My Giant Centipede Escaped in the House!

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okay so i think it's pretty safe to assume that you've met grievous from my pokemon bug squad i mean he's pretty amazing right but do you know why i named him grievous instead of some other centipede related name like why didn't i choose something more appropriate like doom dozer or as tecapede or glenn glenn would have been a great name but the answer is because i named it after a centipede i had in real life now believe it or not i've actually never had any super dangerous pets closest would have been my two scorpions sonic and barkus but even then they aren't much of a threat as long as they can't climb out of the tank and i'm not being an idiot trying to boop them in the face with my finger but all that changed one day when i got a phone call from my uncle we'll call him uncle because it's convenient uncle is pretty much like me likes to keep cool pets except his collection is like a hundred times bigger than mine he's also the type of person that actually goes out on excursions to find these animals you know pulling off like that steve row and stuff rest in peace my man anyways one day he just calls me out of the blue and is like hey you want a centipede do i want a centipede i don't know about you but that's not a question i get asked a whole lot so i wasn't really sure how to respond now centipedes not to be confused with your family-friendly millipedes are potentially very dangerous they're fast unpredictable freight trains of death escape artists whose bike depending on the species can send someone to the shadow realm or the hospital it's like a snake for people who don't want an actual snake if that makes sense now i've never actually considered keeping one before i mean i don't even know the first thing when it comes to taking care of a centipede therefore my level of experience is definitely something i should consider before acquiring such a dangerous animal so naturally i said yes just a quick disclaimer but always make sure you do proper research on the pet you are getting like don't just go to your friendly neighborhood petsmart and buy a t-rex on impulse because it looked cool and was on sale and then get home and be like okay know what had you done any research you would have quickly learned that they make terrible pets and then you would have most likely been eaten by now my situation was a little different in the sense that uncle hooked me up with pretty much everything that i needed the centipede came with an enclosure substrate and i already had plenty of food for it but of course i also did some additional reading up on how to take care of centipedes hashtag responsible owner and just like that grievous was mine i was even given two fuzzy butt darkling beetles as bonus tank mates my uncle said they were supposed to eat the scraps the grievous leaves behind and if not grievous will just eat the beetles i didn't know if darkling beetles ate bug remains let alone made appropriate takemates for a centipede but uh oh well i ended up naming them tweedledee and tweedledum genius names grievous was a giant california tiger centipede or the scala pendra polymorpha those aren't as dangerous as its more tropical bird-eating relatives so in the event i do get bit oh believe me it'll hurt like a bean curd but i don't think it'll become like super serious unless of course i'm allergic then give or take a few days later and i'm getting a pretty good idea of what it's like to have a hundred legged monster in my house it's actually not as exciting as you might think like aside from feeding it where it wraps itself around its prey and eats it alive like an absolute boss it barely moves during the day honestly sometimes it stayed in the exact spot for days on end i wonder if it's dead maybe i should boop it with a stick hashtag responsible owner by this time however i've been doing a bit of further research and pretty much all the centipede guides i read said the same thing centipedes like to burrow they need humidity so they don't dry out and can molt properly blah blah blah biology stuff and when i looked at grievous his substrate was just straight up sand and i'm guessing grievous hasn't been burrowing because you know sand is not the most structurally stable that sort of thing so that definitely got me a little concerned and confused because like majority of info suggested that centipedes need these things but grievous is a desert centipede and i can't imagine they have a whole lot of moisture out there definitely a lot of sand plus shouldn't i just trust my uncle you know he has a lot more experience than me but then i got all sympathetic and concerned about the well-being of grievous what if he's unhappy or stressed because he can't burrow what if he doesn't like tweedledee and tweedledum what if he doesn't like sand because it's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere what if he doesn't even like grievous what if he prefers another name like glenn so i followed my gut and i made plans to relocate grievous to another tank this one was going to be bigger taller fixed with eco earth a much better substrate for burrowing and retaining moisture i mean sure his original cage had a lock over it preventing any form of escape but i figured this new one it's tall enough no significant openings i'm not gonna regret this in the future this will be fine the transfer was pretty successful there were no casualties there i'm not quite an expert at reading centipede facial expressions but i think grievous looked happy he immediately started burrowing and basked in the nice moist substrate like oh yeah where has this been all my life screw sand so i left that feeling pretty proud of my decision hashtag responsible owner once again figured he probably won't want to eat unless he comes out so i just decided to leave him for a while and that wild turned into a few days then a week the next thing i know it's been two weeks and i haven't seen him come out once he didn't even come out to eat the food i left out for him [Music] this is still fine but eventually i decided to just carefully poke around just to see what grievous has been up to and i was expecting him to just shoot out of the ground like why are you disturbing my slumber but after a while i'm pretty sure i combed through this whole cage already where i was once calmly and carefully poking around now i am frantically swiping through the dirt trying to find this blasted centipede but thermal scans indicated he was not in the cage well that day certainly sucked you know i just realized this while recording but why didn't i just take him out then put in the substrate and then put him back in stupid hashtag irresponsible owner my pride as a pet owner has just been shattered in a million pieces because my intuition about what i thought was best for my pet was wrong and i ended up paying the price oh yeah totally not to mention that now we have a venomous giant centipede loose in the house better check those bed sheets before bedtime mom was definitely not happy about that but but i had the best intentions best intentions some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions touche i did try laying out some moist pieces of paper towels around the house hoping it could lure them out but another week went by and i figured either he died or he escaped to the outside either way i wasn't getting him back honestly it still boggles my mind how grievous managed to get out my best guess is that he used the corner of the tank to shimmy his way up and then somehow squeeze out of this really small opening in the lid that's that's honestly the only explanation i can think of so yeah not entirely sure where he is now or if he's even alive but i mean who knows maybe one day i'll go through a bunch of stuff and be like oh well that's where you've been this whole time i do find some comfort in the fact that this usually happens to people that take care of centipedes they say it'll happen at least once in your life it's just a matter of when so i mean with that logic i should be good for the next centipede i get i do plan on getting another one that's for sure probably of the same species and this time i won't be taking any chances for now i'm just stuck with tweedledee and tweedledum and my other pets thing one thing two elise natasha nebula and nezuko they wouldn't leave me really have no idea how he got out but i'm open to any theories that you may have in the comments below the point is what you think might be best for your pet isn't always what is actually best for them especially if you're just going based off of pure feelings but anyways um wow an end card i haven't done one of these in what feels like years how are you guys doing sorry about the long wait since my last video i i really didn't intend for it to take this long life am i right but just know that i got a lot of tofu tastic things planned for this new year and i even got something very special coming up later this month on a certain day but you can't guess what day that is but more details on that later that'll be it for this end card thank you so much for watching and supporting the channel i didn't get enough opportunities to say this but thank you so much for showing all that love on the last video really means a lot when you noticed any of the small little details i snuck in there so thank you but i will see you in the next video until then stay safe and stay home i really can't believe this pendant is still going gosh dang it
Channel: Young Yong Tales
Views: 1,205,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: young yong tales centipede, young yong tales pets, Grievous the centipede, my pet centipede escaped
Id: 9wRzVbyB0Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 08 2022
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