Emergency! Failure In Lil Red - Return to Airport!

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um that's weird yeah that's not going to work for me okay uh this is turkey 7738 November I actually need to go back to Sugarland Airport please morning everybody I'm here at the airport with L red it's a beautiful day to fly so let's jump in go grab some lunch I'll see you in the sky it is a hot one today holy moly this video is proudly sponsored by Pilot Institute make sure you stay till the very end to find out about their incredible sale because it's really good and she wants to fly today cuz that was an even easier start up than usual all right we are going to go ahead and turn the bird here get out of the Sun a little bit if we [Music] can there we go that's much better RPM's to 1,000 all gauges are already coming up in the green fuel pressure is in the green so electric fuel pump off avionics master switch [Music] on for the RoR testing testing I can hear me hopefully you can hear me I am back to using my a20s today because unfortunately my a30 microphone like won't stay in the correct position so I will reach out to Bose and see if we can get that fixed now that we've got the airplane started up we're going to do our pre- taxi taxi checklist real quick so seat belts are fastened yes collaps are in the up position heater and defrost are both turned off avionic master switch is on all of my gauges are illuminated looks good I did get full fuel I did a full top off today before this flight just in case cuz there are some clouds you just never know what ATC is going to have you do transponder we currently 1200 we'll listen to our weather change our altimeter and then pick up our clearance I did file for an instrument Flight Plan once again simply because that's just the way I prefer to fly I love the assistance that I get from Air Traffic Control but uh you know that's just a personal preference thing bfr flying is fun too but I also have some clouds and now I don't even have to worry about them this guy is pulling his airplane with his truck love that for him very nice all right let's get over here go back in the Sun for a minute but once we get up to altitude hopefully it'll be at least a little bit cooler if not now we're burning calories and we're going to get a $100 cheeseburger so that's okay I'm good with that we're going to come Behind These airplanes steer clear of everybody else there are some birds over here so I'll make sure none of them get any funny ideas I don't have my seat covers today and my butt is already sore so that'll be fun I tried washing them because you've left me so many comments in my video saying that I needed to wash them it didn't go well but I'll I'll fix it up don't worry all right so RPMs are set to 1,000 perfect well good morning everybody actually good afternoon everybody today we are going to fly a lunch so we are going to Angelina County it's in lkin it's only about an hour away from Sugarland it's a beautiful day to fly I've actually been sick but now that I'm feeling back to being right as rain I wanted to go for a flight and I wanted to bring you along with me we'll knock out a couple of quick checklists make sure the airplane is in pristine running condition and then as long as everything looks good it will be time for takeoff so let's get into it seat belts oh we already did part of that so my transponder is set to 12200 let's listen to our weather and then we're going to pick up our craft clearance Niner 100 Sugarland Regional Airport Houston Texas automated weather observation 183 0 Zulu wind 1 160 at 1 2 visibility 1 0 die condition PE 4,000 scattered 4,000 Niner 100 temperature 31 C 2.1 Niner Celsius altimeter 2 niner niner 3 remarks density altitude 1, ner 100 Sugarland Regional Airport Houston Texas all right perfect so everything is looking good we've got a few clouds at 4,000 ft I'm totally cool with that um our needs to be set to two at 9 or 9 or three which is very different than the last time I flew so let's go ahead and change that and that is within 75 ft of field elevation I usually will see about 110 to 130 as my range here based off of my altimeter settings so 120 is Perfect Since the altitude we have a plenty long Runway so we are good there and winds are coming from 160 at 12 so we will be using Runway 17 I'm feeling good so as follows is my clearance as of right now I did file for direct I don't think I'm going to get it but that's okay we'll find out what they say I filed for 5,000 ft because as you can see I'm going to actually include a clip here this is where my best wins were so we're only going to go to 5,000 ft now if it's too hot or the winds aren't as great as I thought we can always climb but it's also a really short flight realistically my frequency is going to be 23.8 and then any other information that we might need to know we will get from ATC right now let's come over here bring it up on our