My Sister is TERRIFIED of Flying!!

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all right say you're nervous what are you nervous about she does not like small airplanes welcome back guys quick stop we got nervous flier aka my sister okay Christie right along for flight back to Chicago Aurora so you can hang out with us yeah so excited Cherokee County traffic twin Cessna 771 Bravo Charley's taxing out on my five be a VFR departure to the Northwest Cherokee County it is sweltering hot in here right now it is I can understand why Jamie hangs out the window yeah I just didn't want to do that because I'm good you beat me in here I want to be contained all right we're gonna do a quick run up we'll be right back ready to go yeah let's do it let's do it Cherokee County traffic 20s no 7 7 1 Bravo Charlie's taking runway 5 for VFR departure to the northwest Cherokee County oh yeah I got a and I tell my fuel computers that we topped off all right Ron centreline throttles coming up 1700 there's coming forward girls coming up to 2,000 judgments turn the Green Deal close look good air speeds alive 60 70 80 90 rotate yep the bricks here coming up laughing out of blue line dognappers coming off I want to drive expenses here one hotel appears on the left downwind from what everyone wonder do you have a little circle vent right there it's like an airliner style if you unser calit2 open and you'll just hold it a few minutes okay thank you mountains are beautiful oh oh there's a bird yep you see birds are traffic make sure you call them out okay this is gonna prove here in just a bit when we get up a little bit higher ah no beautiful love the mountains alright alright got the autopilot off what you think take off too scary no freaking out I wish I didn't feel like that but I just oh all right so now I'm ready for some air why the drive room over the clear one hotel fair apparently isn't final for runway 31 11 Atlanta senator twin Cessna 7 7 lon Bravo Charlie up the Cherokee with an IFR request charlie rid of concept North County opposite indicate 4,000 from my brother Charlie affirmative we're going through 4.2 now over towards Roger and I could use my own training system consists of one father tell me remember this one Provo Charlie's right there see the 6,000 you click to the Alfa Romeo number going upwards yeah and tries to maintain 8,000 and captain welcome to 3 2 1 1 3 0 1 1 1 Bravo Charlie cleared his father 8,000 leave at 6:00 we're already direct what brother Charlie 5 2 3 0 or Allegiant for 36 will get leveled off up here things will calm down [Laughter] it was happy to see you [Music] it's a lot of pushing buttons and this airplane unlike [Music] some of the other airplanes one time I was 19 years old and i took christian to Seneca the Crystal River our homicide I think is the Crystal River Airport from Atlanta south of Atlanta down there he's at 4:30 who thought every time I roll a six point six seven two it fixed em in here or third on a little eat yeah I I don't I've never been a good flyer already so we're gonna we're at 8,000 feet now so we're just gonna pick up a little bit air speed here which we're pretty much done doing and now I'm gonna set up crews it'll get a little bit quieter in here although with those light speeds you lose that's the first time you've ever worn those the light speed Zulu three pretty quiet I'm pretty comfortable super comfortable haha I love these things [Music] yeah I've worn some janky headset this is not bad this is super nice oh that's good shot look at those clouds she loved being up in the clouds up in the clouds hanging out with my sis cruising coming right back up on the line between Chattanooga Knoxville and the Great Smoky Mountains when I flew by before they were all covered in the fog you know but it's all lifted now so beautiful I love driving through the mountains really gorgeous we're not gonna go with the clouds for long periods of time we'll stay visual nervous Flyers like to stay visual do you comfy with your positioning and here about our air flow oh cool well howdy just came down to Georgia to pick up my sister real quick well thanks for saying something thank you very much hi YouTube howdy the controller controller did a what's up to YouTube the pilot a pilot saw us on his scope might be this one you see his callsign so he saw her callsign and just gave us a shout-out [Music] so that's what traffic looks like on here okay so you can see these rangering seven-and-a-half fifteen though he's 11 miles away - two - means he's 2,200 feet beneath us oh so he's no factor like we could merge right on top of that guy still be 2,000 feet beneath us it's all this technology stuff now you know it's so much better when do you flew with me 20 years ago on that piece of crap Seneca we didn't have nothing did you feel I have the air change of it okay I think it's kind of just the good news is at Tennessee it's kind of like Georgia North Georgia East Tennessee is pretty much the same stuff I just told you we were gonna stay out of the clouds I look up more in the clouds but