My Huge Estate Sale TOY HAUL! 80s/90s toys, dolls, plushes, & more!!

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what's up everybody welcome back to my channel i'm here with pilgrim today and we are going to be looking through a huge toy lot that alex and i bought at an estate sale so we actually bought it online so we only got to see a couple of pictures so we don't actually know what is in any of the boxes aside from the few things that we could see on top which were mostly 80s and 90s vintage toys so i'm so stoked to look through all of it um there are probably like six boxes of toys to go through so i guess the best thing to do would just be get started so this is the entire haul that also came with like a whole bunch of purses so there's all kinds of purses but the main thing that we're gonna be focusing on today is all of the toys there's all kinds of stuff so without further ado let's look through it okay so here it all is i don't really know how to do this i guess i'm probably just gonna like start with the first tub that's right here so here is one of the first ones it's oh i don't know what's in here i'm so excited okay there's a cute backpack right here and it's got a lot of stuff in it it's got a cute little um purse right here a little disney nemo purse there's a lot of little things in here so there's a bunch of that stuff i'm probably gonna leave that for now and go through the bigger items first we have a sports megaphone not sure it works hello okay i don't think it works but there's that oh here's a tweety bird this is 1997. okay so a looney tunes tweety toy from 1997. i'm gonna put some of the like my favorite ones up behind here and the rest i'll probably put on the floor a lot of this stuff will go into like my garage sale or um maybe be redonated but the rest of it i will be selling this is the empty cd case in this bag oh do we have a barbie i know some of y'all i posted about this on my group and some of y'all were really hoping that there would be barbies i don't know where to look on the barbie for her like tag or date or anything oh there it is 1976 1976 or 75 i can't really tell what that last one is but here is that mattel barbie and you guys in here are all of her outfits she's got a little swimming like little you know blow up inflatable swimming thing she got different hats oh my gosh so this is what's inside this bag here's the barbie and i'll show you her neck see if y'all can tell what it says i think that's a six so 1976 she's beautiful we'll put her there with tweety and then in here are all of her outfits oh look this is actually not for her this is more like a little baby outfit wow some bandanas that are cool oh those are so cool made in usa wow okay there's those here's the same one it looks like but in white how awesome oh my gosh i could look through this bag forever so okay i'm gonna keep all of these in the same bag but i'll leave the barbie out but there is that's i mean this is pretty wild all these little barbie outfits a little halter genuine barbie so there we go that's an awesome bag oh more barbie stuff what is this okay some kind of barbie sash oh some of this stuff is like a little bit dirty a little purse another purse we got awesome a fantastic spiralator oh that's a pin huh i wonder how you use it oh another purse oh that's pretty and klein nice okay incline actually does sell for me and it has like this really pretty like heavy uh chain strap it is really heavy so there's that oh my gosh just a little envelope but it's really cute here's this guy all right a little toy he looks like mowgli i think that's who he is from the jungle book put him up there a little arm that might uh resurface later if we find the doll okay so there's one tub put that one over there let's see we'll show off her she loves to talk i think alex might have turned the the thing off i'm not sure where the on off switch is on it but uh earlier i was putting my finger in here oh she look she has most of the food but she is missing the ones that come off these actually stay in there but this is magic meal time baby she's from i'm hungry 1998. so there's this toy okay i had to wait for um magic meal time baby to stop talking because she kept asking for cookies we're moving on to the second tub and just start on the top this is so cool okay um we have this which i am already obsessed with this is micro games and it's a baseball one it does need its batteries on the back but i wouldn't be shocked if this did work these things are kind of indestructible so i like that guy there's that uh in this oh the guy's from mulan and he's climbing up that's really cute it looks like it used to be one that you could like back it up and then it would spin forward but it doesn't look like it's doing that anymore but that is really cute so there's that i'll keep him okay this little puppet i feel like i recognize him where is he from is he from the hunchback of notre dame because that's like the vibe i'm getting from him i feel like that's what it is i don't see any like tag or date or anything but a cute little puppet here's a pretty fancy work horse okay he's cute he's all quilted here's a really cute uh pooh bear and tigger best friend's backpack and it has like a cute little keychain on it of sonic and oh these are cool these keychains are really cool this is a disney one and it says disney right on the back and then this is just a little puppy one that's really cute i really like those keychains oh who's this we got a big bird this is a sesame street made in