Making an RC Rigid Airship (explodes)

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oh no we're gonna die we're gonna hey youtubers i know a lot of you guys have said make a zeppelin an airship a rigid body air vehicle helium filled sack thing so he did this is an airship and it's brought to you by guns of glory our sponsor for this video guns of glory is an epic free-to-play strategy mobile game in an alternate european world of alchemy and pre-industrial technology even as zeppelins like this one oh wait not this one this one fight together with your alliance members to get a limited anniversary castle skin decoration you can develop your city join alliances train troops to battle enemies in this immersive world oh look at these graphics currently they're celebrating their third anniversary with fun events for you and current players players can win amazing awards during this four week long celebration they are continuing to improve the game and add new updates and redesigns to heroes airships and armory and gemstones download guns of glory and use my creator code peter gog early downloaders will receive a limited edition starter pack and anyone who downloads will be entered to win one of 25 50 amazon gift cards so what are you waiting for download guns of glory and let's get started with this build [Music] funny thing is like when i was a kid i used like balls with airplanes and cut from tissue paper this is exactly the way i did it so i'm just gonna just do what i did when i was a kid and repeat the same method so here we go [Music] we have a major problem my brilliant plan of putting these mylar foil balloons in there because they're more of oval shaped and take up less space when i could stack them inside is not working the reason why these things can only lift a couple of grams i don't think these are gonna lift no matter what now i do take these normal balloons right here like the uh your normal latex party balloons and inflate them and they actually seem to lift a bit more than these do and this thing goes but we need to do something different if this is going to work out these are not a good use of space because you imagine you put two of these balloons next to each other you have all that dead space inside of them that's not being utilized for living lifting gas lifting negative three grams that airframe right now weighs about 55 grams do the math quickly and there's too many of these balloons that we have to put inside of there to make this work so we're gonna need to come up with a custom solution and i unfortunately have never messed making custom rc blimp envelopes so this project just got a little bit more difficult so here's what i'm thinking we're gonna make a custom blimp thing that goes inside of the rigid body frame this will utilize most of the space for lifting gas so this thing floats a bit better we got some 0.7 millimeter plastic drop cloth i did a little bit of research last night because i'm in full panic mode right now because i need to get this to work but apparently it looks like if you take this stuff and you double it over on itself you take a little bit of wax paper and now if you run this along this supposedly it's going to seal the two halves below together let's see if it holds any air hey look at that it worked we'll try to make a bigger balloon and then we're gonna make the actual balloon the wax paper is absolutely necessary because like if i were to touch the iron on the plastic it would actually just melt the iron through the plastic and would stay together all right look at that that wasn't bad at all man that was easier than i thought to make this oh no it's leaking well maybe i need to work on my sealage game but hey we're almost there all right we got one helium sack for rigid airship it's not this is not a blimp because i'm very impatient raise this [Music] it's an air sac whoa i think this is amazing i think it's sealed up fairly well the air pressure is going to be very low but i think we'll be able to it's going to leak for sure i just know it probably like 30 minutes or so before it starts to really sink so i think this will definitely work is how condoms work right let's put the air back in the sack she's bursting at the seams at this thing this thing is hilarious look it's flying it's really fun i'm holding it oh no i'm actually it's so fragile check this out i got two sacks so you saw me make this one however i want to try a miler one to see if this would perform any differently unfortunately this is probably better retaining helium inside of it however it weighs about 60 something grams which is really heavy so i think we're gonna go with a plastic one because this one weighs a total of 30 grams so that's like almost two of those in one of these so i'm going to stick this inside that right now and let's try actually adding some helium to it and see if we get the float because that'll be really cool if it starts to flow it says there's 14.9 cubic feet of helium inside this tank so i should be able to fill this thing at least two times if it's not lying to me oh starting to move look it's starting to get it's starting to get pretty buoyant all right let's keep going a little bit more oh it's floating look at it check out lewis look at my airship oh yeah it's a rigid body airship it looks kind of like garbage but it's technically an airship that is cool unfortunately though it looks like i think we got room for more helium there's a certain helium loss rate we've got to deal with all right that's dope oh i've miscalculated the shell weighs 50 grams the envelope weighs 30 grams that's 80 grams supposedly i should be able to get technically about 110 120 grams you know whatever that's just 80 air and helium so it could be full of crap for all i know for the other ratio of that so we're not getting pure helium in here so that's making this equation slightly worse i bet you if you go to hydrogen we'll experience more lifting [Music] [Applause] force all right let's try and load this thing up oh no it's still too heavy all right well let's see if these little the motors can thrust we might need to change this out i think i'm going to have to change him out come on nope yeah we don't have enough thrust here to kind of lift off the ground like this thing can hardly even lift its own weight so i've decided i'm going to remove these ducted fan things and go with like larger open props like this and hopefully go to a lighter gearbox let's see if i get this to float all right we're still not light enough to float it's not quite enough volume to be naturally buoyant i think i do have a plan it's not going to be as high speed as the rest of the stuff i wanted like i made this whole you know twisting motor assembly and it's going to be really cool because that's going to potentially control it unfortunately i'm going to go to a two channel setup which is basically two motors here and there can slightly board and they produce thrust upwards so when i apply power this thing will rise forward and keep going forward so hopefully it's just stable that way so we're going to try that we'll never quite be able to hover it'll always be moving forward but it's the easiest way i can get this to work in the lightest way it's actually really fun though to do this i think we're going to try the deadly hydrogen but we have to do that outside we're going to add the deadly hydrogen gas i have a grounding wire that hopefully just brushes against things to mitigate the static bullet for this thing moving through the air it's probably very marginal and i'm just being overly cautious because like that's the hell out of me that is way more different [Music] oh [Music] hey it flies we're not going to do this anymore shop because i'm just concerned about combustion issue with this much hydrogen inside a enclosed area so the doors open let's take it outside for a maiden voyage ready yeah oh no the air current we need to wait for calmer air yeah look at the tree that's enough to really wreck this thing we're going to wait for a more calmer time in the evening to really give this thing another whirl remaining voyage let's go faster faster faster let's go it's working we're air shifting away [Music] hey don't break my thing it's very fragile [Music] oh yeah it's another day now because we had turning problems last time i added a real functioning rudder to it with the servo that pulls these little thin tiny fragile cables make the left and right let's see if it actually makes a difference and we got one more calm [Music] day [Music] [Music] careful with that thing dude i do want to keep it but unfortunately it's getting really beat up and i think i can build a better one i just want to keep the mostly the gondola attack so i'll do this a few feet off the ground and let's re review reenactment of the zeppelin hindenburg explosion thing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] not i have something left of this ship that was actually kind of crazy looking i expected more of a exposure but it literally just started unwrapping and burning and just combusting and it just came down to the ground and there's gonna be absolutely nothing left of it and it looks like we might have a grass fire too because it is extremely dry out here in ohio right now yeah make sure to like subscribe download the game get that 50 amazon gift card and do all that stuff i got to put this fire out this is a success i'm gonna try to make a bigger airship eventually this is on fire i need to deal with this all right i'll see you guys later [Music] [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,482,287
Rating: 4.8319588 out of 5
Keywords: rc, rc airship, helium, hydrogen, rigid body, hindenberg, hindenburg, rc balloon, rc blimp, diy blimp, how to make a blimp, radio control
Id: Z3PU0b8-lks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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