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are you needing some delicious but yet quick and easy suppers to put on the table and you don't have a lot of time well keep watching because I am bringing you a six of the best most unbelievably easiest crock pot recipes you've ever seen so let's get in that kitchen and let's get to cooking come on y'all let's go [Music] all right y'all so supper tonight is going to be honey garlic chicken thighs I just saw Tam make it on yesterday's video today's Monday morning by the way so she shared it in her video on Sunday and when I seen it I knew I had these chicken thighs so we're gonna make it so to make this I've just got two packs the original recipe only calls for one but I have two they're still a little bit Frozen which will be perfect because we're cooking them in the slow cooker so you'll need some soy sauce some ketchup some honey some honey honey and then some minced garlic and of course bedia complete I really wish they would sponsor me though because I use a lot of their stuff but this one is not sponsored um but that is everything you're going to need to make the sauce and we're just going to go ahead and get these chicken thighs put in the crock pot and we'll get that sauce made dump it over the top and supper's Gonna Be Ready in no time I'll set my slow cooker for about four and a half hours the recipe calls for like four to six hours because chicken thighs don't take that long so since they're still a little bit Frozen I'll probably honestly I'll probably do five that way um you know they can thaw out and get cooked all the way through all right so first things first I've got my crock pot sprayed I should put a liner in it but time purposes is already after seven and I've got to be at work by 8 15 so we're just gonna go and roll with it today so we're just gonna throw all these in here I think it's like 10 chicken thighs is what I have um I'm not gonna cut that fat off since I am slow cooking it it'll just kind of render down now if I was frying it in a pan I would definitely cut that off but for today we're just gonna leave it because like I said it will cook it down but please feel free that if you don't want it on there just cut it off all right so to that chicken y'all already know we're going in with the badia complete just to kind of give it some flavor we're also going to mix a little bit of this in the sauce so first things first we're going in with a big old heaping helping of garlic because like I said I'm doubling it and I also told y'all we were going back in with some more badia complete in there now for the soy sauce that's a half a cup but like I said I'm doubling it a cup ketchup it's about the same it's probably about equal parts for board just gonna kind of wallet here and then the same for the honey it's a little bit it says a third of a cup um mine still has it's starting to crystallize a little bit but thank you very now all we're going to do is just stir this really well and then we'll pour it over top of our chicken [Music] and that is it it says so easy but let's go ahead and turn this on and dinner will be ready I'm going to pair this with some rice and some steamed broccoli on the side all right y'all some home from work this has switched to the keep warm setting and this is what it's looking like smells really good donut it's not a lot stronger when I came home for lunch well I'll probably hit just shut off all right so we're gonna go ahead and make the rice and the broccoli okay so I just went ahead and rinsed off two cups of white rice and it just gave it a good rinse just get all that starch off of there we're gonna go ahead and get this cooking in the pan per the directions on the back of a bag or a box or whatever you're going to use and this is not instant rice this is you have to cook it for about 10 actually about 20 minutes I think is what it says but we're gonna go ahead and get that going and then I gotta chop up the broccoli all right so I have our Rice Bowl in right there I did put a little bit of chicken bouillon um in there just to kind of give it some flavor and then we have our broccoli here getting ready to cook I just let that kind of simmer in that water a little bit then we'll drain some of that water off add a little bit of butter and some salt and that will be ready to go thank you [Music] all right y'all so for supper tonight it's going to go in the crock pot as well so we're gonna have crock pot chicken and stuffing I just have four frozen chicken breasts right here um I got a six ounce box just a normal box of Stove Top chicken um stuffing mix and of course my badia complete you only need eight ounces of sour cream some chicken broth and it costs for cream of chicken the only one I had is cream of chicken and mushroom so I'm sure that'll be just fine I don't mind a little mushroom but use cream of whatever and then it says Italian seasoning and I know what they're meaning but I think this would um give it a little bit more of a judge if I can you know make that make sense it'll just amp it up a little bit so in true Sammy fashion I'm going to use this instead of the normal Italian seasoning and I think it'll do B just fine so I'm gonna go ahead and get my crock pot sprayed and we're gonna go ahead and get this put together okay so inspiration for this recipe come over from Mel at in the kitchen with Mama Mel I watched her make this and I just had to have it so I just ahead and put it on my meal plan as well so if y'all are interested in seeing her video I'll have her Channel and everything linked below y'all make sure y'all go check her out you'll love her them with the Vegeta complete you gotta season the chicken or whatever protein you're using of course our Italian seasoning like I said you can use the normal Italian seasoning if you want to I just think this is going to give it a little bit of a kick all right so in our Bowl we're gonna put all of the other goodies in here so I'm just going to start by putting our stuffing mix in now look if you don't like sour cream or anything like