Ranking EVERY Binding of Isaac Character

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in this video I'm going to be ranking every  Binding of Isaac character based on how fun   I think they are you guys seem to like the  last Isaac video I did so I figured I might   as well make another video about it now this  list may not be perfect and you may disagree   where I put some of these characters but that's  okay feel free to let me know where you would   play certain characters on the list in the  comments well without further Ado let's jump   right into the tier list starting off the tier  list you know I have to start with Isaac as he's   kind of the main character of the game out of  all the characters in the game Isaac probably   has the most average starting stats however the  fun part of Isaac is not his stats but it is of   course his item he starts with the D6 which lets  you re-roll any items you don't want in your run   the D6 alone makes Isaac top tier  on its own just due to how versatile   the D6 is as any terrible run can  be turned around just with the D6   I think it's also fun trying to find an active  item to replace the D6 eventually because it's   just so good and trying to find an item to replace  it would mean you're already in a really good spot   with that being said I'm gonna have to put  Isaac into s tier I don't think I've ever   had a boring run with Isaac as the D6 just adds  like the perfect amount of spice to every run   next up we have Maggie who has similar starting  stats to Isaac however she has four HP and a   lower speed at 0.85 Maggie also starts with yum  heart and a full health pill if you've done the   April Fool's Day Challenge the fun part about  Maggie is being able to leverage the amount of   HP she has into other things for example you can  go to early sacrifice rooms by taking advantage   of both your yum heart and your full health pill  which you can use to get early Angel room items   she also has plenty of HP to trade at a deal  with the devil which is something I think she   has an advantage over over a ton of the other  characters in the game who have less starting HP   other than that however Maggie doesn't really  have anything too exciting about her kit so I   think I'm going to have to put her into the B tier  next up I'm gonna be ranking Kane now Kane starts   with a better damage multiplier than the other  characters but has less range and more speed   Kane starts with the paper clip trinket and the  lucky foot as an item I really don't think there's   anything too exciting about Kane except for the  fact that he just has a better damage multiplier   than the other characters as being able to open  golden chest is nice and all but it's nothing   game changing honestly however going into a run  already knowing that there's going to be no bad   pills is a good Plus for Kane as starting with  lucky foot it does this I'm gonna have to put   Kane and C tier because there's nothing that like  really stands out about him too much I don't think   now it's time for Judas now Judas is an  interesting character due to him only having one   HP at the start of a run but he does have insane  damage and an insane damage multiplier if you're   able to survive until you get a couple Soul hearts  or an HP up Judas snowballs a run insanely hard   but there's always that pressure at the start  of the Run whenever you see a champion enemy in   the room you wonder whether or not it's going  to hit you and your run is just instantly over   Judas also starts with the book of Belial which  does make certain rooms easier with the damage   up and you get a higher chance of getting devil  deals and Angel deals but I don't think the book   of belisle's too crazy Judas is a fun character  though because I think if you're able to survive   until you get HP you're basically guaranteed  a run that has decent damage at least so I'm   gonna have to put Judas into a tier next up  is blue baby who I think is an interesting   character especially with his recent rework  blue babies starts with average stats but he   can not gain any red hearts whatsoever he can  only have soul hearts blue baby starts with the   poop as his active item which is not good on  its own however with the new passive changes   to blue baby every time he destroys a poop he  gets a blue fly which I think makes him a lot   more viable as you sort of have a bootlegs guppy  head and which can help you early on to the Run   the other part of his rework was that deals with  the devil now costs the equivalent number of red   hearts to Soul Hearts which makes it so deal with  the doubles are overall less expensive however   even with all these good changes for blue baby I  don't think he's incredibly fun as I never find   myself itching to play the blue baby at any given  moment so for that I'm gonna have to put blue baby   into the sea tier next up on the list is Samson  who has pretty average starting stats I'd say   Samson starts with a child's heart trinket  if you've done the ultra hard Challenge and   he also starts with a bloody Lust by default  bloody lust is the big part about Samson's   kit as it allows you to get damage on a floor if  you take damage which this will eventually lead   to an equilibrium as the more damage you take  probably the less damage you'll take later on   I know that didn't sound like it made complete  sense but essentially if you find a blood   donation machine you will have a big damage out  by default without losing any of your soul Hearts   so you'll probably avoid losing your soul Hearts  by spinning your red hearts Samson's overall kit   I'd say is not extremely fun but it is still fun  as you are basically guaranteed damage on every   single