10 of the EASIEST Weeknight Meals - BEST Recipes for Dinner!

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now after a very busy month i'm ready for some easy weeknight meals how about you guys [Music] now we're finally getting around to cleaning up our christmas tree but i want to show you something so right before christmas i had kovit and my husband decided to take the girls to chop down their very first christmas tree this was a great idea until we started cleaning up the tree and i noticed something now if you zoom in on this you'll be able to see there are probably i don't know hundreds hundreds of little beetles that we believe hatched and then stuck to the tree i'm not gonna lie grateful to be done with that nasty treat and also last video i told you that i was due january 7th that is not true it is february 7th we're just going to blame that one on the pregnancy because sometimes my brain is not functioning now with it being january i thought i'd start off the month right with some simple easy weeknight recipes these ones are my favorites okay i'm gonna start with the kings hawaiian rolls the only bad thing about the air fryer is that they all won't fit so i actually am pulling three aside so we're just gonna cook the nine right now so if you have a smaller family this will work perfect so i actually i cut these in half we'll just open them right up then we're gonna make the yummy sauce that goes inside you do anywhere from fourth of cups to a half a cup of mayonnaise and then and about a fourth a cup to half a cup of honey mustard so you just want to make sure these are kind of like the same amount but yeah i'm gonna do about a fourth a cup and then mix them all together then i am just going to scoop on the sauce and just spread it around the best that i can once you have both sides you want to have covered in the sauce then it's time to add your turkey so i love using the deli meat i just think it tastes a lot better so you just need one side make sure that you have all the bread covered so now we're gonna add the swiss cheese i love just getting this pre-cut swiss cheese it just makes my life a lot easier so we're just going to make sure that all the pieces have some swiss cheese on them so we're going to gently put this on there we go and put it right into the air fryer okay so now i need the topping so this is 1 4 cup of butter that we've melted and then we're gonna add one teaspoon of we're gonna call it the w sauce just because i struggle saying it w sauce you know what i'm talking about yup double sauce then we're gonna do one tablespoon of poppy seeds that seems like a lot but trust me it makes it taste so good okay and go ahead and mix this all together this is going to be your yummy like topping on top of it it's going to make it taste so good now it's just time to cover the tops with the poppy seed butter amazingness okay now we're gonna cook it at 350 degrees we're gonna go for five minutes and then check on it just so it's not burning i checked these at three minutes and they are starting to get crispy on the top but the cheese is all melted so we're gonna call this a win and cook them just so you know i only cooked them for three minutes the next one is the sliders you ready okay i'm gonna let you take a bite first then i'll take a bite after you [Music] and she's the kid who likes sauces and mayonnaise and stuff so i'm curious of your thoughts i like the crunch at the top okay and other than that it pretty much just tastes like a normal slider all right we have sliders a lot in our house but i like it yeah okay one out of five five i'll go to five two i love sliders alright guys let's move on to the next one the next recipe i'm making is one pan chicken fajitas now i love this because i can cook my chicken and my vegetables all at the same time then you just fill them in a tortilla super simple the first thing we're gonna do is to lay the chicken tenders onto the sheet pan next we're gonna add either taco seasoning or fajita seasoning whatever you have we're gonna add about half of the packet on top of the chicken next i'm gonna take a jar of salsa i love jordez salsa and we're just going to sprinkle a little bit of salsa on top of the chicken also okay so i cut up a yellow pepper and a red pepper and then i also cut up an onion now you can do your onion in strips but my kids don't really love onions so i'm trying to hide them so i did small pieces for my onions then we're just gonna pour this right on top of your chicken you can do it in between you can do it on top it doesn't really matter now for the onions now i'm just gonna add the rest of the taco seasoning right on top and then we're gonna drizzle everything with a little bit of olive oil okay this is all ready to cook so we're gonna cook it at 375 degrees for about 40 minutes all right when you're all done you're just gonna take it and put it in a tortilla and add your most favorite toppings so if you notice i'm using whole wheat tortillas just to make it a little bit healthier so if you're going healthier whole wheat's the way to go all right ready so good instant pot sloppy joes you're gonna love this one you're first gonna start by pushing the saute button once it's warm you're gonna add one tablespoon of butter you're just gonna let it melt in there next you're gonna add just one pound of ground beef you can also use ground turkey if you want