show you how i cook it now i like to do this one thought too you're just going to throw everything in there's enough liquid in there right now that it will pressurize just fine now you can do this from frozen too that's totally fine you will cook it for a little bit longer so i'm actually gonna put the lid on oh there's no sealing or venting thing to on this instant pot you're gonna push pressure cook and then i'm actually gonna cook this for about an hour so you can push pressure cooker manual button and then i'm gonna cook this for about an hour and a half just because i like it nice and tender now my secret with cooking roasts is that you put it in in the morning you let it cook for about 90 minutes or so and then you're gonna leave it in there until it's time for dinner so i like to do it in the morning so it will stay in there for about six to eight hours that's how you get a very tender roast in the instant pot it's like a slow cooker but just a little different all right we are all done here we're gonna go ahead and lift it up looks good it's been sitting for a few hours it's easiest for me to just pull it out and to shred it on here instead of shredding it in the instant pot all right so i've shredded all the beef now i'm just gonna put it right back into the sauce because that's what makes it taste so good the meat is done it's time to make the sliders so i have hawaiian rolls which are my favorite we're just cutting them in half i like to stick mine in like a 9x13 pan so i put the bottom of the sliders down so i'm first gonna add the meat so as you add it you want to make sure that you try and drain as much juice as possible out because they will get pretty soggy if you do not okay our meat is on it doesn't look as pretty as it could but that's okay and then i'm just gonna add a little piece of cheese to each slider we want to put the cheese on top because that's what we want to melt as we broil it okay now we're going to take these and put them in the broiler when the cheese is good and melted it's time to put the tops on you can cook it with the tops too but i just like the cheese to be melted i'm good to go first i am just prepping everything so i'm cooking up one and a half pounds of meat and then chopping up all the vegetables all right now it's time to just dump everything in so we're gonna start with the ground beef and this was a little harder than i thought so i'm actually just going to scoop it right in now i do like using these little freezer meal holders i'll put a link down below for you they're my favorite just they hold everything open so i can make a freezer meal by myself next it calls for six russet potatoes but my potatoes were big so i'm just putting four in today next i'm gonna add all the spices i'll put them down below in the description for you just because yeah it's a little easier that way next up is one pound of carrots i like to get the big carrots chop them up into small pieces we're gonna fit them all in here once the carrots are in you're gonna get some beans wash them first trim the edges yeah half pound of those and last but not least an onion no i like to cut it like slice it up a little bit so you can still have a little bit of a taste of an onion okay this is all we're gonna put in there right now because this these things are safe to cook in the instant pot also if you are going to do it in the slow cooker i suggest doing it this way too all right so i am using the instant pot go ahead and just dump everything out of your freezer milk and do your pot now because it is an instant pot we need a little bit of water so i'm just going to add a half a cup to a cup of water if we need it to pressurize okay go ahead and put your lid on there we go if you have a little knock make sure it's turned to ceiling not venting then we're going to go down to pressure cook and cook it just for 10 minutes we just need to cook pretty much those potatoes and the vegetables and 10 minutes we'll get the job done okay once we're at 10 with this instant pot i don't have to push start so i can just walk away now if you're not making this into a freezer mill the recipe down below is for a slow cooker you don't even have to pre-cook your meat you just kind of dump everything in the slow cooker and it will cook all day the instant pot is a little bit different you have to cook your meat so cook it this way if you're doing freezer meals in either one i would still do it just like i showed you all right while we're waiting for that to finish up cooking we're going to add one can of cream of mushroom soup to a bowl it's a hobo dinner you need some sort of cream of mushroom something right and then we're going to do about half a cup of barbecue sauce and then just mix that all together okay when your timer is all done you're going to release all the pressure all right once all the pressure's out you can go ahead and take off your lid okay now we're gonna add our barbecue sauce and cream of mushroom soup and then just mix this all together now there is a little bit of liquid in there you can dump that out beforehand but you don't