TOP 18 EASY FREEZER MEALS for the Instant Pot! Instant Pot Recipes

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hey everyone welcome back to sick sister stuff today we're making freezer meals and not just any freezer meals these are my top 18. now i know that sounds like a lot but in case you don't like certain ones you have a lot of options to pick from now every summer my kids and i we make a giant poster board of all the things we want to accomplish that summer the problem is is that when we're doing that many things sometimes it's hard to get dinner on the table so i love to make a lot of freezer meals stick them in the freezer so when it's dinner time i actually have something that i can you know throw in the instant pot now if you've been here for a little bit you know that i love freezer mills so i am sharing with you my very top ones the ones that i make all the time all right guys if you're ready let's just jump right into the recipe all right so we're gonna start out with two cups of pasta so the one that we are using and i don't know if i'm going to say it right deidolini di telini it's a little one anyways they're the cutest little tubular pastas my kids love them because they're a fun shape right so you need two cups which is about half of a 16 ounce container just go ahead pour that into the bottom nice okay then we're gonna do also two cups of chicken broth and again this is four cups so we're gonna just kind of eyeball it and put in our two cups of chicken broth or at least until the noodles are all covered yep there we go okay then we're going to add in two tablespoons of butter and you can just like if you don't want to go there we go you can literally just pop it in because guess what it's gonna pressurize and melt and it's gonna be perfect perfect um just two cups of chicken yep cooked chicken cooked chicken cooked and diced okay okay then it's time to cook it all right you're gonna put your lid on you hear the little jingle that means it's on correctly then this is called the nova so you don't have to turn any knobs to ceiling or venting because yeah it doesn't have that but if you do have a different one like a duo or a lux make sure that your little knob is turned to ceiling all right so we're gonna push the pressure cook button and we're gonna go all the way down to about four minutes then once you set the timer you can literally just walk away all right it is finished cooking we are going to do a quick release because our pasta doesn't need to stay cooking continually so i'm going to either push this or if you have the knob move it to venting we're going to see how this works all right once all the pressure's out you can safely open it nice i love how big these noodles get right yes so right now you're just gonna mix in your chicken and your pasta and just kind of mix everything together well done now the nice thing about this if you fill up the liquid to where the pasta hits you don't have to drain anything you can actually just kind of mix and then we're ready to add the rest of the stuff that's awesome you're ready yep okay what you got okay so i'm going to start with the tomatoes these are sun-dried tomatoes yes they have been drained they come in a little jar so you drain them chop them up kind of into as big a pieces as you want so we did like four ounces of those you can do up to eight ounces if you if your family loves them yes yes okay next i'm just gonna add an eight ounce block of cream cheese um we'll get that starting to melt in there let it sit in the heat yes you can even if you want to cut it up break it up yeah it's a good idea even faster okay okay then we're going to add about a half cup of grated parmesan cheese just dump that in and we've got how much uh parsley one tablespoon cool okay so we have half a teaspoon of pepper and half a teaspoon of garlic salt yep awesome all right let me just dump that in there you go nice all right i'll mix this a little bit okay and then we've got how much milk about half a cup okay right on top all right so this is going to take a little while for the cream cheese to like melt and mix in so we're actually going to help it along a little bit so you can push cancel and then you're going to push the saute button so it'll just help it yeah cookies it up really fast and any extra liquid like that milk in there we'll make sure that it's all nice and thickened up a little bit there we go so good it does the other thing i'm going to throw in while you're mixing that up and heating up is just two cups of baby spinach and i actually kind of just rip it with my hands so it's even smaller good idea it's going to shrink a ton yeah you probably won't your kids probably won't even be able to see it yep but because i do have picky kids i am going to rip it up even smaller nice and a picky husband this is my life hide the vegetables in there seriously seriously okay so you want about two cups or two big handfuls of that nice and it will shrink down as the cream cheese melts and everything heats up [Music] all right so it all mixed together it smells amazing we're gonna push cancel here so it will stop cooking because we don't want it to burn onto the bottom yes but here is when you can either like serve it right now or you can let it cool down a little bit and then put it in a freezer mill bag or whatever you want that was a huge mess yes not the best serving spoon but you get the juice it's amazing and it tastes so good nice and creamy totally cheesy your kids can't be even interested everybody loves this one so there you go now growing up my mom used to make this all the time yes she served it on pasta on rice you can even write just plain and then put on a salad that's how my husband likes i know it's really so good okay all right i'm gonna write it down perfect we're gonna move this so they can see okay instant pot what would you say 20 minutes 25. again chicken because it's if it's frozen you're gonna go 25 if it's thawed you'll go 20 minutes okay now if you want what i like to do sometimes they're so frozen when they come out of the freezer that i just throw it in the fridge the night before and then cooking it is a whole lot easier okay that sounds good slow cooker okay slow cooker we're going to go yep let's see eight hours what about high what would that be three to four okay the only thing well it tastes better it does if you go high it kind of dries out the chicken okay okay are you ready for this okay do you start you want to hold it i'll put pull in flat yeah i'll small touch the chicken okay so we're gonna do four chicken breasts this time okay make it six to eight there we go or if you're my husband come on his stomach is a family of four eyes okay so we have that then we have some zesty italian salad dressing it's just a little pack that you buy i mean you can get it anywhere walmart is that one else let's see it's point six ounces six ounces we go let's just dump that whole thing in that smells so good yeah next we're gonna add a can of cream of chicken soup see if we can get it out delicious delicious but it makes it creamy it makes it creamy okay and then we're going to add just two cups of the chicken broth i'm just going to kind of eyeball it because it really doesn't matter that much so this is the pivotal point now if you are cooking this in your instant pot go ahead and put your eight ounces of cream cheese in there right now so if you're going to cook it