LUNAR NEW YEAR in Human Fall Flat!

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i will always be at the front of the ride it is your job to protect little moon junior you lost little junior last time but this time you shall prevail it's my duty to save little moon but not lunar [Music] human fall flat lunar new year edition [Applause] yes happy lunar new year everyone let's go okay follow me down the stairs i will explain i don't take stairs rules okay fine dracco you explain you look like you're ready we have to collect the 12 zodiac pieces statues and we gotta place them on their appropriate pedestals okay oh that's cool okay well since i am the pig i must find the pig one where's the pig that's true where's the pig none of these okay let's start oh whoa this lobby's so cute look there's pandas wow we pick up the pandas with red envelopes red envelope wait are you trying to take i don't think no draco no i'm not taking the red envelope that's right [Laughter] hey you yeah i'm looking at you make sure to subscribe to the channel for this oh that was amazing clap clap wow amazing okay gold i am subscribed hit this one yeah hit the drums that's pretty cool everybody it's time to celebrate oh can i take this i really want um oh yeah fancy um it's all the colors except for luna oh mine boom wait wait are there stuff under these boxes these bikes oh do you think there's stuff hiding under here draco we're just wrecking this whole market there's nothing i think these are fire playing games we're gonna get banned like what i do in video games break the pops there's nothing in there guys i don't see anything wait don't you light it up crackers yeah light it up draco yo that's so cool yay celebration why do i light this whole map on fire okay well no i'll do the wait that box is light up too these boxes light up too right you can't just fire works coming [Applause] you guys are missing the objective man okay okay okay go get away from the firecrackers you're a pyromaniac application mommy is insane wow oh god so cool wait is that the pig did i miss you bunny you said there was none oh well i didn't see you okay piggy everyone helped put up stuff all right pig with my muscles gold you have to get the chicken drop the ox or the rooster draco come on i don't where is it are you so dude why you so bad at placing the ox is right the ox is right here okay that's where you place the ox zodiac bam goat gold has the rooster and what's that rooster where are you hey you take care of this rainbow the snake why is this rainbow looking at this it might be the snake okay well come with me rainbow put snake in spots why wait you should talk ow oh hold up this is a cut scene cut scene you should tell them what they're zodiac how's this a cut okay uh rainbow you put in your zodiac which is a monkey draco zodiac is jack i forgot your zodia oh it's a tiger it's a tiger tiger it's already in luna yo zodiac is the ox and yeah it's really bad it's just gonna take over because she's taking forever leave a comment down below what your zodiac is and if you don't know you can google it because google's the best okay we should go back down that way because i'm pretty sure there was like more stuff no no let's go this way that was fun there's a ferris wheel i don't want it to end all right there's real ferris wheel let's go ferris wheel whoa what's this is this the roller coaster okay fine the roller coaster is only for people wait that's not the roller coaster is it oh yeah it looks like a roller coaster fine let's go this way to the ferris wheel funniest favorite the ferris wheel i hate ferris wheels they scare me i bet you one of the carriages has um a statue in it ferris wheels give me anxiety let's all get in the same one rainbow oh my god funny oh wait there's right the ride starts right there right here bruh bye honey bye bye funny hi can you come pick me up please yeah sure we gotta watch this watch this swing seriously he's swinging back she's swinging yay get off buddy hey you're gonna hurt her i hate ferris wheels if it's windy they start to swing and it gets out ow draco let me on let me on let me come ahead no look it's the roller coaster we should go without them let's do it let's do it dragon trophy in the front seat let's go oh oh no yeah i hit it okay you guys help me wait i i have a problem oh funny i wanted to ride i'm holding on to it i hope it doesn't fall out okay this is great we have ditched them they are long gone they cannot be on the same roller coaster as us this place is so cool this is the best rollercoaster ever don't let go of the bars lunar luna jump let me show you jack was holding out to me this seems like you guys are going to fall out of the coast dracula don't let go of my hand let go there's a loop coming you have to let go there's a look luna luna i'm gonna try to miss an impossible this i'm gonna try um rainbow and gold we're very sorry but lunar fell out can you come back can you pick her up no you're not sorry oh go and go on that roller coaster i gave it i gave it one star that was very painful hello oh the trophy's back gold rainbow we are sorry we started