My Favorite Pet (A.K.A The Best Pet)

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hey John what happened to the baby where the baby's John swear to me bro ate them [Music] I'm just kidding but they did die the circle of life everyone I woke up one day and I found them reunited with their cannibalistic mother I did not think that you guys would care about such details but boy you guys surprised me also I feel like I need to clarify this barkas is not the father they're not even the same species so something must have happened before I got Sonic I should also warn you guys that all the pets I mentioned in that video and this one are all dead but I mean that's the downside having any pet really they die except skip I mentioned earlier in the pets video that the main reason I didn't have dogs cats and birds was because I was allergic to fur and feathers and then I got a bunch of responses in the comments saying well why didn't you just get a fertilis animal like a naked mole rat or this thing I'm not that desperate you guys but while it is true that I was allergic the other big reason was that I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to handle losing such a how would you say in affectionate pet I mean let's think about it if I cried for the death of a little insect imagine what the death of a dog would do to a soft tofu like me so I guess the solution to this problem is you either get a pet that doesn't require so much emotional investment or just get something that doesn't die like any mortal jellyfish anyways well today is the day that I unveil my most favorite pet the one that in my eyes is the coolest thing ever so this cricket is important because without this cricket I wouldn't have come across my favorite pet so it was one special day and I was chilling at my Grandma and Grandpa's house waiting to get picked up by my mom and today was special because I was bringing home my new pet a cricket that I named probably because of the influence of my Asian heritage moon singer why I wanted to have a cricket at the time was largely influenced because of watching lawn and the books that my parents read to me stating that the crickets chirping would soothe me to sleep which if I really think about it now I'm sure that chirping would just annoy me and make me want to get rid of it and moon singer he couldn't even chirp because just like sonic moon singer was not a dude but I mean at the time my elementary brain figured that all crickets could sing and hey don't judge me haven't you ever wanted an adorable animal sidekick as a pet after watching a Disney movie at some point in your life like for example Finding Nemo why else do you think clown fish populations went down so much in the ocean it's because everyone wanted a Nemo for themselves anyways unaware that moon singer was not a singer at all I was still very excited to bring it home and then when mom showed up we were about to leave when my grandma spotted something else that she knew I would like and she was right because what she brought me was a huge praying mantis such a magnificent beast could only be admired from afar at my school because any time we saw one it was always out of our reach and we were also really short but here was one right in front of me I was so excited oh my gosh now I have two pets they're gonna be in the same cage and they're gonna be like best friends and we're gonna have like playdates and parties and listen to kpop and all that jazz or at least that's what I thought but I mean I already know what you guys are thinking right now wait but don't pay rats is like eat other things like crickets and you'd be right there's one moment and then yeah moon singer more like moon cake for my praying mantises ha ha I'm just kidding moon singer I appreciate you but I like the praying mantis more so yeah and that was the start of a streak of taking care of multiple praying mantises over my lifetime my family made it a tradition that each mantis needed to have a name that started with a P because you know P for praying mantis it was so clever so starting with the very first one the one that replaced moon singer this was pee-wee shortly after I got poly then P Bo pumpkin Purdy ping Prince Penelope I may have had a Priscilla puny punchy penny poppy and piggy the the order in which I got them may be a little off I mean after getting pet number five or so the order of names tend to get a little fuzzy so since there were so many obviously I'm not going to be talking about each one that would take way too much time and work and mental sanity so I will mainly be mentioning the most memorable ones as well as the most interesting experiences so first was Pee Wee I should talk about her because she was the very first one to start it all the founding mother and in many ways she changed my life praying mantises became the coolest insect in the frickin planet and I drew a bunch of fan art because of it but probably the most significant one was that she helped me get over the fear of holding large insects see the thought of holding a large invertebrate in my head at the time was just a big no-no but I mean over time curiosity tends to get the best of you until fine I just said screw it I'm a man I can hold a praying mantis and I just let her crawl on my hand and it was a very weird yet amazing experience and from then on I let all my praying mantises crawl on me my hands chest shoulder even my face there would be many times I would just be sitting doing my homework or something and the praying mantis would just be perched on my face even the rest of my family started to hold them so this is proof that if you have a fear of holding large insects try praying mantis also just a quick note obviously this philosophy does not apply to all pets you can be a man or a woman and not have to hold your pet blue ringed octopus peewee lived a long life of about a year mantis is don't live very long and then when she passed away we put her in one of those M&M capsules and buried her in the backyard and there she is to this day probably I don't know I haven't checked around the same time we had peewee we also had a brown colored one named Polly and just like Pee Wee everyone loved Polly we got to the point where we were just so comfortable and we would take them out of their cage so that way