My Mom is a Famous Pop Singer | Animated Story about the Bankruptcy

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hi my name is rachel and i'm the daughter of a famous pop singer when people find it out they think that my life is fabulous but they can't even imagine what difficulties i sometimes have to face indeed my life was perfect until recently my mom is a popular pop singer which means that we have to follow certain rules my mother got a special status in high society over the years of her career that's why we used to go to boring social events or meetings of killjoys discussing business deals at least once a week since i was her daughter i had to visit every event as well so i had to suffer and smile at everyone mom kept saying it was for good and in a few years i would find an eligible and respectable bachelor at one of those meetings but now i have no time for eligible bachelors because i have enough money and time to live it up i have many friends so there was always someone to party with every now and then i told my friends how tired i was of going to all sorts of important meetings with my mother and then we went shopping with them to buy some new clothes for the next week mom could afford everything as well and a couple of months ago she even said that she wanted to quit her producers who controlled her every move she wanted to write songs on her own and thought that her status would let her be independent from everyone this meant that she got creative freedom and she was free from going to some boring events so i was happy about it too eventually my mother signed all the required papers and we celebrated it in paris muddling away a lot of money at home we were in for a very unpleasant surprise a lawsuit from my mother's former producer he was extremely unhappy with her quitting and he found reasons for blackmailing her in a very tricky way the conditions were simple my mother either continued to work for the producer or would pay a huge fine mom was sure that her high position would bluff our way out of the situation and we continued to live without denying ourselves anything we lived like this for a whole month and then my mother's lawyers said they couldn't help mom literally fainted when she heard she would have to pay 30 million dollars from that day on our fairy tale took on gloomy shades and we quickly lost almost everything we had mom's personal savings were enough to pay off only a third of the debt so my scarce savings were used as well it was a real shock to me because i no longer could afford shopping i had to tell my friends that in the near future i would be too busy because if they learned about my bankruptcy i would be exposed to ridicule a couple of days later my mother had to fire all the domestic staff then she had to sell the mansion and buy a cheap apartment on the outskirts of the city living conditions were terrible because there was only one cramped bathroom with mold on the walls old wallpaper in the rooms ants and noisy neighbors moreover we had problems with food since neither me nor my mother knew how to cook we had to order fast food for the first time when i ate a hamburger i literally felt my flawless figure deteriorating at that moment i was very upset with my mother for the first time because her stubbornness was to blame for everything however hamburgers seemed quite tasty to me after we realized that fast food cost too much and we had to learn how to cook my mother went to lawyers all the time and i studied recipes on the internet but the results were disastrous and i had to go to a real school for the first time in my life until that day i studied at home with a private teacher and wasn't used to getting up every morning and going somewhere at that time one thing made me happy the students knew who i was and they would be glad to meet me for sure on my first school day i put on my best outfit but instead of a limousine a packed school bus was waiting for me mom had to sell our entire car fleet including her favorite convertible i was in the spotlight at school as i expected but i saw indifference instead of admiring so i turned around with dignity and left the schoolyard right away however on the way home when no one saw me i cried so hard that all the mascara washed off i was very angry when i came home i couldn't hold back my emotions and threw a fit i told my mom everything i thought about her pride and stupid expectations our life had been fabulous and now we lived in an apartment that was smaller than my room in the mansion and it all happened because my mother decided to become independent from the producer who gave her work eventually we had a big fight and i said that i would never go back to that stupid school and went to my tiny room it was the first time i missed social events and constant business meetings i also missed shopping with my friends no matter how angry i was i had to go back to school and get used to the society that didn't know me at all anyway i wasn't going to stay in the shadows so i told my classmates about my mother in order to finally stand out among them it really impressed the guys but in a couple of days they were no longer interested moreover i got a job as a sales assistant in a woman's boutique because we urgently needed money even a small amount i was keen on fashion and my status was considered so i was hired with no trouble unfortunately i lost my friends because of this work when they came to the shop they saw me as a sales assistant and just laughed at me it hurt so much that i cried the whole evening in my room as for my mother we made up and joined forces to raise money by the end of the month we raised a little more than half of the amount and almost all ways to get money were used the deadlines for paying the fine were running out then my mother recollected my words and decided to prove to everyone that she could perform and earn money without the help of a producer having raised the entire amount of money she paid the recording studio for several months in advance and paid a team of professionals to record a decent album when i found it out i fell in complete despair all our savings were invested in an album that may simply not pay off if mom failed then we would face something worse than total poverty my mother could end up in jail for non-payment of a huge fine and i would have to live with my father whom i hadn't seen for many years since he had left my mother and me so our sleepless nights began my mother recorded new songs and i couldn't sleep because of stress stress affected not only my sleep but also my behavior i stopped wearing colorful outfits and stopped putting on airs and graces i was a gray blur at school for several weeks and surprisingly my classmates began to communicate with me i began to get used to these guys a little because they inspired me that my mother's and my financial situation wasn't a complete disaster i even learned how to cook so that my food was quite edible mom put all her energy into music and i brought her food to the studio where she spent the nights and then day x came my mother released her first album independent from anyone now all we had to do was to wait and it turned out to be the most difficult part we kept worrying for several days didn't sleep at all and tried to engage ourselves in something i had to quit school for a while because of lack of sleep i began to spend all my days in the kitchen studying new recipes to switch my mind off bad thoughts a couple of days later i treated my mother to pizza cheese soup and potato casserole mom didn't turn off the radio even at night hoping to hear her song one day she got a call they said that album sales hadn't reached even an average level yet i tried to calm my mother for a long time and she finally fell asleep for the first time in a long time mom was sleeping peacefully and i sat next to the radio and cried imagining that my mother and i would have to part for a long time having cried my eyes out i nearly fell asleep but i was awakened by the voice of a radio dj announcing my mother's song i woke her up at once and turned up the sound this was a song from her new album we sang along and cried with happiness realizing that there was hope for success the next day we heard a few more songs on the radio and at night we were woken up by a phone call from the studio album sales broke records and it became more popular than the previous works of my mother she put all her feelings into these songs and that's why they turned out to be so lively and vivid about six months have passed since that moment and now we live in our mansion again we paid off the debt and my mother's new album is about to be released by the way i took part in recording it mom and i became much closer after all the ordeals after the release of the new album we found a charity fund to help low-income families so that people could afford good housing and quality food by the way i'm still interested in cooking and i still go to a regular school where i made good friends would you like to be a child of a famous person give your answers in the comments like the video and share it with your friends
Channel: Meet My Story
Views: 130,866
Rating: 4.8922405 out of 5
Keywords: animated story, short story, animated short stories, actually happened, storybooth animated, storybooth meet my story, meet my story, animation short film, short animation, animation, animated channel, actually happened stories, stories, story, storytime, true stories, meet my storytime, my mom, famous pop singer, daughter of a star, greedy producer, lawsuit, lawyers, bankruptcy, $30 million fine, ordinary school, cooking, new song, she is back again, depression, radio, song record
Id: a9RxANTNpzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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