to we're using ground beef today just start separating your meat on top of that you're gonna add one red pepper about a half of a red onion and just go ahead and mix that all together now you're not gonna cook this all the way through but just a little bit until your meat is brown now even though it's not cooked through you can drain your grease right now okay you're gonna push off and then we're going to add the sauce now down below in the description this is a homemade sauce you can find that recipe there then we're going to mix this all together there's enough liquid in there that it should be able to pressurize so we're going to put your lid on you're going to turn that little knob to sealing you're going to push pressure cook and then we're just going to cook this so finish cooking the meat at eight minutes when it's done go ahead and let the pressure out and your beef should be done and it should be well combined those vegetables will be nice and cooked all together i love serving this on buns you can add with of course chips or a side salad pork chops and potatoes are cooked at the same time you're first gonna add 3 4 cup of italian seasoning into a bowl a teaspoon of italian seasoning and then a half cup of parmesan and then just mix that all together all right i'm going to line my cookie sheet with foil then you're just going to spray it with some nonstick cooking spray all right so first you're going to take one of your pork chops now mine has a bone in it it doesn't matter so bone in or without a bone that's great so you're going to put it into a half a cup of your melted butter and then into your italian seasoning mixture and you're going to press it pretty good then flip it then press it again then it's just going to go right onto your pan all right once they're all done let's head on over to the potatoes all right now it's time for the potatoes so i have about five potatoes that i chopped up again i like to do bite-sized pieces just because they're easier to eat we'll just dump them right into a bowl then i'm just gonna drizzle the top with a little bit of olive oil and then some salt and some pepper then you're just gonna mix this to coat all of the potatoes so then you're just going to dump the potatoes all around the pork chops we want them to be touching the foil because they'll cook a little bit better then you just want to spread them out making sure they're not on top of each other then you're just going to cook these for 400 degrees for about 35 to 40 minutes all right when it's all done cooking you're gonna go ahead and plate up your pork chops and your potatoes now i also like to serve this with a delicious side salad so you're gonna take about a pound of your favorite sausage cook it up into a skillet cook it until it is no longer pink and cooked all the way through now while that's cooking take a 9x9 pan and spray it with cooking spray now i have about four biscuits canned biscuits that i have here i've cut them into pieces four pieces and just laid them onto the bottom i'm gonna cook those at 400 degrees for 10 minutes or until they're brown now while when this is done cooking i'm gonna add about two and a half tablespoons of flour and we're just going to mix that in this is how we're going to make the gravy of our biscuits and gravy casserole then we're going to add two and a half cups of milk and a little bit of salt a little bit of pepper you're kind of just going to mix that all in together until it starts to thicken and it will thicken trust me once it's done thickening you're going to pour it on top of the biscuits then you want to make sure that you've spread it around really well so all of the gravy and the sausage is in between the biscuits because you don't want hard biscuits you want them you know covered in the gravy right am i right yes i am then you're gonna add the rest of the biscuits so there's four more biscuits you're gonna cut them into fourths and then you're just going to place them on top of your gravy your sausage gravy there we go i can't speak today once you're done with that it's time to go into the oven so you're gonna cook them for about 10 to 15 more minutes or until the biscuits are just nice and golden brown on top now i love cooking meatballs in the instant pot it's one of my most favorite things because frozen meatballs cook so fast and you can have a recipe literally on your table in about 15 minutes so if you guys are ready let's get cooking all right so the first thing we're gonna do is kind of saute the vegetables to get them just a little bit softer and full of flavor so we're going to go over to our instant pot now this is the lux it's an older version but it all the instant pot should have a saute button so you're going to just push the saute and then wait for it to get hot so once your instant pot's hot we're going to add just two tablespoons of butter and two tablespoons of olive oil then we're just gonna mix this around melt our butter get the bottom hot and toasty so we can cook the vegetables okay so the first thing we're gonna put in there is just one onion all chopped up small i like little onions then we're just gonna add about four to six stalks of celery depending on if how much you like then i'm gonna add four large carrots that we cut into little pieces or if you're lazy you can always just throw in some baby carrots but i like i like how these taste once