MY HOMEMADE airplane flies!!! MK3 design

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[Music] all right ladies gentlemen we did it me an airplane that slightly overweight slide the over-budget and a little underpowered kind of like the rest of my airplanes but it flies [Music] [Applause] Oh awesome we're getting further this is awesomely 100th episode yay so we put a sponsorship on it hey this is a costume fit for the online sponsorship things I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this isn't that for your dog was it for the dog this project is actually really expensive and I actually did a fair amount of online shopping to find the best deals on parts and to save money anywhere I could possibly save money so that's why we got honey to sponsor this video you've probably already heard of honey before but if you haven't honey is an online browser extension that works with most of the popular browsers you can use it at over 37,000 websites it will search the internet for a bunch of saving codes and automatically applies them so you don't have to go and search the whole internet for coupon codes anymore so with Peters ultralight he was actually able to use honey on Michaels arts and crafts and save on his seat covering material just a click of a button so honey's super easy to install just go to join honey calm slash Peter Street pull and it only takes two clicks there's literally no reason not to use honey for everything you buy online it's free and is super easy to install that's join honey calm slash Peter Street or just click the link in the description it can't get any easier than that all our honey downloaders make sure you download it the honey with the link in the description go to our website Peter Street will calm you can add some of our merch for a limited number we'll be able to give away free merch and everyone after that will give you a heavy discount on some items all items will be discounted just make sure you download honey with our link all right for all of you that are con you this is actually my third airplane this is the mark 3 ultralight this one's gas card unlike my previous electric airplanes basically since I was a kid I've always loved the idea of lying in a shoebox well not typically shoebox moral cargo box so this is as close as that as possible because flying with the first airplane I got a little bit taste of flight but it was never really intended to fly for a very long time or to do much but this plane was actually built to do more [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so I can sit in it it's like an aerial motorcycle you got your sides you can just look out and it's totally awesome so this is also like a final wrap of this video you're gonna see more of the airplane but if you actually want to see more of the in-depth build process there's a part one part two and part three that you'll see was it a part four yes oh okay there's the part four video so check this out if you want more information this is just the flying and the last bits of detail the plane was completed since the last couple videos basically the only thing left to do is cover the wings make sure they all fit and take it to the field so we did all that stuff got to the field it was getting dark we actually set up the airplane now to come back the next day to do the initial flights because there's no way we could do it because it was getting just too dark that one day we went about this very slowly because the last time I did is I rushed it and we all know how that one way who the hell is the scary Landon Oh so we wait and balance the plane first and we got the CG kind of where I think it should have been all right doing CG checking and Sam has done the math and looks like we're actually very good and right now I'm just physically verifying it so we're good to fly once we got the weight and balance figured out and everything it was time for some short hops just to kind of get a feel for the things so we took it down the runway you hopped it but it was still nose heavy the rudder pedals are a little bit too rubbery like I have my PT difficult issues where I need to skid on the rudder pedals and those things are just crabbing and I'm a hard time moving the brother so I'm take them out see if this little bit better alright so this is in the very nose of the airplane oh right here so still I think it's about ten thousand needs 10 pounds out of the nose so we'll try it again see off the hull feels [Applause] that is much better alright so what I think we'll do is we'll check for fuel we'll check everything we'll check all the wires everything looks good and I'll just go around so with all the adjustments done and the plane ready to go it was time to simply send it now Lockett props we go wrong at this stage we did all our testing but you know you never know the plane could take off the list could fall off the plane can take off I can get struck by lightning the plane take off the engine shuts off and it just completely falls off into the landing or the plane can take off and the whole thing just goes perfectly fine and I fly around and enjoy it alright voice is for all the marbles actually we're gonna do one quick run I have a slight like three degrees of flaps to put in so I'm gonna take it off see how that feels I know that plane is structurally sound and no cables are loose I'm gonna climb out of 500 cuz actually the initial plan is just too big okay stop apparently I get a little jumbled up when I'm excited so what I'm trying to say here is I was trying to get the plane basically above 500 feet because something could go wrong in there and I have a little more time to think of them a little bit higher plus another airplane is structurally sound the wings are gonna fall off so simply climbing up to altitude I'm actually a little bit safer because I can also use the BRS if something were to actually go wrong because the higher it is the better it has chance working [Music] Oh rats time to fly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ya know it is definitely power okay with that flight out of the way I had a lot of ideas of what was wrong with the airplane