My Cluttered Infested Home | The Hoarder Next Door S2 Ep2 | Only Human

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[Music] some nice things i like them i'm not bad christmas is a crisis point for many of britain's estimated one million hoarders i know i've got skirts everything including the kitchen sink ah it's too nice there's no room to celebrate with loved ones i think there's about six or seven trees my grandchildren never even seen my christmases because of the state of the place [Music] and relationships reach breaking point at what should be one of the happiest times of the year i can't stand this anymore it's not a home is it it's a shop yeah i mean this is rats droppings here but now help is at hand wow i feel like it's just black wave coming towards me top psychotherapist stelios kiosas is back we all hoarders in some shape or form but what makes a compulsive hoarder different is all you're focusing is this mountain of stuff you have in front of you and with his expert declutterers pauline how do you manage in here with great difficulty he'll be trying to bring christmas back for two extreme hoarders can he cure their obsessive collecting so they can have a horde free christmas this year i want christmas back i need you to explain why you're thinking i'll explain every single item [Music] you ready in runcorn cheshire pauline jones 58 year old grandmother of seven is desperate to spend more time with her grandchildren but she can't let them visit her clutter-infested home [Music] yeah i'd love it if she could come and spend time with me it's because the state of the house um it's dangerous pauline's end-of-terrace three-bed home has a hidden horde that's built up over decades of obsessive bulk buying and bargain hunting i don't really think there's anything that i could say i don't hold and i must admit there's not much that i haven't got except space and upstairs is just as bad i have absolutely no idea what's in there that was over spill [Music] from the next room number two bedroom it's that full now we can't get another thing in after 17 years of marriage pauline's husband dave still can't get used to the mess well i'd like it a hell of a lot less cluttered and i know there's a lot of stuff that i want to physically throw away and we've had some arguments about sort of what should go and what shouldn't a lot of it is spill for the kitchen and this is the heart of pauline's hoard all of that there there there and there is all food it all began 20 years ago when pauline started bulk buying tinned food i've got so much soup and i go no i've got loads of soup loads of soup but they never see a soup that i haven't got they'll get like 10 tins it's easier for adding up yeah i'm going to have to move all the a load of this and get me spray down here aren't i there's quite a good view the horde has made it impossible to clean and created a health hazard you see them all the time very very rarely see them alive we only found the dead bodies they're called biscuit beetles you just don't want them walking around where your food and that is it's just not nice knowing that you've got bugs with just over six weeks to go to christmas pauline's determined that this year will be different the horde includes countless christmas decorations but they've been shut away in the loft for five years that's the one from the hall yeah that's the whole christmas tree in the past before my house got the way it is i done christmas in a big way that's the living room christmas tree um people used to say oh god your house looks gorgeous about four five years ago christmas stopped the horde means pauline's family never come round and her youngest grandchild daisy hasn't ever been to visit my grandchildren never even seen my christmases because of the state of the place oh santa i'll need more than hoovering i think there's about six or seven trees i've got another one here another one yay quite surprised after this length of time it's still working oh ye of little faith i want christmas back i want to be able to bring my little granddaughter here and see nana's christmas waiting [Music] pauline wants to get her home back for her family this christmas so she's asked for help from stelios kiosis one of the country's leading psychotherapists in hoarder disorder with over 16 years experience in the field christmas is a wonderful time for most people for compulsive holders they can be a nightmare they feel more isolated more reclusive and in most cases more depressed we all hoarders in some shape or form but what makes a compulsive hoarder different it's gone to the point where it's taken over their lives their own emotions their families and everybody in that process suffers harley knows she's got a hoarding problem but i think she needs more the kick up the bomb and being coked through by someone outside of the family i know i've got scared somewhere husband dave has high hopes that stelios can help pauline but she's nervous about letting him see the extent of her horde i feel very very shamed if someone's walking past my house and i'm wanting to come in i'll wait until the walk past before i open the door with less than six weeks to go till the christmas celebration stelios begins the first step of his treatment i'm excited to meet pauline predominantly because she's accepted to see me and that's always a very good sign that somebody's allowed has allowed you to come into the house has allowed you to assess them and has allowed you to come into the most embarrassing place which which is their hood hi pauline hi i'm stephanie i'd like to warn you before you come in it's quite a mess don't worry i'm here to see you first so and it might also be slightly smelly because it's done don't