in your slow cooker you want to leave it in the box and just put it i mean if you're going to freeze it for like a month or so you can put it in the freezer next to it or you could just keep it in the fridge yeah so we're going to make this in the instant pot yup so i'm going to put the cream cheese in and then when you cook it in the slow cooker what is it like the last half hour of cooking is you just throw this in and it just kind of melts and makes it all creamy goodness yup fat free calorie free carb free yeah this one's very really healthy but six ingredients less it's better than going out to eat okay so that's everything right right you go ahead and zip that up filler and then squish out the air there we go now i like to shred my chicken and all my recipes after they're all cooked yep to make it a little easier to eat yeah all right so if you love freezer meals we actually have a post on our website it's called 50 freezer meals you can check out a link in the description because it gives you tons of ideas to make freezer meals and not just the slow cooker instant pot kind even the kind that come in the tin foil pans okay our next freezer meal is one of my very favorites it's also my go-to meal when i need something fast and i don't have a dinner planned this is our black bean taco soup so you're going to start with a pound of ground beef or ground turkey or ground chicken or shredded chicken this is the only recipe where you do need to pre-cook the beef just because um it's not going to completely cook and crumble like you need it it will have a weird texture if you don't it'll be like yeah so let's so do that ahead of time and then just add it in nice and i'm just going to add a bag of frozen corn so that that's for like about a cup but i like corn so i'm going to add add as much as you want if you don't have a bag of frozen corn a can of corn works great too okay and then because it's a black bean taco soup we've got a can of black beans they're rinsed and drained so go ahead and dump those in all right then just one can of tomato sauce now this is what 15 ounces yeah so big can big can yep and then we've got a can of green chilies so these don't add heat you'll look on here and it says mild i buy the mildew is we want this to be kid-friendly but they do add a lot of flavor so don't skip this if you want heat go ahead and add jalapenos like a can of jalapenos would be good yeah but not definitely has a kick but yes okay okay next one is so the recipe calls for stewed tomatoes but my kids don't necessarily love stewed tomatoes so we're gonna do diced tomatoes today instead so just two cans of diced tomatoes you're gonna leave the juice in there because it's a soup we want we want the liquid yep yeah i've always used stewed tomatoes in this and then one time my husband was like hey these are such big tomatoes can you use a smaller tomatoes like oh my gosh i didn't even see that yes you can you can do whatever you want and then the last thing is just a chopped onion so if you want to save time as you're prepping these meals you can actually buy pre-diced onion all right and then of course we do need some taco seasoning to make this taco soup so this is just one packet you can use homemade taco seasoning or to keep it simple i just dump in a packet nice yeah love it okay so that's it now if you are gonna do this in your instant pot basically all you have to do is heat it up you just want to heat it through the meat's already cooked so it's just five minutes um in your slow cooker because it's already cooked really it's only going to be like two to three hours on high you could do it on low for like five to six or if you want to throw this in a big stock pot on your stove top and just heat it up it will take maybe 30 45 minutes yeah you just want to make sure those onions are cooked so yeah and that's it if you are doing an instant pot you might need a little bit more liquid yes just because it's it's a thick soup so i would throw a half a cup cup of either broth or water and it will still taste great so okay done with this there you go let's move on to the next all right the next recipe is honey sesame chicken now i think it was you that introduced me to this right one of my favorites and my family favorites yeah so actually little known fact this was our very first recipe on six sisters to reach one million free pins on pinterest really yep one of the first ones that went viral and kind of exploded us into help this well we did a little that's so so there you go i went through it violence yeah it hit so many because it's good okay all right should we jump in let's do it all right so we started like what two to three pounds of chicken breasts in here we just use frozen because simple easy and you don't have to you can also use chicken thighs if you do have those on hand it works really good for this recipe that's very true okay first we're going to add just a cup of honey this isn't quite a cup good but it's close but it's my local broth so good we're just gonna pour that right on top okay and then we do have a half a cup of soy sauce you can use light soy sauce if you're worried about salt but either one will work great nice just the combination of those two smells so good so good then we have like two cloves or about a teaspoon of garlic yep the more garlic the better in this recipe i love it okay and then we have one onion or just a half onion depending how big your onion is yeah about a cup or so that's true okay and then on my side i'm going to do this salt and pepper kind of to taste i believe it's like a teaspoon of salt and a half teaspoon of pepper but it really is just you can add more when it's done too if you totally you're gonna get a lot of salt from the soy sauce so it doesn't need that much but the pepper is important speaking of pepper we're gonna add some red pepper flakes now you can add as much or as little as you want however i do recommend adding some it's not going to add very much heat but it is going to add a really good flavor that you need for this yeah okay so then we're going to add two tablespoons of oil i did not measure this out as well as i should have so we're just gonna be guessing two tablespoons and then the last ingredient we're gonna add is just a half cup of ketchup just to kind of make it a little bit more of a sauce add a little bit of sweetness yeah there you go perfect okay so this recipe you can cook in the instant pot you just need to add a little bit more liquid yeah whether water or chicken broth i would say about a half a cup um put this in the instant pot pour in your half a cup um or you can cook it in the slow cooker slow cooker what would you say i would say low five to six hours or high three to four hours with chicken breasts they tend to dry out if you cook them much more than six hours on low not even from frozen so keep an eye on it because you don't want to be all dry you want to be perfectly moist um chicken thighs actually work better in the slow cooker because they have a little bit more fat content to them so they're going to be a little bit juicier a little more moist so that's an option so when this is all done cooking you're going to take four teaspoons of cornstarch and then six tablespoons of water and kind of just mix it together in a little bowl yep then you're gonna dump it into either the slow cooker or instant pot let it just like simmer there for about ten minutes or so