Our CRAZY Dog Daycare in Wobbledogs!

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fine everyone eat nutritional pellets caffeine crew is so cute that you guys played with each other but can you eat now 20 piece chicken nugget oh they're starting to fight over chicken nuggets hello everyone we are crew and today we play wobbly dogs so we gotta make our dog name wobble really wobble wobbly how about wobbly bubbly uh wait but since wobbly bobby for crew branding quality that's it yeah close enough wobbly okay that's we'll call it kwabi welcome to wobble dogs this is a sandbox game where you can raise your own little hive of mutated pups let's go over the few basic concepts before we turn you loose first let's go ahead and get you a dog to play with our very own dog their name is mingle hi mango wait i thought it was probably congratulations on your new pup now that you've got a dog let's learn about the dog storage screen dog storage screen what oh is mingle uh is mingle okay guys mingle is not oh just likes to mangle uh mingle yeah just loves mingle's just vibing that's cool so this gives us an overview of everything is this food no way not a banana no i think that's where oh wait our pet's hungry we have to build a food dispenser for our pup oh what is this can we get that for our dog so let's build you press this and then it feeds our dogs a healthy treat oh my god right in the center right here play great now if you click it you can feed the dog no way so you're saying we don't need to go grab food we just click a button oh wow it's a pellet whoa is that marshmallow nutrient pellet that's too much food funny that's too much that's too much oh my gosh [Music] oh i'm sorry i'm sorry mingle i'm sorry mingle just just eat it no mingle oh my gosh oh my gosh stop i don't want you eating i'm nipple sit is mingle not hungry mingle we spawned all this food for you are you not yeah just uh oh really bad whacking mingle with the food oh wait mingle's eating it it looks like your dog is ready to puppy puppy click on the cocoon okay oh pupate it's a butterfly butterfly mingle are you uncle's growing up what it got flora field guide [Music] okay so this game's gonna get very mutanty an artificial engineered flora that aims to encourage a dog's growth we're trying to grow mingle mingle i think you should stop eating those we have mutated mingle's going to turn into a butterfly dracula your favorite butterfly tacos is your favorite oh my god wiggles leaving bingo come back wait we can catch it what was the point of that you look the same no no mingle's an adult now we can change nothing that's true yeah they grew up look long legs all they thought was long legs i was expecting like something crazy dogs pupate several times through their lives the foods they eat will influence their mutations hey don't eat that what are you doing hey no uh dracula did you just see that it ate its own you just got chill for us we're just going to put down the egg incubator i think so okay even though you don't own any fertilized dog eggs the incubator will let you hatch a dog with different genetics what oh but but right now you only have mingle it's okay mingo is just ready to other mingles we'll have many main hatch all right let's name you crew crew guru because it's a dog get it we're so funny all right we learned all the basics let's just hatch now how much dogs can we have that's enough too many yeah too many mangles we've implemented you in here this is you the tiny little dog i'm oh they're just playing be gentle i'm trying yeah eat your nutrients health okay oh we got a reward we got a bud what what is a bud puppy yeah golden lupine is that like a golden retriever so it turns out that the street machine has burritos and french fries dogs love to munch on these potatoes no way how much french fries can we clean this up i feel like i made it too i'm just going to clean this up before we make more food guys wait there's like a how dare you do not eat this okay crew gotta get your stuff together okay now give crew a pet through half pet sorry for dragging you around guru he has this is your caretaker mingo the biggest dog does mango just poop did someone yeah did you see that capsule while funny was cleaning what is that just pooped out again a capsule a bamboo i think it's just like a wall decor keep pooping keep pooping go down go yeah oh style it's just like so you can decorate myself uh let's just keep the wall blue and blue no you know what the green looks pretty good i like the green no gold i think it's too harsh we have to make this place look like a dog minecraft grass minecraft is the best grass no mango you have this gold mingle wait but i want to see what mingle does mingle's just gonna make a hole mingle what you doing why do i hear some stuff happening over here oh my god ruined the whole floor wait it's a dirt patch a little patch of land that's been dug away at the cleared by a dog wait what do we do now bingo what are you doing gold um mingle