our vegetables are in we're kind of just going to stir it around with the oil and the butter just to brown them up a little bit so this will take about two to three minutes just until your onions start to get soft your celery starts to get soft but don't worry your carrots will cook as your instant pot cooks okay as your vegetables are cooking we're just gonna add four teaspoons of garlic in there make that smell really good with the onions okay so it's been a few minutes now i'm going to add all my other stuff so first i'm going to just add two cans of crushed tomatoes now you want to leave the juice in there because this is a soup so you want it to be soupy there we go mix that around a little bit you can still have your saute on it will it won't hurt anything now we have three tablespoons of tomato paste that we're gonna throw in there now i am just going to eyeball it because you know that's how i roll all right then we're going to just add one packet of ranch now my secret this is kroger ranch now you can buy name brand ranch but you'll pay almost a dollar more i love buying store brand because it's literally the same ingredients and it tastes just as good so save a dollar here and there when you buy store brand okay we're gonna mix this in for a little bit it's starting to smell really good okay now we're gonna add the beef broth okay so we have because of the soup we're gonna add four cups of beef broth which is this whole entire container i love buying these containers because i don't have to measure i can just pour it all in there we go okay mix that around a little bit now we're getting pretty full on our instant pot so this is a six quart if you're gonna make a through if you're going to make this recipe with a three quart you want to half the recipe or it's going to overflow so you can make this recipe just fine in a six quart or eight quart all right now the most important part is the meatballs i just have a 32 ounce bag of frozen meatballs this is one of my favorite brands it's cooked perfect this is kind of these are the meatballs that i buy all the time so i'm just gonna dump those carefully in without splashing too much there we go okay mix those around a little bit now there's enough liquid in here it's not gonna burn and it's gonna it's gonna be just perfect so we're gonna put the lid on right now make sure that this little knob is turned to ceiling not venting now because we have the saute button on we need to turn that off so we have to push cancel so push cancel and then we'll push either this is the old version so it's a manual button or pressure cook button depending on what you have now i love this because meatballs only take seven minutes to cook so once you set the timer you can just walk away okay so when the timer is done you're just gonna turn the little knob to venting to let out all the pressure and steam so the lid can open so once the lid is up oh it smells so good nice okay we're gonna just dish it up and you guys will see just how yummy it is now my kids like this because they love the meatballs in it i swear that's their favorite food i like it because there's vegetables and other good things in it okay so we're just gonna add some toppings onto it so we like to add cheese because my kids will eat anything with cheese right and then just a little bit of green onions on top just give it a pop of color and a little bit of flavor all right guys there you go super easy meatball soup buffalo chicken tostadas it doesn't really get much easier than this and it's also super healthy well for the most part it's healthier healthier than going out to eat it's true it's very true better than a big mac but okay so we'll get started so the first thing you're going to want to do is add your plain greek yogurt so we have about a cup and a half of plain greek yogurt right here you can use like a sour cream mayonnaise combination but this is from our new healthy cookbook so we're going for healthier alternatives here here okay what's next we're going to add about a half cup of some buffalo sauce and we'll just mix this together and this we always mix this separately before we add in the chicken just to help combine it just a little bit better to maybe smooth out the greek yogurt there we go what's the word greek yogurt so once we have this mixed we'll just add in our chicken you could do you could boil your chicken breast or do them in the instant pot and shred them i love rotisserie chicken because i'm lazy all the cooking is done for you you gotta shred it okay you want to add that in yeah you're ready for me yes you want all of it in there um yeah most of it okay i can do that that's probably good perfect okay so again just like five to six cups of shredded chicken nice we'll mix this all together now also like if your kids don't love the hot sauce you can also add some barbecue sauce in too it would still be like a creamy barbecue sauce but i love hot sauce i love things spicy it gets tamed with the twin greek yogurt so it's not as spicy so i have the most weak mouth and i cannot do spicy and i love these so perfect perfect and then once you add the cheese and all the other toppings any weak mouth like mine will handle it that's fine golden all right so now you just want to put about a half cup on each tostadas so this recipe it kind of serves a lot it serves but about five to six it makes about 10 to 12 tostadas