These Are The Greatest Games Of ALL TIME

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top of the morning to holly ladies out there we're going to talk about some video games today because i well specifically we're going to talk about my nine favorite video games ever the games that have kind of defined me the games that i loved growing up or the games that kind of had a big impact on me because i always talk about like my favorite games my top three or my top two even a lot of the times but i never talk about the games that kind of round me out as a person that sort of sum up my personality or at least the kind of things that i like in video games and why i like them and i was talking to felix about this recently it was kind of his idea because we were talking about movies in our nine favorite movies and me him uh marcia and evelyn were all like sharing our nine favorite movies and then maybe we'll do a video on that as well but then he did a video talking about his nine favorite games and before he uploaded that he sent me a picture of his nine favorites and i was like that's fun yeah i think i can figure that out a lot quicker than my movies one so i decided to do it and it's it's a fun video idea i want to go over why these games are so important to me and why these games are my top nine now some of them are a little more interchangeable than others some of them i put in because i'm like yeah that game meant a lot to me but then i kind of fought with it a little bit to see if some other games would go in so this is my list we have this is in no particular order whatsoever either well maybe it is i don't know uh bloodborne shadow of the colossus metal gear solid 3 final fantasy 9 inside battlefield 3 uncharted 2 pokemon blue and undertale now the only two games that me and felix agreed upon in our lists are pokemon blue because shout out but we'll start off with the obvious ones because i keep talking about them all the time bloodborne shadow of the colossus i have a shadow of the colossus poster i have two giant bloodborne statues here um i have some dark souls stuff as well but i didn't want to put in games from the same developer i didn't want to put in like dark souls and bloodborne or like metal gear solid one and three or final fantasy you know i wanted to make sure i had one game from each of these developers and not kind of double them up but um i keep talking about how shadow of the colossus is my favorite game ever but i think bloodborne actually is i know i'll give you a moment to gasp for a second i constantly talk about how shadow of the colossus was my favorite game ever i've done two series on it the hd uh collection and then the full-on ps4 remake ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome finally the shadow with the colossus remake for those of you who don't know this is my favorite game ever made and then i haven't done any series on bloodborne i've done one video on it but i think see shadow of the colossus is the one that hit me harder at the time i was around 16 17 it came out 2006 or 7-ish didn't it and i didn't know anything about the game i loved video games in general i went into a gamestop in athlone in ireland and i saw the box for it which was this and it was like the paper version that came with all the postcards and everything like the special edition and it just looked so cool the idea that you could fight giant monsters and i looked at the back of it and it looked cool and i thought why not i have a bit of cash that i can spend on a game today i'll take a chance on this one i knew nothing about it and then when i brought it home of course it floored me it completely changed my perceptions of what video games could be because a lot of video games were very samey back then this is pre like artistic kind of games like since then stuff like journey and like inside and like bloodborne and all those kinds of games came out where it was more like show don't tell but back then i had never played a game that was as ambiguous as shadow of the colossus was it was so different from anything i had played where you were basically just wandering around an open world that was empty in a sea of games that were trying to replicate grand theft auto and then this came along and you did nothing in the open world except find giant monsters and kill them it was basically just a boss rush game with a glorified uh kind of like level design and it just i didn't know that that's what games could be it opened up my my ideas of what a game could be like artistically sort of cinematically it was one of the first games that made me cry from my memory and the ending was just kind of like what and i left this really weird feeling in me that just never ever went away and i thought about it every day for like a year after i played it and it kind of shaped a lot of what i think games can be it kind of like merged it with something else in my brain that i didn't know i loved i didn't know i loved giant monsters as much as i did so it kind of opened up my brain a lot and that's why i think i was saying it was my favorite game ever for a long time it's still really high up maybe these two are tied bloodborne shadow colossus because i i love both of them a lot but bloodborne is the one that i go back to a lot i play bloodborne at least five times a year and that's no exaggeration i i play it about five times every year i i go through it so many times last year because it was miserable i think i played through it like eight times back to back i just sat down played it back to back