This Kid Tried To Eat Me!

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hey everyone in celebration of this channel reaching 400,000 subs crowd made has now released a plush version of me it's a tofu plus plushie aka the Toshi so if you are interested be sure to get your Toshi over a crowd made calm but please hurry because supply is very limited your purchase is deeply appreciated but as always I'm just grateful for you watching my videos so with that being said let's start the video all right so question have you ever been bit before was it serious personally for me I can say yes I have but those were like pretty minor and there are definitely some scary things to get bit bite like whether it's be from a shark alligator snake recluse spider rabid animals dinosaurs but one thing that surprised me was actually how dangerous a human bite is well according to health line calm because of the bacteria in the human mouth a human bite can easily lead to infection see a doctor about any bite that breaks the skin so with that being said in the past yes I have been bitten by mosquitoes ants in a few times lizards but that was because I was really young and being an idiot however none of those come even close to when I got bit by a human thing a few months ago and I wasn't being an idiot that's what this video is about this time I got bit by a human being for no reason and I am still pretty salty about it so yeah it was a dark cloudy rainy morning probably a foreshadowing of my impending doom and our church was holding its monthly programme of kids church now before I go any further yes I do go to church it's not a big deal so don't ask me what kind or whatever all I'm gonna say is that as long as what you believe teaches you to love others and doesn't hurt anyone or anything then cool you also may be wondering well what is a kid's church a smaller room little pews and a little kid comes out and gives a sermon about VeggieTales it's not like that the best I can describe is that kids churches like daycare but more biblically themed they sing songs play games craft snacks and sprinkling in a few memory verses here in their kids church on the outside it's actually a really good idea I mean the kids get to be engaged in programs that appeal to them because I'm pretty sure they aren't that interested in listening to a grown-up sermon I know I wasn't so ideally it sounds nice but what it really is is just the way parents can escape their misbehaving children by letting inexperienced reluctant older kids to deal with them instead so naturally some friends and I were chosen for this task personally I don't have much of a problem with kids like I've always thought that I was okay around them and as long as they behave and do what they were told then hey we'll get along just fine also it wasn't the first time my friends and I have done it so we figured this will just be an ordinary day of kumbaya church but I think it prepared me for this I don't know if it's been scientifically proven that rainy weather is connected with kids behavior being out of whack but for some reason that day they were just out of control and didn't wanna do anything that we told them to do those two things are like the worst possible combination they didn't want to sing they didn't want to do the crafts they kept running out of the classroom which was honestly a safety hazard you know how hard it is to be enthusiastic when they're not okay kids how about everybody stand up and we're gonna sing some songs guys they're not doing anything what do we do it's really hard to smile and sing father Abraham when all they want to do is dab and talk about fortnight and oh just a mess so as you can imagine our patience was running pretty thin at this point especially for my friend whom we'll call and dream and she was just not having any of it like I remember there was a kid that kept jumping up and down on the couches even though we told him to stop and eventually she just Singaporeans style grabbed the kid and gave him eyes like listen here you little bean curd you do that one more time I will destroy you though and I believed her but and dream you can't really say that here at church Pisa hurt me I don't get me wrong the Lord was testing me as well through this one kid whom we shall call Steve of all the misbehaving kids he was probably like the worst on top of being rebellious super hyper and should I also mention that he was the one jumping on the couch he was also very fond of inflicting pain at my expense particular favourites were stomping on my toes and punching me and they weren't soft punches either and you know unfortunately with his height and my height often his punches were perfectly aligned with my yeah I was pretty vulnerable I did what I could at the time I took him aside firmly told him not to do that anymore or else I will get his parents involved unfortunately that's all we were allowed to do we pretty much did that with all the children thinking that that should get them to calm down because I mean it definitely worked for us when we were kids and that is how it should work right no it's just me okay well that I don't know what to say anymore shortly afterwards we were still in the middle of trying to contain the entire situation when Steve ran up to me and gave me a hug and I was thinking ah well this is kind of random but I mean hey maybe this is his way of apologizing and is now showing me some love but I couldn't finish that sentence because I felt a sharp piercing pain coming from my stomach I looked down and there Steve was sinking his razor-sharp teeth into his prey which was me okay two things are running through my mind at this point first of all and I think this is pretty obvious holy crap a kid just bit me and second of all now I am put in a very difficult situation on one hand part of me wants to straight-up cruel son smack this little beancurd now it might be just personal opinion but it's not very nice to just bite somebody for no reason but the other part of me knows that if I hit him I will get in serious trouble if I do he is not my kid and this is kids church so no official consent allowing the supervisors I eat us to execute more physical measures of discipline in situations like this we are taught if anyone slaps you on the right cheek turn to him the other also but you know I don't think this really pertains to this it makes absolutely no sense for me to just turn around and let him bite me again I'm not some kebab that'll just flip over so you can eat the other side overall I was very conflicted and I was doing literally everything I could to hold back my natural instincts to hit him back hold me back Jesus maybe like 10 15 minutes went by after the bite and I noticed that the pain is still there which is a bit concerning so I go to the bathroom to check myself out in the mirror whoo-hoo and as I lift up my shirt oh yeah I should mention that I was wearing a shirt this whole time as I lift up my shirt I could clearly see teeth marks in a little bit of blood coming out because of the large quantity of bacteria in the human mouth a human bite can easily lead to infection see your doctor about any bite that breaks the skin oh well great now I feel even worse so even though you're like clearly broke skin I guess I wasn't too concerned about it getting infected because again I was wearing a shirt so at least I had that to protect me I think right is that how it works I don't know finally we got through the whole thing we had a talk with the parents and we left them to deal with their kids punishment or not eventually Steve did apologize but it was obviously in one of those in sincere apologies like sorry but I'm only sorry because I was forced to and then I told my friends about it and they laughed at me or didn't care and that was at the end if you're thinking that that ending was unsatisfying I agree it was for me too but you know it's kind of one of those situations where revenge isn't justifiable I mean they're kids so we have to take the high road and show maturity and restraint and just hope that they learn their lesson I will say though that Steve definitely would have been sorry if I was flexing though we've destroyed his teeth trying to bite into these rock-hard ABS honestly though I think it just amazed us how out of control they all were despite us warning them that we would get their parents involved how did that not work like I guess sometimes kids church isn't that fun but when we were their age we knew to behave and take those warnings seriously because if our parents found out that we caused even the slightest amount of trouble we wouldn't exist so yeah in conclusion that experience was clearly not fun at all and I don't know if I'm mentally prepared to go through that again I'm still pretty scarred from it literally it left a mark on my stomach and more of the story don't bite others because you never know one day they might decide to make a video about it and put it on YouTube like me so you might be wondering why I use the name Steve a lot in my videos well there's no deep reason why it's just I think it's a very convenient name and I like the name Steve it's not Steven because I think the Steve is better that's a joke quick note about the Toshi's if you were to buy a Toshi is that the tongues will be read if you were to purchase it it's just the one that I have is one-of-a-kind so can't have that one in case you're wondering why it sounds so noisy in this recording if it turns out to be noisy is that I have fans going on right now because it's just really hot so I'll just make this really quick thank you all so much for 400,000 subs and supporting this channel I will see you all in the next video which should be soon hopefully but until then stay safe wear your mask and stay young
Channel: Young Yong Tales
Views: 1,357,910
Rating: 4.9539738 out of 5
Keywords: bite story, storytime animation, young yong tales, a kid bit me, I got bit, I got bit for no reason
Id: aSYxcyDfa6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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