just to thicken it up a little bit that will give you a really good sauce to drizzle over everything and then i like to serve this over rice yeah i would say rice is the best me too and then it is sesame chicken so just go ahead and add a little bit of sesame seeds on top now we have this recipe down below in the description for you so if you're looking for those instructions at the very end that's where they're at all right okay okay let's move on all right so the first freezer melt i'm making is cilantro lime chicken now if you're going to cook this from frozen you're going to cook it for 25 minutes or if you're going to cook it thawed you're going to do it for 20. now if you're gonna cook this in the slow cooker you're gonna cook it for six to eight hours on low i would suggest going low on this one so first you're going to add about two pounds of chicken into your freezer bag now i'm using tenderloins you can use chicken breasts just try and get it around two pounds or so next you're gonna dump in a can of corn now i left the liquid in the corn because we always like a little bit of liquid when we're cooking in the instant pot then you're gonna go ahead and get a can of black beans make sure that you rinse and drain it then you're gonna just dump it on top of your corn on top of that you're gonna add one can of your rotel tomatoes now i go i went ahead and left the juice in here too because again a little bit of liquid is great next you're gonna add about one cup of your favorite salsa i like to use hardest salsa but you can use whatever you want now i've chopped up a half of an onion now i only had a red a red onion available and so that's what i'm using is a red onion then to give it that delicious cilantro flavor i did about a half a cup of cut up cilantro now you don't want to forget the lime part of it so you're gonna go ahead and add two tablespoons of lime juice now you can use fresh limes too just don't hate me for using the jarred kind because it just makes my life easier okay okay now to add a little bit of seasoning we're going to add about two teaspoons of cumin or cumin however you want to say it and then add two teaspoons of chili powder and then i just added about a clove or i guess one teaspoon of garlic now you are welcome to add salt and pepper i like to add salt and pepper after it's all done cooking so i can kind of taste how that comes together but you can add it now if you want to so right now we're just going to close it up make sure you're going to suck all the air out of it so it will freeze well and there is a lot of food here it feeds about six to eight people and it freezes easily after you've already cooked it too so win-win for everyone all right we are all done here so i'm just gonna close it up and stick it right into the freezer so i love dump and go freezer meals because you literally get to dump the whole entire thing in and then cook it it makes life so easy now i usually like to make two or three recipes of the same recipe at the same time because it it's just so easy throughout the month so go ahead and put the lid on go ahead and make sure that the seal is tight and you're gonna turn that little knob to ceiling not venting go ahead and push the pressure cook button or the manual button and we're doing 25 minutes because my chicken is frozen if it's all the way thought you can do 20 minutes now when the timer's all done go ahead and turn that little knob to venting when all the pressure's out you can lift your lid up and i'll just warn you right now it smells amazing that cilantro oh so good [Music] now if you've been watching this channel for a little while you know that i love using bear paws to cut out my chicken it's just easy for me so i'll put a link in the description for you of those bear claws they literally are my favorite and i use them all the time all right so when your chicken is all shredded go ahead and put it right back into your instant pot you want kind of the inside of the chicken to also have a chance to get those juices around it and then my favorite thing to serve this on is tortillas i love some type of chicken taco so i just put this on a mini tortilla and then you can add all the ingredients that you guys like on tacos like sour cream tomatoes avocados more cilantro whatever you guys like go ahead and put it on oh and cheese you can't forget cheese anyways i like to put all the toppings on the table so the kids can kind of pick and choose what they want on top of their tacos all right i hope you guys like this recipe let's move on to the next one and supposedly this is the same recipe they have at texas roadhouse so i don't know give it a try see if you think it tastes like theirs regardless it's good it is so we're starting with a rump roast or just a chuck roast like whatever roast you can find in your grocery store will work great it will work i would say three to four pounds somewhere around there yeah would be the best and that will feed a good size family or give you great leftovers and then you can't have roasts if you don't have potatoes exactly so we're going to throw in these are pre-washed little baby i think these are just white potatoes yeah but really any potatoes you have and you can chop them up if you've got like big russet potatoes or baby red potatoes were great right maybe like two roasted potatoes kind of about that size chopped up right around there and then we're going to do just some chopped celery how much is this two stalks just two stalks okay and then one red bell pepper nice so lots of peppers i love it so it's such a good way to get in vegetables and i love when vegetables cook with the meat exactly because my kids will eat them and then just one onion one onion okay and then we've got a plethora of seasonings yes we do because we got a little lazy and stuck them all together so we have one teaspoon of salt one teaspoon of pepper and a half teaspoon of thyme right here okay so not too cold all the good stuff exactly i love thyme on top of a pot roast me too okay and more seasonings we're going to add in some beef bouillon cubes just two of those just throw them right on top if i can open if we can go we got this we got this i saw that you can buy beef bouillon that's like you can measure out with a teaspoon really like it's all powdered it's awesome okay and then we're gonna do half cup of this yup half cup of tomato sauce so we'll just do a little bit in each one and we eyeball yeah we're just because we're mom's getting like you can't mess this up you can't i really can't just whatever you want to do and so then you need a half cup of barbecue sauce so yeah we're just going to eyeball that again in my sheet of barbecue sauce i'm just going to do it's about two cloves so i'm just kind of doing a heaping of our pre-chopped cloves some people don't like them if you want to chop up your own cloves too that's great i just whatever you want i and if you don't have fresh cloves you could just add a little bit of garlic powder that's a good idea you'd be fine yeah just make it work okay and then we got about three fourths cup of water that we're just going to dump in so we'll need that to pressurize okay there you go kind of a good mix with like traditional pot roast right you add a little bit of barbecue something in there it smells good it's good i'm excited to make a good combo i have this for dinner right dinner is done exactly okay okay that's it how it