My husband, doesn't know I spend $4,800 every month. I might have to move in with my mom!

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at last the day arrived when I could escape the constant sight of your face those freeloaders who did nothing but consume without contributing needed to go they should be grateful for the charity they've received all this time understood I declared I won't be coming back thank you for everything until now swiftly I gathered My Essentials and bid farewell to the place I had called my in-law's home for many years as I left my mother-in-law wore a satisfied expression relishing my departure however only I harbored a certain poyant truth my name is Sarah I'm 32 years old and work remotely from home married to Alan for 5 years our marital bliss took a turn in our fourth year when Allan's previously robust father fell ill necessitating our presence in care initially resistant to the idea of living with my in-laws I acquiesced due to Allan being their sole source of familial support Des despite contemplating quitting my job for his care my company permitted me to continue working remotely considering my past performance the complications with my in-laws began immediately familiarizing me with the notorious mother-in-law and daughter-in-law Dynamic Sarah hurry up and tend to the cooking and cleaning how long will you be lazy avoiding your household duties scolded my mother-in-law I'm working right now what are you talking about I'm always clicking away on the computer I retorted the truth was amidst household chores and caring for my ailing father-in-law I utilized my skills to regain my pre-crisis salary after about 3 months of intense effort when my earnings matched their previous Peak I felt genuine Joy however the reason for my Relentless dedication lay in the financial reality Allen's income alone couldn't sustain us despite my my hopes that life would finally ease up the struggle continued I contemplated setting aside some savings but inexplicably circumstances grew increasingly challenging it felt as though the funds in my wallet were in a constant state of decline intrigued by this I scrutinized our expenses and discovered that Allan had been indulging in lavish spending furthermore my mother-in-law exhibited a penchant for extravagant habits Alan all always eager to please others extended his generosity Beyond work lunches using our credit cards to fun drinking parties my mother-in-law juggling numerous Hobbies with friends liberally paid for lessons and social Gatherings despite their propagate ways the burden of household Shores and caring for my ailing father-in-law fell solely on me I found myself covering all our living expenses with my income making the prospect of saving money seem like a distant dream anxious about our financial situation I approach Alan and my mother-in-law Allan mother it seems we've been spending excessively if this continues we'll deplete our finances could you please consider cutting back on your expenses I implored in response Allan and my mother-in-law harshly dismissed my concerns I don't want to appear stingy in front of my colleagues and subordinates can't you understand that argued alen they won't think you're stingy just because you don't pay for them every single time I reasoned maintaining good relationships with your co-workers is important but what about the trips to the girls bars that has nothing to do with work I pointed out you just want to have fun don't you how about you come home drunk and start talking about it even if no one asks you that just means you have a more enjoyable time there than spending time with me I expressed my frustration my mother-in-law sided with Alan laughing off my concerns I'm glad mom understands and she's right Allan asserted Meanwhile my motherin-law Justified her spending stating if I didn't go to my classes I'd just be cooped up at home I'm taking classes with my friends to enjoy the limited time I found myself grappling with the harsh words echoing in my ears labeling me as a terrible daughter-in-law their judgmental remarks centered on the fact that I dedicated myself to household chores without earning an income rendering me in their eyes without the right to voice complaints the notion of being looked down upon by a homemaker left me perplexed in truth I worked diligently contributing a steady income to the household while also managing the housework and caring for my father-in-law their skepticism and belittling tone asserting that working from home couldn't yield much were disheartening even more so my mother-in-law had apparently fed Alan a distorted narrative implying that she alone took care of my father-in-law painting me as an idol Homemaker the Injustice of their perception left me speechless despite the countless moments when I contemplated leaving that challenging environment the anchor that held me was my deep concern for my father-in-law since the early days of my marriage he had consistently treated me with kindness in stark contrast to Alan and my mother-in-law his expressions of gratitude acknowledging me as a wonderful daughter-in-law resonated in my heart whenever he required care he would apologize for the burden while expressing gratitude for my efforts in these moments I found solace and purpose in caring for him I couldn't fathom leaving him to the whims of Alan and my mother-in-law father-in-law it seemed had been keenly aware of the family's Dynamics Rec recognizing my contributions in maintaining our household's financial stability his words of appreciation acknowledging the importance of my efforts became a source of strength the anxiety about the fate of this household without my presence was overshadowed by the greater concern for my beloved father-in-law thus I made the decision to personally provide dedicated care until my father-in laws passing a year later the somber occasion of his funeral became an emotional Battleground for for me despite my heartfelt grief my tears were met with disapproval why have you crying so much Sarah father-in-law has passed away isn't mourning like this natural I was asked but my response seemed to provoke irritation from my mother-in-law she accused me of making it sound as if she had never taken care of him at all the truth however was starkly different my mother-in-law had hardly been involved in my father-in-law's care her preoccupation with hobbies and frequent outings left me as the primary caregiver despite my efforts she portrayed herself as the oppressed and pitiful mother-in-law to Outsiders painting me as the cruel daughter-in-law in the eyes of relatives it seemed as though I was being too harsh on my mother-in-law even in the midst of mourning I found myself criticized by those who understood little of the Dynamics frustrated I chose to distance myself from the Rel relatives however this move did not go unnoticed by Ellen who approached me with complaints you embarrassed mom in front of everyone he accused that doesn't make any sense I was only crying about father-in-law's death despite that your mom told me it was strange for me to cry I never said she hadn't taken care of dad at all I just talked about mourning the loss of my father-in-law whom I had