Hoarders: 10 TONS of Trash Removed from Man’s Dream Home | A&E

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[Music] my name is forrest and i have a deep secret i have stuff lots of stuff you name it i haven't i like to think of myself as not a hoarder but a collector but i just collect so many different things some people might define me as a hoarder for the last 12 years i've been accumulating items at a massive pace auctions flea markets yard sales it's almost like overkill i get into something i just go way overboard got to have everything and need it now and the end result is all of this i'm aj and forrest is my dad my father dubs himself as the collector his house of treasures yes i would agree with that i have a collection of masks from all over the world i have a collection of clocks i have collection of angels i have glassware i have a massive 500 gallon fish tank i have a collection of vases big vases talking pieces like santa claus you see very few of them i love it and i love clothes absolutely love clothes i probably have a couple of thousand ties three or four hundred pairs of shoes hats fedoras i have more clothes than any man in virginia and it's because i just like nice things and i've become somewhat of a overly ambitious collector i'm vista and force is my good friend forrest collects everything he'll go somewhere and see something and like it and force to buy it he doesn't care what it is or how much it costs he's going to get it in my neighborhood most individuals didn't ventriculate to college and i was a member of an organization which made a real difference in my life they took me out of underwater basket weaving and put me in college prep type courses so i ended up going to college i've been blessed with opportunities to be successful in life at an early age i started investing in housing by the age of 25 i had three houses and when i moved to this particular area i bought a very nice brand new home which was my dream home so this house reflected a sense of successful entrepreneurship a successful way of life and so i worked hard to get what i had you know i was a vice president at university i was a dean at a university 20 years in high education run a number of non-profit organizations and i'm the executive director for after-school program for at-risk youth try to help kids become productive civic mining adults at some point in life i'm curtis and i work with forest his focus is always trying to see what's best for the kids doing what's best for the kids providing things for the kids my house was a place that was open door i used to have people over a lot of my sponsors and we have little music shoot some pool tour the house just have fun because part of raising money is that you have to have relationships and so my house was part of that i would say for the first 10 years of my was beautiful [Music] if my father doesn't clean up his house i think he'll lose the house i really do sometimes when i get up in the morning my eyes become teary because the fact that it's just so much looking around and saying look at all this stuff [Music] what i have now is the demise of who i am and what i'm about part of me is just like save me help me unless i make some changes i could fall prey to a devastating situation [Music] welcome everybody we got a really big group today i'm matt paxton i'm an extreme cleaning specialist we're all here for one person for us all right this is a guy we're here to help this is a tough one for us you're a really unique hoarder you are a hoarder collector collector well we'll just disagree all day on that if we're all here you're a hoarder okay here's the deal everybody loves this guy and that's why he's gotten away with this hoarding all right because nobody wants to say anything this is the week we say something we want you and everyone in your family has told me they want you to get your house back so you can have your life back that's awesome here's the hard part there's a lot of nice stuff in there this is not trash i've got a dumpster i don't know if we're gonna fill it but it doesn't mean the house doesn't get cleaned so i'm gonna push you a lot on donation and sell and i've brought in a colleague of mine brandon i mean just because this thing is a this is a big house y'all we got a lot of work to do all right we've got everybody from stereo clean we've got a bunch of local organizers going to help us as well we're all here to help you okay you guys ready to go yeah ready all right let's do it all right [Music] all right mike i want to show you this house we've got a lot of stuff here so he's not necessarily gonna sell everything okay we're just looking to see the goal of this is for you to peek around and see what would sell so we can educate him at the end of the day like hey man if you did want to sell this that's what you get okay very good a lot of items that i think have some value but i think forrest thinks they have more value than they actually do so i'm bringing in an expert that can sell everything whether it's for a dollar or it's up to a couple thousand dollars all right so what are you finding in there i was looking for some big-ticket items and to be honest i don't see very many of them and the ones that we do find it seems like he wants to keep so just to put in perspective i asked you to find 20 items that you could sell for a lot of money and are you able to do that i don't believe so there's a ton of low dollar items five ten twenty dollar items it'll all add up but at the end of the day i'm not confident that we'll find the big ones we only have a couple days here if i spend three days trying to sell dollar items i still don't fix this right the financial crisis is still very real i thought we could sell some things to make that go away that's not the case anymore so the best option we have is get this house cleaned back in shape fix all the things that need to be repaired and then dealing with what we can on the rest of the financial crisis walk through slowly let him make a decision garbage trash good job oh now i got to keep this piece here this is that came from my office i can repaint that i'm betting when you brought this stuff in it was in much different condition and i see the pain in your eyes when you see the stuff that's been damaged yeah if i could find it tougher than that that's that's a decent size for us yeah that's no good aj curtis and vista are all encouraging forest if it's not work it's trash and aj says he's gonna push his dad because he wants everything to go that's trash it's all trash you're not mechanically fine at all so you you know you don't do work like that you don't either that's that dude no you don't but we know he ain't done it at least eight years ago yeah he's sitting in there very good he's fast trish very good or else you're doing great oh sell those no no no no what you gonna do what you gonna do with them you bought them to sell yeah they got you balls salesforce you got price tag on them sell them okay why did you buy these first of all i have a collection of castles in the hallway that's my collection that's my collection when i was a kid that was mine and i already told you because you you touch you lying right now man i'm definitely keeping them i'm definitely keeping them man forrest has got definitely keeping them now you're hauling at me that's not gonna work i'm keeping these i want to keep these that's fine i don't care keeping these kidneys don't highlight me no damn i can hardly view what i want i'm a grown man parker keep this forest they got a price tag on them all right aj he's lying those cars up there are mine not yours you didn't buy that one of them how did you get them so you didn't buy stuff from me when i was okay huh you left them you