worry lead the way i'll come in yeah this is dangerous this is very dangerous you literally cannot get in the room wow my goodness actually i'm gonna have a peek to see how bad it is oh wow the next one's worse the next one's worse yeah worse than this when was the last time this was a functioning room six years ago what what do you feel because i feel like it's just it's like this black wave coming towards me i i don't go in there i don't go in there and i don't go in the back room no it's as easy as that something inside of you is chaotic cluttered and it's showing in your house yeah does that make sense definite yeah yeah and it's to do with one of the most common things all compulsive holders have experienced and that's loss [Music] stelios tour takes him into the kitchen the root of pauline's obsessive compulsion to hoard that's totally full of tins tins of what mainly soup soup mainly wow how long have you been collecting tins of food all my life i think i swore after when i was a child we had nothing to eat that i would never ever go without food what kind of memories do you have uh well the peas especially when my sister and i were young i was 14 she was 16. my mum had just died with dad no idea how to bring children up we weren't giving any money for food or nothing so my sister and i we found this tin of peas hidden in the cupboard and for two weeks we lift on a tin of peas we had one spoonful of peas per day um what do you remember feeling at the time i think nothing numb yeah no yeah stelios has a practical exercise to help pauline begin to break her bond with hoarding what i want you to do is to choose a tin of something you can either sell them or give them away oh no how many if i got to give away whatever you know you feel comfortable to start with not all of them just a type i don't know i'd have to look and see what have a look you'll have to do the one that's easiest for you it's a small exercise to start getting in there where you start thinking well you know maybe i should start controlling this yeah again it's not about getting rid of everything it's about you being properly in control you know the fact that i've been the first person to be into somebody's cluttered environment is a great achievement so i actually feel quite joyful and quite elated that i've been allowed to do that so for me i also know as a therapist this is a first step forward to overcoming a disorder start at the top that's all soup next day pauline begins to tackle her food mountain [Music] starting with some of her tins of mushy peas 21 22 23 24 25 56 27 28 29 30. these 10 i'm keeping myself and these ones i'm going to donate to the church pauline has taken her first step towards clearing out the kitchen but losing 20 cans from her horde of hundreds is just a drop in the ocean pauline's not the only hoarder that stelios is helping this christmas here in a village near macclesfield there's a couple at breaking point greg mcdougall claims to be an antiques dealer the only problem is that he can't bear to be parted with his collection everything including the kitchen sink oh it's too nice there's a potential coffee table can't throw that away can i outhouses are crammed with more restoration projects than greg could complete in a lifetime i do tend to take on too much i see the potential in too many things and i'm trying to fix everything but everything can be restored greg lives in girlfriend judith's house but she hadn't bargained on having her home swamped with his belongings well at first it was just one piece of furniture and then it sort of oh i'll just put this in and just for a short time and then move it and of course then it never got moved it's not meant to be here it's just temporary yeah tempered for the last uh how many years in seven years greg's filled every room so the only space left is in judith's lounge which he uses for his projects and she's had enough i've just got so fed up with it all i've just thought i can't stand this anymore you know the end of the relationship really it's got really quite serious judith has given greg an ultimatum he has until christmas to clear out the clutter i think judith wants to turn the house back to how it was before i came but i'm not sure if that means getting rid of me [Laughter] this christmas is a deadline for hoarder greg what is it yeah an antiques dealer who's had an ultimatum from his girlfriend to clear his horde out of her home it's comforting having all this stuff around no it isn't it's not a home is it it's it's a shop judith's asked greg to get help from psychotherapist stelios kiosis who believes he can help any hoarder in just six weeks right the hallways okay like busy it is isn't it wow that's so much stuff i know it's out of control another bedroom wow seem to remember there was a bed in there that's a dining room boxes again boxes clothes yes everywhere you go in this house there's a middle part it's like an island it's like a roundabout there isn't a single part of this house that isn't affected by greg's hoarding what's the difficulty in in terms of just reducing some of this stuff and living more perhaps i don't know um i think i want to address it yeah i see the potential in too many things and i like to like process them first okay well it's a house not a warehouse i know i don't know and that's been an issue the problem is there's a point where you start loving it more than the people around you all i want to give you is a sense of focus before you see me for treatment you know i'm not just interested about clearing this stuff but actually what what you're thinking while you're doing it you know is there a battle going inside of you saying oh no but i can restore this oh no this will be you know