always cared for I defended myself in the escalation in argument Ellen accused me of insulting his mother and suggested that if it bothered me so much I should have cared for his father myself The Clash intensified prompting the intervention of relatives who finally put an end to our quarrel following that incident I maintained complete silence with my husband after the funeral proceedings concluded a lawyer arrived to discuss the inheritance the lawyer began I'd like to discuss the contents of the will regarding your late father's estate firstly to the wife and daughter-in-law Sarah he's left half of his cash to each of you to his son Ellen he's left ownership of the family land and home my mother-in-law questioned what if alen gets the land in the house doesn't that mean all the other assets go to the wife why is Sarah receiving an inheritance she's not related by blood the lawyer responded your husband was deeply grateful to Sarah for the dedicated care she gave him he wanted to express his gratitude by giving her part of the inheritance this decision cannot be changed unable to accept this my mother-in-law accused I can't believe it you were caring for him just to get the inheritance weren't you I defended myself explaining I had a good relationship with my father-in-law since I got married I took care of him to express my gratitude my mother-in-law continued with her accusations suggesting it was psychological abuse frustrated she eventually gave up and the lawyer continued so that was dad's decision it's gratitude for Sarah's caring right if that's the case then we have no choice but to follow it may I continue as the lawyer proceeded my mother-in-law's discontented expression turned into a smile and she exclaimed yes that's great I understand confused my husband questioned her what do you mean but my mother-in-law seemed pleased and explained now that dad's living is over it's no longer necessary to rely on Sarah her inheritance is nothing more than severance pay we don't need her in this house anymore my mother-in-law had misunderstood my father-in-law's will just as he had intended in truth he had discussed this plan with me before his passing he wanted me to be free from the constraints of this house after his demise using the will he cleverly deceived my husband and mother-in-law making it seem natural for me to leave just as he had planned my mother-in-law misinterpreting my father-in-law's intentions saw the will as an opportunity to eject me from the family concealing my actual desire to leave I responded to her Shock by saying father-in-law why would you treat me like this even to Dad I was just someone taking care of him Ellen you can't understand Sarah anymore right why don't you just divorce her looking at Alan with tearful eyes I pleaded and after contemplating for a moment he agreed you know what let's get a divorce I've inherited the family home and land and Mom got some money too there's no longer any need to worry about living so there's no problem if Sarah goes what do you mean by that just what I said I feel Bound for asking but could you leave our house and agree to the divorce understanding that there was no place for me there anymore I agreed understood I guess there's no place for me here anymore with a hint of restraint I retrieved the document from the drawer and handed it to my husband it was a notice of filing for divorce prepared after our previous argument my husband promptly signed it expressing finally I don't have to deal with you anymore a non-working freeloader should just get out you should be grateful for us having put up with you a total freeloader is that so okay I understand I'll leave thank you for things up to now as I left my mother-in-law appeared elated unaware of what would transpire in the future of their house once out of their home I wasted no time and immediately submitted the divorce notice to the City Hall arriving at the apartment I had rented in advance the spacious room echoed with my joy as I exclaimed finally I can be by myself this is great I felt overwhelmed with joy to be liberated from a challenging marriage my heartfelt gratitude extended to my father-in-law for devising the plan that enabled my escape from my in-law's home subsequently I embraced a comfortable life living on my own appreciating the Newfound freedom and the ability to continue working remotely a skill I had cultivated during my time at my in-law's Place having hmed my time management skills work flowed smoothly and my income increased allowing me to lead a comfortable life free from interference however my peaceful existence took an unexpected turn when my ex-husband Alan called me out of the blue perplexed I questioned it's been a while why are you calling me weren't you the one telling me to disappear Sarah please help us we're in a pinch alen pleaded I chuckled finding the situation ironic what kind of joke is this my salary hasn't changed but for some reason you're running out of money we can't live like this with a laugh I decided to deliver the final blow that's because you no longer have my income to support you you squandered your entire salary on yourself maybe it's about time you and your mother learned some financial responsibility as adults confused Ellen asked what do you mean you still don't get it I clarified while you were living lavishly my salary was the one pay for our living expenses at that time I was making about $4,800 a month now I'm earning even more than that with no one to get in my way expressing frustration Alan pleaded Sarah can't we start over it was a mistake to let you go I want to make things right again I scoffed it's obvious you're after my income don't be ridiculous I never want to see your face again what happened to The Inheritance your mother received with that amount she should be living comfortably Alan confessed it's about to run out we spend it on a shopping spree overseas trips and half of it disappeared in the casino unmoved I retorted a foolish mother breeds a foolish son I have nothing more to say to you I'm a stranger now and I can't do anything for you nor do I want to desperate Allan implored don't be so heartless help me this has nothing to do with me there's nothing more to talk about I'm hanging up don't call me again I declare before ending the call and promptly cancelling the contract for the mobile phone I was using a year later passing by my mother-in-law's house I discovered it had become an empty lot likely sold due to financial struggles unperturbed I continued with my newfound Spare Time attending a wine class I had long been interested in there I men man two years my senior who took me seriously after a year and a half of dating we got married he is the Ace of a well-known company humbled despite his high salary with a warm and wonderful character we respect each other's careers leading to a fulfilling married life reflecting on these changes I can't help but feel that this retribution was in a way a gift from my father-in-law
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 16,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: 5hpKSknItZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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