RC KFC bucket aeroplane (magnus effect)

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/datums 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2017 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/hmblm12 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

Illustrated by a basketball


👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/bflfab 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

Whoops, now I have a new channel to binge on. RIP my projects.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/collegefurtrader 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2017 🗫︎ replies
yeah all right the word is is my comparative action you don't make it like two of those large bucket yeah very easy video and please why should my he has a few empty bucket made an air club yeah it's her assignment we're working on the new yep and again I got waiting literally well a lot of you guys have commented before that I should try making an airplane using utilizing the mangas effect what do you think was sooo lucky now the Magnus effect is some kind of hang up it's some kind of sciency effect where if you put a backspin on a sphere or a cylinder it'll gain traction through the air in one way of another and develop some sort of lift and kind of pull itself upward you can see kind of maybe these affects the other YouTube videos and all that so I think we're gonna try it for me some of these buckets right [Music] [Music] ticks up while you're gone I made this it looks like you're the regular planes pretty much that's on the old motor yeah that is really oh that's like one of dp7 cities Robbie cool why does their very music alright the reason for that is these buckets which is a convenient half of the sky right here lucky head what I'm going to spin this thing using this I found that the carbon rod pretty sweet oklahoma's oh yeah check that out aw crap that's it it's good earlier oh it's perfect how are you spinning the bucket I'm gonna use a brush motor for that [Music] right knocking on your subatomic particle mmm ha gullible I love it I so didn't like I'm gonna go it's a little wobbly I'm not really sure this is going to work I think the winger is a little too small wing area I guess one way to really find out I really don't want to do this okay some quick predictions I don't think it's going to work for one man because I don't think there's enough wing area here as far as air traction those is also too slick and I've seen things like these with little slits in the services to get into combat the air another thing is the bucket weigh quite a bit so there's probably a lot of dark strategy sessions could happen because of that well we deal with some weird flight forces book will just get it and it isn't mine we can't take it take it you know a place to party too I think a launch because it's really really strong crosswind going directly that way are you worried no one else today shut up I'm just winging it get it can see Valley I have noticed me defending battery pack I didn't take this absolute garbage show why charge the battery all right let's get one more go this is a different prop though but it still may not be in a power and Suncor cell but you know I'm going to change that I think that I basically fix the motor mount place to place the motor so try it again what nothing we're something I want it [Music] this new phone is crap though on the dollar tree it's a little it's really chin to you like it breaks really easily but perhaps the buckets are a bad idea I just want to try something else all right so I add these little airflow traction traction grabbers these are called [Music] good nothing uh the plug came out I can't know which way the stupid knowledge was to go yeah nothing I think the verb and the drive the drive thing is kind of fast I'm quite walled upgrade to drive motors alright same where you could do this I got round to build see it's a lot higher now stuff and you have two rubber bands so yeah have just one wait a second just right you geared that wrong I should've designed things why I'm like half sweet yeah you should have the wrong way for the bigger gears here and a smaller gear there uh you can try it anyway yeah I don't think there's no work at all he was trying to be able to start ice when I get a scratch on where that can build something else as he's a part we gonna work oh man it did a power loose but it's not in the club into a towering heavy bucket server ID I got to re-enter in sing completely look at this I decided not to give up just yet but I think people probably prior to the build montage so basic of all tune your airplane it looks a lot nicer it's made out of solid phone rather than that crappy dollar tree stuff dollar yourself is really bad this here I don't know I don't know what happened to that but this is now why would I got rid of that rubberband chintzy garbage so it's for real this time so it's gonna fly this time we're talking viral yeah I found it online your calculator and do those up pretty sweet so I've never did that before and I did that pretty cool look her fault she brought that loss I guess you forgot to check my seat clip oh I lost the bearing crap you lost your beer yeah laughs I'm very literally healed without your pants all right the virus on the bomb so hopefully it's more bottom-heavy now and I'm going to try a less buckets full of speed because I think it has some really weird Drive scopic effects so let's try that it like horrible here I'm working on it all right what's the damage so bug it's cool and Magnus the works the plane does need me to take back together that's an easy fix cool I guess we'll try it again and repair it prop is done I like that Lola would pick that out impact now I have differential thrust hopefully because I just pulled the other one I don't know why makes our p.m. noise but whatever go didn't want to climb though we're gonna land the top fell off I'm going to glue this but I need more Robert emojis aren't cutting it it just keeps descending when we cut him the chicken and I cut the chicken I don't have to go to like a double versus one big call for motors now and begin begin with so huh I turn back to Mars for some future updates okay so I did flies last night while you're at work we're working but yeah check this out also run camp sent me the run cam 3 