korea it doesn't have a date on it but here's little uh big bird he's super cute i love him and in this box the rest of this stuff here's like a little traveling monopoly that's kind of cool wow that's really cool 1994. there's that nba all-star challenge for this first sega genesis is it in here oh it's not in here how cool would that have been oh my gosh these graphics are so bad that's really funny all right 1992 sega genesis maybe we will find it maybe it will be in here so i'll leave this one out all right there's uh bin number two we're moving quick let's do these trolls dolls because i'm very excited about them um we have two bags here with them in it and let's just see more trolls that is a lot of troll balls oh my gosh okay so we're looking for damn dolls uh which were like the original troll dolls back way way back when and they were like made of wood i'm pretty sure and we're looking for rust troll dolls which are um i'm not entirely sure why they're the older versions and they're more expensive so if we have any of those that's good this guy is definitely one um he is super cute and his foot does say russ on the bottom it doesn't have a date but we can look up when russ dolls were around so there's our first little one oh my gosh how do i even do this let me show you up close so here's our big pile of troll dolls uh here's the little one that i just showed he's very cute and you can see his foot stamped with rust um this little one another russ there's those i love aurora oh this one's cute this one doesn't say rust on the bottom so you can kind of tell in their faces their smiles are different their eyebrows are different and like the hair on this one is like really close to their eyebrow versus this one's eyes are like further away so we'll put the ones that aren't rust dolls like over here still but i'm really excited about the rust ones here's another rust one a cute little christmassy guy this one's big that's a newer one okay all right this little small guy i guess he's new another new one but still really cute oh my gosh this one has roller skates oh my gosh this one definitely looks like a rust one but since he has on the blades he doesn't have a foot stamp uh but he does look he's so cute looks really similar this one's my favorite for sure so far here's a tiny little keychain one oh wow lots of small ones look at these guys they're tiny they're really cute look at his butt oh my god okay these are really cute there's a bunch of little small ones there's a little small christmas one new new these little guys here's this one it says happy birthday and it is a russ so cute 100 irish russ nice dang we are getting a lot of the rust dolls this one's a rust for sure little christmas carols lucky lottery troll oh that is a russ i like his multi-colored hair russ oh my gosh this one is a huh it looks like it says anita doll co incorporated and then it has like a different stamp on its foot so i'll have to look that one up but there's that little guy he looks really similar to the others this is a rust one so cute wow look at her beautiful wedding dress and that one's a russ wow two more that one's a little baby oh and that one's a rust keep that one the little baby's really cute all right what else we got her look at this fancy outfit and just a couple more wow that's oh my gosh oh the raincoat the raincoat is so cute and that's a rust look at all of them wow this is a lot of troll dolls and so the only like modern ones are these right here they're in all the little tiny baby ones but they're actually less modern ones than there are of these vintage ones they're so cute and this one oh my gosh i love him to death he's so cute all right so there's all the troll dolls pretty fantastic that is wild so there's all the troll dolls and my favorite finds so far the trolls that's insane um yeah those are those are pretty awesome i'm very very excited about those um again how can you not be like so stoked on all of these so lots of troll dolls oh my gosh and all of these will be for sale uh maybe except for the blading guy i might actually just keep him so there's all of those oh my gosh so i guess uh let's keep going all right so the next thing we can look at let's see what is this this is interesting it's got some like hair clips and stuff on the top so inside of this is still full of all this stuff glitter gel [Applause] shampoo they're all still in the package like stuck in there wow i don't know what a lot of this stuff is but it's like a little kids little girly like uh you know set of looks like hair bands and glue so there's that a little accessory kit um okay we've got these guys which i knew that they were in here but i'm still really excited about them here's this big elephant plush i don't really know much about it it doesn't really have any tags or anything but it's really cute and it's pretty big um it does need maybe like to be washed up but there is a giant elephant and then in here we have all of our little bashful snow white and the seven dwarves and we got um a bunch of them but the thing is they don't have tags or they do have tags but they don't have a date so i don't know when these guys were from um but they are like official disney plushes so here is sleepy that one's probably me and then in here we have doc we have bashful he's really cute and we have some other stuff oh this is a care bear i think right oh it's a care bear cousin okay and he's from 1984. wow all right so we got this little cute penguin care bear cousin from the 80s and this stuff oh here's