have to now you're gonna start with a chuck roast it's like three to four pounds that i cut up into about six to eight pieces then we're gonna add a lot of spices right on top of the meat i'm gonna put them down below in the directions for you so i don't have to name them all off but sarah go ahead and dump all the spices okay next you're gonna add one can of diced chilies about three teaspoons of minced garlic then i'm gonna have the juice of two limes and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar all right sarah's gonna dump in one onion you go ahead and dump it in these are chipotles chipotle peppers and adobo sauce so i'm gonna get three of these and put them in there there we go so just three of them okay and then about three-fourths cup of beef broth kids are at school and sarah is home and she likes to help me cook kind of sarah yeah yeah all right and that's it we're going to zip it up right um sure all right you know how to do it good work all right now we're going to show you how to cook it now if you're going to cook it in instant pot if you've cut it up into chunks like this you only have to cook it for about 60 minutes and then i would let it release on its own for about an hour or two now if you're in a slow cooker you're gonna go to seven to eight hours slow slow um you don't have to change the recipe this will work slow cooker or instant pot we are ready to cook this works best if it is thawed if you're gonna cook it from frozen whether you're using the insula or slow cooker add an hour okay we're just dumping this whole thing in because it's thought there's some liquid in there already so we don't even have to worry about it go ahead and put your lid on make sure if you have a little knob it's turned to ceiling there we go ceiling's not venting okay so we're gonna push pressure cook and then we're gonna go up to 60 minutes just because we like it nice and tender once you set it on this one i can just walk away when it's done i let it sit here for a little bit just to get really tender then i'm gonna pull it out and shred it up then i just threw it back in because we want to get it all nice and saucy oh man so you can do so many things with this but i like mine nice and basic because there's so much flavor in this meat so i'm gonna make two little street tacos whoops and then i love adding a little bit of fresh onions i know that sounds weird but man if you've had some good street tacos fresh onions are my favorite and then just a little bit of cilantro that's it that is all you need for these awesome awesome tacos you're gonna write on your freezer meal bag and then start putting everything in now i have instant pot and smoker slow cooker instructions for you down below in the description but today we're doing instant pot because you guys know what's my favorite you're gonna start by putting three or four chicken breasts into the bottom of your freezer meal bag next i'm gonna throw in the spices now all the spices are down below for you because there's quite a bit so the next thing you need is a red pepper and a green pepper and an onion here's the problem pulled out my stuff they were a little moldy my bad so i had a fajita mix that has red peppers green peppers and onions mixed with yeah there's not as many but that's okay so i have my red peppers and green peppers and i cut up a jalapeno not a ton of jalapeno because my kids don't love the heat but i like the flavor so didn't cut it put in any seeds just jalapeno peppers okay next i'm gonna add a can of diced tomatoes and green chilies just pour that right on top and the last thing is four cups of chicken broth you can have this now or you can add it when you're ready to cook but i'm gonna do it now so i don't have to think about it later now you're just gonna go ahead and sip it on all right hold out my instant pot now this is obviously thought right now but if it was frozen you would cook it for 25 minutes in your instant pot or you would go about six to eight hours in your slow cooker so i'm gonna take this because it's all thought my chicken's kind of thick so we're gonna cook it for 20 minutes all right you're gonna put the lid on make sure if you have a little knob turn the ceiling then we're gonna push pressure cook and then go up to 25 minutes nope 20 20. like i said 20 minutes when the timer's all done you're gonna go ahead and release all that pressure while the pressure is releasing i'm gonna go ahead and add four tablespoons of butter and about two teaspoons or so of minced garlic just gonna put that in there mix this around until all the butter is melted and then we're gonna add a little bit of flour butter is all melted garlic smells amazing we're gonna add about a fourth cup of flour now the recipe calls for whole wheat flour i just can't find my whole wheat flour right now so i'm using white flour and it will be just fine too so we're gonna cook this for about a minute all right it's looking good we're gonna go ahead and pull this off now all the pressure should be out of the instant pot so we're just gonna add this to it so i'm gonna hurry and