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all right hello so today we are playing uh what it seems to be the most broken character of all time it's me I'm in the game they put me in don't die I have uh one black heart half actually I could die at any moment I actually have a holy card pack cool uh so I saw this mod I saw tuck people are requesting me to play it so I was like sure why not I don't know too much about this character look I got splashard that's so cool I don't know too much about this character other than uh they start with YouTuber luck all right uh I believe YouTuber luck determines what you're gonna get from your treasure rooms depending on what your luck stat is so if you have let's say uh I think like 20 luck then you're guaranteed to get two quality two or higher maybe uh 30 luck I think is a quality four guaranteed or higher stuff like that we also have Sigma mail which is just making me do a bajillion damage it's a little too silly oh dark bomb perfect I think Dora I think Sigma male just gives you a fat damage and tears up at least for the room and then you can't really like if you get hit then you just lose it all we'll go downpour uh and I'm curious as to how this is I guess the strategy for this character is oh I just realized I started Perfection uh get luck UPS don't get hit I mean if it's guaranteed whoa big that we're getting better items then we don't want to lose Perfection at all how am I going to hit 30 luck I think 30 luck is the cap All Quality four items I don't think that's possible I could try 20 luck for Quality three item 10 luck is quality too so I guess I can't actually get any quality one or zero items as long as I have Perfection with me first thing that comes to mind is probably Mom's box somehow maybe a golden Perfection trinket I'm not too sure uh quad I like to think that wow that's so useful thank you 30 luck is probably not feasible but we might be able to pull something else off either way this is really cool I've always wanted to have my own character in this game and I finally have it we know that both of these are probably decent sucks for blind boom three dollar I would have preferred that one anyway thank you I'm happy now uh I know you guys have been wanting me to play modded characters for a hot minute now this is kind of just like a little bit of a delve into it you know if I were to play any modded character for the first time it'd be uh I probably shouldn't have checked this whatever oh never mind uh the modern character that is me if you guys want me to try out different modded characters I mean I kind of already have toner's keeper and stuff and uh let me know because I like I like doing a little different like oh my God I should have gotten hit uh okay characters let's see it can I get double Perfection is that a thing if I just uh perfect these three floors do I get to double up I doubt that's actually a thing since we're blind we won't go devil rooms just go straight to the angel oh I have nails sick they're so big Sigma male is broken and YouTubers luck is really cool too it's actually a very unique item I will say that that's a very unique concept for an item that I've always kind of wondered about what if your luck stat just straight up affected your items but in terms of tears and damage I mean we're a little bit busted 100 I think I have Perfection this is the GG item another one I take left again all right speed perfect actually speed and shot speed literally what I needed that theme is gonna do its job and make sure that we don't get hit whatsoever for this will run and that's important because uh we need to uh what is this PhD perfect we need to make sure we keep Perfection purities whenever uh you know I guess it's adult progress make sure to subscribe to Matt man oh my God those diagonals were sick never mind forget about subscribing that was sick nasty I don't even care oh I can't do it oh that is a thing that's weird how can I get two anyways we're just gonna simply destroy turtle and he has absolutely no chance whatsoever we got Binky and uh wow okay hey look up perfect all right well just I guess here's hoping that Perfection drops twice maybe when I beat the next boss it'll just keep dropping uh no magic mushroom let's go I'll just fight the boss we are so overpowered and it's just pure tears I honestly have such a soft spot for runs like these where it's not a crazy item it's just good stats for some reason I find these some of the most satisfying of all my videos uh yes I'm two years old ah yes the miter uh sure we'll go Angels no no biggie Paul tooth shot you shouldn't have thank you open the wooden that's the soul of the Isaac all right bad boy you have given me hypercoag I don't need hyper quag brittle bones hey give me a sacrifice room I'll do it oh speak of the devil actually I shouldn't do it on this floor huh I just realized that we did spawn the angel on this floor all I'd be getting is what uh a potential for uh an Android item I can hold off so much money what is my birth rate I don't think I get one true YouTubers wait that's sick it's just a luck hook do I do the secret room do I do something else I'm still deciding there it's a little one doing a single room all right simple as that here we go teleport me to the angel room I dare you oh oh I'm not dancing whatever just imagine that there's a music what it