one I think the Ennis was wrong which is basically the angle of the wing where it sits relative to the centerline the fuselage so mildly nose-heavy and I think the propeller sucks because when I was applying I noticed at my attack ometer at full power the RPM was still of like 7.5 K it's supposed to get to 8 K so I'm thinking the propeller is fluttering a little bit because it looks a little bit soft around the corners like it may not be sturdy enough for this we took the electric motors off because there's just not enough thrust to really run them right now so those are off the airplane I added a counterbalance to the elevator to because I wanted to see if the elevator self which is too heavy were in flight because it's kind of dropping down because of all the weight so now it's actually a little more neutral so it's kind of easier and it takes less stick pressure for me to hold it a straight lowball attitude we also increase the amount of incidence in the wing so it's flying a little more neutral so the wing itself is picked back and the elevators stuff is neutral so that creates less drag overall in the airframe another thing is the propeller was kind of crap I put out a feeler on Instagram of asking people like hey does anyone have a propeller or something I could borrow and someone actually came through this club but they helped me out they got me a prop and I actually got a test flies thing didn't the very next day which is awesome because you know there's no waves gonna be able to order propeller and get it in time for this whole adventure so we think repeller installed we had one more thing to do which is added the wing tips because that would help the airflow come off the edge of the wings and hopefully we reduced the wingtip vortices sizes because I was feeling this thing was really drag you out of the tips because it's a high lift airfoil all right with all these mods done the only thing really left to do is fly the airplane so enjoy this huge compilation of all the montage D stuff [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I'm enjoying it a lot I think there are still some you know stuff I can probably come back and tweak cuz uh overall the plane actually end up being a little bit over budget on weight you know being about 50 to 70 pounds higher than my projected weight which is an empty weight of 150 pounds without fuel in it and without the BRS and ended up being about 240 pounds right now as is the parachute weighs like 25 pounds so that's on top of that so it could stand to be a little bit lighter now the plane actually just fly a little bit fast for this motor propeller engine combination I was really expecting this to work better for my weight and it would have if I actually made the plane lighter so now I have to look at a baby finger motor or maybe a adjustable pitch propeller because right now this is what's happening is that propeller is really mainly designed for para motors and paramours generally fly pretty slow so with that you had you set your blade a certain pitch because if you imagine you take a screw and you have a fine and a coarse thread now if you run them both the same speed and stick in a piece of wood the coarse thread goes a lot faster than the fine thread takes a little bit longer to get there now this is kind of like a fine thread propeller so when I hit 45 miles an hour the point the plane is to turn that engine so fast to kind of make it go anywhere to go faster and climb because my plane wants to climb around 45 to 50 miles an hour and power is meanwhile full fully open so it doesn't wanna climb so that's one thing I'm gonna look for is adjustable pitch propeller maybe before committing to by bait buying a bigger engine although I think I will probably need a bigger engine because I would like to fly at a lower throttle setting for a better fuel burn and also for the life of the motor so maybe one used to bitter eyes the engine with two hours on it will be available on eBay or wherever cuz uh who knows will help please the Oort X is pretty sweet I really enjoyed putting this on I put on all the mid dad we just covered it it took no more than a day to do I had to wait 24 hours for the glue to fully cure and I came back in this shrunken don't pay attention too closely it's not fully shrunk yet on like the wing tips because the end tips the ribs are actually shrinking or pulling in they're not actually strong to support the way the coloring trying to shrink them so I gotta address that so let's do a little bit more work to do there I think we have some extra footage too if you are a patreon I pose it there 60 degree footage it may also be available later on my website if you guys want to see some sneak peeks of this project I was actually posting stuff on Instagram well ahead of the time you'll see this video definitely go check out the additional footage and stuff on the websites I'm probably going to dump the raw clips out there as well also huge thanks to hunting for making this possible because uh I had to spend quite a bit more money on this thing and hopefully the money you earn from the sponsorship will help me get a bigger engine so I can fly a little more and do more content for you guys so thanks for watching alright that's it should I just me it okay no okay oh one last thing plans no err no plans for this unfortunately the cat design is really just a shell of what I actually had to do and plus there's so many on document design changes I'm not comfortable releasing plans for the airplane just yet it would also have to go through an actual aeronautical engineer before I decided to do something like that plus I said we were tenancies will probably talk about in a more vlog style video later so no plans just yet [Music] here it is yep what's up now we can fly again
Channel: PeterSripol
Views: 2,899,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homemade airplane, diy ultralight, ultralight, airplane, how to make an airplane, peter sripol, MK3 airplane, oratex, experimental airplane, part 013, betteraircraftfabric
Id: fqdtz3tJkbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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