iPad and we have all of our frequencies already set up in here too perfect good afternoon Sugarland ground Cherokee 773 at November I'd like to pick up IFR to Angelina County please Cherokee 773 at November shl ground year cleared to the lovkin airport uh via the lovkin 3 departure direct Clon Main contain 2,000 expect 5,000 1 Z minutes after departure departure control frequency 12 3.8 squ 4535 okay cleared to lkin airport via Lin 3 uh departure excuse me and then direct clim maintain 2,000 expect 5,000 within one Z minutes frequency will be 23.8 SWAT 4535 for 7738 November check three at November readback is correct I have a question for you can can you give me a call on the phone uh yeah give me one second for 7 of3 in November okay pause for dramatic effect m in 648 T ground Runway 17 let's go Fox Alpha to Mike all right so I'm going to turn this down for a second because I actually want to talk about this a lot of the times when a pilot is requested to call ATC it's because they've either done something wrong or they want to get clarification on something they actually are fan of the videos that I've been posting on YouTube and he has a friend who is a teacher at a high school that is trying to encourage people to get into meteorology and Aviation and just travel as a whole and so they wanted to know if I would come and talk to the class which of course I said yes anyway we'll go ahead and get back to this now all right so we are going to climb and maintain 2,000 which we've got set up right here perfect we're going to squawk 4535 right here on that transpond and then that frequency will be 12 3.8 but we'll set that once we switch to our tower frequency looking good so we are going to Hilo lima lima Fox Trot Hilo Angelina County lkin Texas and then our departure go to procedure here departure and we're going to do the lkin 3 departure right here you using Runway 17 which we know from listening to our weather load and we've got all of our waypoints in here perfect now I'll go ahead and pop it here on the iPad just for redundancy more than anything and I talk about this a lot my iPad is for situational awareness so it just gives me you know more insight into what's going on it's a quicker snapshot um and especially when I'm looking out for traffic this is a really good way for me to spot that traffic easily if I can't find them out the window too just to make sure that I'm always staying safe so Lin three we're going to do no transition add to Route beatiful that looks great excellent all right so 2000 is set takeoff mode is enabled and heading 170 let's go ahead and bug that and the restaurant actually closes at 2:30 so we're going to speed things along but I will see you over at the redip area ultimeter is good radio we've just tested taxi lights are good brakes are good attitude indicator we have blue over Brown and wings are Level train coordinator excellent and HSI two magnetic compass within 10° beautiful and we are ready to taxi I'm sure my hair is already crazy but you know the price of living in Texas all right iPad is plugged in perfect Sugarland ground Cherokee 7738 November is holding short of echo with the weather ready to taxi please 37738 November Runway 17 taxi Echo Alpha M 17 via Echo Alpha and M for 773 noever thank you all right cool now we're officially on our Mery little way that is a very busy day here at Sugarland there's like four or five different airplanes taxiing right now we love to see it it has been really really beautiful lately this is probably the hottest day which of course is the day I just so happen to decide to fly but you know we make the best of it I'm still excited I'm really looking forward to this cheeseburger I've been hearing all these great reviews about this cheeseburger at this airport so I'm really looking forward to it and I did call ahead this time they are open so we are good there too all right clear clear falling in behind this multi- engine and we got out of that s's way wicked fast nailed it [Music] we are officially holding short of the runway so let's knock out this runup checklist and get in the sky all right so brakes are set fuel proper tank 25 and 25 looking good trim four takeoff going to bring that to the middle of neutral here excellent and flight control check pushing and pulling control Yol forward and back Tails moving up and down and to the left and to the right so left turn left aileron is up right turn right aileron is up and Rudders and brakes were working perfectly during taxi so flight controls are free and correct annunciator lights are looking good as well instruments we have blue over brown wings are level and that ball is nice and centered air speed does indicate zero we're within 75 ft of field elevation and not indicating a climb or descent HSI does in fact align with our magnetic compass within 10° no bubbles cracks or leaks beautiful and all of our backup instruments are looking just as good