that you could use Greek yogurt you could use mayonnaise um there's so many other substitutes you could use buttermilk if you don't want to use the sour cream there goes that whole container of eight ounces of sour cream and the whole can of that soup now this said three quarters of a cup I think I might go just a little bit above that not too much though and we're going to go ahead and give this a stir I just don't want the um stuffing to draw out so I'm gonna go ahead and mix this together and then I'll bring you back when we're putting it on top of the chicken all right so this is why I say spray your crock pot real good or use a crock pot liner I completely forgot that Aaron sent me some crock pot liners I'm just in the habit of spraying those but we're just going to go ahead and throw this right on top of the chicken and that's gonna be it I'm gonna cook my veggies on the side once I get home from work because this is going to be so good I have some green beans that I canned we're just going to cook those on the side instead of dumping them in here um with them not being fresh I don't want them getting too mushy so so we're gonna put our lid on I'm gonna cook this on low for probably six and a half hours you can cook it on high for four but I'll be at work all day so I need this on low for six and a half and then everything once it's done it'll switch to keep warm and then I'll finish it up when I get all right y'all so I am home from work we're gonna go ahead and take this lid off that water off my lid real quick and this is what it's looking like it is not burnt it's just Brown that spot right there might be a little bit questionable but it'd be all right so everything is done it smells so good y'all like amazing it smells so good in my house but yeah so that is done the main part of supper is finished this is why I love crock pot cooking you can't get much easier than that and then to go with it we're gonna have these which are my favorite little Frozen rolls to get it's the sister Schubert's the Parker House style yeast rolls I put a little bit of butter actually I slather butter butter a slather butter on top of this and just put it in the oven per directions on the back of the package and we're gonna make some of my canned green beans that I just canned and put up this year um so yeah that is what's going to be for supper tonight and it's my anniversary so yay me easy supper easy cleanup can't ask for anything better we're getting ready to make my home canned green beans I'm going to start with a little bit of butter probably about a tablespoon come in with about a tablespoon of the liquid gold just in solid fat solidified form that's bacon grease and then I'm just going to come in with some of this easy onion give this a little bit of a stir let those flavors come together so I just poured the of course the liquid that they were canned in and everything probably won't need any salt because they are canned with salt in them so we're just going to let those heat up and get happy put those rolls in the oven y'all just saw them but I'll go ahead and show you again since they are now slathered in some butter we're going to go ahead and put those into the oven let those get nice and golden brown and then our beans are going to be done and our chicken and stuff is already finished so dinner is easy peasy tonight [Music] all right y'all so tonight's supper is going to be cube steak um in the crock pot of course so I have two cans of cream of mushroom soup they're just the 10.5 ounces then I've got a can of beef broth it's the 14.5 ounce I've got a thing of sliced baby bella mushrooms you can use any kind of mushrooms you want if you already have canned that's fine too but I like the fresh ones I've got this whole onion right here I'm gonna slice it on up then I've got a packet of onion soup mix two packets of the brown gravy mix and of course two packs of cube steak so that is I think it's like eight yeah eight cube steaks right there so what I'm going to do is go ahead and slice up this onion wash these mushrooms off and then we'll come back and mix up the mixture and get everything put into a sprayed crock pot [Music] thank you so first things is the soup are the soups let's get both of them in there all right yeah so I thought I was recording when I was doing this but that is both cans of cream of chicken soup both packages of brown gravy and then the package of the I used mushroom onion soup mix but you can use the beefy onion you can use the just plain onion and I just mix that together and then half a cup of beef broth is going to go in this and then I'm gonna put about three quarters of a cup of beef broth in the crock pot all right so on top of the onions we're gonna go ahead and put our first layer of cube steak and I am going to season those grab some badia complete of course and that is a video complete there's been a lot of people asking me about this seasoning this is how it comes it's got a dark green lid but if you're wanting it that is what it looks like and I'll see if I can link it below and then we're gonna go ahead with some more onion go ahead and put a little bit of this beef broth in here now and then save the rest to put over the top we're gonna put a layer of mushrooms mixture that way both layers have all of this on here now we're just going to repeat with the second layer [Music] but we're gonna go ahead and put our crock pot lid on this can cook on low for six to eight hours or high for four we're gonna go ahead and do the six hours and it'll be good it'll stay on keep warm until I get home and then I'll make some mashed potatoes and corn to go with it all right y'all say we are home and this is all the way done there are hamburger steak sitting there you can see one right there I don't want to stir them around too much but to go with this I'm going to boil these potatoes right here and just get those mashed on up with a little bit of heavy cream butter and probably cream cream cheese and then I'm just going to heat up this peaches and cream corn that's what I call it I know