quickly pull out the chicken and we're gonna shred this after the chicken's pulled out then we're gonna add off our little uh [Applause] that we cooked up we're just going to dump this right in we want to thicken up this soup and add a little garlic too okay now to thicken it up we're gonna go ahead and push cancel and then we're gonna push saute so we're gonna let this saute while we shred up the chicken all right shredded all the chicken threw it back in and we're just gonna let this thicken up a little bit okay it is time to put it into the soup bowl and then on top of this because it is you know king chicken we of course need some cheese and then i'm gonna add a little bit of cilantro too i love cilantro on my king chicken so i added this at the end because my some of my kids don't love cilantro but i could eat it for every meal especially when i'm pregnant a huge thanks to mallory if you haven't met malory hi malory hi she's picking the meat for me all right so the first thing we're doing for this recipe is cooking up the meat and then once that's cooked a little bit through we're gonna add the delicious onions okay so we put in our ground beef and onions and garlic put it all in there so next we're gonna add our kidney beans now i've rinsed and drained those and i have one can of tomato soup now for my pre-cut items we have two cups of carrots and i love getting the big carrots and just cutting them little i just like the flavor of them a little bit more and we have two peppers here i have a yellow pepper and a red pepper and then it calls for one cup of celery but i love celery so this is close to two cups and i feel okay about it and we're just gonna add some seasoning so we have italian seasoning and salt and pepper we'll just put right on top we're gonna close it up right now just because we don't wanna add the noodles yet we're gonna wait for those so i'm gonna show you how i cook the noodles and the beef broth so we're gonna put this aside you just wanna make sure you have some little noodles and then some beef broth all right so to cook it i like to cook it thawed it just makes it a lot easier if it is frozen it will still work but just make sure that all your pasta is covered with some liquid okay we're just gonna dump this whole thing in now i'm gonna pour in all the pasta and this is the little pasta it's so tiny i can't pronounce it very well so i'm not gonna but we're gonna put all of it in then we just have three cups of beef broth and i'll show you what i'm going to do in just a second because we want to make sure all that pasta is covered so to cover the pasta we have liquid in there breakfast is going to try and scoop the pasta down into the liquid i'm going to add a little bit more liquid because i need that pasta covered so on all i'm actually going to add four cups of the chicken broth well it's about as covered as i can get so we're just gonna put the lid on turn that little little knob to the ceiling not venting so you're going to push pressure cook or manual we're actually just going to go to five minutes because we need the vegetables and pasta cooked so once you set it you can just walk away so we're starting with about a pound and a half of chicken breasts they're frozen about four chicken breasts we just threw them in there and then we're gonna dump in half a container of salsa so this is a 16 ounce container you just need a cup of salsa if you've got some in your fridge great use that up right okay then we just have some black beans a can of black beans rinsed and drained because you don't want the black stuff in it the sludge part right and then we just have a can of corn that's also been drained we're throwing that in it's okay if you don't drain that one you don't really have to but yeah yeah we did and then we're just going to do a half package of taco seasoning so i literally just kind of feel for the half okay and then just pour about half of it in and then it's made out of like the kind of like foil material that you can just like roll it up and use it again so next time we're gonna save this for another recipe and then we've got some water about what a cup yeah about a half a cup or so yeah just so it will come to pressure exactly so in an instant pot this is going to cook for 25 minutes because it's frozen and a slow cooker how long is this we did like three to four hours high or six to eight on low kind of watch your chicken breasts because they don't have a lot of fat and so they tend to dry out in a slow cooker i would check in about six hours on low it's probably not sure it's okay yeah and then with the rest of our 25 ingredients that we have in here there's also some tortillas and then of course our giant bag of cheese that you'll be seeing a lot in these recipes yes we love cheese those are your toppings for your easy black bean and corn yep salsa chicken first of all just know it's a pork roast and so in the instant pot it's going to cook for about 70 minutes or so it's kind of a smaller one so 70 minutes is fine and then if you're in the slow cooker i like to cook my pork roast for like 10 hours