I Take More Care Of My Collection Than Myself | Storage Hoarders |Only Human

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[Music] let's face it we're a nation of hoarders under lock and key storage units are rammed to the roof oh my god barnes are bulging garages are grooming oh wow they're a snapshot of our lives there's a piano in here as well there is a piano somewhere our loved ones his grandpa's accordion our luggage yet we're sinking in a sea of it goodbye i'm on a crusade to declutter unearth the stories that's an impulse now listen will you be my wife please dig up the diamonds between 800 and 1200 pounds good grief and turn people's stash into cash 680 700 [Music] welcome to storage hoarders our first compulsive hoarder at large is simon dance with his friend mike second hand fan simon has had to move to his top floor to accommodate the ever expanding collection downstairs i've always hoarded items i've always been interested in keeping items which i'm afraid will be destroyed for the future so if i see something interesting then i tend to keep it simon lives in the historic village of barton on sea which is famous for its fossils simon's obsession with hunting for the rare and unusual started at an early age i started collecting military items when i was about 10 years old i used to sneak over to our local council tip and just pick items there i just concentrated on military items in the second world war and then for the last few years i've started buying and selling antiques and bicycles and anything interesting now the fridge freezers here's the two that we've got to deliver today how did you get these back then uh in the back of my state car basically since retiring simon's been focused on trading second-hand appliances but his eye for a bargain has seen his collection grow at an uncontrollable rate every room is full up even the way even the room that i reside in and spend most of my spare time in they're all full if i have new friends over or people have never visited then it tends to be shock and horror and they can't believe it really what they see i have to declutter i have to get rid of items so what do you think of this so mike it's a super little car hey yeah as soon as i saw it i knew i had to have it mike is one of the handful of people who know the true extent of simon's obsession and is here to lend a hand it's almost like an addiction he's got more and more and now it's got to stage where it's too much and he can't he can't decide what he wants to keep and what not to keep it's going all right so no problem on the day i'm gonna have to be a bit strict and just help them out and say it's time to get rid of the bits you don't need anymore mike is gonna be good in helping me to declutter and get my house back and simon has some grand plans for any money he makes for him and his fiance plan now is to get her to come and move to the uk the money will help me pay for the flights to kenya and to stay out there for a while well let's hope i can help write a happy ending to this story but have i bitten off more than i can chew oh my goodness me this is your living room yes my living room more like your dining room god i feel r my i'm almost coming out in hives looking at this room how can you like living in this though well i've got my own space upstairs so it's all clear upstairs then no no is it just the same as down here almost oh goodness me what's this for instance what's this that should be if i remember rightly a microscope ooh is it any worth to this at all do you think monetary worth um not a lot i wouldn't thought not a lot i'm desperate to find anything of value in this aladdin's cave of clutter i like this color of wedgewood the green one where did you get this from um from a house clearance you don't you're out on the road the whole time aren't you with your house clearing yourself at the damn car boot sale absolutely yeah bringing it all back hanging it all back saving it for the nation you've got quite a few sewing machines there how many do you have all together oh got maybe a dozen or so a doesn't yeah and then these are a particular model i can see they all look the same they're a very sought after lightweight sewing machine made in the 1950s really and early 60s okay so why sewing machines it just seemed like uh a good item that i could buy and sell well we might just have to have a closer look at those later i think it's about time we get all the set to a larger space and really inspect it i'm finding it really really quite overwhelming i i mean i'm almost you know the headache's almost sitting in already our next order is liz glover who with the help of her son nathan hopes to conquer a mountainous collection but how did it get so bad i don't like throwing anything away that might be useful and i've been doing that for about 20 well well i've been at this house 23 and a half years but i was doing it before then liz lives in saint helen's merseyside a leading centre during the industrial revolution for glassmaking which still holds true today it's recently become all too clear to liz that now's the time to tackle her hidden horde because i've got a cellar in this house it was generally