run as long as you take some damage so  I'd have to put Samson probably into the B tier   well now that all the basic characters are  out of the way it's time to move on to Eve   Eve is a character I actually really like to  play as she starts with the razor blade dead   bird which if we're being honest dead bird does  nothing and a better version of core of Babylon   may not have the best starting stats but she  definitely makes up for it in her [ __ ] of   Babylon as you get such a big damage and speed  boost it just makes the run so much easier most   of the time whenever I'm playing Eve I make it  my mission to stay at one HP or one red heart   or less most of the time as Eve without the  [ __ ] of Babylon isn't just not that great   having dead bird can kind of be okay at  least in some situations but for the most   part dead bird really does nothing but overall  I think I'd have to put Eve into a tier as I   actually just really like playing her having  their razor blade on Eve is also really nice   as like this just guarantees you're gonna be  at one HP or less pretty much the whole time   next up we have Azazel who I think is a bit of a  controversial character as a lot of people call   him sort of like the the easy mode of Isaac which  I would agree for the most part but that doesn't   mean he's not fun Azazel starts with the ability  to fly and having his short Brimstone blast this   makes clearing rooms and bosses extremely easy as  you kind of just disintegrate everything instantly   Azazel is usually the character that I pick if  I'm having a really bad lost streak and I just   kind of want to get my head back in the game  as you pretty much know you're gonna win the   Run already if you pick a zazel however knowing  that he's that predictable already I don't think   I can rank him too high on the fun scale so I  think I would have to put him into the B tier   next up we have Lazarus who I've never really  been too much of a fan of as I don't really   like dying in my runs on purpose Lazarus did get  a mini rework recently where he can die one time   per floor at the cost of one heart container  which does make him a little bit better overall   compared to how he was but I still don't think  that this is enough to make Lazarus more fun   if anything this rework makes him up worse  because most of the time you would just die   on the first floor as Lazarus and have risen  Lazarus for the rest of the run with all the   boosted stats but the rework prevents you  from being able to do this so I think that   makes Lazarus a little bit less fun so I'm  gonna have to put Lazarus into the D tier   Eden's an interesting character because I'm  sure you know you start with the random stats   and random items at the start of every run so  in theory I think it is fun however there's a   lot of the times where you just kind of get  useless items that don't really do anything   however on the other side sometimes you start  with a really good item on Eden and you have   really good stats which does make him a lot  more fun however I think Eden's a little bit   too random to call fun in one way or another as  you're relying completely on RNG in the beginning   to decide whether or not your Run's gonna be  good Eden could definitely have some s-tier runs   or some f tier runs so honestly I'm just gonna  compromise and put him at the middle of C tier   now it's time to rank a character that  I had plenty of struggles against in the   past however I have now found my peace with  this character and that is the Lost playing   the lost without holy mantle is an easy F tier  because those runs would be impossible however   the loss does start with holy mantle if you've  donated 879 coins to the greed machine of course   having holy mantle plus the ability to fly and  special tiers makes every run really exciting and   you can play very safely to avoid getting killed  and not only that having the Eternal D6 is a great   item as a lot of the times useless items will show  up as the Lost which you can prevent this with the   Eternal D6 I like the Eternal D6 for their  same exact reasons I like the D6 on Isaac   however if it of course still does have that  chance to permanently delete items which does   cause you to use it in some situations where it  can end up pretty bad for you however overall I   think I'd have to put the Lost in the S tier as  I've come to love the runs with I have with the   lost it's just so much fun being able to take  devil deals for free and having the Eternal D6   and finally the holy mantle I think is a good  enough defensive item to prevent you from dying   there is no better feeling than walking into a  curse room and opening a red chest and seeing Nine   Lives when playing the Lost all right with the  Lost out of the way it's time to move on to Lilith   Lilith is a character I mostly played in greed  mode to unlock the keeper as her starting item   box of friends is just insanely overpowered on  green mode however other than that I've only   really played Lilith on normal runs to do her  normal completion marks as I don't think she's   really that fun using familiars instead of your  own tears can be really frustrating at times   Lilith is a lot more manageable if you  manage to find um her birth right in a   shop as this kind of eliminates the downside  of not being able to really control your tears   however in most of your runs you probably  won't find a Birthright and I definitely did   it when I was doing my runs so I think  I'd have to put Lilith in the D tier   the keeper is a character that I've definitely  had a love-hate relationship with as I've had   some pretty terrible runs with the keeper and I've  also had some pretty amazing runs the