cooks yes yes real quick so 60 to 90 minutes depending on how big your roast is if it's a really big one make sure you go for 90. if it's small go ahead and go for 60. and then slow cooker i love to do these low and slow like eight to 10 hours on low if you are going to be gone all day like working throw this and you're still quicker in the morning let it cook for that eight to ten hours on low like it's so good in your house it smells so good exactly the best part okay our next freezer meal is french dip sandwiches now this is the easiest meal that we are going to be making the easiest freezer meal so this recipe has been on our site forever and it used to call for two cans of beef consummate which we have learned they don't carry anymore especially defined coronavirus exactly um so we don't know if they make that anymore but we're going to share with you a substitution so instead of using two cans of beef consummate you can use one can of beef broth and one can of condensed french onion soup so all you have to do is put your rump roast in there one huge um rum process is like what three pounds two to three pounds depending on what your family family needs um you can also use a chuck roast and then you just pour the cans right on top do you and understand it super simple super easy okay you go you go no no no it's just good to say this one you want to cook low and slow so if you have a slow cooker great throw it in there we're talking eight to ten hours like put this in right when you wake up in the morning we'll let it cook so all day what's your household smell good right and then when it's done shred it up there we go i love i still love using the instant pot for this one because you can cook it for like 90 minutes and it's going to fall apart just like it would the low and slow so depending on what you like or what you have either one works yes all right guys done with this one let's move on to the next all right so the next freezer meal we're making is our hearty beef stew now my mom used to make this all the time and growing up i didn't love it i didn't like it no but now it's one of my favorites and there's nothing better on the court right i agree with you i agree so yes hearty beef stew okay so we had about a pound of stew meat i love buying at the store that's already cut up ready to go so you can just dump it in then we just start adding our ingredients so we have one onion all chopped up there we go next yeah so this is red potatoes i'd say like three to four depending on the size um this is going to fill up your bag very quickly it's a very big freezer meal so if you need a bigger bag feel free to grab it exactly now we do get a lot of questions about potatoes do they go brown when you freeze them they do a little bit sometimes but guess what your stew is brown so it doesn't really matter it's gonna they're gonna be and to prevent browning too like the longer it sits in your freezer obviously the more brown these potatoes are going to turn so i would recommend eating this one within 30 days it'll probably be good for up to 60 days yeah after that it starts to get freezer burned but exactly yeah okay then we're going to put the seasoning in now over the potatoes yep because i love it so this is just one package of lipton onion soup mix which is one of my favorites yeah do you want to carrot snack sure pack it in the big yeah then it's it's about four carrots cut up but i'm taking the lazy route and i love doing baby carrots and just throwing them in it's gonna cook so long and yeah it's okay if they're not chopped up i'm just going exactly layer it and not add all of them yeah what do you think about four it's perfect perfect okay okay then i'm going to add a bag of frozen peas i love the layers i know this isn't funny right okay okay yep so it's so simple all that it is is two cans of cream of mushroom soup and two small cans of tomato sauce or one big can and a lot of people will be like i don't like cream of mushroom soup there are so many recipes online to make your own but for convenience sake i just love using the canned stuff right so we're keeping it super simple and this makes you can't taste the mushrooms at all it just makes such a creamy sauce yes for your stew kids love it okay and then to it's about 15 ounces in total of tomato sauce like i said it fills this bag up top okay all right so when you're cooking this you can cook it in the instant pot we would just suggest maybe doing the slow cooker slow cooker would work better for this because you're going to have to add a lot more liquid and it burns a lot more so slow cooker is the way to go or you could add a cup of water first and then your stew or i guess beef broth or whatever you wanted to add yep and then your stew on top to do an instant pot but i just found hearty beef stew yes you like i like it thick so if you do instant pot it's gonna be a lot thinner so yeah anyways there you go instant pot about 30 minutes and then slow cooker i like low and slow six or eight to 10 hours to 10 hours this is another one you can put in in the morning before work when you get home from work dinner is done yeah serve it with some rolls or like some good crusty bread or if you're like me put a little ketchup on top [Music] weird secrets from kristen's life so good all right guys we're done with this one let's move on now we didn't really have this growing up but as i got older and adults i i tried it and i loved it my husband loves it so do your kids love it kids love it too they love meat anything meatball right starting with our trusty bag of frozen meatballs i love frozen youtube they're pre-cooked right if you're feeling super domestic you could make your own you can next we're just gonna add two cups of beef broth on top now this is a container so we kind of just kind of measure it's about half half the container or so perfect our next ingredient is a can of cream of mushroom soup now like we said before if you want to make your own you can but um i just like the convenience of using condensed soup already made in the can there you go creamy that's sweet yeah perfect gravy right then we have two tablespoons of steak sauce so you can use a1 um i'm gonna eyeball it here yeah that's how we roll totally just to add a little bit of cake exactly okay so the next thing we've got is a half teaspoon of garlic powder nice you want to add that yeah and then a half teaspoon of paprika is that how you say it i i'm using pepperoni this is smoked paprika which i love me too yeah okay and then it calls for fresh mushrooms but sometimes you forget ingredients and so we're just gonna use using what you got two cans of just mushrooms so you can't have swedish meatballs without mushrooms yeah i guess you can but i love mushrooms and these cook up just fine in the in some ponds so right here can't tell the difference exactly yeah and then we're just gonna add one onion on top of it good yeah okay add a little bit of salt and pepper if you want again you can add seasoning and then when this is all done cooking you're gonna stir in one cup of sour cream so we don't add it right now because if you were to cook it with the sour cream it probably will curdle yeah in the instant pot and so quicker so save this until the end and then you'll stir in the one cup of sour cream it makes it all creamy all thick and delicious so good yeah and then we like to serve this on top of like egg noodles or mashed potatoes