Weird Pets I Had

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I just want to start off by saying that I think pets are great they have the ability to bring so much joy into your life as well as destruction and crap but I mean at the end of the day it's still better than dealing with other people and their crap so it's totally worth it most of the animators I know have had some pet of some kind think Jaden with her re James and his many pets and tabs who may have had a rooster and I too have had my fair share of pets including a goldfish his name was Michael Michael's huge but as you could right tell by the title I am NOT here to talk about such common stuff unfortunately I was deprived of the experience to have such pets like dogs cats or birds not necessarily because my parents didn't let me have them well actually that too they let me have any but mostly because I was allergic so me plus fur resulted in me having red puffy eyes uncontrollable sneezing and a bad rash I came upon this discovery when I was really young and I was riding a horse at my friend's birthday party wow this is pretty fun but yeah it feels so good so I guess in a way that automatically makes me not a furry badoom ching being allergic to fur and most likely feathers as well pretty much crossed off all the typical pets I could have which led me to some interesting alternative first off I'm curious like is it still a common thing for parents to give their children rocks as their first pet I mean I guess it makes sense before you can handle something more complex and more alive you have to start off simple so a rock you feed it you take it for walks you play with it well luckily for me instead of a rock I have one of those wooden Turtles that always agreed with what you're saying and I named him skip he's actually still here because you know turtles they can live a long time but fake turtles they live even longer hey skip isn't kpop like one of the greatest gifts in the entire universe yeah that's what I thought none of my other pets would ever be as understanding as skip so after gaining valuable experience from taking care of skip it was time to move on to something a bit more alive yet not something as complex as say a goldfish so I got a plant but not just any plant a baby Christmas tree in my elementary school we would take a field trip to a local Christmas tree farm and we were each given a baby tree to bring home every year that happened the tree died I was never able to grow into an actual tree that could be used for Christmas either I gave it too much water or I didn't give it enough so if anyone succeeded in growing one of those trees just know I am very impressed so you would think by now that I would have learned that I did not have a green thumb right nope several years later I moved on to something more carnivorous so you know those carnivorous plants the plants that can eat insects yeah I decided to have some of those because I thought that they were cool a Venus flytrap that I named karna vine and a pitcher plant that I named victreebel if you didn't catch on by now this was a time that I was very much so into Pokemon feeding the Venus flytrap was more fun since you could actually see it clothes and stuff on its prey because the pitcher plant didn't do anything it just let the bugs sit there in its belly juice slowly dissolving hurry up in junior food victreebel anyways they uh and had a tragic ending I left them out in a California summer Sun one day and I forgot to bring them back inside they were pretty much burned to a crisp after that experience I never had any more plants as pets ever again until one day now I'm just kidding I'm pulling that I could just see the wave of comments rolling in from that statement as young people I'm sure we've all had those dream pets that we all wish we had a common question related to this is if you could have any creature as a pet what would you pick some wish they had a tiger I think someone on Twitter said they wanted like a Pangolin or something I don't know I would have either wanted a shark or a dragon but I mean obviously I have to think about this realistically so of course they're gonna be expensive and difficult to take care of so maybe a tame dragon would be better as a kid I just imagine that would have this giant fish tank like those huge ones at aquariums and my spare time after doing homework I would just go swimming with my pet shark and I would rub its belly and I have a name it's Steve I guess I would have also wanted an orca as a pet because they're like my other favorite sea creature but I think people would look down upon that nowadays like hence the whole black fish thing so maybe not require or Tropius that would be cool for a blue-eyes white dragon yeah anyway so enough of this fantasy stuff I just wanted to mention that if I had a choice I would have chosen one of those besides I think the closest you can get to a fantasy pet is a virtual one like back in the day when Tamagotchis were a thing I didn't have any of those but I did have several Neopets I mean who didn't that was like the jamb flotsam was my choice of course yeah but that was only because I couldn't get a jetsam okay and I didn't know that there are ways to get one until I looked it up just now as I was writing the script oh I'm so tempted yeah chances are though all my flats ins are dead and I don't even remember my password so we're moving on so after completely failing at raising plants I got those pets that come in a box and you just put in the water and then you watch them grow yeah that's right I'm talking about sea monkeys and triops is baby now they must just say about the sea monkeys though they were like really small you couldn't even watch them eat stuff so the trial were definitely an upgrade from sea-monkeys for one thing they were much bigger and you could actually watch them nibble out these pellet things you gave them and they also looked really cool well compared to a sea monkey I named the biggest one Joey and I liked Joey so I was really sad when he died I'll tell you one thing I don't miss I don't miss the smell because somehow these shrimp things could stink up the whole tank they shed a lot too so every day I was pretty much removing like all