Twin Betrayal | Full Movie | Lifetime

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Is something wrong? Hey, it's okay. You can tell me. -Well, you know Josh at school? Mm-hmm. His parents are divorced and they're getting married again... each other. Oh, sweetheart. Listen, that's not gonna happen with your daddy and me, okay? Daddy and I are getting divorced because we just can't live together anymore. -Yeah, okay. But you know that it has nothing to do with you, right? We both love you more than anything in the whole wide world. Hey, I mean it. More than anything. [small laugh] [engine revving] [dog barking] God, you're so lucky, Jess. Three days away from this miserable place. Three days of fun, sun, and sex in Texas. Well, I would hardly call three days at the Insurance Analysts of America Conference a wild weekend. Insurance Analysts of America... I can barely even pronounce it. And Texas is the land of cowboys. Didn't you always have a thing for cowboys? Okay, but seriously, Jess, all you ever do is work and take care of Danny. You haven't even been on a date since you and Lars split. I mean, I know your work is wild, but when's the last time you even got laid? Maddie, I don't even know the last time a man actually held the door open for me. Come on, you know I have to be careful with the.. everything. You know, until the divorce and custody suit are settled. I know. Well, it's my fault for marrying a lawyer. A good lawyer who's going to use my past against me in court. What past? You were 19 years old and you got involved with some creep. Yeah, and I got arrested for possession of a controlled substance. Please. You were vulnerable. Your mom had just passed away. It's not gonna stop Lars from using it against me in court. He's going to paint me as an unfit parent with a history of drug problems. What a jerk. Yeah. Well, can you just promise me to have a little bit of fun on this weekend? [scoffs] No, no. What is this? That's exactly what I'm talking about. Mm-hmm. [laughs] [car engine] Okay? Listen, you be well behaved for daddy while I'm gone, okay? -Okay. I'm gonna miss you. I'm gonna miss you, too. I love you, sweetheart. I'll call you from Texas, okay? -Bye. Have fun. [car door closes] You're seven minutes late. There was traffic on the freeway. And besides, it's just seven minutes. -No, Jessica, it's not just seven minutes. It's his whole life. It's about discipline, it's about basic life lessons. You make a promise, you keep it. Okay, Lars, you know what? I never made you any promises. And that is exactly what I'm going to bring up at the custody hearing. You know what, Lars, if you spent more time being his parent maybe you would understand that seven minutes is like seven seconds when it comes to getting an eight year old ready to leave the house. We'll see what the judge thinks. Well, Danny thinks we're getting back together. So maybe you should explain that one to him. [car engine] I'm sorry. I don't see it. -Um, well, can you just check again? It should be under Klint - Jessica Klint. -I'm sorry, but it's not here. But.. it has to be. I've had the reservation for over a month. It's Klint with a K, not a C. Look, ma'am, there's a conference here and all the rooms are booked. You must have cancelled the reservation. But, no, I didn't. Listen, I'm actually here for that conference. Excuse me, but I think you owe the lady an apology. Sir, please, there's people waiting. They can just keep on waiting until we get this whole thing straightened out. Are they any more important than Miss Jessica Klint? You're clearly overbooking. Now I'm sure you mean well, but I get it, there's not much you can do. So how about you go get us a manager who can make things right. I don't believe we've been properly introduced. Harry Gordon, ma'am. At your service. Hi, I'm Jessica Klint. With a... A "K" Interesting. It was so wonderful the way you got the manager to find us these rooms. I never would have been able to do that. -I saw this beautiful damsel in distress I just had to impress. It's just the way we do things in Texas. Well, thank you. This is it. Well, I'm gonna go find my room, take a hot shower and then head downstairs for dinner. If you're interested in joining me.. for dinner, that is, I'll be at the restaurant downstairs tonight. [music and indistinct conversations] French food sound okay? Sounds amazing. Thank you. This was a really great idea. To tell you the truth, this is the best time I've had in a year. Since my wife died, I just spend all my time working. Otherwise, if I stopped to think about it, a little loneliness.. it-it starts to feel like a physical pain. I know.. loneliness. No. You're too sweet and beautiful. I can't imagine anyone leaving you alone. Oh, yeah? Well, you could ask my soon-to-be ex-husband. He, um, he found it pretty easy. How about a dance? [laughs] What? Now? Why not? Um... Darlin', you have just got the sweetest smile I've ever seen. Your husband must be one unenlightened soul. He is. I mean, not just when it comes to me, but just in general, his outlook. He only sees what he wants to see, he only does what he wants to do. Why'd you marry him? I was young and foolish, and.. pregnant. Listen, I know about this great bar across the street. How about we head over there for a drink? I would love to. But I have to get up by six for the conference tomorrow. Insurance conference, you said it was? -Yeah. Oh, that sounds exciting. Living on the edge. [laughs] You know what? Just because my job is risk averse doesn't mean that I don't take chances in my own life. Prove it to me. Just one drink. [laughs] He was a good singer. -One too many. Oh, that's [laughs] amazing. How about breakfast tomorrow morning? Bright and early? That would be great. Well, good night. No, he's not hot, he's gorgeous. <i> Well, then, go for it.</i> Go for what? I just met him. <i> Who cares, Jess?</i> <i> You'll always be able to say</i> <i> you had too much to drink that night.</i> <i> What happens in Texas, stays in Texas.</i> Oh my, God. You're a crazy person. [laughs] I'm going to go to bed now. I love you. Bye. [chuckling] [knocking] [door opening] I don't really know how to do this. You're doing just fine. Tell me what it is that you've always wanted to do, but never have. If it's our only night together, I want it to be unforgettable. Is it time to go? 