Homemade Ultralight Airplane MK4 - pt1

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[Music] [Music] [Music] I didn't forget something wait where are my wings that's not the kind of wing I was looking for you guys asked for it I'm gonna deliver we're doing it again this time it's DIY airplane before so it's another year we're building in our airplane I didn't really want to do this right away but because of current world events I have had nothing to really do my spare time so I figured I'm gonna go ahead and build another airplane using some of these parts I got laying around for those who use new to the channel this is my fourth airplane we've built into a slew of other airplanes and if you want to check out there's a playlist we'll put somewhere so you can check that out after you're done watching this specific video because I need that exceed suite ad revenue for those of you seen airplane number three the reason why I'm not actually finishing that I'm gonna start reusing it right now because it doesn't make sense for me right now I've actually lost access to hangar so I have nowhere to put some airplanes so I'm going to be building this new airplane which is designed to be trailer Bowl six bolts and you take the wings off and you're good to go it's also gonna be a lot lighter simpler and throws back to the early days of ultra lights which were actually two axis machines they didn't have either ons so we did make the prototype and the reason why I kind of like this large skill that I want to see how easiest put together this airplane I kind of know it's getting pretty easy especially cuz it's only you know three bolts on this side and I take the whole wing off so they're just a Bolton strut tube for the wing the wing stress I guess you basically just have a rudder elevator in a Fairmont dihedral in the wings that helped me kind of stabilize to make the plane fly very well but it's very low performance but you really fly and call Medina's which is the evenings I fly on anyways plus I want to fly my paramotor friends so this would make it very easy to take to the field and for me to set up the fly so this new airplane has his different mission that my past airplanes and I really had to make an emphasis on making it cheap and effective so what I did was made like a hybrid for the fuselage the rear of the fuselage made out of poplar wood which is 50% stronger than spruce but also about 10% heavier than standard Sitka spruce top five pounds five ounces I'm very happy with that because actually higher than my calculations extremely light and you can beat some death with this thing to come here Dave I think I might have over built this a little bit over built this better than under built especially when it comes to your stabilizers and your elevator and your rudder working with the wood is actually super enjoyable and easy I love how cheap it is and honestly it's like my first days of building model airplanes where you have to school them out like balsa wood and superglue this isn't that much different you're just using TA epoxy and larger heavier wood almost all the same principles apply so just like adding gussets just on the parts that need to be strengthened and copious amounts of glue the pieces are using is t88 epoxy that's widely accepted in the aircraft community for constructing airplanes so that stuff should be great to hold it together [Music] proudly airplanes actually made-up chromoly steel 4130 which from looking at some crash photos of like other airplanes that have had accidents so the chromoly competition soon survives likes matches up very well and pods can usually get out with some injuries unfortunately with wood the yield strength is very close to the ultimate strength which i've seen a lot of old kites built out of so in case I crash this thing because I like to apply low and slow and a big emphasis on low I can probably see a dead stick landing or something bad happening in the future so really make the front end enough steel because it can take a lot of strength there and the tail I don't really care about what happens that in a crash because it's behind me plus it's lightweight and cheap so we saved a bunch of money going back route building him just the way they are we hold the fuselage strength test this is very necessary at all because never ever ever be this much pressure on the aft section so /m panache not in any configuration this plane will ever see in flight so we good welding the airplane is very easy this time around I'm still pretty much a novice as far as TIG welding goes but I definitely made a lot less holes in this airplane did the last one there notching still sucked but I got through it much faster than I did the first time you know it took me probably about a week to finish up all the long from start to finish the funny thing is I tacked together the fuselage in like a day but the finished welding stuff he just took such a long time because welding itself is just really tedious when you're doing TIG welding this is also sampled the outpoint wing it's actually giving me a hover sent on a foam board instead of Lumina I'm just kidding it's a horrible idea don't do that this is actually this is jig it was kind of funny I made this whole G just so I could just tack all these parts in their respective areas because it need to be dead-on and exact and this is the easiest