like eight to ten on on low low and slow exactly yup so put it on our bag and now we'll put all the directions for all of these recipes for you down below in the description okay got our bag ready to go you ready yep so these two ingredients are just salt and liquid smoke so liquid smoke you find on the barbecue aisle at the grocery store like where all the barbecue sauce is now here's where you have to get down and dirty to do this well you don't have to you could sprinkle it on but i found that the flavor is even better if you can kind of rub the salt in like massage it into the pork it's going to give it just a little bit more flavor kind of give it that crusty outside i like it so do about half on one side and then we'll flip it over and rub the other half now here's the thing if you're short on time don't worry about this step you can just dump it in you can just dump it out that's usually what i do is just dumping and it's good but you love flavor like i do go ahead and rub it in and then we're just gonna pour the liquid smoke on top i just kept the pork in its tray so it could kind of catch the drippings and you can just throw it all away when you're done yeah exactly and i'm gonna flip it over and do the other half so with this i found that it's best to use like a little bit fattier cut of pork nice so keep these fat marblings in don't feel like you need to trim them because that's what's going to add tenderness and moistness to this juiciness yeah right hey i'm gonna put it right in there perfect now if you're cooking this in the slow cooker you just put it right in yep as is it'll be enough moisture you'll be fine it'll be fine but if you're doing the instant pot you need to add about a half a cup of water to it before you cook it we're gonna close this up and stick it in the freezer this is yeah we're ready to go ready to go awesome so now that the kahlua is done you can easily shred it it should just fall apart use you can use two forks or like we have we're using these bear claw shredders that are super nice when you're shredding meat so you can serve this as part of our 25 ingredients we have flour tortillas but we love to serve this over rice it's delicious just over a bread of rice put your favorite vegetables on top you can also do it in a wrap you can do it on a salad or here's my favorite save a little bit if you have any leftovers put it on top of homemade pizza clue pork pizza it is so good and put some peppers on there some banana peppers i love it it's delicious so there's my kahlua pork secret so we're gonna throw this together this i love even the simple recipes like this because i prep it all and then my kids can take care of it right or you just don't have to think about what's for dinner you just pull it out like okay we're done yeah so here we go so the first ingredient is ground turkey or you can use ground beef whatever you want to use but we use ground turkey it was that's why we did it okay and then we're going to add a can of diced tomatoes but you want to make sure that it does have like some green chilies or something in it you'll notice this one is called chili ready like literally made for chili exactly so we'll add those in it's got some really good seasonings in it but it smells like chili tea all right next one last one is just chili beans and we want to keep the liquid in there because that's going to because it's added to this chili it's a soup yeah yeah so we do need some liquid in there exactly and then that's it all right so we wouldn't suggest cooking this in the instant pot just because there's not a ton of liquid and you don't want a really liquidy chili so i suggest slow cooker for like three to four hours on low or even on your stovetop and just until it's heated through so super simple and then one of our other ingredients is cheese so you can throw a little cheese on top and then we also have some frozen rolls that you can cook and have it with your soup that's part of our 25 ingredients so super simple easy meal so i put the pork roast in there and if you watch there are killer deals on pork roast plus if you buy it in a two pack it's even cheaper right so you could double this so easily and yeah yeah and so then we're just gonna pour in a bottle of barbecue sauce you can get whatever flavor you want so today we're trying the texas style barbecue sauce from kroger which is my favorite like when we were in texas i always used to buy it because i love texas we need to taste the style it does i love the black pepper flavor of this so good and then so you usually only need about two cans of root beer but you can't really just buy buy two cans and so it was so much cheaper to buy a two liter bottle and so we're just doing 24 ounces which is about a third of our cheerleader and then tonight for desserts yes that is the perfect summer dessert i'm just gonna add a little bit more there we go okay okay now if you don't have root beer you could use coke yes you could use dr pepper just you just want the sweetness and the sugar from the soda pop that really just makes it so good really moist fall apart