the hell is my tear rate I'm busted right now all right give me that angel piece uh a room item I mean if I spawned it it had to be good right this is gonna go crazy really quickly all I need to do is make sure that I'm not getting hit screenshot's cool there's the pack that's quality three yeah it's working wow this is so weird I didn't know you could do this I guess modding of Isaac is sick oh my God there's Death Scythe on the other one oh this is awesome this is a true skill character the lost if they were good did I get the deal I did not and that's actually a great thing another quality three item that was guaranteed to get and then we'll go in here I don't think I'm getting Perfection okay so that's interesting I guess you just spawn with it which uh forces the game to give it to you the first time I think it would be kind of cool because I'm holding the lazy worm that was so cute I think it would be kind of cool if uh instead maybe you didn't spawn with perfection but the requirement for Perfection was just like one perfect floor perfect one perfect floor and maybe you had just an innate ability to just hold two trinkets at a time or maybe a perfectionary two floors so you have the ability to consistently get multiple Perfections but you truly have to earn it and then if you get hit once you know you're gonna lose both of them I think that would be a Cool Change uh Tech 0.5 I mean it's guaranteed those are again both quality three I cannot get bad items this is so cool I'll destroy the visit right here because I busted uh damage hate that's almost spun and it's speed I now have base thank God at least it's something so yeah I think uh maybe take off the sigma mail item uh it just seems a little too much I don't know I don't know if you put that in like the planetarium it kind of looks like a planetarium item to be honest with that and instead make it so maybe uh Batman gets an item I don't know maybe he gets Perfection every two floors and he can hold two trinkets naturally I think that'll be a cool character also maybe like Point 60 speed because Point 50 is kind of like you know no items oh okay this is where we do it I'm gonna do it here don't let the Vlog boom I can't take it though all right wait chaos would go hard no okay let me take this let me try Finding Ultra secret it's probably next to the shop I think if I take chaos everything will be so good because now I'm getting quality three items from any pool right it's not just like I'm gonna walk in the treasure room and get cursed eye it can't be that I actually got Ultra secret and avadon oh I was thinking it was like brim or something that's still really good more damage I also got flight from that uh let me know if you guys are down for that because that actually sounds really fun that sounds uh very unique what if I start the run with chaos just the entire game all right we got our shop we got greed Champions belt is that because technically speaking Steam Sale is quality too so it was forced to re-roll into the shop tool because I spawned that item in the shop therefore giving me Champions belt I think that might have been the interaction that just happened Trevor oh yeah spot fly not worth it in comparison as my tier 8 not gone down wait do I just like naturally have rock bottom or something is this an extra uh thing I don't know about pretty sure I just take mutant spider which is supposed to be a fat tears down maybe I have something to do my Birthright or maybe it has something to do with the sigma mail oh maybe that's a y actually maybe Sigma mail makes it so you have like an effective rock bottom I'll enter the cursor that's unexpected oh hey oh hey that's that that doesn't make any sense what happens in my guaranteed good items does chaos break it did I break the character I wouldn't mind actually tiny pan is sick okay maybe I didn't maybe it was just a one-off thing maybe the game was just like dude this build would go so hard with tiny planet here you go uh which two I would play the game uh you're very based it's true I got razor blades for a second there that was awesome wooden chest uh oh ho ho ho ho check it Goat if you don't know if you go Perfection you can still lose it if you get hit uh there's another lockup wow but it's still good to have maybe now I can hold another trinket I don't think it's possible but maybe another Perfection spawns the only times I've ever gotten double Perfection is through an R key so I'm assuming it can only spawn one time and if you get hit then the requirements to spawn reset and you can get it again we're actually slow for Boss Rush don't ask me how uh we'll go up to date now we'll go down we'll go down I'm feeling devious I have a devious character I am devious my secret there's my greed oh that makes no sense I'm with it I don't care it's because of chaos right oh that's exactly what happened so I sworn I sworn I spawned the killer Garden I lie my eyes I spawn the quarter let's try and make it to hush and then since quarter is quality two it couldn't spawn quarter so it defaulted to another item the other item had to be chaos because I have chaos so then it was like here take this Quality Ford devil room item what a unique I've never seen this before this is so cool a unique way to play the game all right sick done no deal it's fine let's go find hush all right treasure oh my God this guy showed