a case of a quick tidy up put things in bags and put them in the cellar i did have a water leak from the mains water which i wasn't aware of and that's been fixed now but all the boxes were damaged so they had to be moved up into my back room which leads on to my garden they're nuts i've come to a point where it's a massive house and i recently finished with my boyfriend so i thought to myself i'm here and what am i doing rattling around in a four bedroom house so i need to sell it quickly and don't you throw anything away i want no i know what you like fortunately for liz nathan will be on hand to keep her on the straight and narrow i think she needs something with it just to be there and say no you don't need that to like not so much force but to make you realise and understand that it's no use just get rid of it it'll be putting stuff in when i'm not looking and i'll have to fish it back out again but what i want to know now is what does she plan to do with any money she makes at auction if it was a lot of money i would like to give the children a shirt i'd probably just share it amongst the children she should just try and treat herself and not buy more of a wish i've sent antiques expert paul hayes to help liz get to grips with her sentimental stash of family belongings that have been nesting while she's been nurturing her children right come on then so are you ready for this sort of it's been a long time building up hasn't it it has 23 years right okay um five children later he's the youngest nathan right help us and um a lot of his toys are in there so we've got to sort through them all right well deep breaths okay you ready for this okay come on let me go come on nathan a leak has forced liz to move the entire contents of her basement into her sitting room always up for a challenge paul gets stuck in some christmas decorations all right what's that so you want you want to keep some of this electrical stuff i mean are you about to i don't think that's probably capable well that's it why have you kept you i think all the food parts were kept because my ex-husband used to like taking computers to bits and they never put them back together again is that useful i don't know what it is it's part of the computer is it no that's pretty much a power supply looks like a power supply it's quite old that but my ex-husband used to collect parts so that's just junk to be honest a lot of things okay all right we've got some pottery items here or some did you have an oriental look in the in the house at some point well i've actually got um me japanese type pictures and things my daughter keeps buying them for me i've got them in the front room i didn't realize that was still in there because i recently decorated all right okay so um i don't know if it's worth anything i'll sell it if it's not i'll keep it well it's a resin uh so it's not a pottery item but it does have that wonderful sort of oriental look the only snag with this one is that a head unfortunately it's been broken can you see that yes so that wasn't there before i think i might have been a party when i wasn't here you looking a bit cheaper yeah [Laughter] at least some items have survived nathan's hectic party nights even if liz wishes they hadn't i don't like it i think it's an ugly looking thing i just thought it might be worth some money so um because it's inscribed it's got a signature on it so did you buy it deliberately i didn't buy it my son was giving it as a presence when he lived at his other house and when he moved he said hey i don't want this anymore he says go and sell it mum yeah so um it's just been stuck in a box since because i can't stand it it's italian it's design it's probably 1960s that's something 50 60. does that have plastic in them well yeah not long but you know what there is a market for this type of stuff yeah it's called kitsch people love that all right and i think what we need to do there's quite a lot to go through here i need to get the team in right right throwing the t-brake out the back all right so i'll get them in and give us some hand and get this sources okay you ready for that okay all right coming up simon says he's ready to declutter but is he and paul is exercising his right to be ruthless not in the key pile hallelujah oh my goodness me this is your living room earlier we met simon and his friend mike simon has lived most of his life with the philosophy of never buying new a way of living that has left his house bursting at the seams where'd you sit upstairs and we also got to know liz and her son nathan merseyside resident liz has taken hoarding to new levels so you've been storing a broken vacuum cleaner for 23 years and it's time to go out with the old and in with a new uncluttered and streamlined house later i'll be asking our experts to help our hoarders sort through their unwanted items and see if there's anything of value to take to auction to motivate our magpies into moving out their stuff i want them to divide their possessions into four categories keep it for the really sentimental pieces skip it for anything old broken or just plain awful or sell it for the items they think could be of value i've also added a charity