HOMEMADE Boat Car!! (Amphibious Vehicle gokart)

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on this episode of saving private good boy it all started a week ago we knew we needed a project and we knew we wanted to build in a Phebe's vehicle so we hopped on our low-flow Craigslist / Facebook marketplace and we found a suitable aluminum Jean boat I called John boat anyways does anyone even know this leave your comments down below listen previous vehicles are usually good as a boat or a car it's hard to get great performance in both configurations without getting extremely expensive and very mechanically complex these designs usually have retracting wheels to eliminate drag from the wheels when in water we ultimately biased it to be better as a car since it will spend most of his time on the land driving around at events or wherever I'll put this in there Ulysses Drive it was this the hall we selected was perfect for this application in a two wheel well type things for where the tires would protrude and stick out this made it easier as I knew I wanted to recess the wheels into the Bohol for more legit look like the four GPA or W however that vehicles browse oh there's thrown the pole [Applause] what do you say it work oh I just cut holes my boat once the 15 inch go-cart wheels were installed steering was next [Music] and on to the engine now most of these pieces were simple go-cart parts that you can get for relatively cheap once complete we took it out for a quick Drive after sealing up all the holes and cracks with talking from Lowe's Hey safety first oh yeah baby fly there's like a big ledge and then not much water than yeah there's no like shale for launch our image is simply level dip silt and then water everywhere else so there's no place to really get traction so we're just going to go [Music] [Music] [Music] first thing was pretty good it floats I was kind of expected the wheels work it drove in the water and we didn't really have any propulsion yet because we were still waiting up some parts that says she's not terrible hopefully the gas engine does this when we actually get the freaking boat propeller I haven't breath it's not leaking at all what ultimately we just need to test it to make sure it wouldn't leak and there were no some big mechanical setbacks while we still have the boat kind of parsing put together I essentially made a boat that pumps water into itself so now it's time to move on to adding the rest of the running gear [Music] [Music] ground clearance too low just air it up some see part of the problem with like saw my designs like I kind of start making stuff and then look at the problem that was a waste of time [Applause] [Music] another problem with these bevel gears as I didn't anticipate this but when you stood them fast well they tend to try to move away from each other on their respective axes so I'm retour 'king these and double-checking everything because yeah I was deadly strip these out I didn't check this [Music] so with the boat off the fleet it's simply time to take it to our local lake with a little bit of gravel bar so you can kind of drive this thing in the water and see just how this thing actually would perform [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] unfortunately this actually kind of sucked we severely underestimated how powerful the engine is for just a five horsepower of GX 200 clone it basically twisted our mount we just made out this with crappy one-inch steel and ultimately the change started twisting and it started pulling the motor mount and then the chain would simply jump the bigger of the spur gear off the pulley the chain is really nice let's make our own tension you say she's gonna work it will work better than it is not working then yeah how's that chain tension now [Music] so we upgraded to a 40 size chain made them out a little bit stiffer and now we go back to the league again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so now with all the bugs hopefully worked out we took it out and we took the boys out onto the lake and we had tons of fun [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right so that's our homemade Jeonbuk duck vehicle water thing works pretty good I've always wanted these as a kid I've always dreamed of driving my car wheels into the water and this is basically the adult version of that with a John boat and some go-kart parts so yeah we actually had a few more mechanical issues to the actual clutch thing on the torque curve exploded the blue part in the lake from one seat so we had to go back to fix that if they have some shortcomings such as the motor mount I think I'm actually writing to visit this project in the future to debate on how you guys like this video because I'm thinking about switching to brush this set up there one with more powerful trolling motors and actually making a solar-powered so it would be all-electric for the next video you know let me know in the comments what you guys think of this I'm looking forward to using this more it was pretty great success it's not totally terrible it's a it's yeah it's kind of like I think this cars are just bad cuz it's like you got a crappy car and you have a crappy boat so now you have the problems of both vehicles wrapped into one and with that I'll see you guys in this video
Channel: PeterSripol
Views: 4,477,208
Rating: 4.8071384 out of 5
Keywords: boat car, amphibious car, homemade boat, diy dukw, mini dukw, ford gpa, diy go kart, jon boat hack, jon boat car, AMPHIBIOUS
Id: kyziAwU-gHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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