'fraid so. Hmm. -Jessica? Mm-hmm. I know this sounds crazy, I mean, I hardly know you. You know my situation. The custody battle? It's just now's not a really good time for me. You understand, right? Aw, Jessica... It's you who doesn't understand. I hate to do this, baby doll, I really do, but I'm going to need 70 thousand dollars. What? What are you talking about? I-I don't have that kind of money. And what happened to your southern accent? You're gonna have to get it. I don't understand. This is a video of our little romp last night. Your husband hired me. He's gonna use this video against you in court. I'm sorry about this. I really am. That's why I'm giving you the chance to buy it first. I don't have that kind of money. You got a week to get it. Meet me back in LA at three p.m. on Monday. Otherwise... I give it to your husband. Please, wait. -Sorry. Please? [door closes loudly] [gasping] [suspenseful music] [laptop slams shut] [suspenseful music] Mom! [laughs] Hi, honey. Oh, my goodness. I missed you so much. -I missed you, too. Yeah? [dog barking in the distance] Everything okay? [dog barking in the distance] Jess, I'm so sorry. I wish I had the money to give you. You know I'd do it in a heartbeat if I could. -Yeah, I know. I just feel so responsible, like I got you into this whole mess, telling you to go on this trip and go wild. Hey, listen, I'm a grown woman, okay? I made my own decisions. It's just.. I don't know how I could have been so wrong about him, you know? I mean, he was so sincere and... I mean, Lars probably told him exactly how to act to win you over. Think about it. Lars probably called the hotel himself and cancelled your reservation just so this young handsome cowboy could come in and rescue you. God, you're right. I mean, he had the hotel information and... Oh, my, God, I think I'm going to be sick. Even so, Jess, you're a grown woman. It's fine. No... Look, I took some pills. Well, I know, I know. Look, it was- it was stupid, okay? I had too much to drink and I-I got carried away and, you know, if the judge sees this tape then I'm going to lose Danny. I can't believe I fell for his whole act. You've been alone for almost a year and Lars knew that. Anyone in your situation would have done the same. You're human, after all. And more importantly, you're a wonderful mother. I think you should just go to the cops. What? With what evidence, Maddie? All I have is myself having sex with some complete stranger in a hotel and taking drugs on top of it. You know, if I could prove that Lars set me up then I would have a fighting chance, right? I mean, the judge would have to throw out the tape if he thought it was blackmail and extortion. I mean, it won't be easy, but anything I can do to help. [sighs] I just can't lose him, Maddie. He's all I have. [keyboard clicking] Okay. [keyboard clicking] [phone ringing] Thank you for calling Luxury Suites. How may I help you? <i> Yes, hi.</i> Um, my name is Jessica Klint. Oh, yes, I remember you. Is that Jessica Klint with a "K"? <i> Yeah... Yeah, that's right.</i> Well, as you know, I was staying in suite 203, um, on Friday for the Insurance Analysts Conference and, well, the strangest thing happened. I-I met a guest there and he accidentally left one of his personal items with me and I would love to get it back to him. Um, his name is Harry Gordon. Harry Gordon... Ah, yes, he was in 206. He checked out on Saturday morning. Yeah. Right. Um, I-I figured that. So listen, if you could just give me his address I'll mail it to him directly. Unfortunately, ma'am, we're not allowed to give our guests' information. However, if you mail it to us, we can see that he gets it. Listen, if you just, um, you could give me his phone number and then I'll call him and I will mail it back to him. Unfortunately, we can't do that either. It's just company policy. <i> However...</i> [slams phone down] [phone ringing] Hello? <i> Well, hello, baby doll.</i> <i> I hope you've been keepin' busy.</i> <i> Remember, 70K by Wednesday</i> <i> or your husband gets the tape and</i> <i> you can say bye bye to your boy, Danny.</i> Uh, yeah, um, hey, listen, about that, I was- <i> Oh, and remember, say no to drugs.</i> [click] [slams phone on desk] God... [door closes] Hello, Miss Jessica. Hi, Maria. Um, listen, I looked all over the house for Dad. Is he here? He's practicing his golf again. He's expecting you. What kind of mood is he in? His usual. Hi, Daddy. How are you? Fine. Where's Danny? Didn't you bring him? No, I didn't. Um, I actually wanted to talk to you about something. Well, I take my walk at eight o'clock. Yeah, I know. It won't take long. Let me guess... It's about money. Daddy, I would never ask you for money, but I'm broke, okay? Lars transferred all of our money into a private account when I left him and my entire salary is going toward living expenses and legal fees and... Look, I know that you told us never, ever to ask you for money, but something's come up and it's an emergency- You see right there, Jessica. You answered your own question. Daddy, please... Look, I could lose Danny. You should go back to your husband. He still loves you. He's a good man, a good lawyer. I used to think that you were smarter than your sister, but you're both a pair of damn fools! No, you know what, don't lecture me, okay? [laughs] You have more money than you know what to do with and yet you won't use it to help one of your own daughters? And you watch what you say, young lady, or I will cut you out, just like I did that damn fool sister of yours. What good is your money anyway? Huh? [wry laugh] You know I always defended you to Allie but but she was right. You care more about your money than you do about us. [footsteps] God... [car door opening and closing] How you doin', kiddo? Triple cheese. Awesome! Thanks, Dad. Hey, where's your mitt? Oh, I forgot it. I'll go get it. Could you maybe give him something a little healthier next time instead of filling his body full of junk food? There are a lot worse things than fast food to put in your body, if you know what I mean. Listen, uh, we don't have to act this way. We can resolve it in a civil manner. Do you call what you're doing to me civil? Wait, what? What am I doing to you? Oh, God. It's a burger... Jessica. [soft music and indistinct conversations] What did you do, start drinking before I could get here? Excuse me? What's up with the hair? Where'd you get that dress? I-I'm so sorry. Do I know you? Jess, cut it out. You're freaking me out. Vodka soda, please. I see. You have me confused with my sister. I assume you're a friend of Jessica's, am I right? You're Allie. Mm-hmm. [laughs] Jesus. Jess never told me you guys were identical. Oh. It's amazing. I assume we still look alike then. Yes. Yeah. [laughs] I haven't seen Jessica in years. Oh, I'm sorry about that. Honest, I didn't- I didn't