ruined your floor yeah it's fun angles playing with you guys but mingle's the first one no they're doing something why mingle's a genius mangles watching something whoa all right these two dogs need to grow up so two french fries yeah you're too young eat yeah eat eat fry you love fries yeah it's very hard to be more gentle they're not i'm trying to think you're hungry yet i think you gotta play with them yeah they're sleepy mingle sleep grab it oh wait it's eating well kfc's aggressive with that french fries loves french fries yeah actually oh no no no no no no what do we do you got scold both of them bad [Music] okay just eat okay this is getting too confusing how about we just leave some burritos on the floor too you know sometimes people are hungry for burritos so there you go burritos thanks mingle looks like we found an unfertilized egg we can use this for breeding simulations with more genetics what yeah so unfertilized a dog and a dog breed breed okay i should have bread with [Music] and you they're all the same this one's kind of aggressive let's speed with the aggressive one yeah let's get the nicer looking ones not the aggressive one choose a dog you breed i get nauseous how genetics works so cool breathe they're all the same i don't think this will bring to anything they're the same dogs we're bad oh wait the stability is going down just keep reading them wait isn't that bad though yeah chocolate that makes it zero no jack you get to zero i think the dog is a bad dog like you mess with the jesus will be unstable yeah uh it's dropping just keep cross-breeding i think something's wrong with the dogs um we'll try one more time one more time yeah this is too much this is what happens when you breathe too much oh just keep doing it we if we hit zero i think i think big dog no only tiny dogs we're only making tiny dogs let's go look at their greens oh their eyes are different too did you notice that they're starting to get aggressive uh-oh nope it's breeding though we're either gonna create something really cool or a monster we're just gonna keep breeding the dogs oh well that dog yeah that dog has really good legs yes you can barely walk guys do you hear the music's changing i think we're messing with the i think the genetics too much [Music] oh okay more dogs wait why do we only be with giant dogs only big guys we only want the biggest dog um the stability is going down guys what does that mean this is bad not good glitter oh it's kind of creamy oh no we can't cross people dog we can't [Music] rune generation complete this game's neat wow we don't know what we did what where are we this is how dogs are made here's how dogs are made i knew they always came from a giant stone dog statue this whole time oh that's hard eyes those eyes this is gold as a dog if gold was a dog wait what i would give you oh my gosh this is crazy it's okay they're mew and dogs i don't think that that hurts them but statue can you chill a little bit chaoth crew will meet your new friend um this little guy incubate or your new brother him or sister we don't know more burritos they don't care they're just playing with each other k app and crew is so cute that you guys played with each other but can you eat now come on oh the egg's done let's hatch it oh oh there it is draco you created this monster what do you want to name it this little cute dog twerking okay okay do you really want to name a dog twerking why does it work yes i mean kind of it doesn't know how to twerk thank you cute so far it's just no these two are cute these two love each other look at them eating the burrito is that burrito good mingle we have new food what burritos you have to hatch another egg they're growing up together they're going to cook off you go one one of these days are gonna turn into a butterfly felt starting to about to fly uh crew it was a little like crew's a little crazy yeah oh whoa is that pink hey hey why are you biting people's butts what do we do with this it's edible i mean one of the dogs kind of like bubble gum it kind of looks eating it mingle just let go of it mingle no we don't eat poop here all right we gotta put why they why they love poop so much now twerking's eating poop you know what this got mutated too many times that's why what's hatch kruwoo and kf oh there goes crew oh my gosh juvenile that's cute i think cruel is a bad dog um what about chaos kf are you a bad dog a good dog or something right oh okay i thought it meant like the dog like we didn't train it well no oh my gosh kf is so small oh that's so cool are they still best friends let's praise both of them good job i wonder what happens when you collect all the dirt i'm not sure i think it just fills it up guys please someone eat french fries guys you guys hungry thank you you have to hatch another one they're not hungry enough what we have to say we clean oh yeah clean up this door oh capsule with the plastic oh i see how this is so you should praise them when they do this everyone's tired someone eat