My Daughter's Epic SUMMER MORNING ROUTINE! *Instagram Q&A*

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today my daughter salish reveals 10 secrets of  her summer morning routine ending with a shocking   makeover and she answers a very important question  have i ever kissed nidal hmm good morning guys   it's 7 00 am and i just woke up and the reason  i get up so early on summer days is because   i cannot wait to do things good morning for me  can i say good morning okay let's open my blinds the first thing i do every summer morning  is i get a chai i basically run on china   usually getting chai is something i do with  my mom but today she and my brother are out   of town for a couple weeks so looks like my dad's  getting up at 7 a.m let's go go get daddy go go   yay okay guys let's go with my dad up to bed okay batman come on dad get  out she does this every morning okay time for chai how do you have so much energy  i'm not old he didn't have time to do his hair   i'm not going to make it through the summer okay  i have to get my chai and walk boomer before i can   do my skincare do my hair and do my makeup  makeup hello good morning sir yeah that's a   good look the ice chai yes please here's our cup  i really like to support local coffee shops so   my number one is an iced chai but if i have to  go to starbucks i really like the strawberry acai   or the pink drink but i like this a lot  better and this is part of boomers morning   routine come here do you want pink sit spin  twirl again good job i'm very impressed and   this is perfection come on dad now we have  to get ready now it's time to feed boomer   so i have his bowl here and his food grosses  me out it's like the wet gross chicken food boom boom breakfast yeah well at least he  likes her i'd like to make him a vegetarian but   apparently that's not good for dogs guys look  i have a little stash that my dad didn't even   know about right three sparkling water two  bars two nectarines and a vitamin c packet   and if you think i'm healthy i also have candy  hidden next thing i gotta do is make my bed   even though it is harder to sleep with the sheets  tucked under my bed it makes it look a lot better   this is the fun part there we go you might think  that black and white is a weird color for my   bed but it's because a lot of the things in my  room are black and white so it kind of matches   and guys my room has not gone messy for so long  i'm very proud of myself it hasn't i don't know   about that one i was trying to be quiet this  whole time just watch you make your bed but   that's a little stretch i'll take my silk  pillow this is the one i sleep with every night   these silk pillows are good for your hair and  skin so i don't look old like my dad when i'm   older she always finds a way to comment on  my age no matter what video we're shooting   perfect now some room spray this is like  a thing that i made this is room spray   essential oils orange and vanilla water and  castor oil now i'm gonna change to workout   now let's go work out you guys might be  wondering why is this like wire thing   there i have a mic so that you guys can hear  me because sometimes i'm a little bit quiet okay now watch me whip whip now watch  me nate i've been doing that for years i did a q a on my instagram obviously the  biggest question was do i have a crush on nidal and i'm gonna answer that a little later a lot of  you guys asked for my workout routine so here they   are i have three today we're doing arms first  is the clients push-ups they're so hard next   is push-ups with arms in then we have push-ups  arms out this is hard because my chest is not very   strong but my arms are pretty strong oh dips look  at my face it's so hard i can't remember if these   are called plank ladders or mountain climbers  but oh my gosh my core is burning the key is to   only take a 10 second break between each exercise  go with dumbbells basically how i do it is i go   curl into shoulder press i usually do 15 reps next  is slow push-ups these are so hard i have to go   down and up so slow i'm supposed to do 10 of  these but i changed it to 5. next is pike push-ups   pike push-ups are so hard next is skull  crushers this is a real skull crusher   but i'm not trying to get another black  eye so i do them this way these are safer 10 second break boomy break all right 10 seconds is up back to workout  love you next is crow ho crow hole cro   this is like balance and strength you put your  legs on your arms and you hold it for like 30   seconds that actually doesn't hurt too bad until  the end these exercises are so hard but it will   make you so strong so quickly okay so i have a  bunch of shampoo and like body wash and stuff   so here let me show you this is my bath and body  works slash lush shower gels and then we have my   jvn stuff so i have an embodied fun damage and  a hydrate shampoo and then this is my favorite   hair mask it's so good this is a little messy but  these are all of the scrubs i have this is like   my absolute favorite scrub and wash and it smells  like coconut the last thing i have is this scalp   exfoliator thing from ecotools so these things are  like rubber sounds really good satisfying and then   i just go like this with my shampoo and it makes  my hair like it removes the buildup it's just   really good for you and yeah it's a lot i use this  colgate cavity protection toothpaste and i guess   this stuff works because i haven't had a cavity  since my dad stopped brushing my teeth that glove   oh my gosh this ring light makes my skin look  so young young you're 12. even i look young here always remember to floss every day next  is mouthwash this stuff burns my mouth   at least it makes my breath smell good and you're  only supposed to do 30 seconds if you do one   minute i will get you something at bath and body  works can you do it for a minute yeah go i don't   think she can do a minute 35 34 she loves me by  the way and really values all of our time together   and she can't say anything against that if  you really really love me salish stay silent   if you'll do everything i tell you to do stay  silent if you'll clean up all the dishes exactly   what i tell you to do stay silent 18 seconds  she's not gonna