Are the Ninja Kidz Adopted? The true story

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we are finally answering the question that we've been getting asked every day for five years is casein yes yes he is but it's an interesting story when Cason was just four years old he was awarded guardianship to my grandmother we call her and how old was Nana she was 80 years old what did she do when she got guardianship of casein the first thing she did was call my dad up and it's like I am too old to get a four-year-old for my birthday present so she flew here and dropped him off and we started the adoption process right away but it took three years to adopt case and why did it take so long Cason yes he was across state lines and then when I called to try to make everything official they said you shouldn't have taken him out of Mississippi and I was like I didn't but I got in trouble and it took a while vacation was an easy process but we're going to show you the never before seen footage of his actual adoption right after we play one of our new favorite games let's get outside and have some fun thank you Joe blasters it's faster in my adoption video okay [Music] it's time for full auto Marco myself it's time for capture the flag we've got The High Ground you ready yeah it's gonna be so awesome [Music] I love [Music] you oh my god oh yeah got it let's go [Music] this is actually so fun I've done paintball and airsoft this is so fun they don't hurt they don't break windows and they're not bad for the environment that was awesome you ready to see your adoption yeah okay is a huge day what's today [Music] yep today is the day that Cason is getting officially adopted and what's your name you guys know his name's Jason got to choose his middle name why'd you choose Bruce I just like it sounds kind of cool right like Bruce Wayne Bruce Lee Bruce Banner and Pearson Bruce Miller first name Jason what'd you say about it want a cooler game yeah yeah I think Cason's a cool name what do you guys think is casing a cool man that's it you don't like it why give this video a thumbs up or comment down below if you think Cason's a cool name have you ever felt uncomfortable about your name you know what I think a lot of people probably feel that way sometimes right but if you could change your name to anything what would it be what would you pick I don't know sure you'd be shark like that shark shark boy most people don't get to choose their middle name I think that's enough you guys like it we call him queso for short because he loves cheese queso means cheese in Spanish I know are you excited somebody already bought me um guys I can't get case anymore he's not for sale how much do you think oh I just found out that another family do you want to get adopted yes yeah we're meeting the judge online right now literally right now you guys ready for this let's do this happy family good morning everyone [Music] every report is here today which is great I believe we have uh Shane and Ellie Miler on with their entire crew and I believe Cason's in there somewhere Where Are You Now understand Cason's been in your home and your family for a few years now is that right he has it's been about two and a half years right yeah it's been an awesome adventure full of lots of great things and lots of challenges and you know that come along with Parenthood siblings right now during that time as as Cason just become one of the crew just like like your other children well they're all very unique and individual even though they do a lot of the same activities so he's definitely not just like them none of them are just like any of them what do you think though is he one of the groups but I definitely think he was one of the crews super you understand Mr mylar that if the court completes the adoption today the casein will be considered your child for all purposes under the law just as it had been born to you and your wife these kids different you know he might be a teenager someday are you going to be a good teenager yeah yeah okay because I'm not allowed to sell you know until this morning that he wasn't adopted yeah I think Cason's a fantastic kid and I think he's really happy with us yeah yes and I think that the kids adore him and he's definitely one of the family and we've we've already taken him in as if it was Final a long time ago so he's already been just one of us it's been a good couple two and a half years Super and and do you consider him to be essentially one of your children I [Music] I you understand I I end up talking with your husband about this but you realize that at the end of these proceedings at the court Grant your adoption petition Jason will be your child legally for all purposes under the law is that what you want to have happen sir new and do you believe that that's in his best interest I do today your honor any further any questions of Mrs Miley that's all I have Jason will you introduce me to your brothers and sisters right now okay because I just remembered how much my older brothers like Brighton and Ashton would teach me and how much they would do stuff for me and I thought that'd be fun if I could do that for someone else okay Cason is actually super funny but he's also super sassy none of my brothers were like that um I was kind of like that my parents always said I was sassy but Cason is also sassy and he's really funny he's got a really good personality so just come to my room and be like Peyton do you want to make bracelets do you want to do this do you want to do that and I also love that he gets excited over the littlest things I'll be like Jason do you want to watch a show and he'll be so excited he'll be like yo can I pick he gets excited over the littlest things which I think is really cute my favorite thing about Peyton is she helps me with things the most and whenever I do something for her she gives me a treat like a sucker or something he can be really short tempered even if I didn't do anything wrong I'm like hey and then he's like thank you and it gives me this evil look I'm like what did I do it's a little funny but I think he's serious he soon is working on getting his black belt everyone in the family has a black ball except cases I think one day he's gonna get his black belt Cason keep working hard on everything that you've been doing and I know you'll be able to do it treats Pokemon cards with me he's really fun to play with like video games he's fun to play with he's nice sometimes too it's fun to have a cute little crazy kid in the house get him adventurous getting him learning new sports and stuff it's just been a blast I've enjoyed having him some challenges for having Cason living with us he didn't grow up for the first couple years of his life with the same habits and attitude and do the same things we did trying to teach him and help him and just being his older brother I never knew how easy it was to argue with an elementary kid but I do think it has helped my teaching skills just being able to comprehend what a tiny person is thinking even though I used to be a tiny person