repentance   DLC fixed a ton of the keepers issues as you  get to have a maximum of three coin hearts and   you can get deals with the devil just by paying  for them instead of actually donating your HP   one negative part about the keeper though is that  you're basically forced to take the Wooden Nickel   as your active item however that being said  The Wooden Nickel is an amazing item overall   for the keeper especially if you can get habit  um it just becomes insanely good the shop was   definitely my friend when I was doing keeper runs  as there were many times that I got car battery   um habit and piggy bank all in the  shop which led to some easy wins   after playing through keeper enough times I  think I'm gonna have to put him in the B tier   as before I hated keeper but after getting all  those unlocks I kind of just understand them   now and I've come to peace with the keeper and  that's where I'm gonna put them next up on the   list is apollyon who I think overall is kind of  a boring character there are certain situations   in which the void can be insanely overpowered  if you suck up a bunch of good active items but   um sucking up bad passive items just to give  you a stat increase I think isn't super exciting   the void is the only real thing that Napoleon has  that differentiates himself from other characters   so I don't think he's very fun I'm gonna  put him in D tier next up is a character I   think is the most unique out of the original 17  characters which is of course the Forgotten now   the Forgotten has two modes his skeletal form  in which he swings his bone at enemies and it   does a ton of damage and the spirit form which  lets you fly and basically you're the lost but   you're chained to the skeleton now I really  like this character because his playstyle is   very unique and there's many unique synergies  with items that come with his bone weapon   honestly I'm gonna have to put the Forgotten at  the top of the S tier as he's just so fun with   um both play Styles he has he's so good that  I don't know why he's called The Forgotten   I definitely did not forget him when I  load up Isaac as I play it quite a bit   next up on the list is Bethany who I  think is an interesting character as   you're basically forced into Angel deals  unlike any other character due to the Book   of Virtues making your angel chance go up  and it makes your first deal an angel room   the book of virtue adds a lot of character to  Bethany as it basically makes every active item   in the game have a secondary effect because of  all the Wisp and the Wisp effects that the Book   of Virtues gives I think this definitely makes  Bethany a lot more fun because every single active   item in the game performs differently or does  something different than what it normally does so   it's cool to see all the different cool effects so  I'm gonna be placing Bethany at the top of a tier   and now it's time to rank the last out of the  original 17 characters in The Binding of Isaac   repentance which is of course Jacob and Esau now  this is the one character I'm gonna be ranking   before I give an explanation because I would  like you to kind of hear me out here I'm going   to be putting Jacob and Esau in the a tier again  I know this is extremely controversial but I just   find Jacob and Esau actually a ton of fun because  there are so many runs I'm like so engaged into   just because of how focused I am to not die  and get hit because I have such a big hitbox   I honestly did not have too difficult  of a time getting all the unlocks on   Jacob and Esau as it only took me probably  like a total of 15 runs to do everything   there is one thing that pisses me off on this  character though and it is that if one of the   two characters has flight the other one doesn't  automatically get it this makes some situations   extremely frustrating as you just cannot sync up  the two characters and it makes it very difficult   to avoid getting hit on certain rooms I know in  my last Isaac video I called them hitbox at hitbox   which to be fair they are but I really don't  think they're that bad overall as long as you're   able to group up Jacob and Esau together it's not  extremely difficult to dodge tears from enemies plus they technically have the potential to build  two overpowered runs at the same time which I   think is pretty cool if you can get it to work all  right with all the original characters out of the   way it's time to rank the tainted characters which  let me just preface this by saying I definitely do   not like playing a ton of the tainted characters  as much as I do the original characters   the first tainted character on the list is  Tainted Isaac in the gimmick about tainted   Isaac is that he can only hold eight total  items at the same time however he does have   the benefit of each item pedestal cycling  between two different items which allows you   to sort of craft your run as basically  every single item is automatically D6   I think I'm gonna have to put tainted Isaac in the  S tier as I think it's just really fun trying to   come up with the best 8 possible items per run and  you can easily win runs just by having eight items   tainted Maggie is sort of an interesting character  as when I play her I sort of feel like I'm running   through a Black Friday simulator at Walmart  with her constantly draining red hearts and   soul Hearts it really adds some sort of pressure  to the run which I kind of don't like as you're   forced to sort of rush through the whole game  as quick as possible tainted Maggie's gimmick   can make some bosses pretty difficult as you're  pretty much forced to be on low HP when you're   fighting bosses like hush or delirium also it  is pretty fun to