this i'm trying my best to eat the burrito you go kia come on you got this you know i actually eat the french fry can we buy toys for our pets yeah whoa keep eating french fries are good for you they're delicious they're deep fried and they're made out of potatoes and nutritious yes wait what if we keep feeding kf dog um i think kf is full eat eat what if you give kf piggy train i don't think that oh it might oh no after all we're sorry oh how do you make kfc feel better someone eat this though oh my gosh twerking's twerking in this sleep oh wait that's not working where it's working there's twerking's right here okay twerking we're gonna put you over here someone eat the poo i think the poop does something okay wake up come on oh my gosh twerking needs a friend too [Music] ooh the plants are growing so it looks like all the mutant dogs are tired so we're gonna hatch more ducks what happened uh burrito come from burrito all right these are just basic eggs guys we need to hatch better ones yeah i agree are mutant dogs need more pets you know look like look how lonely it looks guys yeah ooh all right once it's castle okay off you're feeling good after eating like 20 french fries you look funny let's keep hatching these dogs at this point what do we name these dogs sleepy they're all pink twerking is about to hatch are you excited for torching the hatch let's be honest jerking his green ears wow dracula it looks like you knows color leg yes it does name it draco jr oh it's already trying it's too late it's name is 12. oh it's starting we unlocked another pen because our pen right now is too full and twerking is actually twerking wow one grew up nice now we have two pens and this pen is pretty boring so we can get outside flooring now outside fake out fake outside another classic food dispenser but we'll place it over here we need more food dispensers actually there's not enough food you know what let's put it here wait how much food dispensers would that put as much as you want but then rainbow you don't understand look treats burrito and french fries right yes beautiful we're trying to spawn some more dogs in our new daycare but the problem is we can't there's no more guys you gotta move your current dogs to the new pen okay you gotta be responsible oh no burrito can't go through walls do you take them i think we just have to fully grow them up you know i think so too you know what i'll see what happens praise your french fries you guys only eat french fries here in this day kim you're not growing up cause you're feeding them yeah you right i think you're right fine everyone eat nutritional pellets once you grow up you can go to the other daycare and you can eat bad but for now you all feel good no don't eat the poo sleepy don't eat the bad sleepy [Music] wait what blue what are you doing what what um blue um you guys blue is a bad dog i think something's wrong with our scrolls doggies no nothing's wrong with them they're just genetically incorrect but sometimes that's fine all right besties stop bestie stop can you make them like go to sleep no let's all take a nap it's a nap time all wobbly doggies this one doesn't even want to eat how you feeling oh more hatching everyone just wants to get hatched also i need one of the puppies domingo as a joke hopefully domingo grows up to be a good puppy not just a puppy oh there goes the cocoons everyone eat please please eat everyone's hungry they'll make you strong oh gosh mingle's eating mingle's eating the nutrition yeah come on mingle oldest i know mingle it's time for you to become an adult just keep eating yeah pinkie poo's not pink he's cute it's fine pinkie pie's just click fake oh wait stomanga domingo basic dog normal nope basic we don't like that burrito can we get a blue dog and last one is bestie bessie is one of the newer mutant dogs the same guys this daycare looks like a mess look at this great no it looks like it looks pretty bad day care um why is twerking sweating yeah can you click on twerking track are you okay oh trucking stink working's becoming a a cocoon everyone yay is this blue again oh it's a basket bessie you have to stop this this daycare is filthy by the way we gotta clean up there's just so much uh destroy yeah i think these dogs don't really like this dirty environment yeah have french fries guys stop we can't afford to clean all of this trampled the flowers unlock chicken nuggets look at that luna's favorite luna look what we're gonna do can we get a 20 20 [Music] chicken nuggets yeah so after you eat chicken nuggets you just be a rebel crew come on come on you're making our life real hard here they don't care oh wait they dug up your plan no they didn't dracco stop this this place is already a mess do we really need to clean it it's filled with chicken nuggets what's the point of planting these plants maybe it helps change their environment wait what are these two doing stop fighting over there did someone just fart i think so it's digging oh put it away we finally got