way to do it by building a mock-up section of the actual link so that's a lot of work for nothing [Music] so I've been chipping away at the bill for the last couple of months obviously the fuselage started first in the rear M panache section because that was just wood and they saw me I could easily just do the front is chromoly and from my experience working with him I last airplane I've had a lot more experience if you want to call it that and putting these things together so once you get a much faster this time and I was much more satisfied with the results so the all of weight of just the bare fuselage meaning the front cockpit section and the empanadas and the tail feather was about 50 pounds which is very lightweight I actually did a lot more analysis on the design specifically looking at poplar than add again diffusion when I made these parts because I really didn't want to over build this airplane like I kept doing other airplanes so it's all tarted so far the next thing we did was add the engine it was the paramotor engine from my last plane it ended up being just a little bit too heavy for that specific motor so it wasn't gonna fly anyway so I might as well just take this engine off and then use it on this airplane not bad the one challenge we're gonna run into with this specific design is paramotor engines are designed to push air and they usually have a propeller design do that now I'm actually gonna be pulling air so I have to buy a reverse left-hand propeller and then both to the front no I think it should be fine looking at the drawings of his motor consume that the rest bearings look a certain way so I think tugging on it will be fine but we ultimately don't know how long that will last I really have to pay attention for my hours of early flight time on this to really pay attention to make sure the engine doesn't go launching the propeller assembly off of it because I really don't know if it's designed for that way I really haven't got any feedback from the Taurasi about they don't know either so it's up to me to really experiment but hey we like to experiments what we like to do as long as the prop is not go through my car or something or stranger standing by [Music] so here's what we got so far this is pretty much the completed fuselage the airplane I actually even got around to decorating it a little bit but now we don't love a screwing around ad you see with the taxi testing but unfortunately some flow because there are obviously no wings I say the wings for last because I don't know why it looks good I'm happy with it the only thing I haven't really quite finish it was the instrument panel but I'm saving that for last because I generally like to do the internet panel last cuz it's like my favorite thing that kind of putting all the little details into well the most part the airplane is ready for wings and is ready for its maiden flight which will hopefully be releasing in the next video I've actually done a lot of flight testing on this one third skill model a lot of flight testing actually we set this thing up on the water it took it on the boat and chased around the entire lake to get you some of the sick footage you're out to sea the goal is we're gonna fly the plane but we need to catch it too because it doesn't have floats on it and around a lot of water there's no runway I guess let's see how that goes [Music] for calm evening's and smooth winds you really can't beat something simple to secretary she no airplane [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and my early days of modeling a VA ssin some of my favorite airplanes were simple 3-channel models with only rudder elevator and throttle controls they feel great [Music] I'm going to try to touch the wheel [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh that was crazy that works you know I think I saw this somewhere I think the Navy did something with like uh with aj4 or something or it knows an elf or grasshopper I don't know well with the video some here but that works pretty good if the plane didn't get away we did it again another year another airplane now this is one that's much much better on track to be better airplane the last three I put together so hopefully it stays that way the alt weight of the Year planner now is 104 pounds with the engine the landing gear the tail feathers and the finished services so I'm very very happy with that hopefully the wings are only in our 50 pounds for both panels and struts that go with them for all of you that keep asking for plans I really cannot release plans for any of my airplanes because they're so like unfinished and I really do so many undocumented sign change so please stop asking not till the stuff is thoroughly testing I have an engineer look over this Boyd could ever feel comfortable releasing airplane plans we are hopefully getting ready to get this thing done by the next month thanks for watching check out the playlist of the other airplane builds of stuff that that's basically it ain't got no wings yet and with that new trailer to back home
Channel: PeterSripol
Views: 2,545,717
Rating: 4.892097 out of 5
Keywords: home made airplane, DIY, ultralight, aircraft, ultralight aircraft, ultralight 103, 103, electric airplane, part 103, airplane
Id: 0s8UcWU2kr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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