exactly good to go okay so to make this in the slow cooker which is actually the way i prefer this kind of that low slow method eight to ten hours on low and then you just shred it up or in the instant pot because it's going to be a frozen roast um 70 to 90 minutes yeah where this one's about two and a half three pounds what did you say i would say like seventy seventy yeah yeah so 70 minutes and then you're good to go we shred this up and you can serve it on buns or we still have our frozen dinner rolls you can use some of these if you've got any left and cook those up and serve it on those little slider sandwiches i love it these are the italian styles so they're already flavored and they've got delicious taste we're going to dump them on in they're going to come out i know it okay so i dumped my balls into the bag and next i'm going to use just a traditional pasta sauce now kroger makes a ton of flavors and so you can use any flavor that you your family loves but we just we're all about traditional here and the meatballs are already seasoned so you don't need a ton of extra flavor no there's already a ton of flavor packed in there yep okay that's it that's all we need for the super simple so easy and we talked about this before yeah we know this recipe is really easy you don't have to put it in a freezer bag but we do it for convenience yes and so that you don't even have to think about what for what's for dinner tonight exactly it's in the freezer you just pull it out it's already assembled you're right and you go so there you go in the instant pot these will take seven minutes to cook but you're going to want to add at least a half cup maybe one cup of water so that it can come to pressure and then in the slow cooker i would do three to four hours on low just so they're cooked through these meatballs come pre-cooked but you want them to warm up yeah or if you're like really desperate on time or you don't have an instant pot you can just throw them on your stove top get back heat them up and you're ready to go so the sliders so we have our frozen rolls so while this is cooking you want to thaw your rolls let them rise it takes what a good three hours to rise yep and so you just want to follow the instructions on the package cook up your rolls and then you're gonna put on like two meatballs per roll and a little bit of cheese from your big bag of cheese and that's it that's how super simple they are so good everyone's gonna want them do you know what we keep these rolls in our freezer all the time we do this poker brand like even before we made this video i've been using these for years and my kids love them and i feel like i feel good because it tastes homemade we've got our bag labeled with what's going to be inside of it kristen do you want to add the chicken yes sorry opening it up there we go so depending on how big your family is yeah like if it's little you can cut this recipe in half but we usually add like four chicken breasts it will feed about four to six people so these bags are three pounds of chicken yes and i usually use it for two meals so pound and a half of each yes okay and then of course buffalo sauce we're gonna do a half cup of this this one's also got some yummy garlic flavor to it right that's one of my new favorites so good then we're just gonna add just uh eight ounces of cream cheese we'll just throw it on in and literally just throwing in a whole bunch of blocks and then i've got half a cup of water because we need it to come to pressure if you're cooking it in the instant pot and the added moisture in your slow cooker too is fantastic exactly so to cook in a slow cooker you're going to need six to eight hours on low and in an instant pot we put on here 25 minutes because you're cooking from frozen and they're big like they're small chicken breasts we could easily do 15 to 20. but cause they're big we're doing 25. and because we do want the liquid to be separate we're not going to mix it in we're not gonna mix that cream cheese in there right now you can do it after it's done cooking exactly okay so when it's all done cooking you're gonna shred up that chicken and just mix in the cream cheese with it making it nice and creamy and good then you're gonna take the mixture and put it in your frozen dough now it's not gonna be frozen actually anymore you're gonna pull it out let it thaw a little bit so you can stretch the dough you're going to put in your chicken and then put a little bit of cheese on top and then pinch it up on both on all four sides and then you're going to cook it at about 350 degrees for anywhere from like 15 to 25 minutes just watch it make sure it doesn't burn now you know i love the instant pot and so i already cooked my ground turkey in the instant pot just to have it ready to go so i'm just gonna add that we have a pound of ground turkey now those that we're asking you can make this with ground beef and it would be delicious if you're trying to go a little bit healthier try the ground turkey i love ground turkey the next thing we're gonna do is just add about four cloves of garlic just in