toy nice toy so it looks like uh chaos is digging us up one more dirt which we need to fulfill this dirt pack i don't know what it does let's see come on fill up this dirt patch it just turns nothing says 20. that's weird mango do you know what we're supposed to do with this yeah maybe deliver it to the dirt path oh whoa what's happening we got treasure wait what oh burrito sleeping in the chicken nuggets whoa expelled what no no don't expel dogs look at that look at my side dog dead exterior oh oh it's where they chill i don't think we can place more stuff in it though no when do we expel it so cool no just leave them oh it's just a dog take them out oh jungle food dispenser finally new food no more chicken nuggets too basic i know they're the best but have you ever heard of jungle food hi you want to make a new no you know a new pet place instead of no ghosts get in here what's wrong with this daycare right bananas bananas wait fruit yo hey let's forking out so twerking can eat some of that some coconuts and some cut fruit oh yeah twerking needs to hatch you guys are spoiled look at you yeah working it's finally for you to hatch out of your cocoon hopefully you look different let's praise all the dogs really different okay let's clean up working what are we left with that's so long we forgot yeah we kind of forgot but there's a bunch of chicken nuggets around here but i think everyone should be eating fruit eat fruit guys twerking you gotta eat the fruit it's working okay guys pay attention to your sibling over there all they want to do you know what i think chicken nuggets was a bad idea yeah you look like ancestors no like yeah like they're obsessed with chicken nuggets that was a horrible idea guys i'm sorry oh they're starting to fight over chicken nuggets um oh there's violence they're starting to fight the alpha blood they're trying to stick the chicken nuggets in there then oh my gosh what is mingle doing mickey was smacking people mingle [Music] and off they go mingle is getting old they are not ready to pass just yet but they don't have much time left would you like to move the camera to their position wait guys i think michael's going to die no no no get away wait what's happening wait are you safe puppy wait no we can't uh are you are you saying that this whole time this is the dying thing this is how they die no no mingo you're too young you want mingle to die near the flowers rainbow what the heck i don't know he's full spot no mingle you want to die beside chicken nuggets does no one care for manga all you dogs just care about chicken nuggets mingle over here is dying oh no oh oh mango is sleeping oh that's fine huh look mingo dying dogs chicken nuggets they only care for chicken nuggets mingle's actually being healthy wiggle you're fine you got this yeah mango you you keep vibing over there and you dogs do not careful mingle the oldest dog here all you do is eat you eat chicken nuggets nuggets oh mingle's still eating bananas we got some achievements a ham slider wait we got ham whoa oh great more food to this over uh twerking woke up and chose destruction twerking are you okay um i don't know why twerking's so angry but we have some more flowers to grow in this daycare not like it will make it look any prettier so this room's already like a mess so i'm just gonna like wipe the room thank you can we like organize it too so it's a bit nicer and sweaty yeah everything is everything's quite horrible in here so uh we'll keep this what someone hit a chicken nugget wait why is there chicken nugget here clean that up someone there so the dog dirt house will go there and then the beautiful couch will be outside of the dog dirt house do we need two though yeah i think yes the more the merrier for them or we can make this artistic they're having dinner oh i see on top of their dog table i guess they can still have classic food [Music] yeah that's fine you can't take away their chicken nuggets that's true they'll go crazy no fruit they don't need they need fruit no they need to grow up healthy and strong we'll move the two egg dispensers on the side because they're hogging up the dog area and you know what let's just put the treat dispenser here perfect we do have new flooring so whoa the pumpkin looks cool this is like a house dogs are back in their new clean home mingles so happy only have slides they're happy because it looks clean for once i think they're making a mess why are you biting at their butt kf no this dog is already hurting they know how to get their own food we didn't need them oh it's smart this whole time we're gonna need to click it it's just pooping you don't have something for themselves are you gonna poop it you got this old mingle you're still you're still a survivor stop eating stop eating guys no mingo oh this memorial dude something is wrong with twerking do you do you guys think something's wrong with twerking yeah i think it was a little peculiar um i guess we'll put mingle's grave here but dude twerking