to back to back to back constantly and sometimes i play with evelyn and i think that that's why it's probably my favorite game ever and for other reasons that i'll get into i always said the dark souls was my favorite from soft game the only game that's ever come close to beating this as my favorite game ever was dark souls i loved the style i it was another game that kind of blew me away because i didn't play it when it originally came out um i didn't have a console to play it on i played it on pc when it came out much later when that um it was their first pc port of their games and i played it and it was nothing at all what i expected it was so slow and methodical and so visceral and you had to like nowadays everyone knows what a from soft game is but back then i had no idea i'm playing that for the first time it opened up my mind to all these other possibilities of like holy [ __ ] this is what like this is my style of game that risk reward type of uh scenario and then for a long time i thought dark souls was my favorite game in that sort of souls born series um now including sekiro as well but i i once bloodborne came out i played it i didn't like it the first time because it was so different than that the two two dark souls and then the more i played it the more i liked it i liked how much faster it was i liked how i don't know i don't want to use the word visceral again but you know what i mean if you've played it it's so like in your face like get up and close destroy stuff and i loved the story to it it was so hp lovecraft and it was so like 2001 space odyssey kind of stuff mixed together and i'm a huge like fantasy sci-fi nerd when it comes to storytelling anything got to do with time travel anything got to do with science fiction anything got to do with like giant monsters anything if all of them work together beautiful but i love that kind of stuff and seeing a game that's so encapsulated hp lovecraft and eldritch truth and that kind of stuff so perfectly as well as an incredibly lean video game the mechanics are so incredibly solid and getting through it and doing the different builds it doesn't have as much build of variety as say like a dark souls 3 but it's the one that i feel like i can get back into and play non-sub bloodborne is my desert island game shout out to colossus is an incredible game so artistic so perfect but it's one of those games that you play it once and then it's like i'll do time trial mode but then you kind of run out of stuff to do in it really quickly so bloodborne for that reason i think has taken up the mantle as my favorite game ever and it introduced me to like victorian styles which i didn't know i loved until i played that game and i'm like oh yeah i love the clothing i love the architecture i love all that kind of stuff that's sort of like the sort of like renaissance sort of look to it oh it's so good it's so dark it's so gritty and then i went back and played dark souls 1. it didn't hold up as much as i thought it would the world design is incredible but the gameplay just feels kind of sloppy at times now there's four-way rolling in it you can't even do eight-way rolling in dark souls one piece of shaking moving on i could talk all day about some of these but i don't want this video to go on forever let's talk about metal gear solid three i think the top four games probably in this list are the way i would perceive them as in like my top five metal gear solid one i should go back to first was a game that i played when i was 10 and i played it on playstation one a friend of mine had it i saw a little bit of it decided okay i need to get this game borrowed it from him back when it came in the two-disc case and you had to figure out meryl's codec by looking at the back of the case yeah i don't know what the [ __ ] to do you have to look at the back of the cdks for merrell's codec number oh well how the [ __ ] was i supposed to figure that out colonel tells you oh whoops what i killed him none of that like psycho mantis like change control reports stuff really works anymore yeah i don't know what the [ __ ] to do dude you got to plug the controller into the second controller oh and i loved it it was so cool to see a video game blend movie action so seamlessly i think it probably is the first game to ever do that nowadays when you have games like uncharted 2 which is in my list and those big set pieces and games that are really like a movie and call of duty is kind of like their campaigns are very like action movie-esque games like that didn't really exist back then when you were playing a game it was like it was very like gamey and then that came along metal gear solid one is the game that introduced me to voice acting in video games and how cool it can be i can't see so glove from here there are sentries posted around the perimeter i wonder how many are inside war has changed i think it was my first foray into japanese video game making as well i mean like i play pokemon but i don't know there was something about metal gear solid that was so anime without me really knowing what anime was at the time you know pokemon at the time kind of it was anime but it felt a lot like other cartoons [Music] i don't know i'm not making any sense but metal gear solid 3 then was that formula perfected because i love i love sort of the hidden in grass aspect to it i love the camouflage system even though the menu is kind of wonky in it now but i loved hiding in the grass and getting a sniper rifle and shooting a dude at distance and really perfecting that sneaky feel and