Experiencing the Worst Sickness

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this year's vidcon was a lot of fun the life-changing panels the parties since i got one of those like really fancy yellow badges that give me all access because i'm so famous obviously totally not because i may have acquired it by some other means that would make one question the badge's legitimacy famous now i'm back home pumped with all that youtube vidcon creative juice goodness and i'm ready to start making some videos my throat feels funny what [Music] after avoiding it for my entire lifetime it finally got me i think you know what i'm talking about it is indeed the very bad thing that i was so scared of and i'm not entirely sure if it's still controversial to speak of its name so therefore for the entirety of this video we will just uphold tradition and refer to it as steve honestly looking back i really shouldn't be surprised that i got sick i was basically asking for it vidcon only highly recommends guests to wear masks but are still optional even though cases are super high that just means no one is going to wear them then i also went to a party because i was famous in a club jam-packed full of people and i could literally count how many people were wearing maps with one hand me oh yeah i'm totally not gonna get sick in here i don't even like clubs they're just way too loud i can't have a proper conversation with anyone i told you mushrooms are disgusting now get that away from me also most importantly the strawberry lemonade they've made for me sucked like i know that that's not something you're supposed to get at a club but i'm just saying that if they can't make a proper strawberry lemonade that's a huge major red flag for me the only reason i went was because everyone i knew was going and you know i had to make the most out of this thing that i got legitimately peer pressure is truly a terrible thing kids and it cost me dearly if i came back from vidcon completely unscathed i would receive an ego boost so high that i could get struck by lightning and be completely fine come at me steve i can take it it's just sad though that even though i wore an n95 pretty much the entire time at the con i still got it but i guess you know what they say steve will find a way and thus here we are so day one of infection wasn't too bad i confined myself to living in my office room because while i felt mostly fine it still felt like a bunch of anime men and women were fighting something i was hoping that it was going to be another one of those times that i got sick thinking that oh boy it's that thing but then it's just the colder flu oh it's actually negative [Music] actually if you look really closely then you can see that there is a very faint line it means you're positive man i really shouldn't be getting my hopes up anymore and deep down i knew better not to brag or anything but i've had my fair share of uh flues and colds so i think i would know that what i was experiencing was new all right well that is not great but let's be positive here there's a very good chance that this isn't going to get any worse obviously so vaccinated boosted immune system let's go [Music] you know how the test says that you need to wait like 10-15 minutes before reading the result yeah my results came back almost immediately so no denying it now i remember how i felt when i got my second vaccine shot that hit me pretty hard the headaches the fever aching limbs tired all the time felt like something was sucking on my head not fun but this was like two times worse two times the not fun basically what i had was the costco sampler platter of covid all i wanted to do was lie down stare at the ceiling and contemplate how the heck did this happen and ultimately who was going to tease my fridges now apparently just staying in my office wasn't good enough protection because of how air circulates around the house and because of science steve could still travel around posing a threat to my parents but luckily my house has an exercise room where it basically had everything that i needed ventilation that didn't circulate to other parts of the house access to the outside workout equipment pretty sure i'm not going to need that though and a tv it was literally a glass box with doors this was going to be my home for the next two weeks let's see how that went a few days later okay um uh it is day three or five honestly i don't i don't really remember anymore they could all be the same for all i care uh when i wake up my throat literally feels like there is a rock in there that keeps growing every day i'm pretty sure it's the size of a toddler at this point i may have lost my sense of taste either that or it's just congestion but it's probably both all i want to do at the moment is just slide down and sleep but it turns out that doing that for long periods of time makes your back and tailbone hate you making it almost impossible to get comfortable and i didn't even know that i had a tailbone so that was fun and yeah i've definitely been hydrating a lot basically to the point that i'm going to the restroom every five minutes and let me tell you something the procedures that i must follow and the location of my designated bathroom it's just too much work so let's just say that the plants outside got plenty of lemonade but we're in a drought so i think it's fine and you want to know what the worst thing is is that there's this guy who stares at me for a very uncomfortable amount of time with a stupid smug little face his name is daryl and i hate him stop staring at me like that daryl that was definitely a low point in my life let's be honest but needless to say i'm feeling much better now some of my friends who've had it were like yeah i felt pretty bad for the first few days but after another day or so i tested negative either that or actually i didn't have any symptoms well isn't that nice guess how long it took me before i tested negative 16 days i should uh clarify though that i was only like super sick for like a quarter of that first week was like absolute misery the rest was like yeah i felt fine but i'm still testing positive therefore i can't leave this room therefore i have all this time to finally binge tiger king and gravity falls which by the way were just wow and yet the wows had different meanings i don't know if that makes sense here's a quick side story that you might enjoy at my expense it turns out that i did lose a bit of my sense of smell and for a minute i thought i also lost my taste because when my dad gave me my usual honey lemon ginger tea it didn't taste like any of that but salty oh my gosh i lost my sense of taste but no as a hilarious prank he just gave me some salty cauliflower water my mom boiled the night before that was real mean of you to do dad but well played it is hard to notice and appreciate certain things while going through such an illness like that but looking back i honestly had a lot to be grateful for like as bad as i thought i had it it could have been much worse i didn't develop any long-term symptoms and i can tell that my sense of smell is coming back i'm also grateful that the room i stayed in had basically everything that i needed to stay sane instead of just like my room in a bed but most importantly and who can forget the true nvps we gotta appreciate the 24-hour room service from my parents i'm just kidding i'm just kidding in conclusion this illness was a 10 out of 10 would definitely not want to experience ever again so i'm not taking any chances anymore this mask is not leaving my face they don't give me that oh but you have the antibody so you're not gonna get it again yeah shut up you don't even know and whoever got me sick i will find you and i will destroy you it's funny how i was planning on this video to come out shortly after vidcon but uh yeah life happens but anyways hey guys did steve pay you a visit as well well tell me about in the comments below and if your experience was anything easier than mine just know that you suck but i still appreciate you for watching so thank you uh quick announcement the tofu plushie has been restocked so if you missed out on the first launch you can grab yourself one of these bad boys now and also i released a brand new sundubu design that i think looks pretty tofu-tastic so check it out over at my store over at crowdmate.com the link will be in description below that'll be it for this end card thank you so much for watching i will see you in the next video but until then stay safe and stay up
Channel: Young Yong Tales
Views: 437,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: getting sick, experiencing the worst feeling in my life, getting covid, my experience with covid, experiencing covid
Id: zEsaN7Rdqjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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