just keep running into enemies   though if tainted Maggie didn't have to deal  with her constantly draining HP I think she'd   be a much more fun character so for that I think  I'm gonna have to put her into the seeds here   next up is Tainted Kane who may have the most  unique gameplay mechanic out of any character in   the game as he's not allowed to pick up any items  and he has to craft every item he wants to use   if it weren't for the external item descriptions  mod I think this character would straight up be   impossible to play so I don't know how you console  players do it because that was literally the only   way I was able to get through tainted Kane each  run I did with tainted Kane was extremely easy   after I figured out how to make external item  descriptions work but this did make each run   feel kind of boring as I basically knew I was  going to win because I could just craft whatever   items I wanted so personally I think that tainted  cane gonna be the first F tier character as it's   just kind of boring you know what's gonna  happen already you can just get to decide   next up on the list we have tainted Judas who  I think is an extremely fun character as the   dark Arch is just provides so much versatility to  your runs as you were able to just go into curse   rooms for free and you can get large damage UPS  you can run through projectiles it's just a lot   of fun honestly so for that I think I'm just  gonna have to put dark Judas into the a tier   probably ahead of Jacob at Esau which wow that may  come as a shock to many of you but yeah I think   tainted Judas is more fun than Jacob and Esau  so that's where I'm gonna put him next we have   tainted blue baby who I don't really think is too  exciting in any way as his bombs are just replaced   with different kinds of poops which can lead to  some good situations like the one where if you   step in the trail you get bonus um tear speed and  more damage but overall I don't think blue babies   too exciting or a tainted blue baby I should say  so I'm gonna be putting him probably in the D tier   next up we have a character that is the bane  of my existence which is of course tainted Eve   tainted Eve is a character I've extremely  struggled with trying to get to completion   marks for as every run is just so difficult  because Eve tainted Eve starts with like two   um tier speed which is pretty terrible compared to  most characters and the blood clots that she has   um they can be good but they're extremely snowball  Reliant as if you face a single enemy that has any   kind of Brimstone beam all of your blood clots  kind of just get disintegrated and then you're   just so much weaker without them however that  being said you can get some insanely good runs   with tainted Eve as as I mentioned sees snowball  Reliant so if you can get a good run going it's   kind of hard to stop tainted Eve so I think  I'm gonna be putting tainted Eve into sea tier   next up we've got the melee madman himself tainted  Samson tainted Samson's ability berserk is a lot   of fun however it is sort of inconsistent as  during some boss fights or you need rain it   can sort of become a deterrent as you sometimes  do not want to get close to a boss however it is   extremely fun to use when clearing rooms as you  can just stack up your berserk passive for so   long you just can kind of clear a floor instantly  if you get a good line of enemies overall I think   I'm gonna have to put tainted Samson into the  B tier because as I said before in some boss   fights his berserk passive is kind of annoying  because you don't want to get close to some bosses next up we have tainted Azazel who I think is  a lot more fun than normal as basil because   the brimstone sneeze plus the skinny Brimstone  glass can lead to some pretty cool combos that's   kind of fun to pull off when you're fighting in  certain rooms plus when you're playing tainted   as Azle you don't have to worry about range like  normalization which is a very nice uh benefit to   playing tainted as Azle over a zazel however you  don't have the ability to fly which is sort of a   problem but it's not too bad because there's a lot  of ways that you can give Isaac the ability to fly   well based on that I think I'm gonna have to put  tainted Azazel into the a tier as I think it's   just pretty fun to play overall [Music] painted  Eden is a character I hate playing as your runs   can go from zero to 100 real quick to a hundred  to zero real quick also anytime you get hit and   your items are re-rolled you do not get any  of the passive effects that any HP item would   have given you which means your soul hearts are  your only protection so this can lead to a lot   of situations where you kind of just die if you  get hit unexpectedly as many HP ups are kind of   useless and if you're gonna get hit once in a room  a lot of situations you're gonna get hit again   which means you're just gonna get re-rolled and  overwhelmed with a completely random run you've   been given so tainted Eden is definitely going in  the F tier now it's time for another controversial   character as tainted lost is probably the  hardest character in all of The Binding of Isaac   tainted loss does not have the Holy  mantle like the normal loss however   he does have a good damage multiplier and  he also does have the out of effect of many   useless items to take the loss being  completely removed from the item pool   this means over the course of the run your items  that you find will likely just be better than any   other character however tainted loss still comes  with the extreme difficulty curve that he has   there are many workarounds however to his very  low HP and without having holy mantle like   getting