for us it's not a big deal all right every now and then when you get the clouds they're bumpy but these aren't really the typical puppy kind just you'll feel just a little just little bitty Bob sewer we're gonna be on top of these it looks like so it's a pretty smaller area you gotta breathe okay it's cool look look at all this stuff we have we have so many ways of flying well and of course you know the auto pilot is doing insight to the auto pilot don't know if it's in a cloud or not anything I'm gonna get a refill we're done what'd you get on the other side of this let's see what you see really I think so look off to the right oh my gosh might be done okay that wasn't it oh it's so beautiful it's okay so this is the bomber hat now plug right over there all you really yeah just right there what's the river I don't remember I don't know whatever that is it turns over to the lakes over about that yeah I think so okay I vomit dad this might be this might be a longer segment we'll see and that photo what do you need Beauty done zip the cooler yeah okay do you watch the autopilot I'll do this okay what you're gonna have to do there's a metal bar right here you see you got to reach down fill the metal bar lift it up slide forward right there what do you want it's the top box white ball oh yeah it's okay [Music] that's passenger on seven seven one bravo charlie you are welcome to adult yourself there's no rule that precludes you from okay a full-grown woman well I just well you can't hand me that you can't have it I can't have it but you could happen okay we have cocktails on this flight so what'd you think of the new paint you dig it I love it like what you came in I wished I had my camera ready it looked so what turned out I've been pretty sweet yeah and then we saw a guy when we were loading up that retired Delta pilot who has a Cessna 414 who was on the ramp and somebody get up oh just came by and said hey we like the videos we're in our so I think we're saying aye opposed goodbye we were we're normally a little more talky but we were just trying to beat the hurry up afternoon thunderstorm we're supposed to develop a walk along the path here so and we can see some of them are kind of start on each side of it so I wondered why you were in such a big hurry again summertime is just just better to get this stuff along start blowing up in point one or two o'clock for the afternoon daytime heating so they're just trying to beat all that there was an area like run around the Kentucky Indiana border I think somewhere like run around here I had just a little bit of light chopped you know it was just kind of like very minor up there right now this is smooth as blue smooth I'm bad do you think it feels good I feel everything I feel every little I don't feel anything yeah so what do you want to do you want go to the farm it's your birthday I think we should go out to the farm tonight and then we could be out there all day tomorrow the weather supposed to be nice like 80 degrees sunny won't have the humidity you're used to it'll be perfect and then we're gonna have fun maybe maybe float float a little section of a creek or something yeah she likes going to the farm anyway she's a country girl North Georgia country girl last time she came in Jamie's I Oh we'll take your sister downtown we'll go to the city and you know we'll do this that stuff which babies are very much a country girl too she just likes to go downtown sometimes Chris do is I've been downtown before that's cool I'd rather go to the formal go-go good always I put my hunting boots right there does they make perfect cup holders and I fly into house shoes it's so funny I don't think I ever really showed this but I don't think I've ever mentioned this before but this is what I fly in I fly in house shoes just regular old house shoes I wear hunting boots everywhere of my life because I like to support off my ankles and they're just comfortable and I end up in the mud I'll poop and stuff a lot but when I'm in an airplane it's the only place I warehouse shoes and it's because I like I like to have the feel when I'm landing and taking off I really like to fill the rudder pedals you want to do some aerobatics no just now get comm display this is all what Bravo Charlie is meant for in life remember cruising falda that I maintain my load this buttery there'll stuff is positive put it here I think she's moving it to guys I don't know I should have showed all the stuff she brought I am I'm staying for a while I didn't know when you people take you back the weather already away for a month if I need to get something perfect we'll keep you I have the unicorn you do you new beautiful she's cool the arrows he's easy go on Cook's good something I trip over your skis so sweet is so funny triple the creek right just like we had ruined our clothes the night before but baggage may bring anything extra so she had her PJs on like sweat are we are we really gonna do this and she's putting lipstick on dude like yeah she's like I don't know what we're doing but let's do it wakes up and super