that's what i'm really interested in the truth you can donate you can sell you can auction you can repair but they mustn't come back in here again okay that's okay perhaps put a tag on each one right this goes for sale i will keep this i'm not allowed to put a tag on to say cape yes yes yes but not all of it i guess i think i can move things out and there shouldn't be a problem with that greg has a combination of being a collector but is also an extreme compulsive holder and combining those two is dynamite when a customer calls the conflict between greg's obsessive hoarding and his job as an antiques dealer becomes obvious this is stephen this is sal steve greg hi nice to meet you greg i like that riding crop you would that's the thing when people come they're obviously going to go for the best things aren't they yeah i've not given them a price taran no why not because i haven't is this one that you'd like to keep yeah is it not for sale um like i'm just saying steve i think really i need to find out what these things make if that's worth 200 there's no point in saying 100. no i understand so are you going to do a little bit more investigation on that crop to come up with an appropriate price or are you going to take it off the market okay i'll i'll look into it i'll look into it if you don't the buyers leave empty-handed i just get really infuriated you haven't really realized how important it is to me that i can't live in this sort of tip and i just need some space it's a week since pauline met stelios and successfully started to tackle her food mountain she's beginning to realize how her hoarding must affect husband dave dave can't help me sort this out i can't live like this any longer and you know it must be getting him down i mean just trying to get him better for night just trying to get round to his side to the bed yeah it's dangerous with this new sense of purpose and a christmas deadline approaching she goes all out to clear their bedroom still all got the prices still on them i've got more knickers than marks and spanx yeah you better start a new pile yeah it's gonna fall it's always oh we'll do it tomorrow oh we'll do it tomorrow oh we'll do we've got no you know uh no time limit well now that is like a time limit but the enormity of the task is overwhelming we can only do a bit at a time oh thank god because i'm starting to sweat again on the other side of cheshire it's been over a week since stelios first met greg hello hello and he's decided to send in his crack team zoe and alison who have years of experience of dealing with obsessive hoarders greg finds it difficult to let go of anything even when he has the opportunity to sell something it seems the hoarding instinct just takes over he really needs a kickstart i think we're up for a huge challenge it is vast absolutely vast i mean if you walk around this property there is stuff everywhere greg won't let zoe and allison tackle his horde indoors so they have to start outside are you ready let's see what's in this aladdin's cave shall we oh my goodness me chock-a-block so you certainly did a good job of filling it didn't you i'm very good at packing yeah [Laughter] greg i don't know what to say how much stuff is in there it's immense right what about this box here what we're doing with this greg that can restart ah that's mouse nest yes can they go nope you're keeping that that's all damp and horrible can this one go because it's so look at it that's so bad it's got maggots in it yeah well you can't sell that not now there you go job done i need you to explain why you came i don't need to explain why because that's why we're doing it but i don't need to explain every single item he was starting to get quite confrontational with me then and we're now thinking of changing attack a little bit [Music] zoe and alison decide to take charge they order a skip to force greg to make some tough decisions aliton and i can both see that from the signs and the signals you're giving us you're not ready to recognise what's around you it is hard to being pushed into calls but that's what it unfortunately is about then we'll deal with this and then that will decide again where that's going yeah right okay i'm the antique dealer you're the helper listen to this right yeah [Music] antiques usually do there's a lot isn't there there is so what you can do with it it's not yeah it's come to the end of its life what a shame in the skip in the skip oh my goodness i've had them way too long and it's right right i'm going now after four hours they're halfway to filling the skip i actually threw a georgian chair away it couldn't be fixed i didn't need it for parts it's gone it's done let's draw the line somewhere over in runcorn there's three weeks to go before christmas but clearing the hoard is a mammoth task for pauline so zoe and alison are being drafted in to help the difficult thing is going to be the food they'll go no get rid of it i'll go no no no no so that's going to be the main sticking point hello hi darling how are you i'm fine you're not frightened are you pulling oh now we're gonna have a great day pauline how do you manage in here with great difficulty oh my god paulie they get straight down to work how old are these my darling pretty old but they have been they are getting used and in here is potatoes potatoes and potatoes those ones they're a bit smelly that's 97. that's all right yeah yeah you sure 27. i as they uncover areas hidden far beneath the hoarded piles of food they discover evidence of an infestation over here as we started to uncover this sort of corner i think these are what you call your monsters yes we've got lots of millions of them yeah and that's obviously what's been getting into the food isn't