power onto which they can do anything that's too good to check [Music] it's time for our hoarders to get tough with their stuff i've arranged for some muscle to move their items to a bigger space to see just what they're dealing with [Music] both sets of belongings are now laid out before their very eyes it's now simple for simon to see just what should go where whereas liz will need to get busy if she's going to make a hole in her horde it's time to get sorting oh wow look at all this luck i haven't seen half of this stuff those look old with decades of clutter laid out on simon's lawn it may take a while before things turn out rosy i've got the flowers well i like artificial flowers indoors i just need to give them a good wash and there's no time to lose with a lot of this stuff [Music] it's good enough i think the time is right for me to come in and see what you're up to yes absolutely so what's the plan then the plan is to um put it all back neatly where it came from is there anything here out of this law that you'd like to either give to charity or will be tied i'm seeing these words through an escape i know what we can how can we sort this like got any ideas mike there's a box of teddys here there's also a skip outside the door yeah but this isn't really skippable stuff no of course no this is top quality gear of course it is simon's putting up quite a fight but at last there's something to feed the hungry empty skipper right that good going really oh good start good start right yeah great start [Music] hell on earth really simon's even making a case for his not-so-fantastic plastic flowers i like artificial flowers you like why do you like artificial flavors no i just do oh oh you can't throw anymore the charity i'll tell you what charity oh i won't let and you won't buy the bat from the charity shop will you at last we're getting somewhere in merseyside the team have managed to move liza's huge hoard into a much larger room to give our expert paul a fighting chance now then here we are so the lads have been working really hard now did you realize you had quite as much stuff hidden away no no look at that i mean just massive stuff why haven't you sort of disposed of a lot of this before i think um once it's in the cellar it's in the cellar so was it outside about the site yeah out tonight you've got quite a lot of exercise equipment i've noticed liz i mean news is uh it's all up i do use it but more the grandkids like to come and play on right that's another one yeah i'll keep them because um i i want to get fit now tell me the truth do you actually do you actually use this not recently liz is hardly working up a sweat when it comes to getting rid of her horde okay right so that's definitely staying yes i will be using it i'm gonna keep that i'm keeping that when's the last time you used it i haven't used it yet i bought it and then i realized the straps were missing and that's why it was in the sail so hang on a second so you've kept a bike rack that you've never used and the structure no well never can be used it can because i've got some straps now so what would you do with all this so as i just throw on myself to be honest because it can't be work can't be worth anything it's just it's just junk well hopefully we can prove you wrong you'll be surprised sometimes where there's much brass in order to make any brass at all liz has to be ruthless with stuff to sell they're actually really good quality ones these yeah that's what she said yeah i mean you're always looking the makers of the lenses is where the values tend to be on these and this is a guy called carl zeiss and he made lots of lenses for uh german cameras and good quality things it's queen quite expensive these well i actually think they're all right i mean they've got the original case with them and they're great for things like uh horse racing and things yeah you know all right do you think they'd be worth i think they're definitely a sellable pile yeah you know actually put them in the right way i'll see you it's not very so little in there let's put it not much at the moment not in the keep pile hallelujah and some of this food could be going for a song what about a karaoke machine um keep i think you want to keep that really well i want to see if it works all right okay because i've not seen it for ages i want to give it a good clean how long has it been in that bag i don't know but i've been looking for it to be honest right okay well these have tapes i do you don't see many places that actually sell cassettes nowadays all right well for that it's nothing else so you're going to keep that yeah i'm going to keep that i'm going to clean this up and see if i can get it working what sort of music do you like liz jazz jazz you're jasper yeah do you know my uh my auntie was in a jazz band was she yeah she used to play the mouth organs harmonica monica monica oh a moniker yeah all right after that terrible gag paul's on his [Music] here bike are meanwhile back with simon and barton and c i found something that might shake things up a bit oh what's this battery powered bartender i could do with one of these at home okay 1962 it says so you're going to sell him then