do you want to see something very nerdy what you got so I was at the store the other day because I had this like really I had this really crappy thing that was carrying cameras I kept getting four more cameras and battery chargers and different things as I've become more of a youtuber so I got this this is like a little camera carrying case and it came with this divider that was kind of crap I went and I found these later home and I cut about oh you think it looks terrible but look I cut out oh cool plots so I could put my charger there I put that camera here I can put you know the other GoPros there I got this is double what because I was gonna buy another one of these battery chargers this thing charges two batteries in Iran so and then you just put this on up zip it up and it protects you know as I like travel and I'm going place the place I throw stuff around that's a great idea altimeter two three zero three four okay booty rate for I don't they don't hot how flip over to the right there thank you ready to go back you want to go home back to Georgia I don't I don't understand what you're saying I want you to I want you to pause the video a second all right fine okay see you guys in a bit so what are some of the places that you guys want to visit well we definitely want to do like all of New England we haven't been over that way we're talking on taking the kids to Hershey Pennsylvania I guess there's a bunch of stuff to do there Lake of the Ozarks like to go out there at some point that's in Missouri Padre Island in Texas we want to do an entire West Coast Swing where we go through the Grand Canyon oh yeah yeah wine country like California the redwood forest maybe see Yellowstone the way back go by the Mount Rushmore and stuff on the way back because sweeping u-turn if you were gonna do that kind of minute point like how long do you think they would take I mean it all depends I mean I would think it would be better if we had 10 days to do that yeah I mean you could do it all on three or four you want to like stop and enjoy oh yeah I plan to Colorado to go snowboarding I just don't want to go I don't want to really fly into the mountains without a turbocharged airplane but I'd fly it right up to the Front Range and then get out or in a car drive into the mill I just keep thinking about Breckenridge now would you break and Breckenridge broke my wrist hey you cut your own cast off you're like I don't need this yeah like came up above your elbow or something yeah I ended up with a cast bro my knuckles all the way up to my shoulder and forest after yeah it was a bad one and after a couple of days like I really wanted to itch this area of my arm you decided you do better than doctor yeah that's what that's what my dad was yelling and screaming at me but so I had a friend get a hacksaw and I hacked solid it right here and then we got pliers and we broke the plaster down to wear a hacksaw and then pulled it off and I was wearing long-sleeve shirts around my dad stuff now we just stand there like it was still and then he reached up and he grabbed my arm at the dinner table or something and then he rips pulled the shirt sleeve up I saw what I had done and it was not happy it was a questioning why I think I'm smarter than the doctor all that stuff and they worked out though that the orthopedic doctor was my girlfriend at the time in high school is her mom so I went at it she she was did x-rays and she so you're lucky she's you get away with the low caste house and they redid the cast but it was just a small Witek all the things we do we'll worry off for people that ask - about the videos sometimes the sequence of them and stuff I try really hard to just put videos out chronologically I try really hard to keep the videos right around the 20 minute range that seems to be around the sweet spot for aviation videos you know if they're longer than that you can get boring and shorter than that you can't hardly get take-up and landing it you know so so sometimes like a flight like this I have no idea I'm gonna head it we just turned the cameras on and we just are normal people do a normal flight I have no idea what if anything's gonna come if the audio is gonna record I don't know this whole down it back to get her maybe just one 20 minute video or it might be two videos if I have to break it apart cuz maybe when I sit down to edit I think it's tough but then I just put them all on a cue and then they're chronologically saved on a external hard drive it's a lot of data with all this high-definition stuff and then I just go and whenever it's time for the next I try to put out weekly videos I can't always do that but I do try to put out weekly wants and it takes quite a bit of time to edit as I've got top videos are easier to edit than others like I've tried to edit some videos for different things for work and for other projects anything takes a long time it does yeah it's it's challenge for me because I wasn't very technologically savvy I was never like a social media person or any of that so trying to go that figured out