mean anything about the dress. That's a lovely dress. I was just surprised to see Jess in it. No apologies necessary. Allie, honey. Come on now. We don't want to be late. Listen, it was a pleasure meeting you. -Absolutely. Oh, and please do have Jessica call me. We just moved back into the neighborhood and I would love to hear from her. -Yeah. I'll give you my card... I really do hope that you'll give her the message. Yeah, sure. It's just that, well, she and I had a falling out years ago and, to be honest, it was my fault. I'd do anything to make it up to her. Please tell her that. Yeah, I'll tell her. Thank you so much. Bye. Thank you. Hey, listen, I am so sorry that I'm so late and I appreciate all the effort you're making to cheer me up, but I just don't think it's gonna work today. You are not gonna guess who I just met. Who? Allie? Mm-hmm. So she's back in town. [wry laugh] Just the kind of news I would expect today. No, no, no. Listen. She seemed really nice and she was beautiful. She looked just like you- just a little different. But she was with this really rich-looking old guy. Yeah, probably somebody else's husband. I don't know about that, but I just know that I got this really warm feeling from her. I think she just wants you to call her. What? No, she's a bitch. Well, I think you should call her only if to just ask her for some money. I mean, she looked like she was loaded. Yeah, right. Well, didn't you say she just called you a few months ago? Yeah, and I didn't call her back then and I'm not gonna call her back now, so.. Jess. She clearly wants to make up with you. She said whatever she did was her fault. She apologized for it. I mean, you only have one day left. I think if you asked her she'd just lend you the money. I mean, what's it hurt to ask? Right? Consider the alternative. [car engine] [doorbell] Oh, Jess. I'm so happy you're really here. I thought about calling you a million times, but every time I picked up the phone I stopped myself. I knew you'd come see me when you were ready. Please, please, come in. You sure you don't want a bourbon? Yeah, I'm sure. Well, all right. Water it is. Hmm. Ahh... I'm just so happy that you're finally here. Allie, I think you misunderstood the purpose of my visit today. Mmm, no. You coming here means that you've finally forgiven me. I knew you wouldn't let a man come between us. Lars didn't come between us. God, you tried to steal him from me. Just like you tried to steal every single man that I've ever been with. Jessica, I just.. I don't understand. I mean, it was so long ago. All right, well, then if you haven't come to make up, what are you doing here? Hm? I need a favor. Okay? I don't have anyone else that I can ask. If you haven't heard, Lars and I split up. He's trying to get full custody of Danny and I need your help so that I can keep my son. All right. Well, what is it that you need exactly? Seventy thousand dollars? For what, might I ask? None of your business. Excuse me? I'm sorry, I-I could not have heard you right, Jessica. You said that it's none of my business even though you basically just came here, you lectured me, told me what a low life I am, then you had the audacity to ask me for 70 grand. I just need it, okay? [laughs] Oh my. That is just so interesting. You won't admit to me why you need the money and yet you might lose your son if you don't get it. Hmm? It must be something bad. Something really awful. Hmm? Something that you're just so ashamed of that you'd rather risk losing Danny than admit it to me. Oh, Jessica, you must have done something this time. I just cannot wait to hear what you have to tell me. Please, please, do tell. I love a story. Hmm. Hmm? [sighs] Okay, look, there's a guy who's blackmailing me, okay? He has a- a tape of us together and he's gonna give it to Lars to use in court against me if I can't come up with the money. So that's it, all right? Will you give me the money or not? Mmmm. No, sorry, I don't really have 70 thousand to spare. You're such a bitch. You put me through all that, you had zero intention of helping me. [laughs] Jessica, please. Calm down. Listen, I didn't say I wouldn't help you, I just said that I wouldn't lend you the money. Do you think this stuff comes easy, hmm? I have to earn my money just like everybody else. Okay, look, if you don't have the money there is a way that you can help me. All right. But if I do you a favor then you'll owe me. Hmm? Yeah, okay. Fine. Oh, no, no, no. Please. Please, don't take this lightly, Jessica. I really, really want you to think about it. Once you make a deal with me you'll have to stick to it. [car door opens and closes] Hi, doll. I knew you'd get it. I tried. Listen, I-I asked everyone, but I just, I couldn't come up with the money. Please, just-just erase the tape, okay? I'll do anything. Harry, if you give that tape to my husband I'll lose everything. Sorry, babe. I gave you first dibs on the tape, didn't I? But your husband's paying me a lot of money and a man's got to make a livin'. Hey, come on, don't take it so personally. If you weren't so great in bed it wouldn't have been such a good tape. [laughs] Well, you know if you weren't such an idiot you'd be a moron. What? Hey. You're the one who got screwed. Easy, cowboy. Actually, you're the one who got screwed. But be grateful because that's all that you're going to get. Yeah? We'll just see what your husband has to say about that. Husband? No, no. I don't have one of those. Never have, never will. Oh, I see. You must be confused. You think that I'm my sister? That happens all the time. Although I don't believe you've ever met her. Jessica, honey, come here. There's someone I'd like you to meet. How do you do? You're lyin'. No, I never slept with you. She's the one I slept with. But I'm Allesandra. Gosh, and you told me you'd never met anyone like me. No, you can't do this. The tape proves what really happened and that's all that matters. Tape? Oh, you mean this tape. <i> I gave you first dibs on the tape, didn't I?</i> <i> But your husband's paying me a lot of money</i> <i> and a man's gotta make a livin'.