Dumpster diving gave me the world

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up everybody welcome back to the channel look i got a duck in my backyard what's up ducky huh where are you going huh come here let's put you over the fence huh it's my neighbor's duck i have two of them i don't see the other one oh there it is on the roof y'all see it see they fly all the time let's see if i can get him to fly come on yeah he don't want to fly this morning i don't want to pester him i don't care if he's back here anyways i got an empty truck so well there's a dvd player back there oh let's see if we can find anything it's like we're gonna start out with a christmas tin [Music] [Music] all right [Music] something's better nothing though [Music] oh these are uh i think these are catheters yeah boxes and boxes of unused catheters that's crazy sterile i guess that's a little bit of aluminum i guess this is crazy man boxes and boxes of catheters getting up i guess in the mail or something i don't know huh i believe that's the first time i've ever found catheters before a whole dumpster load that's cool i can't quite reach it um so cool stainless or aluminum one some spaghetti that sounded like it had some cookwares in it that i hate the bowls down there i'm digging this too much it's too full let's go find something else fold them up stool some sorts i don't know what this thing piece to a table i think that's metal too no plastic what kind of shape these ladders in looks to be broke it's what's in the trash coots yeah all right got a few goods out of here yeah that's just nasty i ain't going through that somebody did that last night i wonder if this is oh it's got a big chunk of metal down there let's see if we can get this dude out of here i think that classifies us scrappy enough just take the top off good chunk hey buddy [Music] my kid brought the trash let's get out of here hello doing good how are you doing let's see if we can wrestle these out of here or one of them out of here oh that was easy [Music] i don't know if there's any more but there was and somebody just missed that one what do you think oh that has some some metal in it oh that's gonna be a mess but take what i can get today i think there's the rest of a burnout mattress down there there's another bed frame i knew there would be more [Music] i got that one now [Music] let's not get pinched yeah somebody broke that bed [Music] snapped it's not snapped in half [Music] all right that's cool put some metal on the truck christmas tree box is empty let's get the rest of this mattress if we can i don't know it's gonna cause some problems but i really don't want to leave anything behind today oh it's like a big giant slinky it's a mess maker too there's a little bit left i think the heck i had a sack is messing around there might be more all right we'll call that good i think that sack has got more in it though honestly yeah it's got quite a bit wow let's make sure it's all that yep that's all kind of halfway tied and then maybe we can get the rest of that back in that section well gopro's falling down it's time for a new head mount all right well we went through this one pretty good i see the bottom until i'll move this a sec let's see that is wood that is not all right that's cool oh oh dang look at that every bit of that's plastic that sucks plastic faucet plastic taps plastic plastic i'm just looking not much in here saying that i thought we had a winner [Applause] and we don't looks like a fat zero what's that one a penny oh there's another one penny where's my i got a jar back there i need to show y'all all the pennies and all the coins and change that me and matt has picked up around the dumpsters and stuff all right which one of y'all rides a scooter huh i just want i guess this looks better from the road some oil filters i'm just opening that where y'all can see i think i've seen some in here oh yeah [Music] all right well i'm gonna continue to get these i know this is probably getting a little boring so i'll let y'all know what what i find next now oxygen machine yeah look look they got i've never tore into one of these there's a cord oh my god that's cool there's another one [Music] yeah cashed in little cords the other day i mean matt 80 cents a pound on number two insulated that's what we got crazy never seen stuff that high i'm not gonna keep the bags i found enough bags and got enough bags well they're pretty nice so that's why somebody might want i'll leave them here make sure they know scrap now there's another one of them deals i can get it maybe find a spot yeah i know where to grab it i ain't gonna have to get in here what's that [Applause] all right i'm gonna use this broken one it might actually get it out though oh yeah look at that that one's actually pretty good i just fell we don't care if it does that all right what's this thing i think that's gonna be nope that's not gonna be it say something else down there dumpster dumpster grabbers that one looks like it picked up the best that's even scrappy cool it comes with some a dollar's worth of cord i don't want to make a mess there's a i probably should have gotten in on this one guys there's a keyboard there's another one down there too man i will be able to take some of this [Applause] what the heck here we go now this head mount it's not staying on what's that extended walker