Mom Returns to 70,000 Sq Ft Land Left by Dad After 25 Years, Heartwarming Reunion!"

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my name is Thea 34 years old mothers are supposed to love their children unconditionally that's what I knew when I was young it was a universal truth and everyone talked about it like it was a fact so when my mom Carol abandoned me and my brother Keith we were pretty shattered for years we simply couldn't believe the fact that our mom left it was just 4 days after our father died from cancer Keith was 10 years old and I was nine when it happened we watched our dad suffer and wither away from the deadly disease in fact we were the ones who saw him take his last breath he kissed us on our heads and told us that he loved us we were devastated naturally we looked up to our mom for Comfort unfortunately for us she was not going to be there after my father's funeral we had all gathered for his will to be read in the will it was said that the house we lived in would go to me and Keith but the 70,000 square foot of land that he had would be my mom's our mom heard this bit gave a cheeky smile and simply walked out of the room looking happy we were all dumbuck by her behavior since she left us at the funeral home our uncle Hudson dropped us at the house as soon as the three of us walked in we saw that Mom was packing her bags I said mom why are you packing your bags are we going somewhere no dear you are not going anywhere I am the one who is leaving Mom what are you saying going where why can't we come with you well you're father is dead so there is no reason for me to stay around I'm off to find a new husband Carol what is wrong with you do you even know what you're saying the kids are right here oh stop it Hudson I don't care if they listen they need to know that I'm going to start a new life they can't have any expectations of me anymore you can't just leave your kids Carol they need you mom don't leave us what did we do wrong your mere existence is going to be a problem to me dear no one wants a woman with baggage so before you become a burden to me I am leaving Keith and I were crying our eyes out we were begging mom to not leave us we were prepared to do everything for her however mom kept packing and calling us burdens Hudson had enough of her cruel attitude he sent us to our rooms and talked to her however even he couldn't stop her from leaving she was gone within the next week leaving us all alone with no means to look after ourselves we just woke up in the morning and saw that she was gone Hudson went over to the neighbor's house to tell them what had happened he called Hudson and he came over as soon as possible he hugged us and said I am so sorry kids we tried everything to contact your mom I think she changed her number but don't worry I will do my best to bring her back did we do something wrong Uncle she said she left because of us she said we are burdens to her she also said she doesn't love us anymore no no my child it's not your fault this is all on your mom don't ever blame yourselves for this it was easy to say what Hudson said me and Keith were young so mom's words stayed with us we kept blaming ourselves for the longest time when it became clear that mom had moved to a different country and had no intentions of coming back Hudson became our Guardian he was a bachelor but changed his lifestyle to accommodate us he even sold his house and moved into dad's house to look after us mom never came back Hudson after going to hell and heaven was able to get mum to terminate her rights he adopted us and brought us up as his own he even refused to get married because everyone he dated didn't want us in their new family so he chose to stay stay single for us Hudson also took care of us out of his own pocket even after we turned 18 he didn't abandon us he paid for our college and made sure we had all the things we needed by the time we were teens both Keith and I started to resent our mother we remembered how mean she was to Dad when he was sick we also remembered how she left us to fend for ourselves when dad was in the hospital it's not like she went to be with Dad she was actually secretly cheating on him we found her old laptop that had all the evidence of her Affairs we wanted nothing to do with her not that she contacted us ever again it would be another 25 years before we finally saw her by then both I and Keith were married and well settled in life one day Hudson called us over to the house and asked to talk he said I have some news for you kids your mom is back in town what are you kidding me how did you know she called me and told me herself she arrived yesterday apparently she was here to tie up some loose ends from her inheritance wait what does that even mean I think she's after the land that was promised in your dad's will we couldn't believe our ears knowing that Mom was in the city was like a punch in the gut Keith and I were angry and Confused Hudson continued to say it doesn't end there kids she said she wants to meet the two of you I'm not surprised since she doesn't want anything to do with me me there is no way we will meet her she doesn't get to make these demands after 25 years I'm sure she wants something from us wait still after the 70,000 land is she stupid yes to both questions son she still thinks that the land is hers I was thinking perhaps it's time you guys see her you'll get some closure and hopefully have some fun of your own when Hudson said this we were pretty confused the mysterious glint in his eyes also didn't help things that's when I got the perfect plan of Revenge on my head Hudson was right we did need to meet Mom so I