another dwarf this is grumpy there's grumpy there's all these little poo ones and everything let's just set all these up here and another poo all right so let's check some dates on these okay this poo is a disney store official okay well a little pooh bear here does not have a date but he's very cute so there's one pooh bear and a secondary one also is he from the disney store no he's just a beanbag friend he does not have a date either but he's very cute so there's poo these are older for sure but i do like to see the date on them if i can there's a tigger adorable we got poo no this is piglet from the disney store a little piglet and i thought this was eeyore in there but it's not it's just a little floppy friend and he's a little elephant so there's that all of our little toys so far just what's in this just a lanyard and oh my gosh this is an in-sync is this a backstage pass this is an sync no strings attached pass oh my gosh it says from 2000 so there's an nsync lanyard that's honestly really cool i don't know what the value on that would be if that's even worth anything but it is really cool so there's there's the nsync backstage pass and that is the rest of that box okay so next uh next tub we have this i see barney on top and i actually see more troll dolls too so let's look through here all right we got the next crate i'm excited all right i'll start with the troll dolls because we love trolls around here this is a treasure troll and it's from 1991 i love the pink hair and pink eyes so there's another troll to add to our collection we have a barney which is super cool i watched barney growing up like so much i really really just love him i actually used to want to have a barney car that was like painted fully purple and green and that was like gonna be my dream car so that didn't come true unfortunately but now i have this barney plush so that kind of makes up for it let's see 1992. wow and he does have a back like there's something back here so he must talk he has a little battery pack back there i'll have to get that out later and look and change the batteries and see what he says because i wonder it does work you just squeeze it i think the batteries are dying look at him he's so cute i do think the batteries are dying because his voice sounds weird but you actually can hear it i don't know if y'all can hear that but he does actually work so that's pretty exciting it sounds like he's gonna sing uh the barney theme song oh my gosh we have more okay we have this little one is this also barbie this is a 1992 and i guess that's also barney he just looks a little bit different and then we also got baby bop who is just the cutest and let's see where she 1992 also okay so we've got matching 92 barney and baby bops oh my gosh our pal is getting pretty big over here okay this is an adorable little monkey from superior toy and novelty incorporated so all right a little monkey i guess i'll set some stuff on the floor a bowling pin a little skirt it looks like a little halloween costume oh a troll that fell to the ground did we show him already he's also a russ and he's like a little vampire guy there he is okay we got miss piggy like as a baby in a diaper 1987 baby miss piggy oh my gosh [Music] i love her okay so there's a little miss piggy what am i gonna do with all of this oh my gosh that feels gross i hate the way this feels there's a dog in here with like a real face oh he's got a real face oh my god this is old this has got to be so old oh my gosh he's really lost a lot of his stuffing he's really lumpy and he has a bunch of beans or coins in his ears oh my god no tag but i mean oh wait he does have a tag a a regal b goal oh wait wow okay so that's what his tag says and on the other side it looks like it says gun to creations so okay i'm actually really excited about him honestly the face feels really really gross to me i mean like it's kind of got like a sticky plastic feel but okay there we go a very old stuffed animal i'll put him up here he's just sleeping wow that's actually very cool oh and look the eyes open okay so the eyes open uh i guess just whenever you open them though they don't look like they open up at any time on their own wow okay so there's that and then the last little guy in here is just a little mouse and he's you know kind of old but just also a little mouse the tag doesn't really give much info so there he is i gotta let pilgrim out really quick and there's actually one more thing in here a 1997 bruno the kid i never watched this show but there he is he's in a little car all right that is a vin number something four or something okay we've got a lot more these are just some you know little toys probably good garage sale items we've got a cute little bag and it does have stuff in it what is it oh look it's open over here so it actually has a lot of stuff in it these are some little barbie heels and they say barbie right there let's see if they have i see something under there oh that's the size it's a 12 for little kids oh my gosh 1996 mattel all right so some 96 barbie heels and then these are just more kid play shoes in here all right so there we go some little kid play shoes and those barbie ones are cute we got someone right here you can style her hair really nice um what's that say on the back mattel also 1976 really i assumed that she was modern but okay there's a barbie you can style her hair which she kind of needs some help with so there's that that's cool no way oh my gosh this freaking thing i gotta see if i can still do this my sister and