the hand-to-hand combat and all the characters are super fun and it has the best ending boss fight in the entire franchise and it it was another game that made me cry at the end of it and it was so absolutely incredible that it took what metal gear solid 1 was and what i liked so much about it and elevated it to this extremely high level that i just couldn't stop playing metal gear solid 3 was the first game i played back to back to back to back to back i think when it came out and i played it for the first time i played it 12 times back to back before i got tired of it there was so much to do there was so much to see like all the keratin frogs then you got stealth camo things like that it was phenomenal i loved it and it was the first game that i got really quick at doing i i went through it so many times that i learned how to defeat certain bosses way quicker without any guides without any cheats oh it was so good i love snake eater a lot i haven't played it in a while i wonder if it still holds up but i just love the the end boss fight and that the sniper rifle sort of fight and the way that you can defeat him like three or four different ways by leaving or changing the time in your playstation in your ps2 back then and then you come back and he was dead from old age or like just different things like that blew me away and the sort of hidden secret easter eggs that metal gear games had was another thing that added this layer of meta narrative to it metal gear solid 2 as well aged so much better than some of the other stories because nowadays the stuff that's in battle gear solid 2 is like oh yeah duh but back then it was like all these weird ideas that we were like what is he talking about he's crazy turns out he was right final fantasy nine i wonder if that's a surprise to many people i wonder if some of these games are a surprise to people of why i have them in my list final fantasy 9 was another game i played when i think i was actually nine or ten or eleven i was that i was in like my last year second last year of primary school and a friend of mine loaned it to me i knew nothing about final fantasy games he just liked video games a lot he was like hey you might like this one i played it i adored it it was the first final fantasy game i ever played and maybe that's the way it always is the first final fantasy game you play is the one you like the most a lot of people have a lot of reverence for seven and i understand that completely because it was it changed the final fantasy formula forever but i feel like nine because it was my first game i loved the characters i loved that world it felt like playing a studio ghibli movie which i hadn't seen but now that i have seen ghibli movies i'm like oh that's what you were doing with nine the characters are amazing i think vivi who's in this picture is one of the greatest video game characters ever his arc through that story is so good um and it was it was the first game with like a character ensemble that i played it was my first turn-based rpg again japanese game that i had played that i didn't know i liked until i played that one nowadays you go back and play it and it's super slow it's super clunky in the combat you have to walk around forever like the fight start and it takes like 10 minutes to finish one [Music] it's helped by the newer versions because you can speed them up but i feel like that game the world that was in it the story it was telling the summons that you could get the character dynamic between uh garnet or dagger and zidane was so cool i had never played anything like that before and it blew me away the final boss terrible some of the stuff in it terrible but it was that again another game where you could get through the story pretty quick but if you went off the beaten path and me and my friend had a uh guide from i think it was the prima guide i want to get that book you know it had the white final fantasy nine front and had all the stuff in it like go here get this i wonder if i can buy that online i want that on my bookshelf because that was a book that we read a lot and it was basically like follow this guide you'll get everything in the game and there was so much to it that we didn't know was in the game all these like ultimate weapons that you could get by doing like chocobo farming and taking your airship in this direction like man so cool i love final fantasy 9 a lot i feel like it doesn't get enough praise as it should i feel like it is one of the top three final fantasy games i think seven left more of an impact on people because of the time it came out in the first one of that style and then 10 was the first one that had voice acting in so people remember those ten polls i played nine and then eight eight is fun but i think the second half of eight just falls apart um and then i play ten i've never played seven maybe i should i tried the remake but it just felt too padded out for my liking um but i maybe i should play this original seven again or for the first time i should say final fantasy 9 the greatest final fantasy game ever and i don't care what you say 10 has better combat um but nine as a package is just so good oh no the story is beautiful the location's awesome oh i love it i don't know if this video is actually interesting at all i'm kind of worried that i'm sitting here talking too much about this stuff but these are the types of videos that i like watching again i like watching felix's one i like watching his book reviews i like those types of videos the older i'm getting the more i want to just like