</i> [click] Hmm. You know, you're right. The tape does prove what actually happened. You tried to blackmail us, but you got the wrong sister. Look closely at your tape, cowboy. There's no way to prove which one of us you slept with. We're identical. Down to the teeniest, tiniest freckle. And I'm willing to testify in court that it was me that you slept with. So you see, your little tape is worthless. Let's let her husband decide. -Harry, if you don't believe me and you actually dare to sell that tape to Lars, well, then you'll leave me no choice but to take our tape to the cops. And that'll land your cute little ass in jail so fast your head will spin. I'm also gonna need your copy of the tape. [car door opens and closes] You better watch your back. You especially, sweetie. [car engine] Allie, you were really wonderful back there. So were you, sweetheart. He didn't even know what hit him. Yeah. Huge relief, though, to finally have it be over. It was kind of fun though, right? Pulling the old switcharoo. Yeah. It was. Just like old times. We did used to have fun, didn't we? Yeah, we did. You know, Jess, I've been thinking a lot about what you said last time and you were right about me wanting whatever it was that you had. The truth is, I never really even liked those guys that I tried to steal from you. They weren't really my type. Turns out they weren't really my type either. Lars anyway. I really am sorry about that. About the kiss. I was really drunk and.. that's not an excuse, but... It's alright. I actually found out that Lars was doing a lot more than kissing a lot of other women. [phone vibrating] Hey, Allie. <i> Jess, I need to see you tonight.</i> Tonight? Uh, I can't, I'm gonna take Danny to the movies. But you could join us if you want. We're gonna go see that superhero one with... <i> Jessica, we have to talk.</i> <i> I need a favor.</i> [piano music] So all I have to do is drive down to Mexico and pick up some package? That's it. It's simple, huh? Why can't you do it? Well, I just can't. Something came up and I'm asking you to go instead. Well, what's in the package? Is it something illegal? [sighs] Jessica... What? I'll do it, okay, I wanna know. Look, it's really not a big deal. Okay? I do it every month. I go down to Mexico, I sit in this café, a man comes by, he puts his hat on the table and picks up mine. I put on his and then I drive home. It's really not a problem. And besides, you promised. We made a deal when I helped you and now it's your turn. When do you want me to do it? Thursday. And you're not allowed to mention a word of this to anyone. [phone ringing] Hello? <i> Jess, I need you take Frank Watley</i> <i> out to Encino on Thursday.</i> Oh, on Thursday I can't. <i> You can't? And why not?</i> Um, you know what, I was- I was looking at the wrong page on my planner and that's totally fine. I can do it. <i> Thank you.</i> Okay. Lars, hey. Listen, I really need you to take Danny on Thursday... Well, you're his father so figure it out. Okay, honey, have a good day at school, all right? And don't forget that daddy's gonna pick you up today, okay? Okay. Alright. Bye, Mom. Bye. See you tomorrow. Hi, it's- it's Jess. Yeah, hi, Sally. Um, yeah, I'm actually not gonna be able to come in today. I think it's the flu. Um, yeah, if you could tell Patty to handle the Watley thing, that would be great. Okay, great. Um, yeah, I'm just gonna- gonna turn my phone off and head right back to bed. Mm-hmm. Okay, you, too. Bye. [door opens] Jessica. My, my, you are just so punctual. [door slams shut] Okay, I'm supposed to wear this? I told you, you're me for the day. That's what I'd wear. -Okay. And besides, I really think the hat looks cute with the boots. [laughs] Now listen carefully. You need to be at Café La Flora at exactly seven o'clock. All right? You're just gonna put the hat down on the table. Once the exchange is made you'll start heading back. You need to get through customs by eight p.m. We have a man there, he'll know you by your hat so make sure that you keep it on at all times. He'll wave you right through. Got it? Allie, this is really heavy. What's in this? Drugs? Money? Nothing. Now make sure that you do some shopping so it looks like you have a reason to be at the café. All right? Here's my purse, it has my car keys, ID, everything, so don't lose it. And where's your keys? They're in my purse. Wonderful. Good luck, darling. And just relax, you know? You're going to have so much fun and it'll all be over before you know it. [sighs] We'll see you back here at 10:30. <i> Now listen carefully, you have to be at</i> <i> La Flore Café at exactly seven o'clock.</i> [thud] What can I get you, miss? Um, I'll have a tea, please. Please, por favor, if you're not gonna be eating you have to leave. No, I'll order. I'll have, um, a tea and, uh, a quesadilla? Thank you. <i> Look, it's really not a big deal.</i> <i> I do it every month.</i> <i> I go down to Mexico, I sit in this café,</i> <i> a man comes by, he puts his hat on the table</i> <i> and picks up mine.</i> <i> I put on his and then I drive home.</i> <i> It's really not a problem.</i> [speaking Spanish] [speaking Spanish] [speaking Spanish] Be careful, senorita. Dammit. [car driving away] [dog barking in the distance] <i> You need to get through customs</i> <i> by eight p.m. We have a man there,</i> <i> he'll know you by your hat</i> <i> so make sure that you keep it on at all times.</i> <i> He'll wave you right through.</i> [suspenseful music] No, no, no, no. Please don't leave. Please. [suspenseful music] ID please? [suspenseful music] Allesandra Banks? Mm-hmm. You in Mexico for the day? Yeah, just doing some shopping. [suspenseful music] Can you get out of the car please? Yeah, um, sure. [car door closes] Empty your purse, miss. Oh, yeah, sure. Okay. [suspenseful music] I am so sorry. I-I'm sorry. I'm gonna get it. Um... Sorry. [suspenseful music] You can go. [car door opens and closes] [car engine] [police sirens] [suspenseful music] [car door opening/closing] [suspenseful music] You Allesandra Banks? Just passed through customs a few miles back? Can I see some ID, please? Yeah. [suspenseful music] I don't know where it is. Just like I thought. Here... you left this back there. Thanks. Thank you so much. It must have fallen out of my bag when I dropped it. Didn't mean to scare ya. Some folks get a little nervous when a cop car comes roarin' up. Yeah. Yeah, it's a little nerve wracking. I like your hat. Thanks. I never take it off. I know just how that is. Tell me, Allesandra Banks, are you married? No. Well, listen, you want to see Mexico right you just give me a call.. and I'll show you the town. Thanks. Thanks so much. I will. Drive safe now. [car door closes] [door opening] [footsteps stomping away] [door closing] There, we're even. Well, how was it, hmm? I never want to do anything like that ever again. Oh, please. It's over, all right? Like you said, we're even. Now I'll fix us a little drink and you can tell me all about it. What? No. Please, look, I just want to go home, okay, and forget the whole thing ever happened. Now, now. I