and as time has gone on and I've got different editing software I've gotten better with editing so I have no preconceived notion about what the title is gonna be the thumbnail is gonna be the thumbnail I always usually try to make it from the video rarely I'll you do something else but and then the title I just try to make it go with something with the video yeah sometimes a video might be a week old the purple in it actually occurred and sometimes if I get behind because I happen to fly born and had more content then it might be a couple of months old it just varies throughout the year and inevitably weather turns bad airplane goes down I get caught up during those times though that I'm not always super far behind we're about to do aerobatic autopilot scummy t2 this will be I miss you I miss you too wish we were closer well like a tee time be warriors Judas enemies number seven seven one Bravo Charlie descend and maintain 4,000 blood Bravo Charlie descend maintain 4,000 we gotta go down like 4,000 feet yeah cuz we're at eight yeah I mean we got to go down one two three Point Manor how rapid is the descent 500 feet per minute by that it's just gonna be bumpy yeah cuz we're going now you're gonna fill it or to 700 7700 Waverly 4,000 ambition okay all right oh we got it are you talking about what's there to get oh man yeah I'm gonna grease that back call it homage or three it's like no a nice smooth touchdown you promise no I don't promise [Music] I about to turn the autopilot off if you want smooth and easy flying you want that auto pilot to be honest nothing's better than an auto pilot [Music] there's good thicker I my ears are getting far papi duyan get a clear Chicago first one seven seven seven one Bravo Charlie is four point one four four thousand with echo and we're looking for the 3,000 foot traffic coming from one Bravo Charlie approach welcome back and it's better only one fiber on and you're trapped now twelve o'clock three mountain these things we doesn't indicate oh hey it's you again yeah man you didn't make it all the way down there all right swap out the Georgia pick my sister up okay back oh wow that's uh pretty good time yeah the sex a mover altitude terror plus SS ever want bravo charlie is with you 3500 plus digital one five first I'm 7 1 Bravo Charlie Aurora tower enter the right downwind runway one-five report and firmly 1 5 year clear land when one nine zero six one three blender the right down another one time to land on i-15 one brother so I think that's our airport no I got the one private Tralee give me a number to fall in a criminal jet empty left base runway one-five 340 do you happen to get that trapping play want Bravo Charlie will call let you know right on about a mile final now telly Oh it doesn't want bravo charlie roughly one five-year plan that one one Niner zero at eight that's one P want Bravo Charlie clear to land on i-15 here coming down [Music] [Music] all right we got three of the green but I guess undercarriage mixture props I mean I again I was looking it's a long runway though I was trying to find the guy we were following we got pictures Wonka complex rally lead-up the big very affirmative left foot step it's hot traffic traffic lettuce 1 mile through 12 o clock no one mile [Music] here's down yes I love you oh my god where are you freaking out about that the one Bravo Charlie continue down the runway you left it attacked way offline contact ground point seven I'll ground points have a seizure I'm Delta 3 Delta 3 runway one-five clear touch-and-go don't go a winner the left downwind for runway two-seven wasn't this such a go made it to ground I'm happy kisses thanks for riding along with this on bring Christy from Georgia the Chicago Aurora help hang out have fun spent the week with us she obviously does not really like flying I mean and the flare over the runway and here gasping it's darling I don't understand what was going on hey I'm not done landing yet that gasp now yeah you should have waited oh my gosh there we go you're welcome next flight could be taking her back to drop her back off in Georgia or who knows maybe be something else until next time Oh Brava tidy feet again walk out for the taxiway happened to be thought there I do Sam okay he's got a camera laughing five o clock the time progressed then one sure looks like it traffic [Music]
Channel: 310 Pilot
Views: 402,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sister, woman, lady, girl, funny, terrified, scared, excited, beautiful, flight, aviation, sexy, hot, takeoff, landing, airplane, pilot, airport, clouds, Garmin, Avidyne, Lightspeed, STEC, Cessna, Cirrus, Steveo1kinevo, Captain Joe, FlightChops, Trent Palmer, AOPA, EAA, AirVenture, Oshkosh, Georgia, Tennessee, Chicago, Airboyd, ATC, air traffic control, social, Beechcraft, 310 Pilot, twin, turbine, southern, family, drink, wine, mountains, plane, Embry-Riddle, UND, Purdue, flying, happy, educational, autopilot, entertaining, travel, COVID
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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