blank card with holy card or giving the  the glowing hourglass but that's not consistent so   I think I'm gonna be putting tainted lost into the  sea tier as runs can still be fun it's just very   difficult I know I said azazel's probably one of  the easiest characters in the game however tainted   Lilith does come at a close second I think as her  kit is just so overpowered having the jello active   item integrated into her kit makes her damage  kind of insane as the whip you can just kind of   spam on any enemy will kind of just clear them up  instantly this makes every run very easy as you   do so much damage early on it's kind of hard to  lose overall I'm gonna be putting tainted Lilith   into the B tier as her runs may be overpowered  but they're not insanely fun as the game plan   is pretty much always the same you just use your  fetus that you shoot out to kill enemies instantly   next up is one of my personal favorite  characters which is the tainted keeper   the tainted keeper is quite a bit different from  the normal keeper as he can only have two maximum   coin hearts and every time he kills an enemy  it drops a coin that disappears after a couple   seconds and the tainted keeper does not have  the Wooden Nickel on tainted keeper runs you do   have to buy every single item you pick up but you  can get plenty of money easily just by picking up   money that's dropped by every enemy the most fun  part about tanked keeper is walking into every   shop as every shop is unlocked by default and  every time you walk into a shop you can buy items   from any item pool almost as if you had chaos for  that reason alone I'm gonna have to put tainted   keeper into s tier for how funny is next is the  character I've probably played the least out of   any character in the game and that is Tainted a  poly on tainted apollyon starts with the abyss   instead of the Void which can be used to give you  a guaranteed DPS upgrade which I think is a better   item overall than the void in that circumstance  also tainted apollyon has a plus over a normal   Poly on and it's that his active item is in the  consumable spot this is different than a polyone   who can only hold one active item at a time by  default I'm just going to put tainted a poly on   into the C tier as I think he's kind of just a  better version of polyone however they are quite   similar in their gameplay because you're sucking  up items you don't want on your run most of the   time next up we have the tainted forgotten who  is a quite a interesting character as you're just   picking up and throwing a pile of bones over and  over the whole run and yet you could somehow win   to me playing the tainted forgotten is sort  of like a more fun version of Jacob and Esau   because you are technically sort of playing  two characters at once but you'd only have   to worry about one of them getting hit and the  other one is just your damage dealer because of   this I'm going to put the tainted forgotten into  a tier I don't think he's this phone is normal   forgotten but it's still fun nonetheless we're  down to the final three characters now and the   next one is Tainted Bethany who I think is very  fun actually because you get to summon a whole   bunch of items and you get to use these items as  sort of an orbital which is pretty fun and it's   you can sort of pick and choose which items  to protect which I think is a cool mechanic   and overall she's just cool because you get a  bunch of items you turn red hearts into items   and I just like it so tainted Bethany is an S tier  character next up is Tainted Jacob who is quite a   controversial character as you get to have dark  esol following you around the whole run which is   kind of terrible honestly I really don't like that  mechanic it makes every road super stressful you   have to pay a hundred percent attention to dark  Esau the whole time or your run basically is just   over so I'm just gonna have to put tainted Jacob  in F tier that's kind of where he belongs honestly   and last but certainly not least depending on  your perspective we have tainted Lazarus I really   don't like playing this character as it's just  kind of annoying to manage to runs at the same   time that constantly are switching in between  each other however he does have some potential   on every item pedestal you can get  technically two items one for each run   um but I still just don't think he's that fun to  play so I'm gonna be putting tainted Lazarus and   D tier well that's the end of the tier list I hope  my picks weren't too controversial for you and I I   know you probably won't agree with some of my  picks but you can let me know in the comments   where you'd put some of these characters I know  a lot of you are probably going to disagree with   where I put people characters like Jacob and Esau  or tainted lost feel free to let me know where you   put them also make sure to like And subscribe so I  know you guys want me to do more of these kinds of   videos because this was pretty fun for me to do  honestly as I've never really sat down and just   ranked every single Isaac character but after  doing it I think it was a lot of fun so let me   know what other kinds of tier lists you'd want me  to do well that's the end of the video thank you   for everyone who still stuck around to the very  end I hope to see you in the next video goodbye [Music]
Channel: rhodet
Views: 36,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: binding of isaac, funny, game, gamer, gaming, isaac, review, tier list, rebirth, repentence
Id: wUcgQV42Cv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 20sec (2000 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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