it i would imagine so what is that is that the monsters yeah this is the specific beetles it's quite a lot of them in there yeah and it's not just bugs who've been dropping by i've just pulled this out pauline but it's um been quite badly um it's been chewed it's not chewed yeah it's definitely not the the beetles i think it's a bit bigger than a mouth too don't you do you don't like to say it but i think that's uh that looks to me like a rat unfortunately try yeah there's evidence down here that that something's been nesting because this is what i alison and i think many of the time and there are little chewed up nesting bits because obviously that's where something has been in here and nesting i'll let you pull it out and you i'll let you let me know you're running a mile yeah i mean this is rats droppings here someone have a hammer that hit it on the head if you find anything grandmother pauline has a three-bedroom house that's bursting at the seams with clutter christmas is fast approaching and it's time to deal with the heart of her horde a quarter of a ton of out-of-date food we've all known from day one that that's going to be the bug bear with me and i just can't let food because i know it will be eaten psychotherapist stelios keosus knows it's all got to go if she's going to be able to host a christmas party for her grandchildren being positive over christmas opening her home clearing her stuff it's the most important thing for her it's it's a connection with the past with the present and the future [Music] oh there we are paulie stelios is hoping the arrival of a large skip will push pauline into action doesn't say a lot we still throw up the house but that's it to get your house but after a childhood of extreme poverty will pauline part with her out-of-date food i think what we're trying to do is then collect all the tins together i need you to see how vast your collection is the hope is the site of her 730 tins wrecked and stacked will shock pauline into action what do you think of that lane not that much is it start food store couldn't we and that's for two of us come along and have a look and actually see what you've actually got good god i have got a lot of peers haven't i you've been how many times to sleep i'm here up to here it's just soups so we could actually start our own soup kitchen couldn't we i mean and you're worried about your matchy peas yeah but i told you i'd never had any mushy peas left do you see that we can't put all that back into that kitchen it is enough to have a small store it's not it really isn't no um with the skip ready and waiting pauline must make a decision is this the worst is this the hardest decision yeah this is the hardest decision could we put loser couple there no because there's not many of the sausage ones and i like them nothing under the chicken noodles right moving on out of all these processed peas you're only going to give me two i've done ones yeah all right pauline you really want to keep food that's really out of date some of these things that are out of date that's been out of date since 2006. you actually haven't eaten it it doesn't bother me i had a tin of meat the other day that was ten years that was a date for pauline shock therapy has failed and the tins are returned to the kitchen [Music] next day and the declutter team change tactics can they make progress outside the kitchen the area we're going to go start off is this and then we're going to move on from there i want to see a complete transformation in this room it's going to be really hard for you but you do understand that things have got to go yeah to make this happen [Music] right so what we've got in here the team are trying to clear 20 years of accumulated junk percy's tiaras bags earmuffs you got the lock though haven't you oh my goodness look at this that was when i was listening progress is painfully slow i'm definitely keeping that about this i want to keep them yeah but i want to keep that right and this one here i'll keep that as well for now we're still keeping quite a lot of stuff here yeah i don't want to keep them all i'm trying to say to you is that we have a lot of stuff to go in that kitchen and and we're now hanging on to things like that that's gonna take a while i've only literally just only bought them these last couple of weeks okay because i've been after them for ages okay with just two weeks to go until her christmas celebration pauline's house is still filled with clutter 20 21 22 23 cardboard are you shocked how much distill divide it's overwhelming i feel overwhelmed and if you think we have filled three quarters of the way of a skip so even with that you've still got all this left well now do you see that you need help now from stelios we can't make those decisions the decision making is down to you you need to find those decisions and the only person that we feel now who can help you is stellar yeah [Music] look at all these boxes i know are they here to stay or are they here to go these are the stallion they're staying these are the stay in yeah staying where in the kitchen because this is all what i can't do without you can't do without you can see here and we have four restaurants have you seen the different sizes oh i'm sorry the different sizes there's one area more than any other where pauline refuses to give in i just cannot get over the wastage of food and i don't want it that's something i don't want to get over don't waste but then i've also then got to stop and think well if you don't want to waste anything don't buy so much i i'm more concerned not with the stuff but how the stuff makes you feel yeah stelios has a plan to break the deadlock we leave all the food in the cupboards where they belong because