so both are delicious whatever you want it'll be so good all right cooking now in the instant pot you can cook this if it's thought i would suggest thawing it 24 hours in advance so you have that liquid so it won't burn we just don't want the burn notice going on but meatballs only take seven minutes to cook so you can literally cook this in seven minutes and have an amazing milk yup okay so and then slow cooker you can cook like six to eight hours on low or about three to four on height i feel like you can do meatballs on high and it will taste good okay that will be fine exactly all right i'm gonna mix this in just a little bit and yeah we're good to go so these instant pot eggroll bowls are so easy to make they're actually pretty healthy and they don't take a lot of time at all so first you're going to brown the meat and then cook everything in an instant pot after that you can either serve it in bowls or you can serve it in some egg roll wrappers and i'll show you how to do that too all right guys if you're ready let's get cooking so you're gonna start by pushing the saute button on your instant pot now once it's hot you're gonna dump in one pound of ground turkey or ground pork or even ground chicken whatever you like now i have a little chopster thing this is my most favorite thing to cut up my meat or mashed potatoes or any of that stuff i'll put a link in the description for it it's my favorite thing now once your meat is all cooked it's time to add the seasonings first you're gonna add one tablespoon of garlic powder then i'm gonna add one tablespoon of dried ground ginger now the ginger gives it that yummy taste on top of that go ahead and add one tablespoon of soy sauce i like to use a lower sodium soy sauce but it's totally up to you what you want to use and then you're just going to add a half a cup of chicken broth now you can use water if you don't have chicken broth but i like to use the chicken broth then just stir it all together at the store i just grabbed a bag of coleslaw mix it's all put together all ready to go and i'm just dumping the whole entire bag in now i'm just pushing the coleslaw down a little bit you don't want to mix a lot because you want that liquid in the bottom of your pot all right once you're done go ahead and put your lid on make sure the little knob is turned to sealing i'm going to push the cancel button because it was on saute you need to push cancel then push pressure cook button or manual and you're going down to zero minutes now after you set the timer it's going to stay on after a few seconds that means you did it right you can walk away now because it's only set for zero it won't take long at all and i went ahead and pushed the knob over to venting to let all of the pressure out once you can take the lid off go ahead and do it and then mix it all together then once you're all done it's time to go on to the egg roll wrappers now you have some options with the egg roll wrappers i like to cut them up into a few different strips and kind of make them as like little dippers it's totally up to you how you want to do this but i just spread them on a sheet pan now go ahead and brush them with a little bit of olive oil and then put them in the oven at 400 degrees for about four to five minutes but you have to watch them now you can also make egg rolls by putting a little bit in the center of the wrapper and then folding in both sides and rolling it up now you want to be sure to place it seam side down that way it won't fall apart while it's cooking because these are baked egg rolls they're not going to have the bubbly look as if they're deep fried you can deep fry if you want but baked it's a whole lot better for you all right i'm gonna brush them a little bit with olive oil stick them in the oven at 350 degrees they'll cook for about 40 minutes and there you have it these are the egg roll bowls or just egg rolls all right this one was my kid's favorite it's called lazy lasagna now you only have to cook it in your instant pot for about seven minutes or you can do the slow cooker for about three to four hours on low now i'm switching things around a little bit so i'm going to add some things that i usually add last first so you're going to add about one teaspoon of garlic about one onion again i just had purple onions so if you had normal onions or yellow onions you can add that too but i had purple so that's what we're using today now while i was chopping up the onions i was also browning some hamburgers so i have about one pound of ground beef here that i've cooked and i drained out the grease and i'm just throwing it into the instant pot you can cook it in your instant pot or just over the stove top next i'm gonna add about a one cup to one and a half cups of your favorite marinara sauce or spaghetti sauce or whatever you like to make with your lasagna then i'm gonna fill that container with two cups of water mix it around a little bit and just dump it in because you need a liquid in there now right now you can add salt and pepper i actually like to add my salt and pepper at the very end like right before i serve it so i know how much salt and pepper is actually in there so go ahead and add it if you're not going to go ahead and zip it up and make sure all the air is is out of your container now if you're making this in a slow cooker you're only going to add one cup of water just one not two now for the best part you just get to dump everything into the instant pot or slow cooker if you're using a slow cooker now if you're using an instant pot you're going to go ahead and dump your pasta into the instant pot right now if you're using a slow cooker please cook your pasta on the stove top because you will have really mushy noodles if you try and cook it in your slow cooker at the same time but instant pot you can do it so you're going to dump in one pound of your favorite pasta you could even like rip up or i guess break apart lasagna noodles if you want it to be lasagna but i like i like these little noodles because they're just cute all right so you're going to press them down into your sauce now we usually have about two and a half three cups of water so i'm going to actually add a half a cup of water on top of the noodles you just want to make sure all the noodles are touching a liquid now all you have to do is put the lid on make sure that it is sealed correctly then you're going to take that little knob and turn it to ceiling not venting [Music] go ahead and push the pressure cooker manual button and then we're just going to seven minutes when the timer is done go ahead and flip it over to a quick release and release the lid now go ahead and mix it around a little bit there will be more liquid on top than there is on bottom but once you start mixing it's like a perfect texture or i guess perfect liquid amount now if it's too liquidy for you go ahead and push the saute button and you can dissolve some of that liquid but for me it worked perfect now this is where it gets fun because you can add whatever you like i'm gonna add about one cup of cottage cheese you can also put ricotta or literally any kind of cheese you like but i like it to be a little more creamy so add in some cottage cheese now i also like adding fresh spinach while it's hot you put in the spinach and you mix it all around and it wilts it and it's absolutely amazing i mean the nice thing about this recipe if you like specific lasagna