sit down in my chair like an old man and just like regale my tails um but anyway let's move on we're gonna talk about inside next which again might come as a surprise to people because i played this on my channel top of the morning to your ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to a game called insight this is weird actually all these games are like my favorites but shadow of the colossus and insider the only two that i have a full series on well i did people probably wouldn't watch these that's probably why i'm not doing them but inside was one of those games that made by the people who made limbo i liked limbo a lot it was fun it had that sort of ambiguous storytelling that i liked the art style was nothing like i had seen at the time again but it just didn't have a lasting impact on me um but inside completely changed that it was the same formula as limbo the same sort of play style with slight differences but the scenery in that game i think i'm a huge fan of if you couldn't tell by the short films that i do and like the ego content and things like that that i do i'm a huge fan of like show don't tell i like people interpreting interpreting their own meaning out of story because i love that when i watched things like lost i i love that sort of go down the rabbit hole come up with all your own theories because your theories are always going to be better than what the story actually gives you same with bloodborne a lot of my theories on that well bloodborne the story is actually there it doesn't leave much to ambiguity you just have to go looking for it shout out colossus completely ambiguous you don't really know the full story and some of the theories that people come up with are going to be better than probably what the developer intended so inside was that kind of thing as well that just there was so much going on that my brain was racing as i was playing and i was trying to put plot details together and the scenery was some of the coolest that i've ever seen in a video game it's a it's a 2d game it's like it's like made 3d but in a 2d style it's kind of like the ori and the will of the wisps game is kind of done the same way a lot of well a lot of games are done that way nowadays what is going on it sort of had like big game development graphics in a 2d style like the volumetric fog the volumetric lighting the shadowing the animations all topped here but it was done in this sort of like side-scrolling style that i just i couldn't believe how good it was the locations are awe-inspiring the sort of style that they use the framework that they use look at that art style that is i feel like if i wanted to make something it would look like inside i i feel like that's exactly my style kind of distilled into something that's sort of like weird creatures this sort of ambiguity but one of the main reasons i like it a lot and something that i haven't talked about yet in many of these is sound design the sound design in inside is so much greater than anything else in it i think there's that one section where you're going along and you're puppeteering the dudes and then you hear the sort of like shake in the next room and dust falls out of the ceiling and stuff you're like what the hell is that and then you go into the next area and you see these like big explosions happening but you can't really see anything and then this shock wave happens and then there's a moment where you hide behind a metallic plate and then it has this like whoa kind of sound to it it is some sort of like pulse [Music] that is [ __ ] freaky oh [ __ ] i felt like i was gonna cry the first time it happened because it like just hit me right in my emotions i love good sound design again people know this a lot about me i studied sound design but it was so incredible to listen to that i was like man listening to this on headphones is not doing it any sort of justice so someday i will create a room where i can listen to stuff like this with like the heaviest punch in my chest and just really feel it because sound design is like 50 of the experience if done right oh my god that's awesome and i feel like inside nailed it that one moment where you hit the submarine down through the boards and it all opens up the camera pulls back it's just you a light and endless water and it has that like kind of sound to it and it just kind of like leaves you sitting there like the sound cuts out and then this like swell of music comes back in it's music and sound and everything hits me so much more emotionally sometimes than a good story [Music] and i feel like inside hit every single note perfectly and the gameplay is nothing to write home about but it doesn't matter it just shows that good environments a cool concept and good sound design can go so much further than like oh we need to reinvent the wheel i feel like battlefield 3 definitely deserves to be on this list because it's it's not a game i talk about often it's not a game like i don't talk about multiplayer shooters a lot a lot of times whenever i do talk about them and the fact that i played them a lot people are shocked like when i i used to play valorent a lot or i i played like modern warfare the newer one when it was remade and rebooted i played that a lot i i played a lot of the original modern warfare a [ __ ] ton of modern warfare 2 that came out when i was in college and i skipped classes to play modern warfare 2. i had played a lot of multiplayer shooters in the past but battlefield 3 is the one that i played the most i put over a thousand hours into that game which