want you to tell me all the details of your little adventure. Oh, Jessica, do try to relax. You survived. It's over. [scoffs] Boo! [laughs] Thanks so much, Sally. Oh, yeah, I am feeling so much better today. Mm-hmm. Okay, so I will see you at the meeting in 30. Door opening] Are you Jessica Klint? Yes? Can we come in, ma'am? [dog barking in the distance] Is this going to take a while? I-I really need to get to work. Ma'am, can you tell us where you were last night between eight and 10 o'clock? I was here. At home, sick. What's this all about? It's about your father, ma'am. My father? He was killed... last night... in a robbery. When was the last time you saw your father? What? Um, I-I don't know. Last time you talked to him? [crying] Um, look, could you please, please leave? I really just need to be alone right now. Just a few more questions, ma'am. [sobbing loudly] We'll come back. [crying] Here's, uh, my card... you need to give me a call. [crying] [suspenseful music] [phone ringing] Hello? <i> Hey. Um, did you hear.. about dad?</i> The cops were just here. Bummer, right? <i> Allie! He- he was our dad.</i> Listen, I didn't like the poor bastard when he was alive, I'm not gonna pretend to care about him now that he's dead. [sniffling] You're so cold. Look, you didn't tell the police anything about last night, did you? Uh, no. Um, no, no, I told them I was home sick. Wonderful. I really need to go. So busy. I'll talk to you later, darling. Bye bye. [suspenseful music] [exhales sharply] [indistinct conversations] Jess.. I'm really sorry. Believe it or not, I really liked the old man. Look, I really don't want to hear it. Jess, please. You know what? Thanks to you my last conversation with my father was a fight over money. I just.. just leave me alone. Miss Klint? Jessica, right? I'm sorry, it's difficult for me to tell the difference between you two. Yeah, what do you want, detective? Uh, just a couple questions. Um, let's see.. you said that you were sick on Thursday. How did you know on Wednesday that you were going to be sick on Thursday? What? I-I didn't. Okay, well, we talked to your husband and he said that you asked him Wednesday to watch Danny so I'm kind of wondering how you knew. I-I was gonna go to the movies Thursday with my friend, Maddie, and so I asked Lars to watch Danny and then when I got sick I-I figured we should just stick to the plan. Do you think that I...? Oh, these are just routine questions. Whenever there's a murder in the family we have to, uh, check in on everyone. Now, uh, one last question. The maid, her name was..? Maria. Maria... Yes. Thank you. [laughs] Now she said the last time you and your father saw each other you argued over money. Mind telling me what that money was for? Um, I was gonna get a new car. Mine's kind of beaten up and old. I guess you won't have that problem anymore, will ya? How much do you and your sister stand to inherit? I don't know. My sister's not going to get anything. Dad cut her out of the will a long time ago, so... Is that right? That entire bundle, it's just going to you? Look, I honestly don't know, detective. Okay, but last time you saw your father he threatened to cut you out as well, right? That was the argument that... Daddy always threatened when he was angry. Uh-huh. So you don't think he ever got around to doing it? I don't think that he ever meant to, okay? I think it was an empty threat. Is that all, detective? That's it for now. [suspenseful music] [car door opening/closing] [engine turning over] [suspenseful music] [car engine] [car door opening/closing] [doorbell] [door opening] Ugh, listen. If you came to berate me about not going to the funeral then just forget it. No, Allie, listen, I'm worried, okay? the detective suspects me of murdering dad. Oh, sweetheart, you didn't do it, did you? What? No! Come on, you know I was in Mexico. Well, then you have nothing to worry about. Come on, Allie! I don't have an alibi. What do you want to do, Jess? Hmm? Do you want to tell the police the truth and get us both arrested for smuggling? No... Well, then don't be such a silly bunny, all right? And besides, we made a deal and I really expect you to hold your side of the promise. [door slams shut] Male voice: What was that all about? Nothing. Don't worry about it. Mmm, What is your hurry, hmm? [suspenseful music crescendo] [phone vibrating] Maria, hi. Is everything okay? [knocking] Gracias, mija. Hello, miss. Wait one minute, I'll get my shawl. -Yeah, sure. Maria, is everything okay? You seemed so upset on the phone. I saw you. What do you mean? That night your papa was murdered, I saw you in your car going around the block. Maria, no, that's ridiculous. Look, I don't know what you saw, but it wasn't me. Yes... that car right there. There was someone in it with you... before your papa went out to take his walk. I was coming home from the grocery store and I saw you get out of the car on the next block. I was across the street. Your car started smoking and you got out and looked at the motor. And I found this there after you drove away. From where your sweater got caught on the car when you looked at the motor. No, Maria, listen. You have to believe me. It wasn't me. Miss... It doesn't matter what I believe, what matters is what the police think. So then why are you telling me? Your father, he was a very cheap old man. [sighs] I work for him for 30 years. He didn't pay me well when he was alive. I don't expect him to now that he's dead. But you... you're going to be a very rich lady now. [car engine] [door opening and closing] [suspenseful music] [sighs] Jess, I think you need to go to the police. Allie's setting you up. Even if that was true, I-I swore to God that I wouldn't tell anyone where I was that night. I mean, Allie and I made a deal when she helped me save Danny. I have news for you. You're not gonna see much of your son from a jail cell. What do you think is going to happen if I actually do admit to going to Mexico? I have no idea what I was smuggling back and... besides, you know, the police aren't going to believe me if I change my story now. I don't think you have a choice. Honestly, I think you should go and tell them what you were doing the night of the murder. What, and get arrested for smuggling? Smuggling's better than murder. Ugh. Either way, I lose Danny. -Oh, honey. If it's okay with you, I'll skip the formalities and get right to the bequests. Maria, he leaves you 10 thousand dollars. He set up a trust for Danny, which, Jessica, you and I will oversee. Mm-hmm. Allesandra... Oh, don't tell me the old bastard actually included