My Kids and I Pull Pranks on Each Other (PART 1)

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people ask me all the time if i pull practical jokes on my kids yup hey i came from an era of this the people you made fun of the people you pulled jokes on were the people you liked i didn't waste time on jokes or insulting people i didn't like this is the community this is how we communicated with each other i know it's antiquated but right so when i pull joe if i pull a joke on you i like you right and that's how that goes and so i pull jokes on my kids but i will people ask me a lot what's the best practical joke you ever pulled on your kids and i wish i could take credit for this but i didn't i didn't pull this joke on them i just let it happen i take credit for it but they really did it to themselves so again this was when i was a single dad and uh this was before i was dating beth and we were poor man i made a thousand dollars a month for three the me and the three kids we all lived in one room and uh and listen guys you guys know here in arizona there are times in the summer where it's just too hot to take your kids out to the park so you're gonna find someplace indoors and if you don't have money that means the mall a supermarket we used to go to petco the kids love petco right oh they hated seeing us walk in there like get every animal out yeah my oldest son used to play fetch with jacob and they throw a ball across the store and jacob anyways so one day we're there and my daughter around six at the time so my oldest son was trevor was eight caitlin was about six puts jacob about three and caitlin walks up to me and she goes [Music] i want to ask you a question but i know you'll say no i go okay don't ask me she goes no i want to ask you i said okay ask me she goes okay okay okay now i know i didn't eat my breakfast i know i know i didn't finish it and i know i was supposed to finish my breakfast and i will i'll finish it i promise i finish it when i get home i promise i finish it when i get home but can i have a cookie and i said babe i i don't have any cookies she goes no no one of the petco cookies i go show me show me what you're talking about now for those of you who have never been out of the house before petco has dog treats that look like little chocolate chip cookies right so she walks up and she goes and i go you you i could you you want that cookie [Music] and she goes and i said uh okay now jacob is made my breakfast can i have a cookie i said you you want that cookie anyone [Music] and i said okay now my eight-year-old is standing next to me and he's staring at them but he's talking to me out of the side of his mouth and he just goes that's dog food right [Music] and i said yeah and then i said to him i said i set up you want cookie there he goes no [Music] the kids go to put the cookies in their mouth like no no no we gotta eat those in the car we can't eat those in here i don't mind being a bad parent in private just not in public you know what i mean get your together [Applause] everybody so we go out my oldest son and i are in the front seat we're looking at them in the rearview mirror like this and they go to eat the cookie now look anybody who has kids knows when this cookie touches their lips before it even touches their tongue before they taste it what noise are they going to start to make that's right and jacob it hit his lips and then he would um and then it hit his tongue and he went now here's one thing guys i did not see coming ready because here's we were poor i made a thousand dollars a month yo a treat was just that it was a treat you didn't get them all the time man and the rule was if you didn't finish your treat you never got another one of those treats i never i didn't think of these as treats because it was a joke to me they thought they were real cookies so they just both just popped the whole thing in their mouth and i was like oh my god i didn't see that coming holy that was so much better than i could have even imagined and they just started to chew them just [Applause] now not only do i imagine that the taste made it difficult to chew but guys i want to promise you right now you know what really made it difficult to chew hey i'll tell you what if i gave you all a piece of paper and a pen i said please write down one word that would describe these treats i promise you not one of you would use the word moist they were just they were it was like i poured a bag of sand in their mouth just well because when i asked him how is it he said pretty good like [Music] now let me can i tell you what my favorite part about this joke is yo i didn't tell him it was a dog treat for three years [Applause] [Music] he was too young to know i needed him to know he ate a dog treat so he had to be old enough or what's the point of the joke and it's just for me that's not good you know now to be fair now be fair okay they do like at my house i'm the one who scares the easiest i'm the one i'm the one who scares the easiest they scare me and just so you know like at my house when you practical joke somebody when you get somebody you say gotcha and they've all tried to get me back and the only person that's never got me back was jakey and he's he's always like i've always just wanted to say got you i've always wanted to say got you you just got you and you can't look man he's not he's first of all he's too nice he's too nice like you can't get me with food i grew up with three older brothers if you're too excited for me to eat something there's no way i'm eating that zero he's tried to get me before with a brownie he was like you want this brownie are you laughing no you can't get me in a room because guess who's not going into the room first me i never go into her if someone's like go in i'm like are you going no i don't and here's another thing i'm hard to prank because i i know what my daily routines are and if if something is bumped off i take a mental note of it if more than one thing is bumped off i assume somebody's coming for me [Music] does anybody then anybody grow up in a youngest of a big family yo there's some ptsd that comes along with that so all right so i i don't trust anybody in here okay and so this was his greatest attempt for the go-to [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Josh Wolf
Views: 388,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Josh Wolf, comedy, stand-up, stand up, stand-up comedy, stand up comedy, comedy clips, comedy show, comedian, funny, laugh, father, son, weird, comedy special, best comedian, funniest comedian, top comedian, prank, kids
Id: zs3s5XXHhtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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