up twice by the way yoink and oh I I don't know I I um wow I need void maybe I can just void it wave oh it's happening this is this is the end game for the lazy Matt man character you just run into rooms and just get good items you know I'm not gonna lie I was thinking that would give me a luck up I'm quite disappointed I just open these maybe a lucky penny magician card I can use on the fight we did buy the battery which is good we can avoid Mega mush Point actually I don't know wait I think maybe did I avoid the wrong one there's two options here I either avoided Mega Mushroom or I avoided uh judas's Shadow and he's got a passive but magician and then I can't really see so I'm just gonna hope that we kill him that I have so much range it's a tornado tiny planet the only good quality zero item maybe the uh mod developers like you know what maybe just for the walls I'll keep tiny planet in the pool just because it would be good the spider being quality zero maybe they just internally changed it to Quality three I don't know I got two shot he's dead already oh my God okay well we took negative bye I got a treasure oh I can't take prop but I'll take the free damage on thank you so my ball oh yeah okay so I truly do have Mega Mushroom it's just visually weird I don't I don't know why I kind of know their treasure room are you literally joking me hold on I don't want to touch that because I'm pretty sure I have mega mush activated I would destroy the restock machine I think okay Mega mushroom's gone just roll it I guess I mean I got money I already have conjoined that is what I'm taking Oh Perfect Defense that's all we need I think if I just stay here you will die in a frame cool average Matt man run let's just do 360s try not to get blown up and then Satan will die I'm super excited for these red chest boys who knows what I'll get it's so cute look at him oh he's so sad I guess I have Magneto oh I'll take this lodestone I don't need Bloodstone oh gosh that's I mean I feel like this is good roll these sci-fi yeah okay a tears up I I mean eh I can go for more rolls jacket toxic shock this will make it so I'm definitely not gonna get any hits on myself because I will be destroying any rooms full of multiple enemies instantly that is not a red item you see I feel as if maybe the game is colorblind then maybe it doesn't know what the color red is truly an absolute tragedy and for the re-roll we get brooms oh that that is the most satisfying reroll I've ever had in my life this is the most satisfying reroll we'll take Sacred Heart first I was thinking that it would give me hearts to give me Brimstone which is true uh and now we break the game I it showed up to okay hello that is beautiful car battery don't want that money equals power just yeah it's simple 13 damage on pickup all right officially this is the greatest character ever made this guy is sick purely for that that end game reroll of brimstone's Sacred Heart you have won me over this is the character of my dreams oh hey cool oh my God I don't even know what to get I guess just more damage I have Sacred Heart so I take what like polyphemus I I guess I'll take Chrono light I could take soy milk but I I think I'd prefer the damage today we'll take chronal light because I could still get poly somewhere somehow maybe in the dark room I can't get kind of light because it's in the Andrew Room pool this is probably the only way you could get a quality one item as this character by the way if you're running double Perfection or you could just be like me and get tiny planets somehow entirely breaking the entire concept of the character yet making it cool oh careful all right oh there you are geez you were hiding from me okay we take you we'll take a shot speed up because I feel like we might just end up getting more uh items to reroll in the future yeah see you're fine Purity all right that's fair I roll this technology that's just a fat damage up yeah that actually just gave me 80 damage on pickup that's just knife uh I don't want knife not today I think so Belly jelly uh we could just clear the floor which wouldn't be bad let's do this we'll clear the floor and then we'll just uh abusary rolls I think check check flip and tears up don't eat that we'll use that as a double re-roll mechanism for ourselves actually that is terrifying I've got I have the ice laser the real moment Echo chamber Holy Light ah yeah it's not broken at all oh we have a mega Satan fight I didn't even realize oh my I want to see how fast I can go magazine that's the ultimate goal today check and check ocular Rift mom's contact both incredibly good items that benefit from luck and I don't know if you guys can tell but I I actually have a lot of that you know what we don't need to go kill the lamb let's just kill Mega Satan lamb gets to live today it's not worth our time we're above that this is what I want to do boom I'm just gonna stab it I want to see I just I truly want to see how fast we can kill it do we one shot this phase no way right did we one shot it oh wow this so I cleared him Mega Satan cleared Isaac's Universal power level scale okay ggs [Music] so you know we haven't really touched him
Channel: Lazy Mattman
Views: 253,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lso0NPP-_Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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