twerking what is wrong with you grow up it's time for you time to grow up it's time for genetics clean this up what are you okay yeah you're looking good like sad one second and then you were eating mingle the next second um no it was just one it was just one of those dogs just twerking to work even gets twerking even gets their own burgers twerking that's enough stop turkey eating the burgers oh this is like a nuisance of a dog look at it look at this dog it's like i don't care what stop what how about chicken nuggets do you like chicken nuggets no just witness of death we got a dog vision junior is that tv i think it's a tv oh spooky food dispenser i'm scared of a spooky food dispenser no more food clean this all up the spooky food dispenser looks so cool whoa what does it serve decorate of corn wait can you eat it it's decorative no i think they can eat it oh more cocoons candied apple okay wait let me just get some food for them a garlic bulb there you go um a gourd because who doesn't like some guards and go cocoon please you guys need to be adults can we just leave a like and a subscribe for twerking all right one more one more twerking you are the only rare one that we will breathe and it looks like you're pretty all right go get out of here to work again you're so crazy fly yeah off you go it's working we have another food dispenser called space lab food and apparently it's supposed to make these dogs turn very different aliens look at these trees yeah come eat guys other treats are in there look dehydrated let's see well moon cheese it got holes in it just like the moon some moon cheese what did you see onion rings yeah those look good okay and then we can come on come meet everyone we're going to turn you to mutant dogs yes eat that dehydrated food bag is that is that blood who's bleeding yeah i think the food's doing something um they're gonna grow up again so yeah guys this is mutant food food just keep eating eat eat it's just like chicken nuggets i know you guys love chicken nuggets but you gotta eat this empty water bottle what oh it's a toy here have fun there have a fun toy everyone you get to play with the plastic water bottle so twerking we've waited 20 minutes for you to grow up into an adult oh it's working oh look at those legs just made for the ultimate twerking finally okay that took forever so twerking you are going to breed with a long dog which is our longest dog that these dogs finally we waited this moment uh let's cross braid this one orange here and the blue one i feel like we have no like dogs that are blue blue yeah sorry i'm so i've been in this game one's cool they want the green nose the green ones are what we have everywhere already i know but maybe i'll do a different color breed [Music] mini purple oh so cute yeah um the green one the gree yeah sure we need new colors no where you going come back [Music] let's freak those two okay um two tiny ones i think two times wait why tiny what long dots tiniest dog five dogs these two oh wait you're not tiny no the tiny head one there you go yeah oh no we ruined our chances oh no there's no you're a bad breeder oh [Music] i mean purple's still cute right we don't have purple colors well they kind of are blue they're starting to have green noses and all of them look quite the same jack you wrecked it all of them are the same now it's so boring that one's different right there it's aggressive it's biting the other one's butt uh the music started to get messed up we got a green one and we got a white one uh-oh oh that was not looking so good all right please master glitter still two zero the final okay past zero yep zero those are crazy tiny litter i mean it's so cute i like this is cute well that's the final dog i don't want it i don't want it i love it no it's cute no draco it's a doyle you have to get it [Music] it's twerkings great great great great great great great dog like super great like we're talking about like generations and generations of great twerking was passed down onto this dog right here today see look the dog god is back to give us [Music] oh there it is it's twerking what's wrong with that dog and then they made the new child twerk junior fertilize egg acquired all the dogs are happy with their place and the only thing we can do left crew is give them all the chicken nuggets you wanted nuggets we will give you all the nuggets we deserve it i wonder how much until the game starts crashing we made the ultimate dog haven so much chicken nuggets and it's starting to lag guys leave a comment down below on who was your favorite mutant wobbly dog [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 4,575,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, funny gaming, funny gameplay, wobbledogs, wobbledogs gameplay, puppy, dog, itsfunneh puppy, funneh puppy, krew dogs
Id: 28lgSjq5_Co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 31sec (2311 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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