yes you're doing pretty well actually you're nearly there yeah fantastic very pleased well done yeah i'm just going to stick this on the sale okay that's fine some of the most interesting items in simon's collection of stuff were the storing machines i spotted earlier so i've sent simon along to meet ray rushton a sewing machine expert who can help shed more light on the collection well these are the three i've got um three different models and i picked these up from various places like car boot sales down the local dump where people just throw them away and i really want to save them i don't like to see things of this quality destroyed forever so if you can tell me a little bit about each one just this one is the singer 99k ec number 1939 production probably about four and a half million now this is the icon of all the singers the singer what they call the singer featherweight there was two versions one was a flatbed yours that you brought up is what they call the free arm the free arm all you have to do is undo one screw pull this off and you can sew around sleeves and trouser bottoms and then of course you put this back and you can use it like the flat bit that is the model 2-2-2 the flatbed version is known as the 2-2-1 reconditioned in the uk um around about 360 380. singer sewing machines were first manufactured in 1851 but the current fashion of doing it yourself when it comes to clothes and design has made them popular with a whole new modern day market collectors are mostly interested in pre-1900 sewing machines whereas quilters and seamstresses prefer post-1900s the amount of digits in a singer-sewing machine serial number can often help identify the year it was made and therefore help you find its value the most valuable model is the singer 201k this machine was first invented just before world war ii and it's the one that could sew up the market for you [Music] where best do you think i can sell these onto well the the best way is online auctions of course because you can put them on for 10 days and people bid against you get the true value of it usually you put them in auctions there's nobody there that understands them they'll go for a tenner and then the other way of course is advertising privately okay but there are people looking for these machines all the time and a lot of people especially the hand cranks are buying to take back to africa right okay well doesn't it would be places where there's no electrics or anything like that that's what they use and singer is a magic word out there yes yeah yeah okay ray well thanks for that i appreciate that you're welcome he gave me a lot of information about the machines and also the type of values that i can expect if i try to sell them i think i'm going to put them into online auctions and just see what sort of price they settle for when i sell them well there's time for one more push through the possessions to make sure that each piece is in the right place shows you how to build a house you can chuck this one you might need that one to move and paul has unearthed something that might serve up a good price at auction well there was a time where these were pretty unsalable really they were sort of old-fashioned but there's there's a whole new fashion movement called kitsch right so where did you get these from i bought them from a charity shop that was a job loss right so they're not sentimental at all no i don't like green right so you're happy to let them go yes i am well that's one more for liz's cell pill and just in time as both our hoarders have sorted their possessions into keep skip and sell piles for liz there's the cathartic amount of items in the skip pile her keep pile is moderate and her exercise equipment lives to sweat another day simon's reluctance to ever throw things away is evident but charity may well begin at his home with the size of that pile and let's hope there are some choice items in his small but select cell pile coming up patty digs up some unique items from simon's stash i've got a feeling could be quite rare that one because i've not seen that before and there are some surprising results at auction we're gonna sell it all done do some more of those [Music] i'm here to help our two hoarders in distress how can you like living in this get strict with their stash when i ask them to keep it skip it or sell it the burning question on my mind now is is there anything of value hidden in their hoard fortunately petty field is here to lend a helping hand as an expert on all things antique and collectible perry's been sifting through the piles to find those elusive treasures [Music] we've got a nice mix here of different periods bit eclectic really um and let's start over here with the tins these are always collectible people like tins you've got a reasonable assortment of them and i like this one particularly it's called japanese lacquer all right can you see and it was tuppence and it was a paint that would have been used for lacquering oh right basically um and very nice i like that i've got feeling could be quite rare that one because i've not seen that before these kind here were these sort of throat pastels they're quite common but there's a big