these days is nothing people are like a thousand hours try 10 000 hours in world of warcraft or team fortress 2. i get it but for me i never put that much time into a game and it was also i think the reason it hit me more is because it's the game that got me into pc gaming i play so much of my games on pc now that and it's my preferred platform to play games on but i i didn't play pc games before that i was strictly a console gamer specifically like sony consoles and battlefield 3 was being teased and that if any of you are into battlefield 3 at the time you will know that that teaser trailer that came out was like holy crap we've reached real life graphics i guess we're late to the party where's the lt hang nothing looked that good that original like it's like a level in the middle east somewhere and they like there was like a whole demo video for it and they teased that and then getting out of like the apc i was like how the hell does a video game look like this and i was on a lot of gaming forums back then and they were all talking about like oh yeah you're gonna have to get it on pc to see it look that well and i was like pc gaming huh and then that was the first time i learned about like graphics presets and how you could like i thought pc gaming was just console gaming with a mouse and keyboard i didn't realize like you could upgrade the resolutions and change them and there was all this flexibility and graphic styles and like presets and having some stuff on medium and other stuff on high to like tailor the game for what you wanted i had no idea about frame rates i didn't know 60 fps was such an important thing in games and that 60 versus 30 debate was going on back then and nowadays it's like no you need 360 hertz monitors which i have um and like really high frame rates to like really dial in the input lag and that kind of stuff i had no idea about any of that and it was so fun to learn about it and i got a pc i started playing battlefield company 2 on it because i played that a lot on my ps3 as well and then that was the game that introduced me to wasd and using a mouse at the same time it's so obvious how to control a character like that now but i remember playing stalker shadow of chernobyl that was the first game i got for my pc because it was the only one they had in the store when i went looking for pc games and when i was walking around i was like wait how do i turn how do i turn the mouse i have to lift the mouse and put it back down i was like oh this is so weird and it took me a while to get used to it but back company 2 was the one that i learned how to like navigate quickly in a pc shooter and then battlefield 3 came out i played that more than any game at that time i would stay up all night playing it caspian border is one of my favorite multiplayer maps ever made and it's coming back in battlefield 2042 i'm so excited for that it comes out in like over it's like a month over a month away i'm so excited for that game so if you didn't know i'm big into like first person shooters in like multiplayer and battlefield 3 is like my peak and then i played a lot of battlefield 4 but because of the introduction to pc gaming and like really delving into it and staying up all night playing a game battlefield 3 makes the list for me and it has phenomenal sound design dice are like the kings in the industry of doing really clean really perfected audio and battlefield 3 i feel like is probably one of their best sounding games bike company 2 had more of a hollywood sound bad battlefield 4 onwards kind of leaned a little too much into realism i think like battlefield 3 probably has maybe i'm biased i think it has the best sound design now uncharted 2 is one of those games that i didn't know if i should leave in there are other games that i thought about putting in here like portal 2 half-life 2 not because they're all sequels um but there's a lot of games that i feel like could probably occupy this position but i feel like uncharted 2 has a special place in my heart as well for what it did for video games at the time a lot of games have like big set pieces in them now and a lot of games got uncharted defied or whatever you want to say a lot of protagonists really emulate nathan drake now like you know how every protagonist in a game these days talks to themselves which is so annoying most of the times like i remember playing horizon uh zero dawn and a loy talks to herself constantly here they come corrupted watchers can't be too prepared don't lie goodbye quiet approach and sometimes it works but for her it really pissed me off it was like such a detractor for the character for me because they all feel like they're trying to emulate nathan drake they all feel like it that was like one of the first games to have that like character monologuing to themselves and quipping and being like okay where'd we go next that kind of stuff save my ass again and then so many games tried that afterwards and that like slow-mo walk through a crack at the wall god of war 3 kind of did that as well and then every game god of war 3 is also a game that could probably go into this slide um for the spectacle in it but uncharted 2 was that game that i feel like kind of changed the industry and the set pieces that were in it had never been seen before maybe in like half-life 2 half-life 2 has some incredible set pieces as well but it wasn't like cinematically framed the way uncharted 2 was and then uncharted 2 got known for its set pieces that after that and it kept trying to make bigger ones then uncharted 3 came out