My daughter came home with blood on her after visiting my in-laws' house with my husband.

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covered in blood my High School freshman daughter Becky who was supposed to have gone to my husband's family home with him returned home bleeding from her forehead I screamed in shock and after hastily treating her wounds I immediately contacted my husband Ryan when he answered the phone I couldn't help but yell at him Ryan where are you I told you I'm on a business trip didn't I I was stunned by his unexpected reply a while of do I had seen him off with Becky 5 days earlier heading to his family home before me stood my daughter seriously injured seeing my confusion Vicki told me a shocking truth my name is Cathy Hansen a 40-year-old part-time housewife my husband Ryan the same age as me is a Salesman who visits various schools to sell High School teaching materials he always says trust is important looking so cool being diligent and proper Mickey became a High School freshman this spring once a cleany child who couldn't leave my side she's now so responsible that she cooks dinner while waiting for me to return from my part-time job life was peaceful with my husband and daughter but 5 years ago my mother became bedridden due to an internal illness since then I've been busy jumbling caregiving and my part-time job unable to manage a visit to my in-laws except during the Christmas holidays during such times Ryan was safe jokingly saying don't overdo it aren't you lucky to have an understanding husband he would go to visit his family home alone and though I felt terrible I was grateful as I was overwhelmed with caring for My Mother 3 years ago my mother-in-law passed away suddenly in an accident my father-in-law who was very close to her became deeply depressed and Ryan's visits to this family home became more frequent moreover Ryan ran expressed his desire to take his dad on a trip to cheer him up and treat him to delicious meals with each visit the expenses increased $300 to $500 but I couldn't complain about money as I hadn't been able to visit my in-laws myself one day Ryan mentioned the cost of his next visit I need $1,000 for my next trip home he said I doubted if such a large sum was really necessary for visiting back home but he never explained the details of the expenses it must be necessary I thought as a way of showing how thankful I am to my father-in-law I convinced myself of this however due to the sudden expense I had no choice but to temporarily withdraw money from the savings account I had set aside for Becky's school fees I'll have to skip going to the beauty salon for a while and make sure not to dip into Becky's money again I decided beginning to save diligently and gradually returning money to Becky's account as Becky's exams finally ended and things settled down my father-in-law said I went to see my granddaughter again all right I'll take Becky and dad to eat seafood as a reward for their hard work really yay seeing Becky's beaming smile I stroked her head saying thank you for always being so patient she never complained even though she always had to endure and even helped with caring for my mother I was filled with gratitude then on the morning of their departure to visit my father-in-law Becky said I'll buy some souvenirs and come back I replied have fun and we were all smiling little did we know what was about to happen 5 days after Ryan and Becky left for my in-laws around noon I Was preparing lunch in the kitchen when I heard the front door rattle open who is it I shouted entering without ringing the doorbell I was startled and headed to the entrance only to find Becky standing there bleeding from her forehead what on Earth happened I let a scream almost in a shriek desperately looking around for Ryan but he was nowhere to be seen trembling my eyes brought Becky inside and I immediately called out to Ryan Ryan where are you I'm at work didn't I tell you that I left for a business trip the day after taking Becky to my parents home I was confused having heard nothing of this work and more importantly Becky had come home seriously injured Ryan hung up quickly after saying she probably just fell don't take it too seriously girls her age tend to exaggerate I couldn't possibly accept such a nonsensical story while attending to Becky I asked her why are you injured and did Dad leave for work Vicki her face pale kept her Trembling Lips sealed for a while then she whispered dad he pushed me shocked I gently rubbed Becky's back as I listened to her story an Unbelievable Truth was exposed Ryan had been keeping secrets from us and he had injured Becky when she discovered them that's not all he threatened her while she was bleeding saying if you tell anyone about this next time it won't just be an injury Vicki had managed to escape from my in-law's house when Ryan hesitated and my father-in-law return home fortunately she had some money with her and was able to take the bus back home how anxious she must have been hiding her injury all the way here I vowed never to forgive anyone who hurts my sweet Becky I was angry not only at Ryan for abusing Becky but also at the secrets he had kept after hearing everything from Becky I was about to call my father-in-law ready for Revenge I was shocked to see numerous missed calls from him on my phone oh I'm sorry I didn't notice the phone while I was cooking I apologized no it's fine more importantly I heard Becky had to rush back doe some urgent matter did she arrive safely at your place that's what I've been worried about and why I called so many times my father-in-law inquired hearing his words left me speechless my husband Ryan had fabricated such a lie to cover up the fact that our daughter whom he had injured had fled back to our home I then spilled everything to my father-in-law who was oblivious to it all Becky is fine I'm taking her to the hospital but I can't forgive Ryan can you keep him at your house a bit longer I want to give him a peace of my mind I requested my father-in-law immediately agreed promising his cooperation he said he would cunningly persuade Ryan to stay at their home for a while longer in the meantime I ran around making preparations for confrontation with my husband 5 days later after completing the investigation into Ryan's Secrets I was on my way to my in-law's house just as I was about to ring the doorbell I saw Becky running up to me out of breath mom wait for me didn't I tell you to wait at home I can't just sit around I have to confront him about what he did to me I had planned to go into my in-law's house alone not wanting Becky to wh witness the argument between my husband and me but it seemed Becky didn't want to just stay put I think I have a right to speak up too Becky said unyielding reluctantly I agreed I accepted her anger and decided to fight this together we were greeted by my father-in-law who was already aware of