it before i'm ignoring you the point of lunar new year's is to share and yeah we're being shot we're sorry rainbow let's ride this by ourselves no stop no don't we look like we're having much more fun than them you know what we gotta collect the statues i'm pretty sure the roller coaster was more fun but okay draco come on let's take it back and not to mention it was a fish roller coaster that's why you didn't like it track though it wasn't a fish come on guys no more goofing around we have to finish the goal of bringing all the zodiac statues to their former place put it on wait how much are we missing we're missing two more statues jaco put it up why would you put on the monkey boom i don't know what i'm looking at i'm guessing perfect two more lead the way rainbow all right everyone we're gonna head north here into this magical snow how do you know it's north rainbow remember what we learned about north we always say north oh oh it's a fortune money tree whoa this is a hot spring how relaxing i'm gonna stay wait there was a zodiac in here too you can take the money down cool cool i want one are you supposed to take money from the money tree i mean i think i can take a piece what do you mean if i give it to funny then funny took it right i think we put it in here oh oh yeah funny loves money touche what do we do okay can we burn the money i don't know why are you smelting the gold we just got a steam achievement yeah turn to more goals back at the market okay bring this let's go bring the statue i think if we beat this we get something amazing no one like those fights we get to ride on the roller coaster together i mean yeah here gold this is for you since i didn't get you anything bring it on the roller coaster oh for you thank you i don't need it wait gold come back oh yeah we have to bring our all our fans let's go we have to bring kaff with us and we gotta take all the fans with us because that's true real roller coaster come on go let's go okay i feel like a magical princess this is are you flying back fly funny i don't ever want to walk again hey treat me like a princess i am guys we didn't go up the mountain yet we don't want to hide we're going on the roller coaster fast no there's a lot gotta go on the hike no no hike okay kkf into the roller coaster you go i will get you the best spot front seat all right buckle in uh funny you can't yeah leave them there by the way you're not gonna hold on to them or they'll put them in the front seat no no no you have to hold on to them everyone you got the fans you got kfc yeah yeah we gotta go you don't fish draco how am i supposed to enjoy the roller coaster if i just see draco's butt that's it that's it get out um whatever draco's doing is extremely dangerous i don't know why he's feeling so edgy oh please pull me back i dropped kf why is everyone falling out i will always be at the front of the ride did you guys all drop kf it would remote coaster it's fine rainbow you have the kf fan let's go you all dropped our face no wow draco this is so extreme for you you're like a stunt devil i hope you can survive the triple loops i'm holding on oh oh here comes good fortune oh do you see this it turned into a dragon yeah anyone gonna be sick oh guys i feel sick that was [Applause] oh it's a fish again oh okay funny uh this might be a little uncomfortable for you but i feel sick okay that was too many loops i think we have to head to the sky right are we hiking i i don't want to ride this no more let's go see that hiking hi help me out my fans no i can't i can't ride this coaster by myself okay i must leave uh i feel better well see you later suckers i just found a shortcut to the top of the mountain i'm gonna go there without you oh no the top of the mountain yeah so you better go there because i'm going up backwards and i don't feel so good hey guys you don't want to hike by yourself i'm over here you're right hiking by yourself is pretty boring but not if i have this giant box this box does nothing i bet you can't even know john are you for real i always climb everything i could climb all the way to the top of this map do you think there's food at the top of the map like i don't know oh draco you forgot about the most important thing is there dumplings in this map i don't know wait there's a trophy i think it's a shoe what is that is it a statue no i'm sorry yeah statue wait up whoa there's a colorful kite oh i think it flies i think it flies i think we should all go together we should all go to oh funny funny stop draco this is crashing you made the kite great i think it only has a capacity of one yo can someone help me please excuse me pull your weight you're saying the flying thing rainbow help [Applause] [Music] thank you come on everyone we must protect your statue at all um i just fell off no i fell off no guys don't fall why would you fall off just throw it down so i can catch it why would you do that you're so dramatic because you said protect them they were like okay we'll go jump with you catch who's going to catch the lucky that was oh wait he no he threw it into the waterfall did you get that no no i was sitting