i growing up had these and this was like the worst thing ever because it just hurts so bad you could like never actually do it all right so you put it through your foot wait is this not what it's supposed to be this is how we always used it you would let it out and then you would like spin it if it hit your ankle it would hurt so bad i can't get it off there we go okay so i can still do it so a little skip it from tiger from 1998 these things are so cool it has also a little counter on the back which i don't think ours had but i guess maybe it tells you how many times you skipped it look at this mess look at this oh look there's another one of those oh my gosh okay well there is me showing off my skills from being a seven-year-old and i'm pretty impressed that i was still able to do it so there we go uh this is like my new favorite thing just because i remember these so well and this is very nostalgic for me seeing this again so there we go there's that i'm putting it on the couch okay we are on to one of the last boxes and then this cute backpack that's full of stuff um it's a lion king backpack it's very cute i don't know what's in here let's see nothing okay so books it looks like just a bunch of kid books here's a little counting one with a calculator on the side mickey and friends coloring book that's cool the hunchback of notre dame a math story problem okay so this is all like cool school stuff and what's this oh wow so a photo album oh from a spanish bowl fighting wow all right so there we go a photo album from some travels or a scrapbook all right so books in there but i do love that backpack okay we got another barbie doll head let's see when she's from 1988 she's beautiful she got on the like blue 80s makeup and her hair feels like very freshly washed like she's like she's kind of killing it her hair looks good she is missing one earring but okay 1988 [Music] barbie this guy this is a looks like a robotic guy 1995 toy he's got a little button oh look he's got an on switch oh but it doesn't look like his batteries work but i bet he can do like backflips and stuff that's awesome okay there's a little toy a little uh puppy dog super cute wow we got a gun sick these are actually kind of cool the ones that like make noise so there's a big gun here's the ultimate collection but it does kind of feel like it's not in here all right nothing but the disc um so this was like a little palm pilot i guess for casino games okay so there used to be a palm pilot in here but it's not in there unfortunately because that would be kind of cool um a little educational wait i remember this we used to do these these are cool ways to teach you how to like you know do the like cool string tricks that's awesome it teaches you like the cat's cradle okay i actually remember this from like being on a bus like that's oh there we go there's the front that's so cute um some little kid sunglasses oh look at this a little easter basket with the bunny that's really cute sweet i like that oh here's a tag no date but very cute i really like the bunny and it's long ears oh okay so there's a cute easter basket and the stuff in it was oh these oh my gosh it's this thing and then you say okay you pick that one and you open it up and it says your secret admirer is about to give you a note act surprised the next one says you will marry the kid oh you will marry the next kid who talks to you and they're all these that is so cool there's just a whole bunch of them in there and that is it from that one so there's that uh what's the last one i guess this is the last one so the last thing that we have to look at is um all of the purses and then i know that there are some furbies in this one too but this is actually like a lot of really cool purses they're all like really small um and they're all kind of like in style this cute really cute backpack this one's really cute just like a tiny little small purse a little handheld one i kind of love that this one is a beautiful color this one's actually really nice and you can do the strap or hold it like that again very dainty all of these kind of are uh this one has some stains on it but just a little silver purse this is a oh cool it opens up like that and stays open so there's the interior it shuts lots and lots of bags here's this little um jim benton like little mouse or rabbit that was really popular way back everyone had him star bags this is pretty this is called e-spirit it's like a tiny little backpack not really a lot of room for stuff in there but you could definitely like fit your phone and like chapstick and what else do you need oh the back zipper is kind of tough but then there's a cool little wallet section in there so that's actually a cool little backpack kind of looks like a just knock off version of those styles of purses this very cool [Music] this one's cute just like a small little bag these are really cute these are a lot of cute purses i like this one like a cute little it almost looks like it's leopard but when you look close it's actually just like different designs on there we got this purse this says michael stevens oh and what's in here timon and pumbaa all right we got a little timon and pumbaa going on that's awesome this is cool i have no clue what oh this is a belt oh wow this is an old belt okay so it hooks like that it's a little bit stretchy [Music] and it's like a gold color that's cool that's actually really really neat i'm not sure like the market for something like this but i think it's really cool so there's a cool gold belt here's a