me. He leaves you your mother's pearl necklace, which he says is already in your possession. And the bulk of the estate, including various properties and securities, goes to Jessica. It comes to something in excess of 10 million dollars. I told you the old man was a prick leaving me just a necklace. I can't believe you hated him enough to kill him. Jessica... I didn't. Think what you want, Jess, but just remember, you made me a promise... and it would be bad karma to break a promise. That's some story, Mrs. Klint. Or should I believe you? According to your sister, it was her who was in Mexico, shopping, at the time of the murder. Yeah, look, I know that she says that, okay, but it was me, alright? I was the one in Mexico and I told her everything that happened there. Well, is there something you can verify.. something that happened that you didn't tell her about in Mexico? I don't know. She told me... she had me tell her every single detail. Okay? I didn't understand why at the time. There's got to be something, something that you, um, left out. No? Look, I don't know. Well, if you do think of something.. you know where I am. Thank you. There was something. Listen, there was a police officer that stopped me on my way back from Mexico. It was, uh, around, uh, it was probably around the same time my dad was being murdered. Anyway, he stopped me to give me my- or Allie's ID back. And then he gave me his phone number, he told me he'd show me around Mexico sometime and I didn't tell her that. Okay. Does the police officer have a name? Um, God, I didn't think I was going to call him. Um, he was tall, he had a southern accent. His name was, um, Bob.. Bob something. Bob? And, uh, your sister doesn't know anything about this guy? No. Uh, she does know that an officer stopped me, but she doesn't know that he asked me out. I never told her that detail. [car engine] [car door opening and closing] [suspenseful music] [gasp!] [spraying sound] [keys jangling] [door slamming] Anything? -Nope. Whoever it is, you must have scared him away with the pepper spray. Okay. [door closing] Um, can I offer you something to drink? Yeah, I'll take some coffee if you got it. -Sure. By the way, I found your cowboy. Bob Smalley. Smalley! Yes! Yes, oh, what did he say? He verified what you said. I told you I was in Mexico. You believe me now, right? I don't know, I haven't talked to your sister yet. Well, will you? Yeah. Of course. Now? It's a little late. Please? Alright. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, okay. Okay, great. Okay. Where are you going? I'm coming with you. [sighs] [car engine] [car door opening and closing] Well, well, well, detective. What do we have here? Got yourself a new business partner? No, ma'am. I just need to clear a couple things up. Miss Banks, uh, both you and your sister say that you were in Mexico at the time of the murder. Now I have Miss Klint's version of events that night. Mmm. But I'm wondering.. is there anything that you could tell me? Maybe something that happened down there that she doesn't know about? Hmm. Let me think. Um, well, there was a rude waiter, but I think I told her about that. What about when you crossed back over the border? Um, a police officer stopped me. He returned my ID. But I told her about that, too. And this policeman, he, uh, do anything unusual? Unusual? No. Unless you mean his asking me out on a date, but I don't think there's anything unusual about that. He gave me his number. Told me he wanted to show me around sometime. You know, it's so funny that you brought him up because I just got off the phone with Bob. That's his name. Bob Smalley. I'm going to take him up on his offer. We're going out this weekend. There's just something about policemen that I find so appealing. Thank you for your time. How did you know all of that? Don't be silly, Jessica. [door slamming] Detective: So much for that. I don't know how she could have known all of that. There's gotta be some sort of way to prove that it was me and not her. Oh, yeah, well, When you figure it out you let me know. Until then, you might want to think about getting yourself a good lawyer. What, you're going to arrest me? One of you is lying about that night. You have the motive. The money? Yeah. The money. What, no, detective, come on. Look at me. Do you honestly believe that I could kill my own dad? You know, some people probably don't think you're the type, but one thing you learn being a detective.. everybody's the type. [car unlocking] [door closing] [gasps] Quiet. I have a knife. I'm going to remove my hand. Just don't scream. [breathing heavily] Sorry to scare you that way, but I need to talk to you. And I knew you'd run the other way if you saw it was me. You got me pretty bad with the mace earlier. Look, there's some things we gotta talk about. Man, where do I start? That whole blackmail thing in Texas, your sister set that whole thing up. She cancelled your reservation herself and she told me just how to play it. She told me just what you'd like. The thing is, though, she promised me some money and now she's trying to back out of paying. I figure with the new developments, I got more chance getting paid by you if I help you out. Okay, look, I'll pay you the money if you help me, okay, but I just, I just need to know why did- why did she want you to blackmail me? She knew you didn't have the money to pay me and that you'd do anything to save your kid. That accidental meeting with your friend at the restaurant was no coincidence either. She told me she only wanted to make up with you and that the one way to do that was to get you to come to her. That was the purpose of the blackmail, to get you to come to her for money. So my husband never hired you. No. I never even met your husband. He didn't have a thing to do with any of it. It was all Allie. She put an ad online for an actor wanted and I answered. Listen, hey, listen. I'm not a bad guy, but I gotta get out of town. When I agreed to help your sister, I didn't think anyone was going to get hurt. I didn't know about this whole murder thing until after. You helped murder my dad? No! No way. I helped her with her alibi. I planted the video cameras in the two hats. Video cameras? In the hats? That's what I was smuggling. No, no, no, no. There was no smuggling. It was just a way for her to be two places at once. So she had an alibi and I had nothing. And that's how she knew... That's how she knew about everything. Even the things that I didn't tell her. Oh my, God. You know what? Like it or not, you are working for me now. Okay, that's all the money I have