collector's market at the front here we've got some standard war medals and they're mostly world war one and i don't know if you know but this the collecting market is huge now for all this really and even though these are fairly common medals there is still um a market that's bigger than it's ever been as a collection 80 to 120 pounds this is the next item which i i think is a favorite of mine it's not uncommon no i'm going to pick him up because i know he's not working at the moment his terminals need to clean um but i love this it's his name is charlie weaver he's japanese made by the roscoe company did you know you blow smoke as well yes yes i understand he does and a lot of them they don't work anymore i think the movements there's no smoke coming out his mouth so if someone can get that working not worth a fortune because they're not uncommon no um sells very well on the internet also at auction but you're looking at 20 to 30 pounds but you've got the box so that helps enormously yeah so i like that one okay good that's smashing this one is the next item which is sort of trying to be um better than it really is so it's a sort of conversation piece 18th century painting it's an oil on board um it's sort of good in part and naive in part and you you do see these in much finer quality i've tried to find the artist and i can't really um but i think somebody's going to take a fancy to that and and it needs a bit of restoration there we've got over there um a table and a clock and that table i think is a little bit later than we might think yeah i don't think it's art deco although it's got those lines i think it's more 1940s and i think the clock is as well so i think the two of them together might be sold together not sure see what the auctioneer feels but again i'd be sensible of 40 to 60 pounds something like that for the two of them simon should be pleased with perry's fines because among the items going to auction are this set of 20th century tins varied at 20 to 30 pounds the selection of war medals estimated to 80 to 120 pounds the charlie weaver bartender toy valued at 20 to 30 pounds that oil on board french scene perry's put an estimate of 20 to 30 pounds the microscope fired at 40 to 60 pounds and perry's two-for-one deal the clock and table should fetch between 40 and 60 pounds but there's one more item that has pete perry's curiosity we've got this collection of wedgewood um and you know what it's called don't you you know this kind of finish that's right quite right nice color this sort of sage green yeah and also i found the teapot there yeah which is part of a service but it's also by wedgwood how was it so i kind of thought well let's try it all in together okay um i think wedgewood is very interesting um and and i love this design and the quality is lovely it's none of its 19th century no it's all 20th century that's right but i think perhaps we'll send it off to a specialist let him tell us more about it because i think we'll find it very interesting okay i've sent simon off to meet with pottery expert john cotty to see if he can shed a bit more light on those wedgewood plates i see you've brought some wedgwood jasperware along this morning where did you get it from i bought this job lot in a car boot sale and i was quite interested in it because i know the pattern a little bit um and i would like to know more about it in the history okay well yeah you're right it's wedgewood jasperware wedgewood was formed by josiah wedgwood back in the 18th century and one of his first designs was the jasperware line which gains its name from jasper the mineral he based the design on the portland vars which is a well-known cameo glass vars which is now in the british museum and it became a very successful line right through the 19th century and into the 20th century so you say you got it from a car boot sale do you know much about it yourself um not really i just recognized the patterns um and knew that wedgewood was quite sought after or some of it is um and i just like the patterns really but i mean i really only bought it to sell on yeah well of course you don't just get the green actually you get a dark blue a light blue pinks you get this green and you also get a black which is called black basalt and that can be very popular as well and these all look very effective in interior settings wedgwood jasperware has been in production for over 200 years it remains one of the most distinctive ceramics and is still in production today the oldest jasperware items are very collectible among wedgewood products pieces made in the 18th and early 19th centuries are highly sought after the most rare and valuable ones are coloured crimson and can sell for several thousand pounds at auction at the moment the market uh especially strong in japan where japanese ladies apparently like it very much because of these delicate nature of it if it was to come into the auction i would probably put it in a job lot [Music] as you've bought it and you wouldn't be able to sell a single item like that on its own but if you uh did put it into the auction i'd estimate it in the region of 20 to 40 pounds and on a good day it could reach the higher end of