it says golden white but I say peaches and cream so we're just gonna go ahead and cook that up with just a little bit of butter and supper is going to be ready all right so in these potatoes I just have a little bit of salt and then some beef bouillon instead of chicken since we have the um cube steaks in there so we're just going to go ahead and boil those on up [Music] all right y'all so tonight for supper is going to be crock pot lazy man lasagna whatever you want to call it I went through my freezer and pulled out two bags of spaghetti sauce that I had a frozen in there we've got some a fresh lost mozzarella they're just the little bitty slices it doesn't I can't even see the slices in it but it is sliced so we're going to go ahead and use that I'm gonna grate up this colby jack right here and we got some mini cheese ravioli so let's go ahead and get this all put into the crock pot for supper tonight all right so I went ahead and sprayed in my crock pot so that it's good to go so nothing sticks to it all right so I'm just gonna go ahead and dump just a little bit of that sauce in the bottom we're just gonna spread that around a little bit now I do have some beef ravioli if I need a little bit more but what I think I'll do is just kind of mix it with the beef and the cheese and do a layer like maybe put a layer of beef ravioli in the middle I just love my crock pot because supper is going to be ready when I get home and I cannot beat that so now we're going to put some cheese and more sauce oh so where these are thicker slices I'm just going to kind of lay them around we'll put about five of them in there I might put one more now that I think I need it like right there I think that's good and now we're going to come in with our beef ravioli can do the same thing with it and just make a layer flat I kind of just put them around all right so I didn't have too much left and what I did is just mix the cheese and the beef on top and then I took the first bag that I ran out of and put a little bit of water in it and kind of shook it around and got the rest of that sauce out so now we're gonna go ahead and finish it up and I did add a little bit of water to this bag as well just to kind of get everything out I absolutely love keeping spaghetti sauce Frozen for this reason now the last little bit of mozzarella I'm just going to kind of shred up and put it all over the top and now we're going to come in put the last little bit of cheese and that we have shredded up I have a little bit more shredded of the cheese so that's what we're gonna finish the top with this is gonna cook one low for about five hours you could do it on high for a couple if you wanted to just dump that in there and then I'll kind of spread it out a little bit but yeah you could cook it on high for a couple hours I low four to six mine automatically cuts off though thankfully because I'll be at work so um we're gonna go ahead and put the lid on it all right y'all so we are home let's go ahead and see what we got in here oh it smells so good so it's not burnt it's just a little bit darker my lighting is not the best in here but anyways it's just been on keep warm you can see that everything has it melted nicely so we're gonna go ahead and get ready to eat but first I want to make me some garlic and herb crescents so I just have this Atlanta Lakes garlic and herb butter spread and some crescent rolls I'm just gonna roll these out put a little bit of this on it and then get them baking foreign [Music] so we've got all eight of those done I do have a little bit of the butter on top of it but I'm going to come in with a little bit of garlic salt to each one just to give it a little bit of extra flavor and now we're going to go ahead and put these in to bake when they're done we're going to be ready to eat [Music] [Music] [Music] all right y'all so crock pot sippy chicken and we have about a pound of chicken breast here I'm gonna season those up with some video complete and a little bit of salt now to make the Mississippi chicken you'll need I don't know if I'm gonna put the whole stick of butter in there but probably a half a stick of butter the original recipe calls for a whole stick but I don't have as much chicken so I'm just gonna cut it down to half then you'll need a packet of aju gravy and a packet of dry ranch and then some it says pepperoncini peppers but we like the banana peppers better so we're just going to use the banana peppers in it so this is everything you're going to need it's a dump and go which are my favorite kind of crock pot recipes so let's get right into making this crock pot so into our sprayed crock pot you'll already know this you can skip this part if you want to but I just like to give my meat that I'm cooking a nice little bed to kind of rest on but into the crock pot they go all right so my meat is so little Frozen which isn't going to hurt nothing wash your hands we're gonna go ahead and season this chicken up so in goes the video complete and a little bit of salt there is no water in this so there's the aju put that right in and then that whole packet of ranch it didn't want to come open so I had to cut it open right over top and now we're gonna put that um butter in I'm gonna go ahead and slice it up real quick and then we'll put it all over the top [Music] some of this pepper banana pepper juice and we're gonna get some of those rings out and we're just gonna place them all over we might dump just a little bit more juice in there and that is it all right so we're gonna put our lid on it I had to wash it my crock pot's been getting a quite the use this week so we're gonna go ahead and cook this on low for six to eight hours so I'm just gonna do seven and then by the time I get home it'll still be on keep warm so that'll be fine and dandy all right y'all so I'm home from work and this is already cooked down we're gonna give everything a good stir kind of break that chicken up a little bit but I'm gonna go and peel some taters to make some mashed taters and I'm gonna make some green beans to go with it but