didn't want them i had no place to put them okay so hang on what what i hear you saying for us is that you did buy break break break break break don't you ever get to me again i'll be hollering what i want to do i'm a grown man okay get off my property get off my prop find him hey what he just there was disrespectful as far as i'm concerned i don't care if you want to show anymore right now i want to go off my property yeah carol a.j calm down come here kill him to people i see through that come here come here no he told me to get off his problem i'm leaving man no no no no no we can't go all right he went off like that on me for no reason he's messed up i have to suspect that his tension is pretty high because he's worried about you don't let that get to you no cause this is the last time this is our last opportunity he knows that calm down calm down okay i heard where they say it by the way i know i know there's a punk move on his paw and i won't forget that i know because what he said to me is very hurtful and i'm not going to stay into it okay the thing i'm trying to get aj to understand is i don't love each other man you know it hurts me i don't want to say this between y'all i don't want to say this about this i don't know like this we can't leave it like this we got to fix this man so we can get this done i'd like to ask that we can just take some time let things simmer down and not send him away we really need him and you need him i know you didn't need that i think there's something much deeper going on and i think that aj's been holding a lot of that in i'm really concerned because aj is a really important part of this process and i've got to try to get them back together again if god called you or aj home tonight somebody's going to be unhappy and they're going to regret it the rest of their life that's what sometimes we deal with that baby sometimes that's something is it worth it that's your only blood child i'm sorry man man i'm sorry i'm really sad i'm sorry what i said when i walked away i still didn't know that you know what you said you said i know i asked you completely from behind and i still you know i'm still dealing with that you know what i know you're a pub hug and love each other tell them you love them don't y'all love each other i love you dad i'm sorry tell them forrest you know i love you too baby i'm sorry man stop i'm sorry and you don't you know the only reason that happened even go there come on curtis let's do group everybody do group up i'm sorry man don't go no i didn't mean to do that all right all right i know man okay let's go i'm sorry okay all right okay give me a hat thank you thanks for being here man you know that even though aj and forrest hugged it out and said that everything was okay i can tell it's not i could see the tension [Music] there something you want to say to aj no aj do you feel like this is a an opportunity for the two of you to try to put some stuff to rest it's probably too much going on for everything to be put to rest but i think you know with the different stresses maybe this house is put on him and us that hasn't really allowed us to fix the other things in any family it can be very difficult to express yourself when there's hurt and pain and that's what that was just all about you both were angry but it's because you're hurting inside what do you think forest all right we got some we got some things that we need to resolve that's all i can say okay we'll leave it at that okay today is make or break i was going into today making sure we drew a line we did have a little disagreement i knew it was going to happen at some point me and him were both passionate people but we were able to move past that it's time to get to work father son man i get it this family they let each other have it and then they tell each other they love each other and hug it out and they're back to work it's pretty awesome so we're just going to keep going is that cool yeah you want five minutes you just keep bringing stuff back no let's just keep it going okay guys let's just keep hustling in the garage [Music] i'm my own demolition team [Music] it's the last day we got a lot of moving parts today we've got two cars that have to be towed we've got an ac being installed and we have new appliances and we got to clean the entire upstairs and i'm nervous i mean i don't know that we're going to get this all done man where we can pull this the garage was emptied and it's full again i've still got a front yard completely filled with clothes and i got about an hour to go i mean i just i have no perfect idea how i'm gonna get this done force is letting a lot go and that's great but every time i fill up a dumpster he starts digging through it again and he starts pulling a few things out i can sell this i mean okay i mean if it's not broke all up now it was in the garage i think forest just sees the dollar signs going in the trash can i think this is really hard for him i'm struggling man i mean throwing away my stuff man right now he's freaking out he thinks we're throwing away all his good stuff hey jay i prefer you don't throw nothing in my stuff away we're not we're donating to people that can actually use it it's not people that can actually use it i don't want you doing nothing else i don't think nothing else i ain't doing nothing else fine we still got a lot of work to do we're going to give everything we got to finish this job [Music] we're really excited to bring the family through and let them see all the great work that we've [Music] accomplished oh wow oh yeah wow yes nice you can actually walk in the house now and i have to cry move everything wow you can have thanksgiving dinner again all right guys what do you see space space face i see space we actually got a lot out of this house 10 tons of trash came out of this house that's a lot but four is still kept a lot like quite a bit oh my god oh my god wow you could live in here now man all right forest what do you think man this is your room oh my god this is this is wow it's unbelievable when i walked into that bedroom it brought tears to my eyes because it gave me some indicator that i can get my house back i should have never got in this situation in the first place that's on me so at this point my challenge is not to let this happen again ever again it's mason haven't been like this in years it's been 10 years yeah where we stand today this is a huge success we're offering him aftercare he says he's going to take advantage of it and i really hope that he does but if he doesn't get the aftercare therapy then the chances of him continuing to fill the void that led to this problem are really high i'm gonna continue to build on this i just gotta say no and get things straight continue to work get the house just like this room it's amazing i do think that forest will now be able to sleep in his own bed he'll be able to actually cook in his kitchen he'll be able to do his own laundry here he can start to live again that should give him the ability to refocus and recharge and finish this job and i am hopeful that aj and curtis and vista will help forest do that but they've still got a lot of work to do this is not over you
Channel: A&E
Views: 852,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hoarders, 10 TONS, Trash, Dream Home, A&E, Season 12, Episode 2, S12, Hoarders clip, hoarders show, hoarders episode, full episode, hoarders tv show, Hoarders Season 2, E02, E2, Hoarders a&E, a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, garbage, trash, removal, tons, hoard, attic, house, home, Season 12 Episode 2, before and after, before, after, remove, clean, cleaned
Id: y9cLzph7bnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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