is pretty of like new camera so I guess we'll try that out on this little highly experimental most likely used to crash airplane ok nice thing it swords also subscribe you find it already that's good and go [Applause] the windy loop it is whirling [Music] [Applause] right now it's a beautiful bike oh it's like better Wow holy crap I can go down I keep it there [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] okay we're done well I guess it actually does fly now unfortunately took a little bit more um crashing I wanted to take that was probably actually like something goes crashing over guns trying to get slang to fly but indeed this fly now a few of my theories and wisely kept crashing so much at least for the single engine version was probably due to divide combination things since the single-engine airplane is that there's a bunch of things come out of it from the torque and you slide the motor such as P factor the airflow around the fuselage and the slipstream come out the swirling air as propellers actually you guys have learned anything about airplanes let's see that yeah there's a bunch of stuff kind of covering or you can come see and look up more feedback or stuff but another thing that I probably thought of what since you got that slipstream of airflow coming out that prop one side is hitting more the fuselage than the other and the way the Magnus effect works is it's creating a differential pressure from the top and the bottom of the buckets air flow is moving a lot quicker to one side of the bucket versus the other which is why I've done that real hard rolling characteristic at least that's pretty much all I think going to the twin stock configuration I pre mission to gated all that stuff mainly because the the airspeed and airflow coming off each side was very equal on both sides so there was no more induce a rolling factor by the mowers themselves so at that point is pretty much up to the bucket is lifting and the elevator service to control the angle of attack which is does that does the Magnus effect you plane to have an angle of attack I guess still does the Magnus force to on that last flight was actually pretty impressive how how well it worked so the most part I put the center of gravity about right here you can got some more fingers that's just like maybe from the center line of this carbon rod it's about two to three inches in front of that and I think it was okay for the most part but the initial takeoff it felt it was heavy because the buckets are only spinning at so many rpms but as we got up higher in the sky I told my friend Sam to come over crack up on the knob as I think spun faster and faster it started pulling it further further backwards to tilt saw like the plane was incredibly tail heavy and I had no pitch control because I was using maximum stick deflection to kind of push the mouse down and keep flying eventually just kept doing loose like that and then then you shut it off and then if fall out of the sky but we were able to unfortunately turn it back on and I was able to be around and sort of crash-landed it's also worth noting that we also tried gluing spoons and forks to it to see if we can get a little more air traction as far as you know the air flow pressure thing going on between one side spinning and one side retreating into the airflow but it was kind of pointless it didn't really work that well so I just putting the footage here okay I looked in seeing all the flight forces great so it's good the air this way I can work I think I mean this it should scoop the hair right there we go I also glide Anna [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so yeah that was pretty pointless oh I may try some more things with this in the future but who knows I'll leave it up to you guys in the comments let me know what you want to do so also a big shout to some of my sponsors a big thanks to running camera sent me a little orange run cam 3 I was actually really impressed with the image quality that surprisingly is a lot better than the run cam 2 and rivals for at least what I think the GoPro Hero 4 Black the little cube GoPro the session yeah also thanks to my friends did I get a fever sending me some luminary berries to trying these things of these contraptions are pretty crappy was nice to have some of the best batteries to fly on them so these lures are stuck in like 20 amps to piece of full throttle on a four cell and the battery room is handled without a single problem and it also sent me some stuff too they send me some service for this thing which are basically just these tower program servos those numbers have been around for decades and fortunately they're still just as good as I remember them because they're really strong and I've yet to break a gear train on and especially the crashing this thing is done unfortunately beginning I use a little flight like at 60 servos whether building is pretty much crap compare of the 9 gram servos a big house my friend the clay Payne he's also known as sin man 95 or some like that on YouTube I'll post links his channel if you want to check out more the Ray squad stuff you also volunteer to come out help film this thing so we've got the Sicario shots cuz in so if you want to see more on like the race drones and stuff be sure to check that out below well I guess I conclude this video um be sure to let me know what you want to see me do next in the comments section um I might try more airplane experiments but I'm kind of come up short what I should do definitely let me know what you guys wanna see in the comments because I'm definitely reading all of them if YouTube would stop being screwed with my account that would be nice but yeah do all the YouTube stuff like subscribe like comment notifications and I'll see you guys for the next uh crappy science experiment [Music] [Music]
Channel: PeterSripol
Views: 7,046,296
Rating: 4.8131719 out of 5
Keywords: Magnus force, magnus, magnus effect, flettner rotor, flettner, wings, RC airplane, experemental rc plane, rotor wing, cylinder wing rc plane, magnus rc plane, rc plane, Radio controlled, flying circle plane, flitetest, flite test, peter sripol, petersripol, electric rc plane, how to make rc plane, physics
Id: K6geOms33Dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2017
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