Features YOU don't need on a gas mask

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hello now this is a video about gas masks obviously and this one is going to be about don't overthink a gas mask if you're buying it for yourself or your family get something that is practical and dependable that doesn't have lots of bells and whistles so what do I mean by that well I keep encountering more and more people in the YouTube comments who think that if a gas mask is to protect them or a respirator or a protective mask whichever terminology you want to use is to protect them from any sort of chemical incident or anything like that it's to have all these magical features on it that some masks have that cost loads of money and nothing else will do and these people who fundamentally I guess don't understand how a mask works so this sort of video is hopefully going to explain the features that you sort of want on a mask or need on a mouse features that would be nice and then features that as a civilian you really shouldn't be very concerned about whatsoever so let's start off with the actual mask itself obviously you're going to need a mask if you've decided that you want one but you know you don't need anything too special with a mask now what is the fundamental thing a master needs to do protect you from poison gas or you know radiate shouldn't like radioactive fallout you could be inhaling or biological threats whatever the point of the mask is that it protects your respiratory system in your eyes if it's a full face mask from these frets and it does that in a very simple way Ammar sits tight to your face you have a filter on it and obviously filters are important this is no date filter because they just use as well as a prop in lots of videos but you need a working in date filter preferably you know so you have filtered air go into the mask the mask is airtight and then you exhale and obviously you need eyepieces on the mask so you can see out of it so you're not you know blind when you've got the mask on and that's all you actually need physically for a mask to work and from us to save your life it to be airtight to be using a working filter and so you can see out I mean you wouldn't even need to see out of it for it to save you but I mean it would be completely impractical to have a mask you put on and then you can't see so there's that so what other features are nice on the mask if you've got them a voice diaphragm simply because when you're speaking of you can hear you easier you know having mMmmm isn't very practical you know if you've not got one of those a drinking tube as well obviously this is what a canteen the drinking tube connects the mask it's not a feature I don't think is really really necessary but you know it's one of those things where you can stay hydrated easier if you have got the canteen system everything that goes to the mask of it bear in mind as I've ranted about several times before some drinking tube systems are far better than others and their sub mask or I would not even attempt to use the drinking tube on them just because it's going to create more problems than it solves but primarily that's all you need you know your intake you're outtake valve and a mouse that works properly plus some other features but what I see a lot is people who look at military masks like very modern military masks that have very specific features on a certain nation probably wanted on the mask and they think they need them as a civilian now if you look at something like the venerable GP v the world's most mass-produced civilians gas mask what does that do it's got an intake and outtake valve it's got a two so tube system to stop it fogging up which is you know something it didn't need but it had and it's got this eyepieces it's very very simple a GP five but that's why the Soviet Union must produced it because it would work well you know to giving to lots of civilians so there's that you know but the thing I see is like where people say well I need these lenses on it because you know plastic lenses on some of these masks aren't good enough glass lens on some of the masks aren't good enough I need like really thick polycarbonate or some sort of ballistic shield thing that goes over the mask so if I get shot in the face it's not gonna go through and get me sorry bad news for you if you get shot in the face I think you're dead whatever there's not gonna be any sort of like pieces on a conventional gas masks that are gonna stop a rifle round so you know why bother now there are things like the mask should be comfortable I mean if your life depends on it I think you're gonna up with having an uncomfortable mouth on your face for a while but if the mask is you know like really uncomfortable it's not great so the more comfortable mass the better because you want to feel good wearing it as I've said before you know there's some masks that might make people feel more Truffaut bigger than others so avoid those miles watch the video I did on that if you're interested in more about the masks I talked about in that video but you know there's lots of features like that that may be important but then there's features that like I saying about the you know like tactical lenses that stop stuff coming through it doesn't matter to you as a civilian it really doesn't as long as they're not gonna break easily from like an accident or impact it doesn't matter then you've got what these on the other thing because I thought all these of course before aside filming and all they've gone out of my head voice projection this isn't so thick a system like this is absolutely fine for other people hearing you let me just demonstrate it if you're unsure that if I put this mask on and then I speak height so obviously so you can probably hear me speaking fine now the voice projection on these masks is good enough of its voice diaphragm that's all you need so what am I getting out my voice projection the people who think you need massive electric voice box is stuck on your mask as well because Oh somebody can't hear me if I use my regular voice I need like an megaphone strapped to my mask and me for it to work if he's got a good voice box you don't need that you don't need to make a phone when you talk