that so i think you did very well for your 10 pound buy okay that's that sounds very good yeah that yeah that'd be that would be acceptable certainly good it's very interesting um he gave me a lot more background information on the wedgewood and where i can sell the items and maybe put them into his auction [Music] now it's time for the rest of simon's hoard to go under the hammer so simon out of all the things that you've brought to auction today what's the item that you're most excited about i think the old painting really that would be really interesting to see what sort of price that fetch is so there's an estimate is it around 30 or 20 to 30 is that really so yes uh-huh do you have a reserve on it no i don't good for you so you're happy to let it go at whatever price fingers crossed i hope you make a tidy sum today okay thank you very much before the bidding begins let's see what auctioneer matthew kaddick makes of simon's lots simon really has presented us with a range of items here today from clocks and scientific and so on so it's a really good little mix to spread his bets in auction within his items i think a particular note to me is the is the medals now military generally is doing quite well but medals in particular we always have strong buyers for i think these are fairly estimated i think they're an interesting mix of items within the lot they should do well today well that's exciting and marching to the front of the pack is the set of war medals that were valued at 80 to 120 pounds good little lot and um stopped me 50 pounds let's see where these go 50 pounds start me for the medals it's a moderate start you know stop me 50 pounds for these no bits of 50 pounds to start me for these 40 pounds for them 40 pounds on bid 45 50. five 60 five at 60 pounds in the back of the room take five now still cheap are we all done and out at 60 it's not bad sold just shy of the lower estimate for 60 pounds next up is my favorite let's see if the charlie weaver bartender toy can shake things up a bit he's estimated at 20 to 30 pounds it's boxed and for 30 c i've been running 15 pounds i'll take 16 in the room it helps you have 15 pounds 16 17 18 19 is my last and 20. 20 pounds he's been in the room beats the commissioner take 21 there 22 23 25 thank you 28 and 30 32 35 at 35 pounds in front of me and selling not bad as we add 35 pounds to the mix other items that were sold were the microscope which focused in on 20 pounds and the various 20th century tins sealed the deal at 22 pounds let's now see how perry's two-for-one deal of the clock and table fare with the bidders estimated at 40 to 60 pounds 10 pounds on bid i'll take 12 now 10 pounds is selling without reserve for a ridiculous 10 pounds is worth it at 10 pounds i'm gonna put the hammer down at 10 are we done 19. 19 confidence 20 22 sam all for 22 pounds 25 28. you're out now in the heights of 25 thanks for the video on the internet 25 pounds are we done and selling at 25 pounds not quite what we were hoping for but a sale nonetheless last up is the oil on board of an 18th century french scene valued at 20 to 30 pounds and for 30 d one two three four bids and i'm starting with me after all those biz at 100 pounds and i'll take 110 in the room 100 pounds heard me take 110 now 110 there 120. we've soared over the top estimate this is looking very promising indeed i'm 70 saying no still with me then 160 pounds and 170 is next are we done at 160 i'm going to sell it then 170 there 180 is my last 190. 199 bid it beats all the commission bidders and 200 the next bid please and 190 pounds in this picture performing well then 190. we're going to sell it all done do some more of those 180 how much did you pay for it nothing nothing say manny feek as our painting flies past the estimate selling for 190 pounds viv la france that oil painting the estimate was 20 to 30 pounds and it went for 119 yeah that was phenomenal absolutely amazing couldn't believe it i know what a bonus certainly was so it's been a pretty good day at the auction for simon his items have netted a grand total of 352 pounds with the all painting a real brush with success so have you booked that ticket scania yet not yet it'll be later in the year okay that's exciting sam i'm so pleased it's been such a success for you 352 pounds before commission is a healthy amount certainly is that's right and that oil that was just fantastic wasn't it absolutely great results yeah well done thank you well 352 pounds may not be quite enough to reunite simon and girlfriend patricia but i'm sure it won't be long until they sail off into the sunset together still to come will liz's late auction strategy pay off do you have reserves on it how about a few things 50 pounds 50 amp bid 55. [Music] earlier simon dance made over 350 pounds from his hoard of collectibles that had been taking over his house [Music] now it's liz glover and her son nathan's turn to see if her 23 years of hidden clutter can help turn a tidy profit antiquing collectibles expert paul hayes has been on hand helping liz sort through her hoard for any items that they can take to auction well these for me sum up the 1960s i know they're quite recent bricks but this is i