if you like sausage in your lasagna this would be the perfect time to add it in i also when i like serving this i like to put some cheddar cheese on top with a little bit of cilantro and it's delicious my family loves it so all right okay let's get started so we've already prepped our bags yep you want to be sure to write on it what it is yes and how long to cook it for because when it's frozen and you pull it out and it just is a big blob but nothing you don't know so that's super important to write what it is and the cook time on there yes so these are our instant pot hawaiian meatballs now they cook about seven minutes in your instant pot or three to four hours in your slow cooker now if you guys are proud of me so many of you recommended these things for me for freezer mills they're the nice finally broke down and bought some so i'll put a little such a good amazon in the description yeah for you so if you're wondering what they are just hold your bag open so that you can just load the stuff in you don't need two people to make it you can just make it yourself i do sometimes use just uh like a big plastic pitcher that i got at the dollar store yeah and that works too hold it over all right let's add our meatballs first things just meatballs any kind meatballs will work yep so these ones are 32 ounce you can have like a 20 to 24 ounce tooth that will work perfectly with this recipe and you said that these meals feed four to six yes this point i can even stretch to eight exactly i was gonna say this one makes a little bit more makes a lot a lot of meatballs yep okay next let's do our peppers so we chopped up a red pepper so red pepper in each one yep i love when you make your own freezer meals too because you can load in as many vegetables as you want and like the more that i know that my kids like and will eat exactly or take out vegetables that your kids yes exactly i also usually throw in a green pepper to these oh nice just for more pep right now we're adding a 20 ounce can of pineapple chunks now we're adding in the liquid too because you're going to need that liquid if you're cooking it in the instant pot i think it helps in the slow cooker too i think so too i like this the sweet from the pineapples yes okay all right so first thing going in we're going to do one cup of brown sugar just pack it in there in each one and while she's doing brown sugar i'm going to do the vinegar it's about two-thirds cup of white distilled vinegar in each one too now i know what you're thinking vinegar that sounds disgusting but it actually makes it taste so good yup it's just kind of the acidity with the sweetness like it all comes together right sorry i gave you the hard job no it's chocolate brown sugar smell of vinegar my smooth easter easter eggs i am shaky i am shaky there we go and then once she finishes up brown sugar i'm just gonna add two tablespoons of soy sauce to each one too [Music] all right we've got all the ingredients in yup now now we just get to zip them up and then kind of stir around the flavors that's what i do is that what i usually do too just so they're kind of all incorporated now here's the thing when you're making these freezer meals you want the gallon size bags to be freezer bags otherwise they're too thin and they will break open in your freezer oh so make sure you've got thick thick freezer bags all right trying to get that brown sugar in there yeah right and i mean you can i mean you don't have to do it too much right i know it's just insane it's all going to cook together yeah exactly we're good so you can see these bags are pretty chuck full if you have just a little bit of freezer space that's the great thing about these is they're not going to take up a ton no i would recommend laying them flat and stacking them up however if you've got the room freeze them kind of standing up because it's going to be so much easier to pop that in when it's frozen in that shape pop it into your instrument instead of like a square that you're trying to shove in which exactly i do do sometimes i know and that works too and you can thought in the microwave a little bit and you're gonna be fine perfect but yeah okay hey we're done with these three we're going to move on to the next recipe so the next recipe is our easy turkey tacos or beef tacos yeah whatever you've got we did turkey because it was on sale and yep it was on sale and i love turkey turkey ground turkey exactly so we cooked and drained the grease from our ground turkey so it's all ready to go so you can just throw that right in there next we already used one of these so it's the chili ready diced tomatoes it has some chilies in it and it smells amazing so we're going to dump that in there too i like the seasonings that are used in those yes and then we already used a taco seasoning half of it so we're just going to throw in the other half you know what i love is the kroger taco seasoning it is so inexpensive but it has the best flavor okay out of all the taco seasoning packets that i have used yes so i was comparing prices this was only 38 cents yes compared to a dollar of the name brand and it's the same ingredients you're just paying for this one has good flavor exactly there you go i've used that one for years go kroger okay and that's all you have to do now if you're going to cook this in the instant pot you want to add about a third a cup of water before you cook it i wouldn't suggest putting in right now but right before you cook it add your water then if you're going to put it in the slow cooker you can cook it for three to four hours on low or if you're just desperate and hungry stick it on your stove top heat it up you could super simple even do this one in the microwave defrost it because the meat's already cooked yeah so you just need to defrost it and then warm it up yup you'll be good to go this is good for like quick lunches serve it over nachos put it on a salad you can put it on a tortilla and roll it up in a burrito like it's so versatile exactly so part of our 25 ingredients you have tortillas and cheese and a little bit of extra salsa to go with it so super simple easy and you're good for dinner all right done with this one let's move on to the next our next recipe is three ingredient chili so it's so simple such a good one with fall coming right i love it so we're gonna throw this together this i love even the simple recipes like this because i prep it all and then my kids can take care of it right or you just don't have to think about what's for dinner you just pull it out like okay we're ready exactly so here we go so the first ingredient is ground turkey or you can use ground beef whatever you want to use but we use ground turkey it was that's why we did it okay and then we're going to add a can of diced tomatoes but you want to make sure that it does have like some green chilies or something in it you'll notice this one is called chili ready like literally made for chili exactly so we'll add those in it's got some really good seasonings in it it smells like chili tangree all right next one last one is just chili beans and we want to keep the liquid in there because that's going to because it's added chili it's a soup yeah yeah so we do need some liquid in there exactly and then that's it all right so we wouldn't suggest cooking this in the instant pot just because there's not a ton of liquid and you don't want a really liquidy chili so i suggest slow cooker