all those engine instruments have officially come up into the green to mixture best power primers in and locked and let's bring those RPMs to two grand I'm keeping a close eye on my Magneto check especially for the next couple of weeks or the next couple of flights just because I did just get my new magito installed and I want to make sure everything is look looking good RPMs are 2000 all gauges are in the green Bri Magneto small drop no big red x's and still looks good back to both making sure that comes back up to that 2,000 and that is close enough left Magneto now perfect back to both once again carpat on lost about 40 RPM there car heat off excellent and Power to [Applause] idle you know what I have an 871 and airplane continues to run within a safe RPM range RPM is 1,000 perfect waps are zero electric fuel pump on mixture is best power carb Heats off pedo heat is off HSI still lines with magnetic compass within 10° and still no bubbles cracks or leaks door is latched I'll close my window here in just a moment 4535 Landing light on strobes on on and the time is currently 12 47 and my Pens have disappeared I just had it what did I do with it 255 that's okay I'll be able to uh still log my log book correctly by watching this back I'll find it later excellent looking good we've got everything else already set up we're going to switch to our tower frequency so I can put in departure at 23.8 beautiful [Applause] vents open because we're going to need as much cool air in the cockpit as possible Sugarland Tower Cherokee 7738 November is holding short 17 ready for departure 7738 November sugar on departure fly Runway heading climb maintain 2000 Runway 17 clear for takeoff go stream four out 17 clear for takeoff fly Runway heading climb maintain 2773 in November thanks all right and I've got the golf screen golf scream golf streams Landing lights in sight nobody's on the runway everything is looking good let's do this thing to thewest exchange wind 012 on Center Line and we're going to keep that roll coming full power air speed's alive all gauges are in fact in the green and let's go ahead and rotate [Music] all gauges are still in the Green Engine sounds great and we'll climb at about 95 or so we're only going up to 2,000 so we don't need to climb super fast continue flying Runway heading check oh yeah we got a little bit of wind thank you PHT is looking good J 38 November contact use departure FL over to departure talk to you soon 3 all gauges are still in the green good afternoon Houston departure Cherokee 7738 November is checking in climbing through 1 000 Runway heading 773 November Houston departure contact clim maintain 4,000 climb maintain 4,000 773 in November all right heading 170 4,000 is set electric fuel pump off fuel pressure remains in the green Landing light off everything is looking glorious [Applause] beautiful little bumpy but I expected that especially with how hot it is no harm done November turn right heading 270 Vector CL right heading 270 7738 November go ahead and hand Fly for a minute why not it's a beautiful day might as well 270 and we can climb a little bit faster cuz he said vectors for the climb so it's possible once I get up to or excuse me once we get up to 4,000 fet he will clear stct I doubt it because this is on the other side of the class Bravo but woo see 7 I was thinking we might hit some clouds but I think they actually went quite a bit higher than they were going to so that's kind of nice Delta doesn't appear to be any traffic there's 270 have a great day and you have a great day thanks for your help brother air share 718 autopilot on heading mode active and we'll Cline at about 105 to 040 [Music] 718 78 departure on 12667 check with the heading 667 air sh 718 good day 3 in November clim maintain 5,000 clim maintain 5,000 now 773 in November oh yeah we have almost a 900t per minute climb with how hot it is right now and how heavy we are I think it's safe to say my new Magneto is definitely pumping up some extra power I love to see it that is awesome we're climbing at 103 mph I mean we're not even close to VX or even VY for that matter that is amazing yay I guess it was worth it to not have the air planing for a week thanks loming cool all right right now even though we are in a climb our estimated time to destination is 1 hour 17 minutes which means when we level off at that 5,000 ft I'm thinking we're going to be below that hour mark at least I'm hoping we're at like 47 minutes or so cuz I'm a little hungry but we'll play it by year we'll see M jul whiskey get right down to 3,000 for me please advise when you have we'll take a look at the visual approaches you the local area and weather for West Houston local weather for West Houston and yes we'd like the visual one five 3 November turn right Hing 33 0 33 0 7738 November all right now we're going the right direction love to see it number three1 Charlie Alpha level 6 and we should still have