FLYING Leaf Blower RC airplane Mk2

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Thank you for linking to the part where it actually flies.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/wannabesq 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Good luck getting rid of leaves with that thing.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/discomercenary 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

that's badass.. nice landing too

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/NevadaPurple 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

​A 2011 study found consumer-grade gas leaf blowers emit far more pollution than a 6,200lb Ford Raptor truck, including 7x more NOx and 13.5x more CO, both dangerous pollutants.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/haptiK 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Eat shit Wright brothers!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/the_golden_girls 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

For some reason I was expecting a drone with a leaf blower blowing leaves

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CrystalBraver 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
what's up sheeple people I got called out I counted on a flight test video six out of ten you guys should fly off real toilet Alex confident okay we'll do that when you make a real leaf blower fly without modifying it is that a challenge actually you know he's right last year we did this okay okay so basically yeah it didn't really fly very good it made a lot it didn't even make a lot of its went down the runway crap good job Sam you broke it's a disaster I have a bunch of theories on why it went wrong but I have some flight test foam which is a lot lighter foam than the poster board stuff I use last year so let's go and get started and build this thing with last year's failures in mind it's time to build something a little bit more veteran efficient so we're gonna both sailplane kind of glider airplane this year up like this foam board it's a lot lighter kind of stronger materials rather than the aluminum use last year and the poster board I'm light not these spars which is just popular the Europol selection is a lot more efficient - it's a regular glider airfoil and we're gonna kind of make like a hybrid here to sandwich it together with this flight test foam board stuff it's gonna be a polyhedral wing and it's gonna be a regional airplane just to kind of keep the controls to a minimum so it only has rudder and elevator now we're just gonna hop through the floor on top because it just fits really well high servo for bottle control and we're done all right so we're going to the airfield right now and the plane it's done the plane is basically a glider style airplane with a lot more efficient airflow it's a lot lighter than the previous renditions of this so hopefully that means it's going to work great I stepped on the ball I stepped on it I'm saying the good thing is it's made out of this of flight test waterproof foam stuff which is actually great because it's really moisture here today so I'm gonna go to the dissemble it sprouts step on anymore [Music] before weekend there's one slight caveat the trigger on this leafblower goes from zero to like 70 oh wait I took the value out goes from zero to 70 [Applause] the problem is the problem is that I need to hunt for set thrust and the only way to do it is to touch this stupid button because these leaf blowers always think this is a great idea so I'm gonna take this rock to it but the problem is now we only have 0 or 100 there's no in-between so it's gonna be full power all the time super important tip to always a number check the center of gravity of the airplane it feels pretty good bouncing about a third of the wing back one third of the wing back okay Sam what are your thoughts on this airplane well you say that will probably work so me that is not a number I want a number oh one two ten seven seven five that's about what I'm thinking all right you going to go to eat it to this guy three I pick up gently oh all right you ready to go just go probably gonna break yeah [Music] it's really very last one you know at the game getting increasingly more easily oh no it was definitely flying the spar was a little bit too thin and the lace n pick it up kind of pre broke the link a little bit just a little bit let's go probably have to build in our airplane near the sparse pretty nice as far as fine yeah your crappy wing boxes I'm blew out you told me to glue it with epoxy here ah man is a windy I hear the sparks are both good so the Air Force needs to clean up a little bit and this thing is totally capable of flight because these kept going higher and higher until the wind gust came and ripped the wings off so this is totally gonna work we just need to rebuild the airplane again [Music] today to everybody we fixed the wing spar there's zero in so Sam luckily will not be able to break it by holding the plane at horrible angles to the wind trying to snap the wing spar in half hopefully we can fly around and do one circuit because the challenge is the plane has to fly do one circuit land and then Alex will have to make a toilet fly she's dead Oh circuit board is bad freeze-frame why did I eat the battery across the field it fell from speed in the sky yesterday hit the circuit board directly on it damaged the safety cuts in the battery so the battery obviously won't work with a leaf blower anymore so we had ordered a new one the battery is 122 freakin dollars for that alright whatever is coming okay boys it is day three now we have a new battery pack I think everything runs and now we're going to try again to see if we can make a plane to one circuit come round and land yeah it's actually not flying applause is it yesterday oh no oh no I always thought a guy hit it farther somehow it's worse today oh no oh I wanted to be done with this project by now okay let's see that's so good at least the lights in the LED are this'll work and someone even find a battery pack I'm going to fix it again it's another day hopefully we get it done this time because I'm getting real tired this is exactly like last year fly try to fly crash fly crash repeat want to blow my brains out and then it finally kind of lost but hopefully this year we go further part farther faster higher than ever before [Music] [Music] and I gave them altitude yeah that wing is a little damaged I'm gonna try to make one circuit all right so we're halfway there my father working it's barely working but we are flying a leafblower awesome looking good still going higher turning it off coming in for the landing with that really bent wing look out then that's pretty good we did it we did it all right yeah you saw it there Ness first flying stock non-modified leaf blower whoo let's fly it some more so we're gonna put this thing on I'm gonna show you how worse is gonna fly because this is gonna restrict airflow and not make it better yes is definitely thinking a little bit it sounds cooler Sakura I don't see ever get this flyby can you hear that sounds awesome but it still flies alright though that's awesome it sounds super rad [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Griffin said alright ladies and gentlemen there you have it the world's first actual flying leaf blower airplane unlike last year's attempt we actually made more than a few circuits there's some kind of mild turning stuff landed this excessively all on a stock leaf blower with no modifications whatsoever I mean I take the rock to the switch and the servo to the thing but that's obvious let us know what you want to see us flight next and as far as the power tools go because we did a drill plane in this other video and now we have the leaf blower plane [Music] [Music] okay
Channel: PeterSripol
Views: 7,054,081
Rating: 4.8693848 out of 5
Keywords: leafblower, leaf blower, flying, leafblower airplane, flying leaf blower, rc airplane, DIY, how to, flying yard, fall, leaf, blower, leaf blower mods, leaf blower modifications, modified leaf blower, diy rc plane, flite test, flitetest, petersripol, remote controlled, drone, gas leaf blower, powerful leaf blower
Id: FMvppuS_ehg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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