can see those bringing towards the 50 pounds marker so if i say sort of 30 to 50 quid that sounded right to you yeah they're glad with that yeah and who's is this snooker set was this yours nathan yeah no i don't even mind i mean they're good old snooker balls and billiards i mean you've got you got a snooker set and a billion all in one well this is actually quite nice it's in great condition it's a teapot a sugar and a cream and it's a fern called sadler all right but fluted design real gold leaf it's in it's in mint condition and it's quite clearly marked on the bottom yeah real gold oh yes all right so that's nice that is classed really as a complete set then of course we've got this beautiful lamp now this is one of your favorites nathan is that right it's a matter of personal taste i mean i quite like these you know i mean the sort of 18th century style and um you know they're italian and for me it's almost like 19 sort of 50s yeah i mean i think that's 20 30 pounds that sort of price does that sound right to you well my son's under the impression that one in perfect condition went for sale in america and it fetched a thousand pounds there were different types i mean there is an italian firm called capo de monte yes which a capital monty figure that size potentially you could get into the hundreds uh this one is is a mass-produced item it's lovely quality but it's just a decorative now last but not least you have a lovely russell flint print a real painting obviously is worth a fortune a limited edition print can be very collectible but what you've got is a mass produced print there could be any number of those so realistically you're looking sort of 30 to 50 pounds right good well let's hope the bidders take a shine to liz's lots as going to auction are the set of billiard balls valued at 20 to 30 pounds the capo di montes style lamp also valued at 20 to 30 pounds the set of glass bricks estimated at 30 to 50 pounds the 20th century sadler gold leaf tea set estimated at 20 to 30 pounds the binoculars and war ration book also valued at 20 to 30 pounds and paul thinks the russell flint print could fetch between 30 and 50 pounds but there's one more item paul wants to take a closer look at and then of course tell me again where you got the tea set the tea set i bought as a job lot it was in a box in a charity shop and it was all taped up sellotape and i just bought it because it looks like it might be worth some money uh i mean i think that's probably good for especially somebody who has maybe a cafe or somebody has a little antique shop all right i think you'll do your best then i think realistically probably 30-40 pounds i think you've done well for a tenner yeah yeah to find out more about the tea set paula sent liz off to meet nina hatcher an expert in vintage crockery it's absolutely a beautiful set is it a full set do you have a teapot or anything i haven't got a teapot but i've been on the lookout for one and two match to go to match with the set so it's not quite a uh no it's not completely no what's interesting about your particular set here is that there is a mixture of the regency stamp and the regency wording stamp so but overall it's identical pattern because this would have been a mass-produced pattern by maybe another manufacturer later on yeah is regency a very good mate generally uh regency as a manufacturer were a very good make their production and mass production of pattern was for the sort of domestic market so that everybody in in that sort of year uh could afford obviously to have something nice but generally your set here would have been used as say everyday uh china could you tell me why it's cold bone china many people don't know what it's called it is the traditional formula for bone china is 25 kaolin 25 cornish stone and 50 grown ash and was developed by thomas fry in east london his factory was conveniently located very close to the slaughterhouses of essex hence easy access to animal bones bone china is a very pure white and can be cast so thin as to be translucent from its initial development and up to the latter part of the 20th century bone china was almost exclusively an english product how much you think this might be worth and the best way of perhaps selling it if it was me i would be looking to sell items individually maybe make up a trio like this and for realistically i'd be saying to look for between say six and ten pounds for those these items i would look to sell again as sets you could possibly sell the sugar bowl and the milk jug together um possibly with the the cake sandwich plate or again you know divide these and sell these separately you never know people may have this collection like yourself they may be missing the sugar bowl and the milk jug and would like to obviously make up a full set that they may have so for the amount of items that we know we've got here i would be looking at say putting a reserve on around about 40 pounds but it is beautiful the colours are gorgeous so i don't think you'll have any problem trying to find a loving new home i think i would like to get a second opinion from an auction house and maybe put reserve on the china and if i can't get a decent