a pretty good Tailwind even going this direction we still need to turn another about 40 Incas but hey we're already making better time than I thought we were going to especially with how busy the airport was I was worried ATC was just going to be like crazy busy but I also have to give props too especially the Houston Air Traffic Control team cuz they are just Immaculate everybody is awesome I love ATC as a whole but they get us where we need to go the only thing that I ever have an issue with is they'll make me descend to like 2,000 ft 50 miles out and that's kind of a bummer but other than that we're all good all right so that beeping sound that you just heard means that we only have 1,000 feet until we are going to level off at 5,000 that is going to put me right in this Cloud layer so we may actually request to climb up to 7,000 but we'll see how bumpy it is it's always good to get a little actual we're on an instrument flight plan anyway why not right ever have one of those days where you just wake up and you just know it's going to be a good day that's that's what happened to me today like it's just been it's been a great day I don't know why but it's been a great day so I hope you're having a great day too thank you for joining me today all right we have about 500 ft to go still on that heading 330 all of our gauges are in the green CHT is only at 400 I mean that is immaculate we are going to go ahead and lean out our mixture a bit cuz we might as well save a little money on gas 3,000 and right about here is where things took a turn according to to my GI 275 gauge my fuel flow is almost 30 gallons per hour which in my airplane isn't possible um that's weird so I'm looking at that's really weird I am looking at my gallons power for my fuel burn I'll let you guys know in a second we are going to go in these clouds so I'm going to pull some of this power back field Insight when it helps for one Char Alpha One Char Alpha your visual approach onway 18 Houston executive contact executive tower 1269 or 7 all right clear visual 18 over the tower one try off yeah that's not going to work for me okay approach Cherokee 7738 November I'm sorry say again uh this is Cherokee 7738 nov I actually need to go back to Sugarland Airport please three November no problem whatsoever to maintain 3,000 fly heading 350 do you need any kind of assistance the send maintained 3,000 could you give me that heading one more time for 773 at November please3 November heading 350 350 and no I do not need assistance at this time for 773 in November thank you 7738 November would you like the visual or an arv approach I currently am going in and out of clouds but it's as soon as I get below these I should be able to do a visual probably about 2 to 3 minutes if that works for you now three affirmative you can expect a visual approach maintain 3,000 I'll expect a visual approach maintain 3,000 77 38 ever thank you okay main hting 360 360 now 7738 November so whiskey I am looking at my engine instruments and my fuel burn was at 35 gallons per hour my CHT was at 405 and none of those numbers were making sense to me everything else looks good however because I did just get that new Magneto installed I'm going to go ahead and land and call my aircraft mechanic and just make sure everything is good granted we're going to have to take a look at a couple of other things too but there's no reason to fly when I can already see that I may have an issue base turn Roger I will advise as soon as I get to 3,000 I should be good for 773 ever all right looking for that field now just be advised I'm going to go ahead and remove that shirt from the system so if you do dep part again you'll have to refile is that okay that is fine thank you for letting me know for 773 in November so at this point I'm feeling pretty good I don't have a way to troubleshoot this problem I'm still in contact with ATC I'm out of the clouds so now I'm just preparing myself for any and all possible scenarios up until I get back to the airport soon as I get below these clouds I should be good yeah so my RPMs are currently set to 1,00 and it still says I am burning 17 gallons per hour CHT is 320 so I would really just feel more comfortable getting on the ground and just making sure that I can verify that everything is working I know I have plenty of fuel on board but always good to double check so that is why we're going to go ahead and head back to the airport we will try to do this this another [Applause] time go ahead and just hand fly still on that 360 heading 712 checking in out of 900 8712 Tango Houston departure R contact maintain 4,000 up to 4,000 and Houston Cherokee 7738 N Ready For That turn now 3 November turn right heading 0 ner0 descend maintain 2000 0 Niner 0 descend maintain 2000 773 November thank you 0 n or Z and 2000 they had us on the runway heading do you want 1 0 0 now continuing that turn 773 in November 1 2 Tango turn right