make it can she actually do it   her eyes are burning her teeth oh you're  tearing she's actually tearing oh this   light looks really good on me two one zero she  did it yeah you got it my mouth feels so smooth   like the gum's up wait you're still in your  pajamas you're right i'm gonna go take a shower i'm taking a shower right now i gotta take a  shower before he uses all the hot water okay   guys i just took my shower and now it's time for  my skincare probably like my favorite part of this   morning routine first i'm gonna put my hair back  my hair looks rough but that's next this is what   i use to wash my face it's like a little cleansing  brush and this is what i use for my cleanser and   i still have to be really careful because i just  got a black eye and like there's still a big bump   right there okay so while i'm doing this for 60  seconds i'm gonna answer all the questions that   you guys did on my instagram obviously the top  ones were do you have a crush on it would you   consider i need all your boyfriend best friend or  brother do you like me at all would you go on a   date with him and obviously i get it you like  me all and i'll answer those questions later   100 argan oil i'll put like two or three drops and  look like this and my middle name is inanna and   i have no idea what my parents were thinking but  it means this i'm taking these blue thingies i'm   just going like this under my eyes and so when  i'm like 80 years old i won't look old like my   back and i love this it feels so nice it's so cold  i put them in the refrigerator and they're cool they're glass those were glass and i smashed them  together that's so me in case you're wondering why   her morning routine usually takes 16 hours here it  is yes and that just cost me five dollars all the   products i buy for myself yesterday i did a face  mask so today is not a face mask day on mondays i   exfoliate on wednesdays i do a peel off mask now  i'm using this therapy moisturizing cream and i   love it the next question is do i eat chick-fil-a  um no i'm a vegetarian now let's rub it i don't   usually do makeup but today i'm gonna pull a big  makeup prank on my dad so keep watching for that   i am so hungry but before i eat breakfast i have  to style my hair i'm gonna be using this instant   recovery serum by jd it's so nice you barely  need any and it smells really good and this helps   detangle my hair now i'm gonna use this  jvn air dry cream and you barely need any   smells so good just comb it through this helps  moisturize my wavy hair i will barely use any   moisturizers now i'm going to brush all the knots  out there like barely any more after using all my   hair stuff question time i'll give you guys  a hint he just dropped a new song which is   really good i want to thank you guys so much for  all the incredible comments about my black i'm   feeling totally fine so now i'm going to blow  dry my hair with this really good blow dryer next question how old is my dad if i was styling my hair wavy i would use  the diffuser but today i'm doing straight   next question have i ever kissed nidal  hmm we'll talk later i think my hair   looks best when straightened so i use  this to do that i can take pretty big   strands to straighten it i do not only  roast my dad for youtube i roast him   all the time i always make old jokes about him  it's so funny well i definitely think i'm gonna   be doing gymnastics i'll be 16 so i can wear  makeup talking to boys driving all that fun now   i'm gonna finish up with these jvn shine drops  and it smells like roses guys it smells so good   perfect hair is all done now i'm gonna change  it to the outfit i wear every day let's go   time for breakfast let's go for breakfast and  smoothie i haven't done great cooking on camera   but i've been practicing this smoothie recipe  organic frozen blueberries hemp protein powder   i don't measure i just scoop now i feel like  using another brand this organic protein powder   now we're all proteined up that  stuff is vegetarian protein a banana   take the end off the ends are gross silken  tofu just makes it really creamy and soft   couple scoops of this i don't really  measure now one bite for the road   now some coconut milk remember to shake  it i'll put it about halfway finally a   handful of almonds for some crunch yummy  now the blender put this on top blend it perfect it's a winner dad come try a smoothie  i made this never goes well no it's good whoa that's seriously seriously  good i've been practicing and now   my favorite part we have a really nice  father-daughter breakfast yeah right now i have a secret little  hiding place where i read this always stresses me out usually i don't  wear makeup but today i'm going to try out a   new look so stay tuned to see that number one i  mix these two concealers to match my skin shade   next i put a little bit of setting spray  on my brush so the concealer blends better   next i put some concealer on my eyelids to cover  my black eye then i combine the morphe tube blush   stick with the maddie ziegler blush morphe is  my favorite makeup this is the maddie ziegler   imagination palette and i use the shade angel  then i use the morphe coconut setting spray   i love coconut to finish it off i use the morphe  lip gloss oops i decided i wanted to use a pop of   color so i'm going to use shade 5 of the same  palette a little bit more of the coconut bliss   setting spread what do you guys think  comment below so i know a lot of you   guys are wondering how i feel about it all you  all know he's my very best friend and i have   more fun with him than anyone but i'm still  too young to date anyone and let's be honest   we fight way too much today but maybe one day and  by the way yes he's kissed me but only on the hand   not a real kiss we're way too young  anyway let's show my dad dad salish
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 17,874,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, challenge, salish matter, say say matter, nalish, morning routine, jvn, grwm, get ready with me, MORPHE, JVN, JONATHAN VAN NESS, QUEER EYE, makeup routine
Id: e_ACUluskzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2022
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