that's what the cupboards are for and most of this goes into a storage to start with so you can empty your kitchen nothing comes in the unless you need it and you're not going to buy anything unless you really need it and you have to buy it is that okay i think so most of pauline's hoard will be put into temporary storage whilst she receives more treatment it's hoped this will finally allow her to have her grandchildren over for christmas what is very important for pauline is that experiencing a new space or reclaiming back the space she once had will give her that kickstart of wanting more space feeling free to move feeling free to invite others in without feeling embarrassed and shameful with pauline agreeing to stelios's plan he can now turn his attention to antiques dealer greg it's paramount if this relationship is going to work for the long term that greg does something with his heart he needs to get it sorted out otherwise he's going to keep the horde but he's going to lose judith it sounds to me like you know she loves you but she hates the hoarding i understand that is that am i ever have you ever thought that through this chaos and tension you might lose judith um i have thought you know things don't change i don't know how long i can stand it really yeah i think that's fair yeah i realize it's gone too far um yeah but at least now he understands how they started starting to understand that yeah i think the switch i've got to make is because i see value in everything and i've got to have a cutoff point you know she is unique she is more valuable than any of these items she's irreplaceable i haven't accused him of thinking more about things you don't probably realise but that's how you yeah you come across and she's imagine that so how often do you say to each other that you love each other not very often we know we know not right now i disagree with that i think you should say it it's a meta-man thing you know you've got to be done you're too shopping you're going to be too sorry no you've got to say it haven't you yeah because people can change why is it important for you to give you security well let's make a start right auction that can go wonderful this table can just go to the sale room yep and he just said the room but there's a one-off but not [Music] after 40 years of hoarding it seems greg is finally showing judith he wants to change and he's moving his horde out of the living room it's looking a little bit empty yes how do you feel about that very good very good just as long as he doesn't change his mind [Music] the kissed how wonderful this is what happens you free the space and two human beings are able now to come together progress [Music] with christmas fast approaching antiques dealer greg has finally sprung into action he's making big changes and today he's waving off a van load of furniture for auction i don't know why i was stuck but we did we've got to work together a bit more and talk a bit more [Music] he's also saying goodbye to a huge skip full of past projects can't believe that you're actually getting rid of all this stuff after all i can't believe there's so much of it yeah i really didn't think i could fill the skip ah good job that wow very good bye-bye fellow hoarder pauline is struggling she's still hanging onto her hoard of food despite there being less than two weeks to go before her grandchildren come for christmas in need of a breakthrough stelios has asked her to travel to birmingham for a radical new treatment i cannot stress this enough that in order to clear and to declutter a home you need to clear the emotional clutter your chances of success are higher when your internal mass your internal chaos has been cleared in the sense that you've come to terms with it okay pauline emdr is a new form of cognitive therapy it is supposed to unlock traumatic memories buried in the subconscious it's almost like the train has stopped and i'm asking you to say what you can see out of the window so whatever's in your mind that's what you share okay to do this the patient has to focus on the therapists moving hand whilst talking about traumatic events from their past pauline lost her mother when she was 14 and had to fend for herself from then onwards my conscious brain tells me one thing but your emotions tell you something else okay i want you to recall that part of the memory that you said felt the worst what time that you actually looked and saw her what emotion are you feeling it's just also devastation it was all just one massive big mingled mess of emotion having brought these feelings to the surface emdr gives patients a way of coping with them what i want you to remember is your safe place how do you feel when you're in there cozy warm safe i don't feel having the heaviness that i always felt [Music] three days after the therapy session and stelios's treatment appears to have made a difference hello marion hello polly how are you doing oh nothing back so with the help of husband dave she's managed to fill a van with items for the church christmas fair here we are wow you've done really well that's very good there's a pressure cooker bear fantastic so i mean there's plenty of um lots of things to go at yeah and we've got some cookery books there's always buying cookery books your books are great see at one stage i was keeping that that was the deafness i was proving there but all right they can have the fruit but i wanted to keep the basket and then thought you know what the fruits nothing without the basket it looks lovely in the bathroom well done dig deep dig deep and i'm really impressed with the hat i think the hat's really impressive to give her a hat away i think for me that's very big six weeks ago in a sleepy village on the