we're just gonna do one pan of six today but we usually serve two per person when we serve yeah i eat two i easily eat two and then once you have all your chicken on top this is a fun way to get your kids involved kind of get them familiar with cooking more healthy there we go they can top these off with their favorite toppings so it's kind of like a pizza so we'll top these with some mozzarella cheese you can use really any cheese that you have on hand but we definitely prefer our mozzarella we love some mozzarella or fresh mozzarella that would be really good yes it would and then to these we've just chopped up some green onions and some cilantro so this is also if your kids are kind of weird with both of these toppings you can put them on before the cheese so then it's kind of hidden and they won't say it but just omit them and they will still eat it i'm sure that has great flavor to it right i love green onions and the hot sauce that's one of my favorite things all right the best part about this recipe is it takes three minutes to cook these you're just going to boil them on high for three minutes and then bottoming that kind of out of control with this lunch that's okay everyone loves some good slots me too okay all right should we stick them in yes perfect [Music] [Applause] so that's literally all you have to do for this recipe is what how many minutes that took us to throw together maybe five maybe five and it's super delicious now if you are going even healthier you can easily serve this on a salad or something like that but for now our kids love this and it's good all right it's so good let's move on to the next recipe all right so on your insta pot you're gonna push the saute button there we go once it starts heating up you're gonna add one pound of ground beef into it so just gonna dump that in not that part all right and then i'm also gonna add one onion that we've chopped up into pretty small pieces just gonna throw that in with it next i'm gonna take my lovely chopstir now i've talked about my jobster quite often so if you haven't seen this yet i'll put a link down below in the description it is my most favorite probably one of my most favorite tools in the whole kitchen so it just breaks up your meat so easily as you cook [Music] all right so once your meat is cooked pretty well like it's almost all brown and your onions are getting a little bit tender now it's time to add everything else in so okay so first we're gonna add just one green pepper in there then we're gonna start adding in some of the sauces so first we're going to do like this is 29 ounces of tomato sauce now this seems like a lot of sauce but just trust me on this one it's it's going to be good so we have 29 ounces of that then we have two cans of diced tomatoes we're going to leave all the liquid in these too then we have one can of corn again we're just going to leave the liquid in because we're going to cook our noodles in this at the same time okay then for some of our seasonings and sauces we have half a cup of brown sugar now this is the secret this is what makes it grandma's goulash is the brown sugar in it so we're gonna add three tablespoons of soy sauce and then one tablespoon of worcestershire sauce then we're just gonna mix it really well now we're getting pretty full so if you have an eight quart instant pot i would highly suggest cooking it in the eight quart but we're gonna we're gonna see how this goes next we have one pound of elbow macaroni now i'm only going to do half the box because i'm nervous that it's too full so if you you could do the whole box if you had an eight quart but half the box so just a half a pound if you're gonna do just a six quart so you're gonna dump in our macaroni there we go and then we're gonna add about a cup of water so we need that water in there so that so one it will pressurize and two will get our noodles all cooked all right i think we're ready okay so you're gonna make sure the lid is on all the way make sure this little knob is turned to sealing not venting then you're gonna push the pressure cook button because we have to cook those noodles we need to go to four minutes so we're gonna go here we go we're at 50 so we got to go down quite a ways and because our hamburger is already cooked you really just have to cook it for the amount of time that the noodles cook so four minutes once you set the timer you can just walk away all right so now that the timer is done it's been sitting here for about seven minutes or so we're gonna turn this little knob to venting okay now that all the pressure's out you can open the lid safely oh my gosh this looks so good i don't know if you guys can see this but yes i'm excited i think my husband will be excited for this one all right so we're just going to pour some into this bowl here so you can see it now if you want to add a little bit of salt and pepper that's great i didn't add a ton of seasoning but it really doesn't need a lot because it has a lot of flavor in there and then if you want to put a little bit of cheese on top serve it just like that with your kids and they will love it now my noodle of choice today is small shell noodles so you just need one pound of noodles then you're gonna put them in the bottom of your instant pot you're gonna take your pot and fill it just until the noodles are covered with water next go ahead and put your lid on make sure it's