wheels oh don't worry uh one of those deals all right let's load up some of the stuff on the ground here it's all metal oh man there we go it's all one big mangled piece in it well i need that mangle uh i still got all kinds of stuff back there i need to clean up now the back seat gets piled up quick okay that's heavy oh man this freaking gopro guys i'm sorry it's not the gopro it's the the mount the head mount keeps sliding down my hand is under there everything keeps you grab onto pulls out or extends talking about [Applause] whacking stacking it's in there it's all the matters i guess ah that's wood making a mess here [Applause] uh there's where they supposed to push to come out i guess i guess that hard on it see how one it's got all that wood on top somebody i might come back later and get it this is all metal too definitely have to come back for it somebody else gets it hand sanitizer is this the one that was recalled i think this is i want to take all this i know there were some hand sanitizer recalls so if not i might have found some found some good stuff but we'll see put in the back oh there's mother grabber it's not gone i think we've messed around here long enough well i'll come back and get that i want an empty truck tell matt let's see if he wants to come get him he's not with me today as you can tell pixie stix yeah there's another one of them big deals i want to keep looking i'm getting a pretty good load going on so oh no no no no no you guys ever got to scrap the world me neither i'm going to balling no gloves i know check them on all right and i reach that one man guys it's a beautiful day out here see my truck could sound worse i guess you hear that truck all right everybody i came home and unloaded the truck and ate me a sandwich except for that i'm going to leave that in there because that's all full of oil filters not that bag of spring so i don't want to make too much of a mess get it all tangled up but let's do it all on my trailer except for that and man that thing that i picked up that has like this opens this closes and blah blah blah my finger got caught in there and i was like legit trapped you can't it's going it didn't hurt me too bad but my finger got caught in there and i couldn't want to pull out and it just kept it's like kept getting worse so i had to let's think but anyways it uh made me nervous for a second let's go find some more jump well let's see what all we got in here oh blush [Music] [Music] that is heavy stuff it ain't that heavy ugh huh oh that's metal too hey that ain't oh well let's just resituate some stuff here i'm glad we emptied the truck huh oh that's insulation we don't want that i'm trying to make my way out of this corner and move everything back to it where i don't miss anything i know i'm not going off fast like oh you know what this feels like right there feels like wire nope it was a coat hanger wishful thinking all right we got a corner made out let me start throwing stuff that way much less each itch elation uh somebody came and got all the saved all the copper didn't they boy i tell you what [Music] you guys got it out of there do we steel one more shelf here i don't know about the windows well it started it started out stacking pretty now it's not i know where they're at i just don't want to deal with glass in the back of the truck at the moment wouldn't be nothing to get one of these bars and bust them up though you know uh i just had to throw it in there again all right so one thing we grab is the aluminum windows all right i'll come back and get them i'm not too far from my house so let's let's put another insulation up where we can get up and out of here hopefully too many get on us oh here we go and somebody might need it to come get the aluminum worse than i do right now so oh i left a bag of nails down there too i tried to take my time on doing that this ain't getting no hurry today i'm already on the second load so let's go find something else what do we got [Music] let's say christmas lots so oh my god is it a lot or a little i don't know if i can get it out there we go finally jeez louise oh there's actually more there we go get off there oh sweet i like finding christmas lights all i got back there now is 10 shred i'd like to kind of keep it that way i think there might be a piece or two of aluminum but that's not with us so matt can be christmas lights today all right what is this contraption i fold them up something well i see i think i see some coaxial in there i might be better check and see if it is i don't know what it is looks like a scrap metal to me let's see what that cord is poking look somebody got another dog cage there's the rest of the course i do get i clipped clip these ends off if they're brass i get brass breakage for them and that's 80 cents a pound right now scrap yard i use i'll shred these dudes let's poke around on the other side make sure we didn't miss nothing it's in here i may have to use a magnet on it i don't know got that one by my fingered nails no there's just one in there that's kind of cool though [Applause] there are all lots of cans in there what we got here you don't need the booklet dvd player or something ah there's the yolk that was in here the other day i threw something on top of it busted it i'm not see if i can since it's already busted i might see if i can get those degassing cables off there at