for like three to four hours on low or even on your stovetop and just until it's heated through so super simple and then one of our other ingredients is cheese so you can throw a little cheese on top so super simple easy meal all in your freezer all right the next recipe that we're making are country style ribs and these are boneless ribs you can get them just over in your butcher area they usually say country style right on them that's how i know okay these are kind of so they're boneless they're um not very fatty and that's why i like them they're also usually really inexpensive so if this is a cut of meat you haven't used before i highly recommend it and this recipe is so easy so our mom used to make this recipe for sunday dinners i swear like once a month it was like the go-to sunday dinner and all of us just love it so you guys gotta try these just fall apart after they cook if you can't find them at your grocery store i've also made this with pork chops and it's worked just as well so right when she's adding meat i'm gonna add one onion that we've already chopped and gotten ready so we'll just dump it right in i'll switch you okay put in our onions it does make it go by a lot faster if there's two this people a fun thing to do with girlfriends or even get your kids involved and say okay your job is to add the onion your job's to pour in the sauce that's a great idea yeah all right so now we're gonna add a whole container of barbecue sauce we're just gonna dump the whole thing in and you can use your favorite kind whatever again i went for whatever was like the least expensive but actually kroger or smith or whatever your kroger is by you they make really good have really sauces stuff i was i was impressed with the flavors yep there's also you can usually find really good sales our favorite is sweet baby raised usually my go-to stubs makes a really good one yes all right while you're finishing that up we're gonna stick about a half cup of brown sugar in each one if you want to cut back on sugar i feel like this is one this is one you could do a quarter cup of brown sugar still delicious okay so here is the secret ingredient to this so this is called liquid smoke you can find it by um the barbecue sauce yes usually only like a dollar or two but it's a game changer in this recipe it just adds this deep smoky taste which yes usually you don't get in an instant exactly from a smoker so i'm thinking we've got two tables two tablespoons of that of this and each one this is strong so if you don't want it too smoky you could cut it in half but exactly and you can find liquid smoke at every grocery store like at walmart crop you've seen it everywhere it's on amazon exactly yep so if you're going to make this recipe invest in some liquid smoke yes okay all right i think that's it the rest of barbecue sauce real good okay good to go close it up exactly this one will feed i feel like it feeds closer to four people um yeah so just if you have ribs yeah if you have more people in your family just make sure you have a few more sides and you'll be good really good yep or if you want to throw in some extra ribs you can do that yeah sometimes we get complaints that oh you used all canned ingredients it's not all healthy like this is just the main dish so with your side dishes you can make those all super healthy too we always serve dinner with a vegetable and a fruit make your sides be healthy and you're good yep you're good to go you could also do a homemade barbecue sauce if you are that domestic yep some people are which people are and there's simple recipes out there so exactly okay next one done this recipe is called kahlua pork now we have this a lot growing up it's one of my favorites and it's so easy because it's just literally like two ingredients well three ingredients all right should we get started yeah okay so first of all just know it's a pork roast and so in the instant pot it's going to cook for about 70 minutes or so it's kind of a smaller one so 70 minutes is fine and then if you're in the slow cooker i like to cook my pork roast for like ten hours like eight to ten on on low low and slow exactly yep so put it on our bag and now we'll put all the directions for all of these recipes for you down below in the description okay got our bag ready to go you ready yep so these two ingredients are just salt and liquid smoke so liquid smoke you find on the barbecue aisle at the grocery store like where all the barbecue sauce is now here's where you have to get down and dirty to do this well you don't have to you could sprinkle it on but i found that the flavor is even better if you can kind of rub the salt in like massage it into the pork it's going to give it just a little bit more flavor kind of give it that crusty outside i like it so do about half on one side and then we'll flip it over and rub the other half now here's the thing if you're short on time don't worry about this step you can just dump it in you can just dump it out that's usually what i do is just dumping and it's good but you love flavor like i do go ahead and rub it in and then we're just gonna pour the liquid smoke on top i just kept the pork in its tray so it could kind of catch the drippings and you can just throw it all away when you're done yeah exactly and i'm gonna flip it over and do the other half so with this i found that it's best to use like a little bit fattier cut of pork nice so keep these fat marblings in don't feel like you need to trim them because that's what's going to add tenderness and moistness to this juiciness yeah all right okay i'm going to put it right in there perfect now if you're cooking this in the slow cooker you just put it right in yep as is it'll be enough moisture you'll be fine it'll be fine but if you're doing the instant pot you need to add about a half a cup of water to it before you cook it we're gonna close this up and stick it in the freezer this is yeah we're ready to go ready to go awesome so now that the kahlua is done you can easily shred it it should just fall apart use you can use two forks or like we have we're using these bear claw shredders that are super nice when you're shredding meat so you can serve this as part of our 25 ingredients we have flour tortillas but we love to serve this over rice it's delicious just over a bread of rice put your favorite vegetables on top you can also do it in a wrap you can do it on a salad or here's my favorite save a little bit if you have any leftovers put it on top of homemade pizza clue pork pizza it is so good and put some peppers on there some banana peppers i love it it's delicious so there's my kahlua pork secret done with this one let's move on to the next one all right the next recipe is sweet pork now this one is so easy we actually call it easy sweet on the website yeah so what we did is we took like a three to five pound pork roast yep and just put it already in the bag this is one of my favorite recipes to use pork it pork is so inexpensive it's pretty lean these are pretty lean cut you can use kind of whatever pork roast that you have a shoulder will work great butt roast yeah yeah just a pork loin even yeah i was gonna say even a loin works just fine doing stuff let's uh maybe brown sugar first okay so we got a cup of brown sugar that's going in these are like the name says so sweet so sweet so sweet that's so good and then a bottle of your favorite chocolate sauce right and there's