right now. I'll pay you the rest after you come with me to the police. Whoa! No! No police. Okay, then. Okay. Look, I'll help you, I just can't go to the cops. I'm still on probation. And Allie still has the original of this. It's the tape she made of that little blackmail episode in the park. But that's perfect. That's-that's the proof that at least part of my story is true. Sorry, I can't let you have it. It could land me in jail again, this time for blackmail. But that was all part of her setup. Right? You were just acting, Harry. It was still blackmail. That tape doesn't really prove much anyway. Not about the murder. Listen, if Allie still trusts you I need you to get something about the murder on tape. Okay? Just get her to admit it. It can't hurt to try. I'm seeing her soon. But like I said, it'll cost you. [sighs] Okay. Okay, I'll get you the money. I even know where I can get one of those nanny cams on short notice. Harry... thank you so much. Listen, thank you. Thank you so much for all of this. I knew you were a better person than this. I really appreciate this, Maddie. I hope you're not too late for your date. Oh, pfft, it's not a problem. Just a sec. Let me grab it from upstairs. This was really helpful getting me feedback on my listings until I found out it's illegal. Okay, great. Where's the camera? It's in its eyes. It actually records straight to an SD card. Perfect. Thank you, Maddie. Yeah, you got it. Harry: Come on, let's go. Are you sure you can trust this guy? No... I don't really have another choice. Um, listen, I- I got this. It's a recording of that whole blackmail thing in the park. Okay. Harry: Hey, come on. Okay, here it is. You'll bring it by my house when you're done? Okay. [car engine] [door opening and closing] You're late. Hey, doll. That's 'cause I stopped to buy you something. A little gift. That? Does this look like something that I would like? Give me a break, Allie. I thought it was cute. Then you keep it. Come on, Allie... He's cute. I thought you could name him after me. So why did you have to see me tonight, hmm? If it's about the money, I don't have it yet. No, baby, I missed you. You've been so busy lately. Yes, I have had a lot on my mind. Yeah, this murder thing, I know. Oh, you do, do you? Hmm? No, not all of it. You never told me who was in on it with you. Well, I already told you more than you should know. But you're just such a damn good lay. [sighs] What the hell. What game shall we play tonight, hmm? I think good cop, bad cop. This time, I'll play the bad cop. [suspenseful music] Thank you so much for coming. I knew you'd believe me. Actually, I don't. Honestly, this whole thing sounds pretty farfetched. Fake blackmail, cameras in hats. I know, but it's the truth, okay? And I can prove it to you and I will. He'll-he'll be here soon. I don't think he's coming. No, please. It's late. Could you just wait? I... I'm sorry. [phone ringing] Hold on, this is him. Hi, Jess. I guess by now you've figured out I wasn't coming over. Sorry, but I felt the need to leave town fast. Oh, and, uh, thanks for that money you gave me, by the way. It's gonna come in real handy. Honestly, I don't think your plan to frame Allie would have worked. No one would believe that story we concocted. But, hey, it was great knowing you. And I hope you get away with it. Oh, and here's some footage of us from last night to remember me by. Oh, God, no. That-that wasn't last night. And everything he said is a lie. Everything is a lie. So you didn't pay him to frame your sister? No! I-I did pay him, but it wasn't like that. Please, believe me. I- Look, that video was actually from Texas and it proves actually that I was telling the truth. No, what it does is it proves you're lying. It proves that you and him were in on it from the beginning to kill your father and frame your sister. No. I just... I just.. let me think. I just, um... There's another tape. Oh. It was- Maddie made it in the park of the blackmail and, I mean, it corroborates my story, you know. I left it with my friend, Maddie, and we could go to her house right now and... You have the right to remain silent. If I were you, I'd take advantage of that right. [police sirens and dogs barking] [buzzer and door opening] Jessica, how are you? You okay? Um, I don't know. How's Danny? He's fine. But it looks like the courts are pushing to grant me full custody. It's just with the murder charges and all. I'm sorry, Jess. It's not my doing. If the charges are cleared, you'll have the opportunity to apply for joint custody. [crying] You're a good mother, Jess. And he loves you. When all is said and done, I do want you to be part of his life. But for now, let's focus on solving your immediate problem. Danny will be fine with me. Jess, why didn't you let me know you were in trouble earlier? I could have helped you. I thought you were behind it all, Lars. Allie convinced me that you were the one blackmailing me and I didn't realize that she was setting us both up. I guess I deserve that. The way I've treated you since you left me. No. I'm not proud of it. You know, Allie predicted my every single stupid move and I just- I don't understand why. It's simple, Jess. For the money. No, Lars, she doesn't inherit at all. She does. If you're convicted of your father's murder you can't profit from it. That's the law. So in that case, since Allie wasn't specifically disinherited she'd likely get everything. She'd be what's called a pretermitted heir. If you're convicted, she will get your whole share of the estate. Okay, okay, well that's it, right? That's her motive, okay, we have to go tell the police. Please, go tell the police that. It would help if you had some kind of proof. Right now, Allie has an alibi for the time of the murder. Wait... There's something. It's not much, but it might help. There's the tape that Allie made in the park. Listen, Allie denies the whole blackmail thing ever happened. Right? So at least it's some sort of proof that she was lying about that. Where's the tape? Maddie has it. What? I'm just concerned... It's obvious Allie's in this with someone who knows you pretty well. Not Maddie. Who else, Jess? From what you've told me, she's urged you to fall into every one of Allie's traps. To go have sex at the conference. To go to Allie for help, but then to tell the policeman that you were lying about being home sick. Well, first thing's first. We have to get you bail. [click] She committed the most heinous of crimes. The murder of her own father just for money. She clearly has no conscience, your honor. She's capable of anything. Also, the