they could watch TV with us but then I remember one day we got a little too comfortable one day me and my sister were staying home while our parents were at work in I don't remember what we were doing at the moment it doesn't really matter but I do remember taking Paulie out of her cage so that way she could watch TV and chill with us now here's the problem we were young children with relatively short attention spans and we just let out a small insect in a two-story house with lots of hiding spaces but I mean normally this wouldn't be a problem because preying mantises typically don't move around a whole lot I mean they like to stay camouflaged in their environment hmm camouflage I feel like that's important so as you probably could guess by now over time the place that we thought she was she was not nobody move check your feet so me and my sister were frantically by carefully searching for Polly in the entire house I remember me and my sister were crying when we called her mom I mean it's a prick two to three inches at the most and it could literally be anywhere in our entire house and it's not like you can put trackers on these things it was looking pretty hopeless I remember coming back to our spot and sitting down realizing the inevitable fate that she was gonna starve to death or we were gonna step on her and it would be really sad but then there she was perched underneath a basket thingy on the floor camouflaged I mean we're still super happy like Paulie what the heck why how did we not notice that now let's just take a moment and just imagine what it would be like to be Paulie witnessing all of this take place you decide to say that this one spot because you believe it matches your skin tone the best and it puts you in a more optimal position in front of the TV and then all of a sudden you see two loud bratty children start screaming and running around frantically calling out your name and crying and utter despair what a bunch of losers I think what are the main reasons I like praying mantises so much was because out of all the pets in my life the praying mantises showed the most affection my camel spiders would probably just bite me sonic would pinch me and then sting me my goldfish would forget I even exist after just three seconds and I don't even want to know what my plants think of me they probably don't think very highly of me so the attention I got from my praying mantises were like warm and fuzzies compared to all that however I know actual scientists would state that prey mats is inverts in general cannot display affection the extent that they would see you is as a food source but what does science know about love other than it's a chemical reaction that is controlled by the prefrontal cortex of the brain something that invertebrates lack therefore lack capability of complex emotions whatever you're just jealous that all my praying mantises love me and not you so each one of them did this thing where they would put their mouth to my finger and like kiss it like they weren't using their mouth to bite me or anything to try to explain that scientists but I do remember one time one of my praying mantises named pari she got maybe a little too affectionate like she was nibbling at my finger at first and then she just started biting me all of a sudden it didn't hurt yet but eventually we did have to get her off but I mean she tasted flesh maybe I could train her to attack my enemies Paulie did this thing where she would completely rest her entire body on a finger like this but for some reason she did that the most when she was on my dad's finger I don't know why Polly likes my dad so much later we had a praying mantis named pumpkin and she had a big head that's that's all I want to say and then one time ping another praying mantis came with us on a snowboarding trip because we couldn't find her a babysitter but unfortunately praying mantises don't take to the cold so well so she just stayed at the room while me and my family snow aborted ha how many praying mantises can say that so that was fun I bet you're wondering why I haven't even mentioned any male praying Nance's that I had well the truth of the matter is that males just suck I guess the truth females are better they're friendlier they're bigger they live longer they can't fly away they're less timid they rule I only had two male praying mantises actually prince who was a spoiled brat so I let him go and then there was pee bo but Pivo I actually did really care for sure he was more difficult to take care of than the females but I was very attached to people because he was one of the very first praying mantises that raised ever since he was a baby or a nymph in praying mantis terms so even though he was a dude I still loved him and this video is getting way too long so that's it I'm actually really curious about what are your thoughts on praying mantises put him down in the comments below I don't know if you can tell but I'm just a little sick right now it's crazy like this is the official last week of school until I graduate college and I just get sick and it's also the day I'm recording stuff but luckily it's the end card so no one's gonna be judging me but man this end card I haven't done an end card in what seems like forever and I really missed you guys I apologize so much for my inability to upload on a consistent schedule but during the summer and I guess from now on I will be more consistent on the upload so I have a lot of things planned so look forward to that in smash that subscribe button oh yeah I also am going to VidCon so if you're going to VidCon Anaheim then good for you because I'll be going too and we might run into each other maybe I don't know we'll see and you keep this egg card short cuz I gotta go to class now my last class until I'm done so thank you guys so much for your support I really appreciate it and until next time stay young
Channel: Young Yong Tales
Views: 4,077,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: praying mantis, my pets, pets I had, pet stories, insect stories, my exotic pets, my exotic pet, animated storytime, animation, having weird pets, weird pets, pet praying mantis, bugs, bug stories, insects, unique pets
Id: 12KmplXuouI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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