enough price then i'd like to bring it back and put it for sale myself on an auction website splitting it up and see if i can get more money that way well there's no time like the present so it's over to the auction to see how liz's lots fare with the bidders so here you are at last at the auction are you looking forward to this i i am actually mm-hmm i'm a bit nervous to what sort of prices we're going to get but other than that i'm looking forward to it do you have reserves on it i have on a few things do you think they're realistic yes in fact liz has put quite a few reserves in our items but before we dive in what does auctioneer william rice think of our lots on offer today the tea set the one lot which is estimated 50 to 80 i believe has had a late reserve put on of 80 pounds which means realistically the estimate is now 80 to 120 which i think may mean it's going to be a bit difficult to sell it let's see how things go first we've lined up the set of 20th century crystalline snooker balls estimated at 20 to 30 pounds 398 10 pounds for this lot please for the snooker balls for 10 pounds somebody surely 10 pound no snooker balls any interest for a tenner nobody want for 10 pounds sorry i'll pass the lot oh dear we fail to score as the snooker balls go unsold let's see if the glass breaks stack up with the bidders estimated value of 30 to 50 pounds the bricks what are they worth um 10 pounds for the bricks for the peach glass bricks surely somebody must have viewed them for 10 pounds they are here to be sold nobody wants 10 pounds no interest for a tenner sorry past the lot and the wall comes crashing down as the glass bricks also go unsold next up are the binoculars and the ration book valued at 20 to 30 pounds and i've got two identical bids of 30 pounds so that's where we start 32 in the room against commission then 32 pound for the lady in the room anybody else i'm going to sell them then 32 pounds the binoculars see us over-the-top estimate selling for 32 pounds [Music] let's see if the capo de monte style lamp can shed some more light on our auction total valued at 20 to 30 pounds and i've got some interest in this you'll be delighted to hear i'm straight in at 30 pounds with me at 30 pounds 32 35 38 40 with me commission bid of 40 pounds 42 i'll take 40 pounds 40 pounds oh i'm just let's go bidders switch on and the lamp sells for 40 pounds but switch off again as both the russell flint print and sadler's pottery set fail to make their reserves [Music] last up the regency bone china tea set with a revised reserve of 80 pounds start me 50 pounds for this lot please for 50 pounds 50 amp bid 55 55 pounds i'm bid 55 pounds with me not quite stuff 55 pounds 55 is bid not quite enough i'm afraid that's a shame as the tea set fails to serve up a sale so liz what did you think about then um a little bit disappointed that not all the items sold sure um but a couple of them did sell so um at least we won't be taking those back especially that lap that's true you were so glad to get shot of the lamp weren't you very very glad to get rid of the lamp the print also didn't sell and i think you're quite happy to be taking that home i'm happy to take it on because i do like the print i think out of all the pictures that sold today that was the nicest and it didn't sell well at least the kitsch lamp is no longer darkening liz's doorstep but it seems the higher reserve on the regency china was not everyone's cup of tea as it went unsold and the grand total of 72 pounds was not in liz's pocket for very long now am i right and thinking i saw you sticking that hand of yours up could you not control this one nathan i'll say honestly you were egging her on what a pear you are goodness me is there no hope well he's now picking up bad habits yeah thank you yes three pictures um but they were basically not going to be sold one of them was going right down to five pounds yeah but did you like it not particularly are you kidding me you bought something i didn't even look at it actually i thought the frame was quite nice it's got to be worth five pounds [Music] anyway that's the risk you've taken yeah and you're happy with that yes you're gonna break the bank are you no it's not breaking the bank at least made some sort of profit hopefully we've shown liz the way when it comes to downsizing if she can curb her compulsion for spending everything she makes her dream of a simpler clutter-free life may yet be realized join me aggie mackenzie next time on storage hoarders [Music] [Music]
Channel: Only Human
Views: 54,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aggie Mackenzie, Storage Hoarders, biggest hoarders, hoarders full episodes, hoarders storage units, only human, documentary, spendaholics, storage auction, storage hoarders, storage hoarders antiques, storage hoarders full episodes, storage hoarders itv, storage hoarders youtube, storage treasure finds, storage treasures, storage treasures auction, storage wars, Hidden Treasure, Storage Hoarders S2 Episode 19
Id: laLyqIUvmPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 6sec (2766 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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