there and then one tablespoon of ginger then we're gonna add some sweetness to it so we're gonna add about three tablespoons i'm just gonna let that pour out three tablespoons of honey actually no i am gonna scoop it there we go and then about three tablespoons of soy sauce now if you want a little bit of kick i'm adding about a fourth teaspoon of red pepper flakes and then about a half teaspoon of pepper so let's pour that in there okay then this is what i gives it some really good flavor is using the sesame oil so we're going to add one and a half teaspoons of sesame oil just in here too oops a little more but that's okay and then i like to shred the big carrots so this is just one carrot shredded now if you want to buy the pre-packaged already little bits of carrots you can do that too okay we've got it all take out my little spoon here and we're gonna zip it up so i know what you're thinking there's no liquid in this i know there's well there's a little bit of soy sauce but that's about it um so when you're cooking this in the instant pot if you're gonna cook it from frozen you're gonna want to add about a a fourth to a half a cup of either chicken broth or water you just need that liquid in there to pressurize and you're only going to cook it for about two minutes or i mean you could easily easily just put on your stove top or in the microwave and just microwave it it'll be it'll be all ready to go everything's cooked you're ready to go but i like to do the pressure cooker so it can break down the ginger make the carrots nice and soft so two minutes in your instant pot or you can do the slow cooker too just put it in there make sure there's a little bit of water so it doesn't burn put it in there until it's just heated through so what you're going to do with this when it's done cooking so i like to put it on just some lettuce wraps these are called lettuce boats and i love how they look because they're pretty much ready to go you just pull them out and they're like perfect perfect for your lettuce wraps and then i just like to throw on a little bit of green onions too just on top to give it some good flavor one can of cream of chicken soup one package of italian seasoning one package of cream cheese this is the full eight ounces and then just two cups of chicken broth now this has four cups in it i'm just gonna eyeball about two cups okay now here's the trick of this recipe you don't want to mix everything up you just want to pull it out just like this because if you're cooking it in the instant pot you need that liquid not to be mixed in with the soups and the cream cheese now if it's thawed ready to go you're just actually gonna just dump it all right into your instant pot please don't put the bag in the instant pot while it cooks not a good thing so we're going to dump it all in then you're going to put the lid on make sure this little knob is turned to ceiling not venting then we're going to push the pressure cook button now because my chicken is frozen or if your whole thing was frozen we're gonna cook it for about 15 minutes because they're chicken tenders if you have chicken breasts in here you're actually going to cook it for 20 to 25 but because we have chicken tenders we're just going to 15 minutes once i set the timer on this instant pot i can just walk away now if you're cooking this in the slow cooker you just put it in the slow cooker and you're gonna cook it on high for three to four hours or on low for about five to six so first we're going to take two cups of butternut squash and we're just going to put it in the bottom of the freezer mill now i like to put my bigger things in the bottom of the freezer mill first so then i can pack everything in so put that in first then we have one onion that we're gonna put in here these are called red lentils now this is what the bag looks like i saved the bag so you can see it you can get it i got mine at kroger they're just little red lentils so you just need a half a cup of those we'll put those [Music] then we just have one can of diced tomatoes and then one can of coconut milk [Music] i love coconut milk that's one of my favorites all right next i'm going to add in my cauliflower now i cheated i didn't want to cut it up i got it already in the bag so you just need about two cups you can leave it in big chunks like this so i'm just going to gently put this in [Applause] about two cups or so just kind of fill it with the top okay we have about two cloves of garlic or so if you want to add more you can and then three tablespoons of curry paste so with my spices i have one teaspoon of turmeric and one and a half teaspoon of salt and they'll just pour that right on top now this doesn't have a ton of liquid in it you do have your coconut milk in it but we're going to close this up for now and sit up nice and tight okay so to cook this in the instant pot you need to add a cup of water of chicken broth and you're going to cook it for about six minutes when you're done cooking i like to turn over to quick release and let all the pressure out so when you cook it in a slow cooker you want to