the shedded skin they left behind and oh that's not shedded skin I forgot to mention they don't live very long if you don't know this about me yet then you should know that I like creepy crawlies with the exception of cockroaches and some spiders mostly the ones that can kill me but aside from those I'm pretty cool with having some as pets one that I thought was like really cool was known as the antlion or in scientific terms the mourmelon today mermaid a antlions I was lucky enough to have three all of which were named your pinch because I couldn't tell them apart the hell looked the same but the reason I think that they are so cool is besides the way that they look is the way they catch their prey the antlion these ferocious beasts would dig these pets in the sand and they lay waiting at the bottom with her serrated jaws wide open and when the unsuspecting prey usually an ant comes by the antlion would flick sand to make the ant fall into the pit the antlion would then grab the helpless prey and jagat beneath the sand to devour its victim not a trace is left in sight yeah I get a shot one of my true binges didn't even dig a pit they just waited underneath the sand so it was like impossible to tell where it was are you still alive but then you'd be watching an ant crawling by and then suddenly BAM just gets pulled under the sand man they're so cool that's just the larvae then they quote-unquote evolved into adults or vibe raava and then they live for like a day and then they die that's why you only want the larvae because adults they're just boring they just die it really just goes to show that it sucks to grow into an adult I'm seeing a trend in the pets that I had if you thought those were scary ha those were nothing compared to this big dude my camel spider let's all take a moment to acknowledge that big dude truly has such a beautiful Lee horrifying face fun fact they're actually called many things sudden spiders wind scorpions or suffered a forget it I found him wandering around in my house and I decided to keep him as you can see he has these really cool jaws to eat his food and yeah definitely was a very messy eater but unfortunately as bizarre and exotic as he was did he make a good pet no no not really I didn't even have a great story about him I just wanted to mention him really quick and lastly I want to introduce my to scorpions Sonic and barkas Sonic was my gigantic 7-inch emperor scorpion and barkas was my stubborn and tiny bark scorpion okay so you see where I got the name from I got Sonic as a Christmas present from my uncle and Sonic actually escaped its cage in my uncle's house before he was supposed to give it to me so for like an hour or two my uncle was looking all over his house for this huge scorpion definitely was a present I was not expecting mom wasn't too happy about him though but ironically I got barkas from my mom one day she found him in our house and she thought it was one of my fake plastic scorpion toys because I do have those I'm just glad she didn't try to pick it up because you know barkas was a little bit more alive than my toys and I'm sure that stingers not gonna feel very good it was definitely more lethal than Sonic's at least for me it's definitely not every day you come home from a long day of school and your mom suddenly tells you hey we got a scorpion but I didn't have barkas for very long not necessarily because he died but it was mostly because he was really picky with his food and I became worried that he might starve to death so I decided to release him back into the mountains I hope you live well barkas sonic was a good scorpion though I would take him out of his cage and put him in a cardboard box and I would give him pom-poms to play with I was getting attached to Sonic but then all of a sudden I noticed that Sonic was acting weird he wasn't eating he just stayed in his cave all day until one day I found out Sonic had babies Sonic was a girl ah so say you're not a he well that's pretty neat good memories sonic was a part of our lives for about two three years but finally she passed away shortly after having her babies which was actually okay because if she lived any longer she would have eaten the babies welcome to the Scorpion Kingdom everyone instead of burying her to become worm chow I decided to preserve her in a tub of salt and here she is this day and that's it those are the pets that I remember having as a kid and of course I'm not saying that these make better pets than dogs or cats or whatever I mean obviously when I'm feeling down I can't just cuddle up next to my scorpion to make me feel better she's just staying my face but regardless I am still grateful to all of them because they still made my life much more interesting there was one creature that I haven't even talked about yet one that I was attached and had for several years it was and still is my absolute favorite but that's an entire video in itself did you have any interesting pets well be sure to tell me in the comments below yeah but in all seriousness before you should get any pet unless if it's a rock you should always do your research on how to properly take care of them and whether they're legal because that's pretty important yeah so apparently my dad told me that we actually did have Tamagotchis it's just that he put them in a safe and left it there before I could play with it deprived childhood am i right I want to keep this end card short because this was a beast to create I think it's like the longest on this channel like ever but anyways thank you guys so much for the hundred K that is completely insane and it's really cool that it happened during my birthday month so so Gabe I've birthday to me that'll be it for this video thank you so much for watching and until next time stay up
Channel: Young Yong Tales
Views: 9,587,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animation, animation, animated story time, animated storytime, art, drawings, insects, spiders, scorpions, pet stories, animated pet stories, weird pets, unique pets, exotic pets, pet showcase, having weird pets, having exotic pets, bug stories, bugs, pet scorpions
Id: A6V1QujNz8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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