y'all this smells so good it smells so good I'm hungry can you also all right y'all so I got the taters here I just put a little bit of salt in the water instead of the bouillon this time and then I've got my green beans heating up so supper will be ready here in just a jiffy all right so there is the chicken I kind of chunked it up a little bit I didn't shred it all the way though and then we have our creamy mashed potatoes we like to leave them chunky rustic whatever you want to call them we have our green beans [Music] all right y'all so supper tonight is going to be one of my absolute favorite fall crock pot meals but I make it year round because I love it so much we are going to have cream cheese chicken chili yep you heard it and I've got just a little bit of time to put this together and that's why I love you can use frozen chicken so it is now 7 29 in the morning I have to be at work by 8 15. let's get this started and then I'll show you what time it is once we've got everything put together but for this you'll need mild chili some ranch dressing seasoning so both of those seasoning packs mixed chili beans are just regular chili beans can of black beans some chicken broth some diced tomatoes and a can of corn you won't have to drain any of these you just dump it all in there you can hear the thunder and the lightning we're finally getting some rain and I'm thanking the lord for it and of course some frozen chicken breasts I just have four in here here and a block of cream cheese let's get this put together so I gave our crock pot a good spray down and I know you can see the Shadows so my apologies first things we're gonna do is put these a frozen chicken breast right into the bottom here and then we're just going to start dumping everything on top of all right so on top of your chicken we're just gonna put some badia complete down I know the chicken's Frozen but I'm still going to season it up then we're gonna dump this whole can chicken broth right in there it's a 14.5 ounce can now this is my recipe there are several recipes around you do whatever is best for you and your family and what y'all like next we're going to take Tomatoes they're gonna go right in as well juice and all [Laughter] black beans not drained not rinsed just dump them right in there all of these are like the 15.25 ounce cans same for the chili beans I just kind of like to spread them around a little bit come back and get all the other stuff out same for the corn now what's good about this is that you can freeze this so we will we will have leftovers we'll probably eat on it a couple nights but the rest I'll freeze and it freezes perfectly now in it goes the whole packet of chili seasoning and the whole packet of ranch when I say this is my absolute favorite I know it's because of that ranch and then to top it off we're going to lay that block of cream cheese right on the top and what we're gonna do is just kind of stir these seasonings around just a little bit you don't have to worry about it too much because everything is going to cook together I just kind of like to get it melted in there a little bit now you could have totally done this and I probably should have before I put the cream cheese in there but y'all know me by now okay all right so that is in there what we're gonna do is oops sorry that was probably loud get our handy dandy lid on there set this for about six to eight hours and then when we get home we'll just take that chicken out and shred it all together and mix it all up and it'll be ready to serve just to bring y'all back over here it's 7 35 I started at 7 29 that is six minutes even opening the cans and everything you can't beat that to have supper ready all right y'all so I'm home from work we're gonna go ahead and see what we got here looks so good so I know I said I was probably gonna take the chicken out and shred it but I think I'm just gonna use this handy dandy tool and just break that chicken right on up in there that way I don't have to dirty any dishes and it shreds it just good enough for me so I'm gonna go ahead and continue to just smash up this chicken and mix that cream cheese in there and then we'll be ready to serve it I serve mine with some sour cream shredded cheese and some tortilla chips that's all I put in there so I'm Gonna Keep On shredding this chicken and then I'll bring it back once it's done all right y'all so you all can see that all that chicken is now broke apart and the cream cheese is mixed in there it might not look too appealing but I'm gonna tell y'all what this is probably some of the best chili slash soup slash stoop that you will ever have it is probably like I said before it's one of my absolute favorites now I'm just gonna go ahead and serve this deliciousness going up all right y'all that finishes up this week's video I hope you enjoyed all of these delicious crock pot meals and I hope that you can make some for your family or that you'll at least give them a try if you are in need of prayer please let me know in the comments below you can even private message me I would be more than honored to pray for you all also make sure you check out the other two videos that are on your screen it would help my channel out tremendously but until next time God bless bye thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: Sammi May - Managin' the May's
Views: 324,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: managing the mays, mandyinthemaking, crockpot recipes, whats for dinner, slow cooker recipes, summer recipes, slow cooker, easy dinner ideas, cook with me, easy crock pot meals, slow cooker dinners, in the kitchen with momma mel, summer crockpot recipes, easy crockpot meals for beginners, crockpot dinners, dump and go crockpot recipes, dump and go slow cooker recipes, fiesta crack chicken, smothered pork chops in slow cooker, honey garlic chicken, mississippi chicken, easy
Id: _qBSI-TR918
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 31sec (1891 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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