add one cup of water or chicken broth just to give it a little bit more liquid we're gonna start with two pounds of chicken i cubed it up i didn't want to judge it for you so it's we're just starting with it in the bag right now then we're going to go you need about one and a half cans of tomato sauce these are kind of the bigger can you can add the whole second can if you want to but i'm just gonna just do about the one and a half there we go next i'm gonna add a half a cup of chicken broth because you need that liquid in there and then i heat it up about two tablespoons of coconut oil so it's all hot right now when it freezes it will harden but that's okay because it will it will become liquid again once it gets hot in your instant pot or slow quicker so i got two tablespoons of that okay now we have a lot of spices this is what makes it good so i'm going to tell you what's in here all right so i mixed them all together so i have one and a half teaspoons of turmeric three-fourths teaspoon of salt a fourth teaspoon of pepper one teaspoon of cumin one teaspoon of chili powder and two teaspoons of garam masala and we're just gonna dump those all in all right then we just have one clove of garlic that i'm gonna throw in here and then just two teaspoons of fresh ginger and just throw that in you're going to want to mix that in really good after it cooks because you don't want a big chunk of ginger all right guys that is all you have to do we're going to take this out close it up now if you're gonna cook this in the instant pot because the chicken is all cut up ready to go you only have to cook it for eight minutes which will make it go really fast if it's frozen i would probably go like 10 to 12 minutes if you're gonna cook this in the slow cooker it's about four to six hours on low all right so when you're all done cooking this i like to push a little knob to venting to let out all the pressure it's called a quick release and then you're gonna add a half a cup of coconut cream and then a whole entire line of lime juice and then just a little bit of cilantro on top just to give it those extra kick of flavor so yes it will you do this with both the instant pot and the slow creature so we put about two pounds of cut up what do you call this cubed beef beef stew cubes you buy it this way at the grocery store isn't it great okay i'm gonna let you do the spices yeah first so we're going to start with about a quarter cup of flour now you can dredge the the meat in the flour beforehand if you want or you can kind of just give it a nice little mix while it's in there in the bag you just kind of want all the beef to be covered in flour a little bit and then we're gonna do some seasonings so i've got a half teaspoon paprika one teaspoon of parsley a half teaspoon of salt a quarter teaspoon of ground pepper of one teaspoon of beef bouillon so you can buy the beef bouillon cubes or you can actually buy it powdered like this and sprinkle it right on top perfect okay um let's see let's do grilling first then i'll add the big stuff so you wanna do about a half tablespoon of minced garlic just a couple of cloves i like garlic so i always add a little bit more just gives it good flavor to me perfect okay so next we're going to add just one half of an onion if you want to add a hole you can whatever you like yeah and then these are just three carrots that we chopped up i love and stews with having the big carrots so right it's gonna cook for so long they'll be soft no matter what okay then i'm gonna add in one red bell pepper just right on top next you're going to add three stalks of celery now we're getting kind of full here so this is a loaded freezer shake down a little bit there we go okay and then we have two sweet potatoes that we peeled and diced in here okay and the last one that we're gonna smash in here we're gonna throw in about four to five baby golden potatoes now here's the thing you can use any potato you want red potatoes will work great russet potatoes will work great just whatever you have on hand but i do love the flavor of these golden potatoes okay if they don't all fit you can take some out we might have to yep and this is a recipe too i would recommend you might want to double back that's a good idea yep that's a really good idea okay i'm gonna actually take this out to give us a little bit more room how's that sound great okay i'll let you add the rest of that there we go all right so then we just have a can of diced tomatoes and you're going to keep the juices in there just to give you a little bit more liquid and then just one can of beef broth it's going in on top for your liquid and there you go all right i ate it oh we made it all right so this recipe i feel will do best in a slow cooker yes for sure and this is one that you can cook low and slow all day long eight to ten hours on low it's going to be fine um it can go as few as six though if you need it sooner than that however could you do it in an instant you could i would probably add um kind of keep it like this frozen and then add maybe a half a cup to an extra cup of chicken broth