hitting at 270 Vector for the CL right at 27 0 Keep It [Music] Coming okay so we're continuing that descent still looking out for traffic I am still technically VFR right now or excuse me IFR right now as soon as I get that field in sight it should be good all right so at 3,200 ft my CHT says 281 says I am burning 16 Gall per hour at 1900 RPM I know my airplane so I can definitely tell there is a problem it may just be a depiction issue but no reason to risk it 38 November descent and maintain 2000 continuing that descent down to 2000 for 7738 November okay everything is still in the green we have 500 ft to go and then we're going to level off at that 2,000 air speed right now we're at 107 indicated and still on heading 1 still on the lookout for traffic too but still talking air traffic control so 7 3 November turn right hitting 1 15 1 15 to the right 773 November [Applause] there is that 1 15 Houston approach Skye 58583 checking in 8,200 for 6,500 58 583 Houston approach you can okay there's 1 15 are WEA and 200 ft to go until we reach our selected altitude then which is what that beeping indicates right there so that's perfect going to go ahead and speed up a little bit I know I have the fuel on board 610 contact RPMs are now set to 2200 RPMs and now I am burning 22 gallons per hour with the CHT of 285 still looking for the field z r our contact 2 mil south of Executive Airport turn left heading 030 Vector for the clan and 020 on heading for 6110 should be pretty much a straight shot but I don't see it quite yet we'll do that one at 38 November the airport 1:00 6 miles Roger looking for 7738 November at 38 November fighing 170 170 now for 7738 ever a little bit of a bump there nice 6110 contact departure ah there it is Che in with your head bet good sir one two Tango proceed direct to direct two Tango Houston turkey 773 in November I've got the field in sight November clear visual approach Runway 17 contact suar Tower 18.65 cleared visual over to Tower thanks for your help I appreciate it fre ever you're welcome to park all right over to Tower we are visual I've got the field in sight everything is looking good so far I'm going to go ahead and switch tanks here in just a second Sugarland Tower turkey 773 in November checking in Turkey 773 in November Sugarland win 170 to 1 excuse me 111 gusting to two Runway 17 clear to land 17 clear to land thank you for the wind check fre8 and pepper all right so our traffic pattern altitude is going to be [Applause] 1,00 bring it a little bit more power electric fuel pump on fuel pressures in the green Landing light on jul holding short of 17 at Lio ready for departure okay that's 17 s jul traffic just a normal Landing now if something goes wrong I will handle it not a whole lot of places for me to land if I do lose my engine but I am getting closer to being able to glide into that airport I'm not going to put any Flaps in until I know I have made the field for sure just in case add in a little bit more power since I've got it got a few updrafts and some down drafts causing my altitude to shift just a little but that's all right we'll switch to ground frequency [Music] 121.4 and I'm going stop my descent at this point because I'd rather be too high and have to slip to come into land than be too low just in case indicated air speed is now 112 RPMs are 2100 gallons per hour burn rate is fluctuating between 18 and 20 and CHT is 323 not seeing anybody on the runway so that is a good good sign no other traffic to be concerned about at this time either perfect autopilot is disengaged looks good all right so not quite in that Glide range just yet adding a little bit of back trim still trying to hold that altitude definitely coming in a little high but that's all right RPMs are 2,000 still burning between 14 to 20 gallons per hour to start slowing down now definitely feeling better even if I lose my engine right now I might land in the grass but I should be all right it's time to come into land and then discuss Pilot institute's Rock and sale but if you've enjoyed the video smash that like button hit sub subscribe it helps the channel and let's get to it okay within that white art first Notch of flaps and we'll do two and I'm not going to worry about trying to land on the thousand Footers just a nice easy safe [Music] land and that'll work for me now that we are safely back on the ground if you've ever thought about being a pilot check out pilot institute's full Suite of courses from Private Pilot instrument commercial and many more they are having a great sale right now go check them out by clicking the link in the description
Channel: FlywithKay
Views: 1,401,350
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Keywords: #pilot #aviation #travel
Id: jqi2XEj8Irg
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Length: 33min 14sec (1994 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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