and they kind of thought of set pieces first and then build character and story around those top of the morning to you ladies my name is jacksepticeye and in this video i'm gonna play some uncharted 3 because why not uncharted 3 sucks it's not as narratively tight as the other ones the gunplay is kind of sloppy the characters are boring the story in it is not great the set pieces are phenomenal like that boat sequence and the plane sequence are some of the greatest but if it's tied to a crappy skeleton then i don't really care i don't have the emotional attachment to it then but uncharted 2 i don't know i played a lot of that game and i used to replay sections just to see those set pieces and the gun play is kind of sloppy in that the platforming is kind of just like point in this direction and nate will go that direction kind of stuff but that's again horizon ghost of tsushima all these games now have that same type of platforming to them and uncharted 2 well uncharted 1 did a lot of it but uncharted 2 perfected it and made it so much better but i really liked the story i liked nathan drake in that game it was also another one of those games like metal gear solid 1 that took sort of hollywood cinematic movie style stuff which i'm i'm i love movies i'm infatuated with that kind of stuff in general but then that opening of him in the train and the camera was sideways and then it cut to like like before that and then you caught up to that man that's so good [Music] how do they think about this and now i'm like oh that's like a thing that they do in movies a lot but again it just kind of changed my perceptions for what games could be dead space is also a game that i feel i could go into that slot dead space is an incredible game as well dead space 2 i like a lot i think dead space 2 was my favorite and then uh dead space one kind of overtook it because of narrative and pace and kind of atmosphere but dead space two i loved sitting around and looking at the lighting in that game and how it like like there was this section where you walk down and like escalator on the ground the lights on the billboard like shining on the wall and i was like whoa that's such cool game design like dynamic lighting was such a big thing back then dead space 2 did it really well so this is kind of like like i don't know slot a lot of games could fit into this slot but i feel like uncharted 2 is sort of like the grandfather for a lot of that stuff like a lot of stuff that they do in the last of us now which is considered to be their best franchise for a lot of people just started in uncharted 2. that's where they really got their chops for storytelling characters set pieces pace beautiful game and of course i gotta put pokemon blue in here [Music] if any of you came to my tour you'll know that the pokemon blue story but i'll tell it for any of you here pokemon blue is the first game that i remember playing i like i had i played it on my gameboy obviously and i had super mario world 2 i think and i had a donkey kong game and i had some other like crappier games like a wave racing game but pokemon blue was the one that i played the most i played it with my friends they had pokemon red they had pokemon red first this is the story and i really wanted a pokemon game i didn't have any money i didn't know how i was gonna get it i just told my parents like i want a pokemon game i just didn't care i if i got pokemon red it would have been great blastoise isn't even my favorite pokemon charizard is which pokemon red would have been perfect but i wanted a pokemon game so badly and my friends had it now so jealous i didn't get to play so i would just sit in like our treehouse and watch them play it on their game boy as a kid and i was so in love with it i thought it was so cool pokemon was my favorite show growing up so much so that i cried one time thinking i'm leaving primary school in a year and school ends at like 4 p.m and i won't get to watch pokemon at 3 p.m anymore and i cried in my bedroom thinking about that turns out by the time i got to secondary school and in that year i didn't give a [ __ ] about pokemon anymore my body was changing i was way more into girls and and hanging out with friends and being cool it was way cooler to like pokemon but i wanted pokemon so badly and then my friend was like oh i have pokemon red i'm so cool and i was like yeah i have pokemon blue my my mother got it for me she's just not here right now because my my mother was in china on a like retreat getaway thing she used to do volunteering for the irish wheelchair association and they would go on these trips and they went to like the great wall of china and they got to see a bunch of the world and china was this trip that they went on it was such a ridiculous story i was like my mother got me pokemon blue in china uh she's just not here it's like that oh yeah i have a girlfriend she just goes to another school you don't know her i was just bullshitting my friend trying to save face as like a [ __ ] eight-year-old and then my mother came back from china a week later and handed me pokemon blue i didn't tell her that she didn't tell me it was just this really weird like it felt like fate it was kismet it was just so perfectly aligned that i had [ __ ] to my friend and lied to him and i was horrible for doing it was such a little [ __ ] but then it turned out to be true so i was like yeah i never told him the truth other than he came to the show in dublin and then same friend actually who had the final fantasy 9 guidebook and i played a lot of metal