least with my hook i don't want to bust that up anymore i don't know we'll give it a go after we pick up a penny heads or tails they're all good luck see if we can get those cables off there i'd like to get that yoke off i just bust it but man there we go let's see if it was a limit if it's aluminum or copper yeah i think it's aluminum best i can tell this sucks well what do we do about that yolk i'm not gonna smash it i mean it's already busted up top so i don't wanna i wanna keep coming back here so that's why i don't smash them in the dumpster or anything like that or smash glass not on purpose anyway so i mean i could probably get my magnet and the end of it and bust it off there real quick and then scoop it out but i don't know i don't want to be a nuisance or anything want a freezer how bad is it [Music] it's not that bad compressors out of it looks like things actually not heavy but they're just awkward oh there's a compressor there we go stacked beautiful look they burn it you guys want to get rid of mattresses i guess that's one way to do it man if i can get this without grabbing my shirt and everything else with it that's not where i wanted it to go ain't gonna work come on man not to grab one of them again ain't going nowhere just in case there we go i'll just drag it if it comes late roadkill he's crapping think i can get it can i get in the back no i can't throw it there wet that one's wood anyway that one's wood we won't mess with it that's funny i tried to throw it over and it just went blue that mower bag right there i wonder if it'll fit my husker barna i bet it will anything else there i need nope there's a car coming so that's enough probably lives right here too i'm kind of blocking their driveway yeah that's one of those places where wherever you park you'll be blocking a driveway episode when you have to change batteries out a fresh battery here we go yeah this is the gopro messed up i guess i just scooped up a car seat i'll show you on the next stop i guess huh got a lot of water coming out of it safe to say this one this scrap [Music] or you can slide down in there there we go let me hook this up over here i don't think it's going to go anywhere now is that in there if it does it does i guess that's it i guess all right cool there's a good toad on the other side with stuff in it i need to grab that dude along with this stainless dish this stainless dish not the pig left over thanksgiving huh uh uh i can't even get to my sticks hey how's it going man all right [Music] uh right anything else in there so seen i wanted to get a hook i parked over here because looks like there's people moving out and i don't want to block the way i'll cut that cord later always later huh so uh bluetooth speaker oh it looks to be copper or something there's another corner to something come on man all right i'm making those multiple trips gosh i got one like this those things are pretty good if that one works i don't know [Applause] hello how's it going all right so a little bit of wire pumpkin pie try some cool stuff now there's a keurig it looks like [Music] it was all straight till now oh so [Music] yeah i'll take a microwave okay all right i'm just getting scrap metal so [Music] all right oh yeah sweet i appreciate it man thank you all right thank you i think that one still works too okay all right cool awesome thank you figure it out there we go all right yeah if you want it going i can i can haul it off for you yeah yeah yeah i'll take it man [Music] [Applause] that might actually work huh i believe that's it lock let me get that safe see if i can get this what else is in here here's how i got gun safe threw it up there while i go all right that's cool nice folks this is gonna be it last dumpster i checked it there was nothing so here's a gun safe did not give me the key for it so i have one just like it looks like he lost the key and it's kind of poured open or used to drill but i will just scrap it and then they i hope y'all seen everything and there's that seat i don't know if the gopro was on for that so it's a pretty darn good day on scrap metal didn't find anything maybe that record player or whatever it is might work i don't know it's one that's a newer one it's not old or nothing so i don't know found some cool stuff i guess scrapbox so i appreciate y'all watching i had fun today i slow and steadied it man just had fun and enjoyed and dig it's fun i love trash picking yeah that's it i'll see you on the next one you'll have a good one if you liked it smash that thumbs up and all that good stuff comment tell me what you think i like reading comments comment away i love it all right guys see on the next one y'all have a good one
Channel: You Coonts See Me!
Views: 10,996
Rating: 4.9352517 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, trash picking, scrapping, street picking, street scrapping, recycling, treasure hunting, garbage picking, scavenging, Curbside, ewaste, free stuff, dumpster dive, urban treasure hunting, scrapper, scraplife, youcoontsseeme, junkman, goldfingers, picker, trash picker, bulk trash day, heavy trash day, found on the curb, trash to cash, copper, brass, free money, scrapyard trips, scrappers
Id: RQLp0qiQvTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 17sec (4217 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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