sealed correctly now if you have a knob you want to turn it to sealing not venting next you'll push manual or pressure cook button and go to four minutes now after a few seconds it will stay on that means you're good you can walk away now after the four minutes you can turn the knob to release it but just beware with pasta sometimes it makes a giant mess so you can turn it back and forth releasing the pressure slowly once all the pressure's out go ahead and lift the lid up and your pasta should be done now i didn't need to drain any water because there is no water left to drain so go ahead and mix up your noodles before you add the other ingredients so first i'm going to add about eight tablespoons of butter i like to use salted butter that's my favorite in macaroni and cheese next you're going to add about a half a cup of milk now we're going to add a little bit more but right now we're just going to add half a cup then we're going to add two cups of sharp cheddar white cheese did you hear that sharp cheddar cheese it is amazing and then about a half a cup to a cup of shredded parmesan so now it's time to just mix everything in so slowly gently mix it in now it'd be easier to push the saute button just to get it warm or warmer on the bottom to melt your butter faster and to melt your cheese faster now because it is really cheesy you want to make sure to add just a little bit more liquid just so you can make it creamy not so chunky cheesy so i added a half a cup more of milk then you're just going to continue mixing until all of your butter is melted and all of your cheese is mixed together now you can add just a little bit of salt and pepper i just like to add salt in my mac and cheese and then go ahead and mix that in as well now when you're all done your cheese should be nice and creamy this is how we like it now when i serve it i also like to add just a little bit of parmesan cheese on top and there you have it so this recipe is perfect if you have leftover chicken i sometimes buy this chicken that you can get and steam it and shred and it's my favorite i just buy it you can get it at walmart or kroger then we just need some onion and chive cream cheese a little bit of mozzarella now it calls for real bacon that's crumbled but we're gonna call this my real bacon because it's a simple step and i love how it's already cooked and then just one thing of crescents okay so the first thing we're gonna do is microwave our cream cheese and i'm literally just gonna take off the foil and microwave it in this package all right now we're ready to mix everything together so we're gonna take our chicken i'm gonna give it to you and just go ahead and dump it in good job maybe perfect then we have our cream cheese i microwaved it for about 30 seconds just so it's a little bit softer it will make it a lot easier to stir while she's mixing all that i'm gonna add about a half cup or so of bacon bits you can add more if you want the last thing we're gonna add is about a half a cup of mozzarella cheese and i'm just gonna eyeball this because yeah sometimes it's okay to do a little more than half a cup because everyone loves cheese all right now that we're all mixed together it's time to put together the pockets now we're just gonna open up our crescents oh didn't come and now i can crunch it all right so now we're going to take this little dude we're going to roll it out now it is in triangles right now but we don't want triangles we're going to make little squares so we're actually going to cut it ourselves kind of fix those little lines so we're going to smush them together so we need to make 16 squares out of here so i cut it in fourths and then we're just going to cut those into fourths too so okay so you're going to take one square you're going to spread it out just a little bit because we need it bigger than this little tiny square so we're going to stretch it and then maybe you want to put about two tablespoons or so right in the middle okay good work and then we're just going to close it up i just like to pinch all four pull up all four corners and then just pinch it at the top looks good okay so we finished up these little guys now if i would do it again i'd actually probably leave them in triangles it would make our lives a little bit easier huh we also had about we only used about half of this so thankfully i have some more crescents so we're going to make a little bit more so with this recipe make sure you get two of these all right now it's time to bake these we're gonna bake them at about 375 degrees for 10 minutes 10 minutes all right they went about 10 minutes they look amazing all right guys thanks so much for joining me if you want more easy recipes you can find more just right up there alright i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Six Sisters' Stuff
Views: 201,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SixSistersStuff, Recipe, Weeknight meals, What's for dinner, Easy Dinner IDeas, whats for dinner tonight, dinner recipes, easy dinner recipes, easy weeknight dinner ideas, Six Sisters STuff easy weeknight meals, six sisters stuff easy meals, six sisters stuff easy dinner ideas, whats for dinner my favorite, quick and easy meals, easy dinner recipes for kids, what to make for dinner easy
Id: wWwSpX1U0Vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 02 2022
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