the plan entering the living room we found Ryan who appeared to have just woken up lounging in his pajamas and watching TV oh weren't you you supposed to be on a business trip Ryan startled by my sudden voice Ryan jumped up he started making lame excuses about how he was supposed to go but then didn't need to well that doesn't matter now what I want to know about is Vicki's injury I stated firmly all that clumsy her seems like she fell down the stairs and hit her forehead Ryan replied I was about to yell at my husband for feigning ignorance but my father-in-law spoke first enough I know that Becky's injury is your fault he said sternly Becky chined in yeah that's right and I glared at Ryan feeling cornered Ryan started to look nervous but then suddenly seemed to have an idea and argued back as if you have the right to talk you never visited my parents but I was the one taking care of them Ryan said smug and grinning thinking I wouldn't be able to say anything indeed I had kept quiet before thinking he was right but after hearing Becky's story I knew Ryan's words were full of lies oh really leaving all the housework to your daughter and not spending time with your father is called taking care of the family yeah ever since you brought me here you've been lazing a Ram at home I retorted feeling the weight of frustration shut up this is just a one-time thing usually I'm the one working hard Ryan snapped back watching Ryan boast I pulled out my father-in-law's account of household expenses that I had previously obtained it detailed not only the money in and out but also how Ryan spent his time at his parents house let me tell you what's written here I began pointing to the document June 10th gave Ryan $200 for transportation he laced around all day as usual went out at night and returned in the morning food expenses increased because of Ryan's presence I calmly read out the details according to this every time Ryan visited he lied about me not giving him Transportation money and received cash from his father taking advantage of my absence Ryan had painted me as a stingy evil wife to gain sympathy from his father how can you not be ashamed of mooching off your parents at your age and getting all sorts of help too I questioned feeling sorry for him initially thinking he didn't have any money and tried to help out out all that was a lie too cornered by our accusations Ryan fell silent at a loss for words what have you been using all that money for I wonder well no need to say anything you're probably just thinking of another pathetic lie ignoring Ryan's mumbling I presented a photo in front of him you needed so much money because you were splurging at places like this right how do you know about this place surprised that I knew about about it the color drained from his face the secret that Becky had discovered while Ryan was visiting his parents was this she thought Ryan was diligently caring for his father but he was actually going out at night and returning in the morning suspicious she secretly investigated and installed an app on his phone to track his location after he left she checked his whereabouts on a computer always finding him at the same place researching online Becky found found out it was a gentleman's club shocked she was about to call me when Ryan returned home he found her researching the location and the club on the computer and in a fit of rage pushed her Becky hit her head on the corner of a dresser causing the bleeding and the rest is as you know after hearing Becky's story I left my mother in the care of Professionals for a few days and went to the club to gather evidence of Ryan's wasteful spending the shop I felt seeing my husband cheerfully entering the club the money for this visit even a temporary was taken from Becky's School fund and he used it this Dad you're the worst I said presenting undeniable evidence Ryan cornered by the evidence muttered weakly isn't this normal for men and looked up at his father for support what are you talking about using your child's school money for your satisfaction is inex excusable for any man I'm tired from work isn't it okay to have a little fun Vicki sighed in exasperation at Ryan stubbornness Mom do you know what kind of place that is huh oh no I just took the photo and left immediately I thought so here take this Vicki said laying out several printed pages of the club's website on the table looking over them with my father-in-law we saw that the outfits worn by the girls at the club Club were school uniforms they all seemed to be adults but it was a gentleman's club where they cosplayed in revealing school uniforms seeing this I thought to myself exposing my daughter of this age to such a world I was filled with anger but Becky seemed unfazed so Dad you like this kind of stuff huh gross she commented handing the papers to Ryan with a shudder as if the idea was repulsive well you don't have to to say it like that you know if your clients at the schools found out about your love for girls with uniforms it could be a big problem right I doubt your company which sells educational materials to schools would want to keep an employee with such Hobbies I said with an icy stare Ryan turned pale I quickly grabbed Ryan's schedule book which was left in his business bag and found it easily looking at this now I know all the schools you've been visiting maybe I shouldn't inform your clients about your wonderful hobby please spare me that I'm sorry I went too far I'll change my ways from now on realizing he couldn't escape Ryan started trembling and knelt down he apologized profusely but years of frequenting those clubs wasting money not to mention injuring our daughter were not forgivable who would believe a liar like you I thought Dad I've consulted with a lawyer and I'm ready to proceed with a divorce I'll make sure you pay back all the money you squandered on your indulgences plus compensation this is the end for us Ryan tried to claim to Becky but she dodged him saying you gross eventually he broke down crying and we glared at him coldly soon after the divorce was finalized and I demanded from Ryan the $115,000 he had squandered and $30,000 in compensation where of of his club visits leaked to his company Ryan was fired and even his father cut ties with him now he lives alone in a rundown house barely making ends meet with day-to-day jobs unable to afford the compensation payments he ended up borrowing money from Shady lenders and now lives in fear of debt collectors meanwhile I have found more time to myself after the divorce with Becky's help my mother's health improved significantly and she no longer needs care now the three of us women are enjoying a happy and harmonious life
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 6,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: rhzoNhpdF0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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