pleaded with Keith to stay back with me and meet her he was hesitant but couldn't say no to me Hudson then called and informed Mom that she could meet us at the house the next morning everything was going on as usual it was just like when the three of us lived together I got up made breakfast with Keith's help and ate it with Hudson before he left for work after Hudson was gone our waiting game began not an hour passed before the doorbell rang I guess someone was getting a little too impatient to receive her karma we opened the door and there stood our mother Yes dear mother came back after 25 freaking years she looked aged but was dressed in fashionable clothes see anything of the mama knew when I was young I looked at Keith and could tell that he was having similar thoughts simply brushed us aside and walked into the house we were in utter disbelief she said hello there children I'm sure you have heard that I was in the city what the hell are you doing here what's your turn Keith I'm your mother and you won't talk to me like that you have some nerves showing up after 25 years and trying to parent us well news flash Mom we are not children anymore and not bound to listen to you I can see just how rude and obnoxious you have become I heard Hudson took care of you too no wonder you two turned out like this thank God my children back home are not like you well then why don't you go back I refuse to believe you are here to show us motherly affection I do need some assistance once you two will stop being so dramatic I will tell you what you need to do Keith and I were both pissed and agitated seeing her here after 25 years was painful and irritating at the same time her mere presence was annoying the hell out of us what made us even more Angry is the fact that we knew she came for something she sought us out because she needed something from us just tell us Mom what do you want well now's the time you should show me some respect it's been a while and I haven't had a good tour of the city how do you think that concerns Us by all means Carol go take it all no one is stopping you here you're our mother I deserve respect it's your duty as my children to take care of my needs you two ungrateful children have learned nothing you don't deserve to be called our mom you lost that right 25 years ago just because you gave birth to us doesn't mean you deserve the title also we are not obliged to take care of your needs why don't you get your new family to help this is the least they can do since you were so busy playing mother to them for 25 years they are busy and I don't want to disturb them Now quickly take me to my land it has been waiting for me for 25 years it's time I finally sell it and buy my stepchildren their dream houses oh so that's why you came back after all great then let's take you to see your land I must say you will be very surprised the price of the land has skyrocketed I can do so much with the money thank God I didn't listen to your dead father and sold it back then thank God right Carol you're right you know since you didn't sell this land back then it did bring in a lot of money I always know the best now shut up and take me there I simply can't wait me and Keith looked at each other I could tell that he didn't want to take Carol anywhere however I had the perfect plan in mind so I told Keith let's take her to the land since she flew back a long way this is the least we can do for her you serious right now you want us to take Carol to the land yeah don't you think it's time for her to see it I mean I'm sure she had been dreaming about selling the land and taking the money that's when it hit Keith in the head he understood why I wanted to drive mum there he was starting to have a mischievous look on his face so after pretending to think for a while he said all right then come on Carol we will drive you there you really must be excited to see the place after so many years that's what a good child would say hurry up and drive me there I have very little time on my hands I need to return home after finalizing everything of course Mom let's go we can't wait to take you to Dad's land so the three of us buckled in and drove to the land mom was super happy and talked excitedly throughout the entire drive we could tell that she couldn't wait to sell the land we drove for about 30 minutes and reached the place it was the land with a huge office building on it as we stepped out of the car Carol stared at us and looked confused she said why have you brought me here what is this place I want to see my land and not loiter around in some office complex well this is the land Mom check the GPS and you will know this is exactly the place that's impossible who gave these people permission to build a building on my land this is illegal actually we are the ones who gave them permission unfortunately for you this land no longer belongs to you no no no no no this is not true I am the owner of this land you two cheated me and made profits on it I will sue you we didn't cheat anyone mom you are the one who decided to betray us dad left you this land so you could sell it and look after us instead you abandoned us and made a new family with a rich man all this while you thought you could cheat us out of our rightful share thankfully dad always foresaw your scheme Ms and added a secret clause in his will what do you mean the will had a hidden Clause that said if you abandoned us or didn't use the proceeds of the land for our care you would be disinherited you actually had a year to prove to the attorney that you were using the money on us well we all know that never happened good for us dad thought so far ahead we were safe