police, in searching her residence, found a faked passport and two tickets to Brazil for herself and her son. She's clearly a strong flight risk and I strongly propose for a motion to deny bail. What? no, there were no passports. She's lying. That, or Allie planted something. Your Honor, my client has strong ties to the community. She's a good mother with a good job. She's been framed for this murder. Please, save it for the trial. Judge, I personally will take responsibility to see she remains in town until her trial. Owing to the fact that she had airplane tickets in her possession, she is clearly a flight risk. I am denying bail. [bang] You have to get that tape from Maddie. [Department of Children and Family Services] [crying] I got it. I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, but I guess I was wrong about her. She does seem really concerned about you. Okay. [opera music] No, this has- this has got to be the wrong tape, Lars. You got the wrong... [opera music] No! It's got to be here somewhere. [opera music] How could she do this to me? [crying] Oh, God, I can't! I can't do this, Lars! I can't do this! [crying] Female voice: Well? We got her. She thinks Maddie's in on it with you and now I'm her only ally. No pun intended. I told you it would work out. Yeah. Unless Maddie comes up with another copy of that tape. Oh, please, we'll deal with it if that happens. And besides, even if there is another copy, you know Jessica's not going to let Maddie anywhere near her. If there's one thing Jess is good at it's holding a grudge. So you see, it's perfect. Yeah. But that actor friend of yours, Harry, almost screwed us up royally. True. But he ended up being a big help, didn't he? So what's next? We wait. She's bound to be convicted if she doesn't kill herself first. Sounds good. Dinner? Great. I'm starving. Hi, I'm Madeline Walters. I'm here to see Jessica Klint. Sorry, Miss Walters, she said she doesn't want to see you. Wh-why not? I don't know. I was told you needed to see me. I think I have some new evidence. But I need your help. Look, detective, you don't want to keep an innocent person in jail, right? Look, you tried to prove that your sister did it and you couldn't. So unless I see this new evidence... No, detective... Detective, please. Listen, I think that it exists. But I need your help to get it before it's destroyed. [beep] Yeah? <i> Madeline Walters is here to see you.</i> Send her in. Maddie... How are you? Have you been to see Jess yet? She could really use a friend like you right now. Cut the crap, Lars, I know what's going on. And I took the liberty of calling Allesandra here. Hope you don't mind. What's this about? It's about this. I know you erased the copy I gave you. Good thing I made a few more copies, huh? That ridiculous blackmail tape doesn't prove a thing. So Jess slept with some guy who tried to blackmail her in the park. I have nothing to do with that. It proves to Jessica that I didn't erase it. You did. And that you and Allie are in this together. At least some of what she's been claiming is true. No one will believe her about the rest anyway. Maybe... Maybe not. Are you willing to take that chance? What is it you want? Hmm, I think about five hundred thousand ought to be sufficient. I don't have that kind of money to spare. You will. Once Jess is convicted her inheritance will go to Allie. You'll have a lot more than that. Why shouldn't I get in on some of the action? I mean, Jess already thinks that I am. This is the reward after all these years of friendship? You know what? screw her. And screw you, too. Look at me. It's the money or the cops. [beep] Yeah? <i> I have Allesandra Banks in the lobby.</i> Send her in. [door opens and closes] Maddie is trying to blackmail us. She has a copy of the cassette tape. How much does she want? It doesn't matter. The more I think about it I don't think it proves anything. It proves that I lied to the police. And how about when they find Harry's body? They'll tie him back to us. We know we killed him, but they don't. A body's a body. With no forensic evidence, they can't prove anything. So just say nothing and it'll be our little secret. She might be taping this so let me do all the talking. Fine. Allesandra. Maddie. I don't think we have much more to discuss. That tape you have doesn't prove anything. Your little blackmail scheme, your attempt to frame Allie and me won't work. Give the tape to Jess... if she'll even see you, that is. [footsteps and door opening] Jessica, wow, you're quite dressed up today. What's the occasion? I'm Allie, you fool. What, you were in here with your wife the whole time, you didn't even recognize her? Idiot. I just hope you didn't say anything stupid. Actually, he did. He confessed to murdering poor Harry. They didn't have any proof! Well, we do now. Right, detective? Oh, yeah. Thank you so much. You were great. You got it, sweetheart. And thank you, detective, for convincing the DA to let me out to do this. Well, like you said, we can't go putting the wrong people in jail. Come on, put your hands behind your back. Come on. Counselor, stay right there. You stupid bitch! You got everything. We set the whole thing up and then you get 10 million dollars? Give me a break, Allie. You put me through hell. You're a greedy woman and you deserve everything that you're getting. [exhales sharply] "Can we have some, too?" they cried. "Of course you can. Everyone can have some". The children jumped onto the truck and they rode off into the sunset and lived happily ever after. Okay, buddy, it's time for you to go to... ..sleep. I love you. Hey. Hey. So how's he dealing with the fact his father's going to prison? It's hard on him, but he'll be okay. I'm going to make sure of that. What? What is it? No, it's just the way you said that, for a second you sounded like your sister. Yeah, it's funny, you know. In the past, Allie was always the tough one, the one with street smarts and I was the risk averse one. Desperate times call for desperate measures, right? Well, if you, uh, ever need a hand I'd like to be there for you. I think that's really sweet, detective. But right now I just need to be alone for a while. You know, I've got bigger priorities. Well, you need me you know where to find me. Yeah. Thanks for the coffee. [footsteps fading away] [door closes]
Channel: Lifetime
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Id: pikLBnuXL74
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Length: 93min 35sec (5615 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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