to somebody in the same room as you normally so why would you need it on your mask it's only cutting your voice down by a little amount so again that's pointless feature now again they're a mile slope yes 10 have a really good design feature in it that doesn't add any bulk to the mask which is that they had a secondary voice small voice diaphragm on one side of the mask and a radio microphone could clip to it so if you got the radio system you could communicate very clearly with people who could potentially be miles away because you're all using a radio system that could corrupt you know connect directly to your respirator great design choice you know but you don't need a megaphone attached to it I don't think most civilians would need a radio microphone system clipped onto their mask either so hopefully you can see what I'm getting out of this and the problem is like saying a lot of people don't read out a budget and the thing I see a lot is where people are willing to spend loads of may on a mask but no money on the filters which is the sort of complete opposite of what you want to be doing you want to be spending enough the masks that you can get a reliable good mask you're happy to wear and everything like that that does everything you need from it but you need money so you can actually have enough filters to go around for you and your family or whatever else it's no good spending like I said $300 on a mask getting the mask in and say I've got no money left over for filters or maybe being able to get that mask and get one filter ideally you want to have a couple of spare filters that are sealed you know ready to go as well as a training filter like having this on there so you can get used to wearing the mask and using a filter and checking that your mask is airtight by using you know an expired filter and then when it comes to it you can work your new filter on your mask and you're good to go as I said before a mask being surplus and old doesn't mean it doesn't work obviously as they get older there's more chance of something going wrong with them but moths don't magically fall apart once they're outside of there you know you stay especially because as a civilian you're not going to come into contact with as many frets as the military expect to be that's why their masks need to be you know in a much you know better configuration so I said before buying the old Kevlar vests as well you know an old Kevlar vest is gonna offer you as a civilian probably very adequate protection because you're not likely to be shot at anyway so the vest is more of an insurance policy than it is something you might actually need to you know risk your life on everyday of course get one that's in good condition but you don't need to really worry about you know lots of the things on it so hopefully my videos been summarized well enough and that's you know the yes those features are important on the mask but there's lots of features that aren't if you're buying a mask as a civilian just get something that's going to be comfortable and you're going to be happy to wear and it does the basics you want something that does the basics very well than anything else is a bonus if it's a sensible price you do not need like night vision compatible respirators voice projection box compatible respirators radio system compatible respirators you know all this sort of stuff now if you're in somewhere like America and you think there might be a chance that you need to shoot with a mask on then sure get one that's a military mass that's designed so you can use it with rifles and things like that that goes a standard but again most milk CERP mass is going to do that to some extent because their military masks originally you know and again do you want the mask that works for helmet okay yeah find one that does that but the point is most people don't need things like that if they're buying it as a civilian and anything like that is a bonus but it seems very strange to me people keep wanting to spend more and more and more to get massive very specialised at doing certain things and then it gets to the point where like I said some of these people don't seem to all the budget filters into it at all but they do on a budget the masking where as I said before generally filters tend to be more expensive because if you're buying something that's in date made by a reputable company and sealed you know when I say in day I mean it's got a few years on the date it's not running out next month you know you're probably gonna have to spend more money than you are for a mass nobody wants any more that's still perfectly good but you know everybody else has moved on so there you go hopefully this video has made sense it's sort of a bit of a rant video it's just something that you know annoys me when you get people that try and argue like saying I'm not an expert by any means but it's just you know I've got nearly 90 masks in my collection now I should think over 80 easily and you know so I think I know a fair bit about masks not playing on an expert but you know I know a fair bit about masks and the majority of the masks I have would serve a normal civilian absolutely fine if they have to use it to escape from a contaminated area but yeah like I said you don't need all the bells and whistles I like collecting them because I find them interesting but please don't try and argue with me that you need certain features and you know for definite you need that feature even though when I ask you you can't tell me want you to you know you need that future so there you go get a mouse that you're happy to wear and that's comfortable and then worry about everything else later on you know don't don't go for the most expensive bells and whistle masks and and say oh no I've got no money left over for filters but that's okay I've got a 30 year old gp5 filter of asbestos and I'm sure that will do for myself and my loved ones yeah don't do that you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 21,645
Rating: 4.9530916 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Protective mask, Features YOU don't need on a gas mask
Id: qLtESlD0Xbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2018
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