from being impoverished for Life yes Mom always thought she was smart but my father outsmarted her in the end she didn't know about the hidden claws since she didn't bother to stay back so now on her precious land stands an office building that we made and rented out me Keith and Hudson are getting a handsome income out of it mom didn't understand what happened so I said Hudson took us in and raised us as his own when we became 21 he helped us arrange the money to build this office complex now we both earn plenty of money from this land so we are glad you messed up and left everything to us don't worry Mom me theia and Hudson are making some big money out of this place it all worked out for us in the end as for you well let's just say you missed your chance Carol heard this and collapsed on the floor she kept looking like a frightened woman and almost started to shake she kept calling us traitors among other cuss words that's when my uncle showed up we had texted him about the whole ordeal and told him to meet us there with the inheritance papers he walked up to us and said there is no need to call them names Carol if there is someone who deserves to be cussed out it's actually you little traitors I know this is all your plan Hudson you never liked me in the past so you took away my inheritance nope Carol that is not right at all first of all I still dislike you very much and will continue to do so secondly no one cheated you out of your inheritance you were foolish enough to start running once the will said you would get the land yes the will said I would get the land see children you have no right to use this land I'll sue you now now there's no reason to get excited this land was only promised to you if you actually sold it and took care of the kids you didn't so it went to the kids lies these are all lies you Lo lives want to cheat me I won't accept this I want all the money in the land well why don't you just take a look at the inheritance papers we saved them for you I wanted to see your face when you finally found out about the hidden claws here take a look I took the papers from Hudson and showed them to Mom she couldn't believe what was written in it I also very graciously showed her exactly where the hidden Clause was mom started to wail and cry out loud she was throwing a tantrum in front of us however even the will didn't stop her from making threats she kept saying that she would sue us we simply left her there and went home I later instructed security to drag her out a few days passed and both Keith and I received legal notices from a lawyer mom hired they wanted to meet up and talk about the issue so we met up at one of the empty spaces in the office building it was like rubbing salt in the wound right on this land mom would find out just how stupid she was when her lawyer read the will he looked at Mom and straight away told her that there would be no case he reprimanded mom for wasting his time and walked out mom sat there looking lost and defeated she said so you two were telling the truth I had no idea about the hidden claws that's because you left as soon as the attorney read out your name for the land if you had stayed longer things would have been clearer for you I am sorry sorry for leaving you two I wanted a complete family and you know dating with kids is hard so I left you did us a favor we were much happier in our uncle's care you couldn't have matched up to him all you did was neglect us I'm sorry I will make it right please give me a chance I cannot go back help me and send me money for plane tickets they froze my account what little money I had was spent on the lawyer you made your bed and now it's time to sleep in it we won't help you you are no one to us we don't care if your new family doesn't want you back we are not going to help that's final don't think of contacting us again saying that we just left neither I nor Keith felt terrible for her she simply didn't deserve our sympathy we walked away and decided not to look back a few days passed and we went back to our own homes we heard from Hudson that she had shown up at his house begging for help she also begged to meet us and make it right right then Hudson informed her that we went back to our own homes and wouldn't be indulging her delusions anymore he also promised to tell her to leave before he called the police I later heard from some of Mom's old friends that she even asked them for help apparently her new children wanted nothing to do with her since their dad had decided to divorce her they knew she would have no money mom was begging for some help so that she could fly back home they blocked her and moved on as well Hudson being the sweet person he is did ask us if he should send her money for the flight we told him not to bother and she absolutely deserved this treatment it's been a few months since everything went down we haven't heard from our mom in a while for the longest time she tried to contact us from multiple numbers and begged for help she said that she was back home somehow but was homeless with a pending divorce we never never responded to her eventually the texts and calls stopped now we have both left her behind and are living our life surrounded by people who actually love us
Channel: Revenge Reverie
Views: 5,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: problems in relationships, reddit stories, reddit, relationships, divorce stories, revenge story, relationship stories, wife cheat, wife cheating, askreddit stories, people of reddit, weirdest facts about space
Id: aP2bBsarPaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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