little chair for your dolls here's a fashion girl jeep pretty cool i love the colors so bright i'm piling stuff up around me um this is gonna be just a little thingy it says mattel 1983. oh i wonder if it goes with this no no right it does kind of seem like it could go with this but i don't know if it does or not so here's a little pad that says mattel on it and then just this little bassinet like seat looking guy oh and it has stuff on the bottom oh mattel 1983 oh so it does go together i just don't know how i guess but there we go a little barbie seat and with the cushion and then this is some of the last stuff we got a little baggie here and then this is it let's see what's in here another purse with some pins in it oh cool a little barbie makeup kit there's that and then we oh look another chair ah cute so now we're like getting the whole set going so that's exciting some barbie chairs and then what i've been so excited for furbies okay here's two of them and then this little one and these are all from the 90s this one is 1998 and these are both 19.99 and they haven't turned on or said anything yet this one's bottom is like kind of loose it's kind of falling out a little bit um so i don't know if the screw just needs to be tightened or what but it does kind of like pop out a little bit but furbies these things freaked us out as kids because like i'm sure everyone has one of these stories if you have furbies but like they'll just turn on randomly and say creepy stuff like i i feel like i remember them being discontinued for a while because it was kind of like spooking all of the children because at night like his eyes would just turn on and it would be like i'm hungry like at like 3am and you're like who turned you on like what is happening so here's our furbies i do wish their eyes would open when they sat up but you kind of gotta force their eyes open so there's our furbies those are pretty awesome there's so much stuff and then uh just this little box that has some felt in it so there we go this is now the current state of my living room there's all this stuff i'll still need to go through everything and clean it up and then decide what i want to keep what i want to list what i want to put in the garage sale but of course the things that i'm most excited about are what i put on the sofa right here all of these toys that is so cool that is so crazy there's so many good things in here um i'm super super stoked about all of this this this stuff is like really really fun to look through and really like exciting to get so if you guys enjoy this video comment and let me know so that i can do more of this in the future this is super fun for me and i hope that you guys really enjoyed it tell me what your favorite toy was that we found and just you know just this is so there crazy so many cool ones and it was so fun doing it like kind of blind where like you just buy it based off of a couple that you see and then see what else is in there because some of the best stuff i didn't even see it on the top i saw the troll dolls that they were in there i saw some of the stuff was in there that i could tell it looked like a good haul but i you know i don't know for sure what's in there so a lot of the stuff at the bottom like the barbies the furbies the barney dolls all of that stuff is so exciting so i'm stoked um i also am planning on doing a live auction at the end of this week um probably on saturday i'll keep everybody updated on it but i think this saturday i'm gonna be doing a live auction on my youtube channel so if you have any interest in any of this stuff or previous stuff that i've found i'm going to be selling a lot of it on saturday um it's going to be like a live video so it'll be live i'll look through everything and then we'll have like an auction style available throughout that whole day so that people can go and bid on items or whatever however we're gonna do it we're figuring it out still but be on the lookout for a sale in the next coming days this weekend because i am definitely excited for all of this stuff and i hope that you guys are too i know on my facebook group people were freaking out about the trolls so if you have any interest in buying a troll doll or any of the stuff from this video come to the live auction on saturday and hang out with me i'm gonna show it all off in more detail so that you can really see if there's any flaws or anything and then i'm gonna be selling it so there you go so there you have it all of the toys that we got at the estate sale i am seriously so excited for all of them this is like very nostalgic for me and i loved looking through all of it so thank you so much for watching i hope that you guys all are having a great day and happy diving we'll be back to that uh probably for the next video but for now all of the toys that we got at the estate sale and there you go i hope you guys have a really awesome day and i will see you next time bye
Channel: breafkast
Views: 42,130
Rating: 4.9228778 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diver, kelly sparks, flipping, reseller, reselling, flipper, trash, upcycling, recycling, waste, american, garbage, dumpster, diving, scrapping, haul, dumpster haul, clothing haul, texas, trash picking, salvaging, reduce waste, throw away culture, budgeting, save money, couponing, dumpsters, trash flipping, breafkast
Id: 1VAj5nxMFKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 58sec (2458 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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