gear solid 3. oh look at that in that order he was the only friend that i had growing up his name was porig which is a irish for uh patrick but uh we were like really close friends growing up and we played a lot of video games together and he was really really good at video games one of the smartest guys actually the smartest guy i knew growing up he got into like computer stuff i think he works for like ea in some form um like he got really big into computer engineering and everything and we just played a lot of games together and we remember back then you could like share pokemon across like infrared on your game boys and stuff so pokemon blue has such a massive place in my heart because of that kind of stuff i'm the type of person who knew a lot about pokemon back then i knew all 150 pokemon i knew the poke raps from the anime and i just fell off pokemon after that to me pokemon is that first 150 that's the perfect pokemon environment that first like like town sort of arc and i love that so much and a lot of that is because the cartoon and pokemon blue at the exact same time and there are rumors right now going around i don't know if it's confirmed yet that uh game boy games are coming to nintendo switch online and if it has pokemon blue i can't wait to play that that's going to be so good that's going to be such a throwback to my childhood because that was before like backlit screens on consoles you were just playing this green screen that had black outlines that if you were playing you ever see that gif of like a cartoon of like driving in the car playing game boy and every time a street light goes by that's how you saw it that was me on my way to my grandmother's every time a street light went by i would look at it and i would be so worried my batteries would run out before i got to my grandmother's house and i i bought like the the magnifying screen for it with the light on it later that i could see it i love my game boy that was the first uh gaming system that i had and then i moved on to playstation so pokemon blue has such an enormous place in my heart probably more so than any of these because it was the first thing that got me into video gaming and last but not least a lot of people are going to be really happy to see that undertale is on my list because i talk about it a lot and i say that it's my undertale is my favorite series that i've uploaded on my channel because i think um not only was it a really great game but i feel like i did a really good job representing the game [Music] oh a lot of people love the voices that i did which like a lot of people say now like oh no this is the voice for this character like it i'd only hear jack's voices for this character to the point where people kind of [ __ ] on others for liking other voices which i hate i like the whole point of the game is that they don't have voices that you put your own onto them and i know that toby fox probably hates me a little bit for that reason that like my series became one of the bigger ones on youtube so a lot of the stuff that i said or thought or did became the standard for what a lot of people thought undertale was [Music] what the [ __ ] the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick actually no i have to give him a good voice wait what does this stuff sound like he sounds like patrick starr from like spongebob i'm sans sans the skeleton the reason i liked it so much is because i could find so much of my own meaning in the game um but that's kind of the double-edged sword of doing a let's play on it and then it just became so much popular so much more popular than i thought it would okay what kind of voice do we give this guy um what's up guys just don't do that if people have their own head cannons for their own voices and things like that let them it's great if you think that i did such a good job on it that that's your experience of undertale but please don't try and force it on to other people but that is one of the big reasons why i like that series so much is because so many people got so emotionally involved in it and so did i and i loved it a lot and it was way better than i thought it was going to be i remember seeing a clip of it and i was like man this game is so ugly i would never play this and then people kept asking me and asking me and asking me so i eventually did it wasn't doing well when i uploaded it but i liked it a lot so i kept doing it and then it like back then it was undertale cool new game now it's undertale like the legacy happened to mercy ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to undertale a lot of people have been asking me to play this game and i'm really curious about it myself because there's so many good things on the internet about this lately a lot of people are talking about and saying that it's a really good game that it's funny the characters are awesome and i wanted to oh long ago it wasn't like that back when i did it and then a lot of people like blame my channel for like the turning point of when the audience got cringed but i think it just hit critical mass at the same time but i love that game i think we've played a lot of games on this channel where it's like choice-based stuff like telltale games and life is strange and a lot of them try and have that illusion of choice but it's all smoke and mirrors the choices usually mean absolutely nothing at the end of the day but undertale was a choice-based game without advertising that it was you could play it however the hell you wanted and it actually had real big consequences to what