here sitting here find it i don't think you know i think i grabbed something oh wait i thought i could i did i see it i see it let's go luna you go out oh my god you're gonna eat dragons get your butt here bro i'm gonna eat you straight off the bridge i think the zodiac is we did it wait there's one more place we haven't been what what that wait look me on the clock what's happening whoa oh we can go inside is there treasure in there oh what's in here mother another puzzle is it a puzzle wait what's the button any torches we need torches to light the candles oh who wants to be oh i think this is like a prayer oh lighting the incense this is the temple yes fan me it's hot in here jacka will get it see gold you could be epic epic servant right there can you check with me the honors ready inside wow [Music] come on easter egg now it's the moon it's literally wait wait i think we should go look outside wait i think we're missing something i hear fireworks what why are you right here right here funny look i don't see it wow [Music] wow i think we have one more job to do make it to the top saying that i thought we must take the little moon to the top of that cloud lunar listen to me it is your job to protect little moon junior you lost little junior last time but this time you shall prevail all right let's go no i get a job little mood man for little moon i shall protect you at all costs and i hope i don't fall into that water i am scared that you're holding it with one hand oh okay okay she is safe gold your job yes is to not let luna drop little moon got it but i'm trying to get kf here too okay i will hit it and i will jump on very quickly okay better jump on quickly are you all excited for your last ride on the fish ride to go to the cloud mountain woo crab mountain yes okay okay jump hop in funny no how are you going to protect little moon up there how are you going to get into the cloud if you can't jump i can oh um you're going to regret that i will not remember anything heavy there are no regrets lunar that's fine i have no regrets because i will survive this hey fish can you like be calm just a little bit i'm kind of scared no blurp that's what fish sound like all right crew we are making ourselves all the way up there when it stops you must get out quickly unbuckle your seat belts run luna stop losing little moon what are you doing lunar lunar yeah it's my duty to save little moon but not lunar oh no it's moving too fast i can't even jump forward oh the loops are coming buddy where are we going okay everyone breathe if you don't breathe you're going to fail this oh ow yeah all of us failed yeah just go open it dude back there uh the store doesn't work round two of putting little moon to the top of that palace up there okay all right so let's go what we're doing yeah what we're doing different this time is lunar draco put your hands out luna's gonna give you little moon dracula you eat little moon in drop lunar easy someone needs to hop in with lunar and hold her because it looks like she's gonna drop i'm ready little moo go see the view wait did you press the button funny uh no no no i didn't just kidding what makes you think i didn't press the button okay oh no this is bad oh no jacko oh jaco get ready to hold little bad spot uh which way is it the adventure continues cat little moon make it to the top probably not pretty heavy yeah that's the problem little moon is quite a bowling ball the weight of a bowling ball luna how do you feel i feel nauseous draco she's feeling nauseous i need to make it to the top oh funny i'm sorry i'm sorry about me oh i don't know what happened here i'll try to push you up i'll try to push oh we're doomed oh my gosh i'm in a really sticky situation i'm raising my hands to the sky raise your hands to the side not okay skye lunar okay i'm back yeah yeah the sky is their lunar just look higher look higher lunar i'm going to be higher okay i believe dracula it's coming you have to push it over i can't step farther than this okay grab it you have to take it taco jump no you missed it [Applause] oh my gosh well if you can't beat them you just can't you know sometime in life you just gotta learn how to let go you guys is everyone gonna make it to this place or am i just gonna swing here by um myself think you jumped off at the wrong moment i don't think you can be yeah yeah you don't know me man i'm like really flexible yeah i think i'm in a bad spot here i have to eat myself to the ledge i got skill i have the ambition oh oh my gosh i'm spiderman you guys just you guys are missing out i'm actually spider-man that's easy everyone please regroup at the top of the hill i'll try opening the gates but i don't think this button works open sesame please open open button broken i don't think it's opening i don't think it's opening all right if you guys are wondering why i'm down here i fell so i'm not going to talk about i'm just going to get what are you 100 time is the chime you know what to do dracco third time's the charm pretty sure this is our 99th try 99. lunar and i are holding little moon together i don't want to be rude but i don't think little