My Sisters First Flight in a Cessna 172

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foreign [Music] what's up guys my name is Graham Peterson and this is my first recorded flight I got my private pilot's license about four months ago and during those four months I have been giving my family Joyrides and this is my sister's first flight on a 172. hope you all enjoy [Music] [Music] there we are we should have audio whoa whoa yeah and I was not looking at all I was looking actually [Applause] yeah we're disclosing where we live first video Princeton Minnesota bleep that out yeah we'll see I don't even know if it works I'm hoping it works the audio we'll see you want to fly all right you're flying oh you can't yeah play oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my God oh my gosh push down a little bit because you're climbing you're climbing oh I push down push no take control you gotta take control you're gonna take control we're going down we're dropping you put it back up oh there's Cambridge sweating now just go like this grip stop it's adjust it short terrific yeah [Music] all right let me get Cambridge pulled up on my flight app for flight this is sponsored by floor flight I wish can you be a YouTuber yeah we'll see I don't know that'd be cool I'll just do it for fun so my kids can see it so welcome kids I am 18 years old and uh don't do what I do I'm gonna make you guys do flying oh cute I'm Auntie Belle [Applause] I want to have kids I'm gifted with celibacy and like that's terrific Thailand three one two zero Quebec is five miles to the West yeah Grantsburg I heard [Music] much traffic so what those people just did was stomp on each other means that they are clicking this at the same time and it goes you don't want to do that flying all right we're contacting Princeton Cinema we're five miles so we got there so quickly yeah it was almost 8 30. that's crazy well I guess we took off at like 7 40. um what was it gonna look up oh yeah runways weather we gotta listen to weather um visibility one zero clear below one two thousand temperature two four Celsius 2.17 altimeter two nine minutes remarks density altitude two thousand two hundred oh there's that cute little buns Princeton municipal airport automated weather observation zero one one two Zulu weather wind 190 at three Princeton traffic Stacks six one seven six one five miles to the North Landing landing at the runway one six Prince traffic [Applause] I don't know why I stopped there I don't know why I couldn't think of the stupid word inbound for landing one six whatever all right Princeton Landings Princeton traffic stack 761 three mile final for renew one six Sprints in traffic it'll be a touch and go all right so car repeat 1500 RPMs do you have to win I wanna I wanna do a touch and go oh Mississippi to a Mississippi three Mississippi all right flaps are in that's good got some good air speed 80. I want to hit that when we come down we got what two notches of flaps 20 degrees 30 degrees of crosswind which is nothing at like four miles per hour all right power all the way out we just idle what's that mean we just it barely spins barely is going and then we go out and go down and then do a little flare that's where these marks are all right we hit the ground flaps up carpet in [Applause] all right there's your touch and go oh wow yeah that was cool yeah see pretty cool huh yeah that was a good graceful Landing yeah and that's where dad works oh right over there hi Dad yeah pretty cool huh yeah it wasn't even my best at all but yeah it was good [Applause] Princeton traffic skag 761 turning downward and running one six princess traffic yeah look at Princeton there it is our hometown [Applause] to the city [Applause] one thing I noticed you drink a lot of water when you're flying and you also have to pee a lot really yeah that's not a good combo all right I'm gonna contact Rush [Applause] wait what Rush City Regional Airport automated weather observation zero one four zero Zulu weather wind two two zero at three visibility one zero clear below one two thousand temperature two five Celsius 2.18 altimeter two niner niner six remarks all right Road City traffic Scag six one seven six one eight miles to the West in my land in front of one six Rush City do I have a good pilot voice yeah I do not yeah rustity traffic Skyhawks six one seven six one oh yeah it sounds eight miles at 3 500 at the West gonna be entering a cross we're in front of one six I should do that one foreign [Applause] by myself I hook up the Bluetooth and I listen to um Lady Gaga guitar [Applause] Lady Gaga hold my hand hold my hand everything will be all right I heard from the heavens That clouds have been made pull me close it's on Top Gun the new one yeah [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] ah yay and if people are near you coming behind you you just say hey um Rush City the town my tail number Skyhawk 761 is clear of the runway and then Rush City I always start with it and end with the purple that was so fun friends
Channel: Graham Peterson
Views: 595,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rB5CS8dTIMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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