happened in the story because of that and every permutation was thought of it had that element of like vagueness to it that i loved the world was incredible you'll you'll see like a running theme with a lot of these it's a lot of like either sound design visuals like set pieces and narrative or world design i think a lot of all these games share some of those traits with each other um and like final fantasy and undertale share characters uh bloodborne shadow of the colossus and undertale share an inside share that sort of ambiguous world that you derive your own meaning out of uncharted and metal you're solid have that like um sort of character action cinematic feel to them like sound design for these two sound design actually for undertale as well the soundtrack is one of the greatest soundtracks that i've ever heard in a video game but it again it kind of changed my perceptions a lot of what video games were that you could pair back a lot of the mechanics and the graphics and you didn't have to like release a game in that era that had to be like triple a big ray traced reflections all this kind of stuff it was just really really well written characters like even side characters just felt so real and lived and felt like actual like fully fledged beings that i had never seen before it was like a funny video game without trying too hard the sound like again was so good the type of gameplay that it was was so different from like again turn based it was one of those games that i'm like yeah i like that a lot and then as time went on i was like man i really like that and then man i [ __ ] loved that game so i feel like that deserves to be on this list it's one of those games again that i got to voice act like myself for my own series a lot oh oh you know what's going on here don't you you just wanted to see me suffer ah now he's kicking into full gear died come on toriel save us yay i like the little sound he makes when the flame hits him he's so cute and that was something that i was always in love with with games and movies and uh animated shows and things like that i i really loved voice acting and then i finally got to do it i was one of those people that always loved seeing people at panels and then people asking them like can you do the voice and they would do it the whole crowd would go wild i was like yay that's so cool that they're able to switch to that voice and then the voices i did for undertale people asked me to do at panels and whenever i did them people had that reaction and that was so cool to me i was like man i'm kind of like living out my dream right now aren't i um even though it's not like professionally acted and it's not like the voices for the characters or anything but because people got so attached to my series they liked hearing it that much so undertale definitely deserves to be on this and of course it has that like awesome like play it any way you want there's like so many different avenues you can go down the hidden easter eggs the sort of like remembering when you turn off your pc and putting files on your computer and that kind of stuff just so cool exactly my type of game and i love that a lot so undertale definitely deserves to be on that list there are many other games that probably deserve to be here probably other games that i've forgotten even but i feel like these are the games that represent me really really well that you can kind of get a feeling for who i am just by looking at this picture of nine games and maybe i'll probably have like 15 games there's like like i've mentioned some of them that had a big impact on me but these ones are the ones that kind of like infer my personality and then when i watch movies and stuff i pay attention to aspects of them that i feel like came from me playing these types of video games um so that's why they mean a lot to me some obviously more than others clearly bloodborne and shadow of the colossus are the two big ones that shape so much of who i am now but all these other games definitely have like a little piece of my heart attached to them anyway that was this video i hope it was interesting to some of you it's a very different type of video but i think it's very fun to go over this type of stuff and to get sort of like a feeling for who i am let me know down in the comments what your nine favorite games are this was way easier for me to do than it was the movie one um because i just feel like i've played more games and i've watched movies whatever i don't know but it was really easy for me to come up with this list um and i came up with it in like 20 minutes so i want to see what your nine favorite games are and maybe i'll do my nine favorite movies list because i feel like there's some on that that people don't realize are my favorites i can talk about hot fuzz being my favorite movie ever but i don't there's some other movies on that list that i think would surprise people so let me know if you'd like to see that as well leave a like on this video actually if you want to see that one because that's easier to see than going through the comments um we leave the comments for your nine favorite games if you can think about them so really curious but thank you for watching this one i hope you enjoyed it
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,862,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, best games of all time
Id: QvcRWSm04CY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 41sec (2801 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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