I Look Like a Celebrity and People Always Confuse Me with Her | Animated Story
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Meet My Story
Views: 1,170,347
Rating: 4.830318 out of 5
Keywords: Billie Eilish, I look like Billie Eilish, People confuse me with a superstar, I'm not a real celebrity, I pretend to be a pop star, I lie to people, I sign cards, I was kidnapped, was in danger, police rescued me, parents searched me, animated story, short story, animated short stories, actually happened, storybooth animated, meet my story, animation short film, short animation, animation, animated channel, actually happened stories, stories, story, storytime, true stories
Id: gZWjXsSu8j8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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