I'm Working as a Babysitter at Our School Principal's House | Animated Story

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hi there my name is bree and i have to work as a babysitter at the home of my school principal the fact of the matter is that my dad and i live together just the two of us i was an only child when my mom died and since then dad would do everything to keep me from being in need however he started having health problems and that's why he had to quit his previous loader job because there he had a huge strain on his arms and back which were causing him terrible pain after each shift dad got a job in a little shop as a part-time salesman he felt much better without being over-strained but our family faced another problem we were sorely short of money whereas previously i indulged in every pleasure after the change of dad's job we started to cut corners even on school lunches sometimes i only had one apple for lunch instead of nagging and whining i made a very serious decision i decided to find an evening job so that we had more money and so that we were not in need of at least the most basic things after looking through job offers i had chosen the most suitable option a woman needed a babysitter in the evenings i was surprised by the salary mostly because she promised quite a lot of money for just a couple of hours of work well i loved children so there shouldn't be any problems at least that's what i thought until i arrived at the address provided the principal of my school opened the door for me i was so shocked by this fact that at first i was not able to say a word i just stood in front of her wide-eyed mrs caroline invited me inside being obviously surprised by my arrival i told her that i was coming for the job ad mrs caroline looked at me distrustfully and explained that this job was not for a school girl i was so upset that i couldn't help crying and said that our family had no money at all upon hearing this mrs caroline agreed to hire me as her babysitter she introduced me to her son eric who was six years old eric seemed to be a very kind and sweet boy he came up to me and held out his hand i thought we'd get along right away but how wrong i was eric only looked like an angel but actually he was a very mischievous and naughty child mrs caroline told me that she had to change several babysitters already and after some time i would understand why while she had worked all evenings in her office at school i tried to pacify eric somehow he could break something easily or take my phone and run around the house with it once he found lipstick in my backpack and used it to draw a house right on the wall of course his behavior pissed me off but i had to stay patient because of the money that mrs caroline paid me every night one day eric scared me so much i picked him up from school and then i was distracted because i had to tie my shoelaces but when i straightened up i did not see him next to me i examined every bush nearby called for the boy loudly even asked people around but no one had seen eric i was already so desperate that i started to call mrs caroline tearfully to tell her that i had lost her son but suddenly i noticed eric swinging on a swing across the road with some girl it made me so mad that i chastised him raising my voice i thought eric would at least apologize but he just started laughing at me pointing his finger it seemed that he did everything to get me to quit and at that moment i was really on the brink on the same evening dad noticed i had come home from work tired and sad i told him everything that had happened to me but his answer did not comfort me he thought i should quit but i couldn't since if i did we would have to live in poverty again i didn't want to continue going to school with only one apple and have no internet at home for weeks on end so i decided that i would continue to put up with eric's antics a week later i had to take eric to his friend's birthday party mrs caroline told him to call me after the party so i could bring him home while eric was having fun visiting his friend i waited for his call in the next house at my classmate's home several hours passed it was already dark outside and he did not call i started to worry and went after eric to his friend's house but an unpleasant surprise awaited me there because all of the guests had already left i didn't know where and with who eric had gone his phone was off horrible thoughts were coming into my head i called mrs caroline immediately she answered me in a very disgruntled voice and said that if i forget about eric one more time i can say goodbye to my job i attempted to make excuses but mrs caroline hung up eric had set me up again i had no doubt about it he didn't call me deliberately and made it seem as if i had forgotten about him after this i wanted to quit myself but the next evening i had to stay with the boy longer for an additional fee because mrs caroline was leaving for some important event i could not refuse because i wanted to earn some extra cash mrs caroline came into the living room she was wearing a gorgeous emerald dress and a very beautiful gold brooch with a huge diamond on her chest that i really liked she noticed my admiring glance smiled and said that she got this brooch from her grandmother as soon as mrs caroline left my personal hell began eric started rushing around the house like a hurricane screaming and annoying me with stupid requests i thought it couldn't get any worse but i was wrong again a couple of days later mrs caroline invited me into her office she wanted me to return the brooch to her i didn't understand what she was talking about and mrs caroline said that she had lost her grandmother's brooch which had always been in one place in her bedroom in a box i told her honestly that i didn't take it but mrs caroline didn't believe me nothing had ever disappeared from her house previously but with my arrival her most expensive thing had disappeared somewhere she also added that that day she noticed my admiring and greedy glance at the brooch i had nothing to confess so i said once again that i had not taken the brooch and i left the principal's office but that was just the beginning from then on mrs caroline would call me into her office every day and would demand me to confess to this crime the principal wanted to resolve the conflict peacefully but after a while she took on more serious actions first she suspended me from school for two weeks then she began to threaten that she would expel me from school and then she told me that she would go to the police mrs caroline was sure that i was the one who stole her brooch because firstly i needed money and secondly there was no one in the house except for her me and eric and then it hit me like a shot if i didn't take the brooch then eric did it for some reason i thought that this guess would seem reasonable to mrs caroline because she knew that eric had a very complex character but the principal did not believe me and even said that because of such an accusation i could expect expulsion from school also mrs caroline added that she would definitely call the police i didn't know what to do i lost my job i would soon be expelled from school and there would be problems with the police as well and all because of that little villain eric i was sure it was his doing but i didn't know how to prove it moreover dad was very upset when i decided to tell him everything he was already upset because i had to work and endure the antics of this child and now i had serious problems because of him on the same day the police came to our house and began to interrogate me i told everything as it was and continued to deny any guilt they wrote something down quickly and left because of the whole broach situation i was so stressed out that i couldn't eat or sleep i constantly imagined myself sitting behind bars and these thoughts brought me to tears dad took a few days off and tried to support me but i didn't get any better a few days later the police knocked at her house again but this time mrs caroline was with them she came to apologize and drop all the charges against me because the brooch was found as i said eric took it that night mrs caroline accidentally left the brooch on the table in the living room and eric immediately took it to play with but then he hid the jewel in his closet eric wasn't telling the truth until the police violently searched the house checking every corner he did not confess anything because he was afraid that mrs caroline and the police would scold him and take him to jail mrs caroline apologized to me my feelings were hurt that she accused me of such a crime i said that i forgave her but resentment and anger still remained in my soul i did not return to her school after this i didn't want to see mrs caroline and have anything to do with her i also found a new job at the cinema although i am paid much less for it and have to work longer i am no longer afraid of the problems caused by the antics of some child have you ever been accused of something serious write your answers in the comments leave a like on the video and share it with your friends
Channel: Meet My Story
Views: 159,130
Rating: 4.8998213 out of 5
Keywords: animated story, short story, animated short stories, actually happened, storybooth animated, storybooth meet my story, meet my story, animation short film, short animation, animation, animated channel, actually happened stories, stories, story, storytime, true stories, meet my storytime, I'm a babysitter, babysitting at my principal's, spoiled kid, part time job, poor family, I was accused of stealing, suspended from school, police, new school, jewelry was found
Id: gI5EYG0c7xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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