different sizes of taco sauce i mean it really doesn't matter that much just because it's more of like a sauce that it's gonna sit in so i saw some these are 12 ounces you can do 15 ounces whatever your favorite taco sauce is they just need that for the flavor exactly there's gonna be plenty of liquid so that's fine yes all right and then our last ingredient is coca-cola now i messed up i'll just admit to you right now i did not mean to buy diet coca-cola it will still work just fine but usually if you just use just plain coca-cola it has a little bit different flavor but not an artificial yeah so it's really a perfect either way i know it is preference either way it still tastes amazing so it still works i'm gonna pour while you hold the bag open is that okay yep so you do about two cups of this the good thing it's it's forgiving like we're just gonna estimate here about two cups and it will definitely have enough liquid in it that's for sure for sure all right you wanna zip that up i can zip that up awesome and get the air out so this recipe comes from a utah restaurant yes it's cafe rio there's also a costa vida but they kind of made sweet pork famous it's just a really sweet sweet sweet meat which it sounds so interesting especially you haven't tried it but it's really good like sweet pork burritos are my kids favorite food i think every time we go to cafe rio this is what i order because it's my favorite and steph loves sweet pork quesadillas that's what she always gets oh nice i like the sweet pork salads oh yeah those are divine um i've also when i haven't had poke on hand but i've had like dr pepper yeah i've done it and it works it looks so good just mostly needs the sugar so anything to make it sweet right yep yep i noticed you got caffeine free yeah didn't mean to do that either sometimes you need the caffeine all right so cooking time so this goes in the instant pot for 90 minutes now i know that seems like a lot and sometimes people say you can cook a pork for about 45 but lots of times it's not cooked all the way time or it's really rough like if you have rough meat you're not cooking it long enough so i always say like an hour to 90 minutes sometimes i'll even just cook it and let it stay on warm all day it will it will taste amazing yeah and then slow cooker so quicker all day long like eight to ten hours i love this in little low um yeah on low it needs to be on low i actually wouldn't even recommend doing it on high because you want it to be that soft tender shredding easy not dry yeah perfect all right done with this one this one moving on to the next so this is a spiral ham it's already been pre-cooked so you really don't have to do much to it other than add a lot of flavor and heat it up so that's what your instant pot is for so we're gonna make a yummy sauce to go on top of it and then we'll cook it so let's get started so i have a half a cup of brown sugar that we're just going to dump in here then we have a half a cup of honey i'm kind of just going to eyeball it because really you can never have too much honey am i right i am right then we have two tablespoons of dijon mustard we'll just pour on top again i'm just gonna kind of eyeball my two tablespoons and then you want you can't forget your spices so you have a fourth teaspoon of nutmeg and a half teaspoon of cinnamon so i'm just gonna put those in here too and i'm just gonna take my basting brush and just kind of mix it all together all right once it's nice and all mixed together now it's time to put everything into the instant pot so i'm gonna scooch that forward let's just over for you so the first thing you want to do is you want to put a trivet onto the bottom of the instant pot now you don't want a high trivet you want one that's pretty low so trim it on the bottom if you don't have a trivet i've done it before without a trivet it works just fine next we're gonna add a cup and a half of water so we'll just pour that into the bottom of the pot because it has to pressurize right then i'm going to show you a little bit how i'm going to do it to the ham but then i'm going to transfer it over so it's not a big brown sugar mess right here so we're going to take some of our sauce and i like to keep put it in between each piece and just kind of spread it around a little bit if you need it more liquidy you can do that too and just add a little bit more water but i like it nice and thick because it will get more liquidy as it goes on so just depending on how you like it some people just like to take this and just pour it all over so the edges are nice and flavored i love my inside flavored so transfer it over it's going to be kind of a tight fit if it doesn't fit all the way for you you can always trim some edges off and let it fit but it fits just fine for me so we're going to just continue basting this little guy facing the outside basting the inside just to give it some yummy flavor i love that dijon mustard flavor too and it's i can smell it once everything's in you're ready to go so it's okay if your ham goes over a little bit on the line you have a little bit of room on your lid so it's okay if it goes over just a little bit as long as your whole entire thing is not over and as long as your lid can go on you're fine okay so we're gonna put the lid on there we go now usually i'll have you turn the knob to ceiling not venting and but this one is a different one so i don't have to push i don't have to turn any knobs it will automatically do it for me we're going to push the pressure cook button now all you have to really do is get it warm so we're gonna go all the way down to four minutes you are all right just just four minutes is how long you cook your ham the good thing is you can cook it and then you can just leave it in your instant pot until you're all done all right so we are good this is a little bit of a different pot so i need to push start but most the time you can just set the timer and walk away okay so we are all done here we're just going to wait for it to cook and then yep i'll show you what it looks like okay so once the timer is done you had your four minutes of cooking you can go ahead and release the pressure once all the pressure's out carefully open your lid there we go and you guys your ham is done it is all done and it smells so good now i love this because you can make a delicious gravy with the drippings that are in there and you also get just really good ham so instead of pulling it all out because it's still burning hot i'm just going to cut to a few pieces just so you can see how good it is there we go oh my gosh okay we colored up the edges too with the sauce that we put on it's it is delicious absolutely delicious all right guys if you want more freezer meals i have six that you can make in just an hour right up there all right guys i'll see you later bye
Channel: Six Sisters' Stuff
Views: 758,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SixSistersStuff, Recipe, instant pot recipes, 18 Instant Pot REcipes, Instant Pot Freezer Meals, Favorite freezer meals, The best freezer Meals, Best freezer meals for Instant Pot, instant pot chicken, easy freezer meals to make ahead, easy freezer meals, freezer meal prep, meal prep, freezer meals, whats for dinner
Id: jTxkZEcYmao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 55sec (3655 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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