Types of Minecraft Players

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no way guys we just found the Herobrine portal oh my God guys look at the loot dude I wonder what's in the nether oh my God bro look at this spawn they got a fortress and a Bastion okay let's just mine through this random ball real quick oh my God guys we just found the Blaze King okay I just gave him my hoe and let's go thank you bro lots of people don't know this but if you go into the secret fashion compartment we can find so much gold guys if you don't give me Ender poles right now you're gonna turn into a cow [Music] okay you want to give me the polls now hey thank you man you can be a piglet now okay let's go hey let's go we spawned in the strongholds and of course there's a 12 eye cause of course there is let's go okay I'm sorry Ender Dragon but it's your time to die [Music] hey let's go dude we beat the gate hey what do you think you're doing okay let's just leave the village chasten oh my God there's a brain coral okay I'm gonna teach this Iron Golem how to swim and hey why is he attacking me I'm gonna try the dream boat clutch oh I didn't want I'd like to introduce you guys to my pet ravager he's very friendly and wait these Jokers are so cool they're giving me levitation forever imma make my way to the end ship real quick and oh no man [Music] okay this kind of cool sworn but I'm out of here bye bye okay thank you camouflage come on come on come on okay here we have a poor two let's just glue the chest real quick [Music] okay okay I need to get off this thing somebody just do this real quick yes all right we out of here man come on come on come on let's go why is there new boss Smart Bro I don't know what I'm doing it's okay thank God man it's too E bro okay let's just go mining real quick okay we're fine come on let's get all the loot in here [Music] we're fine oh I'm gonna die good dude what two ender pearls okay come on I got this I mean I never said I was good hey guys watch this now I've got myself a bridge right here now using Euler's fifth formula I can jump off and land right here so if you hold space and shift to the last second you can do this whoa yeah don't rhyme me I'm just riding on a flying boat okay let's just start a brand new world and uh what the hell I spawned it what okay let's go reminding it what the hell oh what the hell is going on man okay I'm gonna make sure nothing kills me now was that an endomite okay guys I started running okay come on come on let's go go who's all these straps right now we're gonna find a Buried Treasure and okay it should be right about I'd say hey come on we're gonna break this chest okay we're good let's go go you get me out of it [Music] you missed oh my God yeah I'm gonna make the portal over here [Music] yeah let's just blow up the dragon real quick with this thing and let's go let's go to be a World Record Man Okay chaps welcome to my building tutorial to start this lovely little build we're gonna just place a quartz block right over here and here we go we have built our lovely little city oh and do you remember if this takes you more than five milliseconds you've got a severe brain problem come on come on okay [Music] no no no no no no no let's go I love that I love wandering Traders now let's see what your prices are and bruh yeah never mind you suck okay so I've never played Minecraft before imma just open this chest and oh dude sharpness too that can't be good man I think if I touched I'm gonna get like pricked by the shot I'm staying away from that no way guys I just found diamonds finally man I could finally make a diamond helmet and hey wait a minute since when was there water in the Navy that's kind of weird guys I'm gonna survive a hundred days in Minecraft being chased by a wart come on bro be more realistic oh no guys the war just chased me you've got to run so in day one I managed to trap the wards inside an obsidian box which shouldn't be a problem anymore on day two I mined some wood decide getting prepared for the journey so dude what's the point of the video if you already trapped towards it on day one dude what the hell are all of these new like what is this like I can't lie back in my day we are diorite we had undersight and weird granite and that was it oh dude I think you had other blocks as well you know nope today we're going to be making a nice little simple Gizmo over here so chaps just follow after me okay all right guys make sure to continue watching after the break okay welcome back chaps so your Contraption should be looking a bit like this right now Mambo mate there's no way this thing actually works oh my God no way just a simple little Redstone Contraption guys the story of this hole right here is one of the most scary points in Minecraft history once upon a time there were two friends Cecil and Gerald things were going great until Cecil shot Gerald with a Glock 15. Cecil then got so angry that his stomach actually blew up and that is the reason this hole is so dark yeah I just made that all up it's just a cave what the hell that's not bad to be wanting me bro you literally had sharpness 255. what dude I know what happened Mojang re-textured the sponge into a grass block so when I place the water just does that that's just not fair man hey guys watch this dude my brother said that would work what I will give you five million dollars if you give me some diamond armor hey thank you man my guy hey man I'll give you 500 for some food hey yo why are you giving me much and bro what I'll give you five million dollars to leave me alone hey bro does this guy not speak English or something hey Mambo take a look at this man [Music] bye bye bye hey Notch your hair's looking pretty luscious today hey YouTube you should follow me down this nice little cave I've got what what [Music] bye bye uh what me boy what's what oh no I'm gonna die oh no no no help oh no no no no wait what how was that water here yeah so you actually took five eons to hit the ground because your computer's so bad so an entire geological process happens and there's water here now oh hello dude can you even hear me [Music] yeah my MPC works all the time dude she's not even on the server bro it's just this is just too easy guys after so many years my pyramid is finally done I can finally get myself jump boost too yay I have transformed the nether into an absolutely lovely Paradise over here this only took me about 7 700 hours so it's pretty good dude if you think all of this stuff is a paradise there's something wrong in your brain like bro it's literally made of dirt okay guys meet me in three hours let's go get some stuff bye bye three hours later a nice free looking fresh with that diamond sword I can't lie hey how about you bro it's been three hours oh yeah this cow was running away from me for about five hours so I have to go chase it that whole time dude how are you so slow yeah you want to go bro oh wait you're too slow to even reach me man bye bye yeah so my family loves me did you know that if you subscribe your how is that two of me what uh anyway subscribe please [Music]
Channel: Electy
Views: 124,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, types of minecraft players, minecraft players, minecraft player types, minecraft stereotypes, types of mine craft playerse, electy, mine craft stereotypes, stereotypes minecraft, different types of minecraft players
Id: ye1kaG3S_aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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