and still a tiny person at heart so Cason I've always enjoyed hanging out with you and spending time together don't grow up stay kid at heart love you buddy he trades Pokemon cards with me better Pokemon cards and Paxton Cason plays such an important role in our family and I couldn't imagine life without casein he's funny he's crazy he's hyper but he's just mine for other you know that's the only way put it he loves to have fun he's got a strong fire in his eyes he lets me hold me home he lets me on his room with him he wasn't loud when I slept like snoring when Cason first came to live with us he was so worried about us not being around him every second I remember I told him I was going to get the mail and I came inside and he was crying on the floor I'm like what's the matter what happened while I was gone you left me he said and I'm like no I I told you I was getting the mail and with time like he knows we'll always come back and we're always going to be there he's very self-sufficient he can get up get himself ready walk to the bus stop he's like oh he's all grown up now he was so afraid of heights so afraid of heights that if Brighton would pick him up he would freak out just because Brighton was holding him in his arm my grandmother even told us that we shouldn't take him on an airplane because he's too scared to fly so she said one of us should just start staying home and I'm like that's not gonna happen like we got to figure this out and we took him to Africa about a month later and he left it he loves to fly now when Cason went to Africa with us he was not officially ours yet so we had to be really kind of sneaky to get him to Africa and they almost didn't let him come back with us they weren't going to let him leave France at the airport they're like sorry these are the wrong papers he has a different last name than you he can't go with you it was my nightmare it was the thing I worried about most and it was fine until Paris my favorite thing about Cason is he is like the best apologizer is that a weird thing he like will own up to anything and like man I'd be like yes I did that I'm sorry he's also really good at saying thank you and it's a good reminder for the older kids he's really sweet he also has the best facial expression with those huge eyes he has the funniest faces he's hilarious I think the biggest challenge is watching Cason expect to be where all the other kids were at his age he's wondering why he's not a black belt at age eight like the other kids were the other kids were practically raised in a martial arts studio we've been working hard to get him caught up on those things he has fun and I think that's the most important thing is that he's enjoying the process a lot of you have been asking when Cason is going to get his own YouTube channel I told him when we you can do a front flip on the trampoline no rush I think he's ambitious I think he's fiery and fun and funny I'm just excited to see where the world will take him my favorite thing about my family is that everyone's nice to me they give me things they help me with homework sometimes they play with me too do you like having siblings they help me with things and they're really nice they make me a lot lonely having siblings was gonna be scary I thought they would be like bossy and be like go to your room right now but they're nicer than that and we film a lot and that's fun they help me get goals and they help me be successful [Applause] [Music] I do find that the petitioners are fit and proper persons should be the legal parents of Cason and to have this Arrangement be official and I find it would be in case since best interest to Grant the adoption and to have him officially become part of this map so um congratulations everyone and the kids may not remember this but we actually all got to meet Cason when he was just a baby we went to visit my family in Mississippi when he was just a few months old Peyton doesn't remember it but she's standing right next to him we've never met Cason's biological father but his birth mother is actually my sister which made Cason our little nephew and our kids cousin he's like they're frozen you know brother and cousin he's been frozen unfortunately my sister lost custody of casein and he was put into foster care luckily the judge awarded guardianship to my grandmother and she flew him to live with us so that he would have a family a crazy story when Ali and I were first dating we made a deal that we were gonna have five kids but not just five kids we made a deal we agreed on it see I was snooping around he was too martial arts and I was looking at his desk and he had a list of what he wanted out of a wife and one of the things on the list was not more than three kids she said what if you have twins I said if we have twins on the third time then we'll stop at four any more than that will have to be through adoption she said okay deal we'll have fun we shook on it when we were dating that is what happened that's what happened so I win I think crazy right did you know about that story life was a little crazy we were already filming YouTube videos for you guys and ninja kids was growing and it was like okay can we have another little kid right now is this a good time but it was a great time he's been such a good addition he's the fifth ninja kid and you're awesome yeah what's your favorite part casing about living with our family film videos show me videos what's your second favorite part hanging out with everyone what does casein not like about living with the ninja family nothing no really tell the truth nothing there's got to be something you don't like you can say it there is nothing there's gonna be something how about getting poked by action when he's trying to tickle you know either trust me in case I'm wearing this together Ashton tickles hard together I just want to say that I'm so proud of how far Cason's come when we got him he didn't do any sports at all what's one thing you did in Mississippi a lot I want to say it say it tell them I ate cheeseburgers we went to McDonald's every single day he started martial arts he started tumbling he started a lot of cool sports Ninja Warrior and he's gotten so strong are we allowed to put Cason in videos we were kind of nervous that maybe the adoption wouldn't go through and so we tried to not have him in videos even though he's like I want to be in the video he wanted to be Hulk so bad they had to write the whole script just so you could be Hulk he's a good Hulk do you remember that we have loved having Cason as the fifth kid in our family it's been amazing he brings so much joy and so much happiness to our family we hope you guys enjoyed Cason's adoption story tell us in the comments what your story is like whether it's being a kid or having kids whatever your story is and we'll catch you next time thanks for being awesome [Music]
Channel: The Ninja Fam!
Views: 4,701,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n1C8QSq_dFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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