other side of cheshire antics dealer greg was on the verge of ruining his relationship with partner judith as his unwanted hoard of furniture and brickabrack took over their home he seemed to be able to live with all this clutter and he didn't realize that i couldn't stand it it becomes too much you can't live um there's just too many things around to occupy your mind and you never really get the free time you know it's work all the time judith couldn't walk down the corridor had no living space in the living room could barely bathe in the bathroom and found it impossible to entertain in her kitchen six weeks later has greg done enough to give her the christmas she dreams of [Music] i can't believe how greg's changed in the last few weeks you know from not wanting to sell anything taking things to auction which she's never done before and you know so much gear has actually gone from here it's amazing the stuff took over my life um and i was neglecting the relationship i'd probably invaded and taken up too much space and it was upsetting her you know there was nowhere to relax and nowhere to enjoy ourselves and it was just all work and no play i think i've changed definitely um i feel much better for it i think definitely it will make us closer because we haven't got all this furniture in between us it's been years since i've been able to move around and with all this space it's lovely [Music] i did all this for you because i realized you're getting a little bit stressed over it yeah i think i've probably pushed it a little bit too much and uh i realized it was upsetting yourself oh thank you i like to see you smiling instead of shouting at me this is just a christmas i wanted good i'm glad you're happy thank you [Music] just six weeks ago in runcorn compulsive hoarder pauline had a food hall that was so excessive there was no floor space or work surface in her kitchen and it was infested with rats and beetles the living room was so full of clutter there was hardly any space to move [Music] psychotherapist stelios has arrived to find out if the house is ready to host the christmas party pauline's dream dog where she can finally be reunited with her grandchildren some of whom have never walked through the front door [Music] that looks promising merry christmas wow you can come in here we are wow [Music] i feel like taking my shoes off wow my goodness oh ever so slightly different isn't it this looks amazing incredible absolutely incredible amazing this is a different place now isn't it yes yeah but you feel just uplifted definitely definitely yeah ever so slightly different how does it feel i feel great um just having the christmas decorations is fantastic knowing that my grandchildren are coming is another fantastic thing people can actually look in my window instead of curtains being shortened not embarrassed yeah it's now it's hey look look in here it's christmas in here you've let go of stuff i've let go of stuff that i thought i wouldn't have let go of that is even better stelios made a deal with pauline that he would put her boxes into storage until after christmas the house is transformed but is pauline ready to make the change permanent if this one all of a sudden if i had a magic wand and put it all back again how would you feel apart from that i'll use my wand again [Laughter] so ah wow amazing you've had a house but you didn't have a home yeah now you have a house and a home i don't even really think i had a house i had a little passageway through a house right no yeah i take it back now you've got a house and a home back for years pauline has been too embarrassed to invite anyone into her house but today she's opening her doors to the most special visitors of all six of her grandchildren some of whom she hasn't seen for years [Music] i think you must have been a tiny tiny little baby come and see what we've got over look for the first time pauline's grandchildren are able to open presents under her roof oh you don't give your nana hook them that's all right they've really all have enjoyed themselves they've made me so happy it's unbelievable and saying that they want to come back and see me again i mean i was worried that they hadn't seen me for that long did they forget you know who i was and what color is that green yes that's green what do you think of your nana dance you've done well you get crackers yeah i'm really proud of otherwise she's done so well she's gone through this completely generated all this space and got rid of so much stuff which i never thought from moments she ever would and pauline doesn't seem to be missing what she's giving up after things i couldn't even remember that i had and these things were the things that were stopping them coming to see me here you know at nana's house on top of the fact i have now got my grandchildren back i've also got my house back whatever i want if i want to stand there and twirl around in a circle i can we can do whatever we want [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Only Human
Views: 399,659
Rating: 4.8433399 out of 5
Keywords: Only Human, Only Human channel, documentary, The Hoarder Next Door, hoarder, hoarder next door, britain's biggest hoarders, 2016, hoarders (tv program), cartoons, stelios kiosses, rubbish, tv, day in my life, hoarders buried alive, collection, purchase, shopping, collectibles, only human documentary, shopping addiction documentary, hoarders full episodes, the hoarder next door, the hoarder next door youtube, the hoarder next door season 2, the hoarder next door season 2 episode 2
Id: gLodJw3WEa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 12sec (2832 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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