moon's going to make it like we tried so many times stop looking at me stop and the girl behind me is crazy a hundred times i love coasters i don't think i don't think um i don't think she's okay hi are you okay me i am fine no again are you you're never going to make it if you keep going oh it's hold on i'm getting my butt back in your hair smells nice what is this is the most chaotic coaster you got it seriously we're not going on this stupid loop we're ready quick it's like literally ten seconds do you like you have to get out or coming everyone we're we're ready all right all right all right all right let's go team work crew crew crew crew team team work oh this is gonna be bad okay ready all right ready all right let's go oh i give up just leave me here we were so in the bamboo forest i'm hanging on the top of that thing he's here i love fish we meet once how many times are you ready i don't know just minutes oh i died so wait the front feet too fast wait for me seat no slow gold you better run faster [Laughter] rainbow stop bringing little moon it's pointless we gotta try stop we have to make it to the top without a little moon okay hey hey pull us please hey i'm ready i don't think i could jump this ready steady hand okay drago that's a little tough bunny i did it last time they're never gonna make it fall down they're never gonna make it just grab me grab me grab me grab my legs grab my legs grab my legs draco [Laughter] your upper body strength come on behind me or something i don't know spider cat skills oh yeah i'm spiderman all right you had to climb on me oh yeah we did it good job draco okay is there like a checkpoint we could start off why don't we hit this at the same time all of you aren't making it click the coaster you're all never gonna make to the top smack have a gong subscribe subscribe okay let's go what's in this uh place i think it's the ending the the true end oh we're coming wait are they seriously you guys it's a crafting room hurry wait wait wait you can't have a way to get us up there wait truck we'll drop with the actual come on wait dracula they're waiting they're coming them a flying umbrella oh that might be helpful you guys ready we're on there yeah we got a special guest featuring little moon hello last fellow crew members please put your hands out of the bars and get ready to make a jump of your life two fun pals rainbow bought little moon rainbow has bought little moon draco please do the honor to grab little moon they got this um i will try draco come on raise your hand onto my butt okay come on guys you gotta jump out now before the dip good job go go rainbow you have to swing yourself you have to use your upper body rainbow i think i think okay rainbow don't careful drop out okay i took way too much work to get up here i can't lose okay ready okay good okay ready all right let's go don't drop me it's just like rainbow let go rainbow yeah yes oh that was epic can we get one yeah oh yeah okay what's up in this magical mountain that took us we get to craft three epic things i don't know what it is though three legendary things we put them in here and stuff happens so first one is a staff we need one of these monkey king gold gold put in oh put it in here put in the thing don't tell me we need fire for this all right it's cool i think it's automatic draco that's not the rod it's imagine next item kettle umbrella oh wait do you need to put all of them in it oh no no yes next time okay do you have powers do you have flying powers get smacked ow who needs that when you have this hammer what is it this umbrella that's a pretty glorious umbrella it's a parasol wow draco looks way more fancy last item lunar let's go it matches my outfit better okay you need a fan one fan yeah just put the fan in and you go that's it in the pond with a drop of gold come on guys it's mine it's mine it's mine it's mine [Music] now to see if i can fly wait a minute does this thing make rain drop it pick it up [Music] wait do i make rain or not i'm so confused i think i don't think so i do make rain he does that's the power and look look since i'm tall this is my power look i'm gonna let go and the staff gets small then pick it up and the stuff gets tall grab on to me well time to fly out of here grab my legs never mind it's too late for you you're worth my tall stick can we just say this map was amazing bye everyone thank you i love it bye bye i got the rarest treasure of them all the i'm going i'm leaving i'm out i'm going to the mountains over there see ya
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,860,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, human fall flat, human fall flat itsfunneh, human fall flat krew, funny moments human fall flat, human fall flat custom map, human fall flat gameplay, let's play, gameplay, human fall flat multiplayer, human fall flat funneh, human fall flat episode, human fall flat crystal mountain, paintingrainbows, goldenglare, lunareclispe, draconitedragon, krew games, krew plays human fall flat, fails
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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