so it won't be as thick as a normal stew but it won't burn your instant pot okay well there you go we're gonna start with two cups of shredded cooked chicken so if you're at the grocery store grab a rotisserie chicken it's perfect for this recipe or any type of cooked chicken will work great okay next we're going to add it's two cups of chicken broth so it's one can and a little bit more i know ants just don't have quite two cups and if you need to feed a little bit more people you can add the whole two yep two cans if you want or if you prefer to be thinner yeah okay so the next thing we're adding are two cans of great northern beans so make sure they're rinsed and drained it's just any type of white bean will work perfectly for this if you can't find the great northern bean but most grocery stores have them nice all right then we just have one jar of salsa verde is that who you say that yeah it's salsa verde salsa green pull a hold of our ears two cups of that okay okay and then we've got two teaspoons of cumin cumin however you want to say it dump that in there yep and you can add a little bit of salt and pepper too if you want to whatever seasonings you prefer i sometimes will throw in some chili powder just to give it a little kick red pepper flakes if you want a little more heat you can also add in jalapenos so okay so that's it since this has already cooked chicken in it in the instant pot it's only going to take five minutes right so if that yeah seriously it's so quick and then in your slow cooker basically all you have to do is heat it up so i would go three to four hours on low tops um you can also do this on your stove top throw it in and just heat it up it takes about 20 minutes right now we like to serve it with like chopped up cilantro some yummy avocados on top just to give it a little more flavor so we have about three chicken breasts all chopped up here this is going to cook a lot faster because they are chopped yes i'm a fan okay first we're going to add a can of cannellini beans or white beans or just any white beans i fill will work yep just fine totally dump that in this is rinsed and drained just yeah make note okay and then we've got one red bell pepper you can chop this up as big or as little as you want it just depends whatever your family eats right and we have four tablespoons of tomato paste so it's about half half of the jar if we call that a jar what is this can mini mini can there we go it's good okay and then we've got one onion just diced up same same thing as bigger as little pieces as you want perfect and then one can of chicken broth just pour that right on top and it wouldn't be good italian food without garlic so two teaspoons of just minced garlic you can use fresh or you can use this jarred garlic whatever you got and then for your seasonings it's kind of just salt and pepper to taste so how much you like and then when it's done cooking you can add a little bit more too so yeah for sure test it out try it and then if you want to and if you've got it a little bit of rosemary on top is delicious in this recipe okay so the last thing we're going to add is some baby spinach now you can add this right now and stick it in your freezer or you can cook it as is and then stir the spinach in at the end it doesn't matter either way it's going to really wilt down and be just some small leaves in there like really small so it your kids will not notice like i'm i've got about two cups in here and that is gonna shrink down to nothing yeah so okay i'll close them off i like the spinach too because somehow my spinach always goes wilted whenever i need it yes this is a good way to use any spinach you've got in your fridge kale would also work in this recipe it's very true okay so you can cook this in both the instant pot and slow cooker yup the instant pot you don't have to cook it very long i would say anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes and you're good because that's all your chicken has to cook for because it's cut up yeah because it's so small and in the slow cooker i would say five to six hours on low or you could do to two to three hours on high either one will work for this recipe all right guys if you want more freezer meal ideas i've got plenty up there and just be aware in the next few weeks my sisters are gonna be taking over the youtube channel so be watching for them all right guys i'll see you later bye
Channel: Six Sisters' Stuff
Views: 296,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SixSistersStuff, Recipe, freezer Meals, Six sisters stuff freezer Meals, easy freezer meals, freezer meal tips and tricks, six sisters stuff easy dinner, Top Freezer Meals, Easiest Freezer MEals, Top Freezer meals to prep for baby, freezer meals for baby, weeknight freezer meals, instant pot freezer meals, slow cooker freezer meals, six sisters stuff instant pot, freezer meals recipes, freezer meals prep
Id: IgNsqKieMXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 15sec (3195 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 16 2022
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