My comment section is the worst on YouTube LWIAY #0099

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pretty sure I have the worst comment section of all time it's not like oh they are so toxic oh they're so hateful oh they're so mean no they're just terrible it's basically people trying to get uploaded by making the same comment as everyone else the game is blocked in your country me sad noises me sad noises me sad noises me sad noises me sad noises me sad noises stop slip that slipped a better day no sweet every minute a door so go visit that a time to review let's see what epic memes you guys are posted this week the redesigned sonic looks so much better I know one person that is gonna be very happy everyone say thank you to the nice artists that listen to criticism and fix their mistakes I still can't believe y'all cyber pulled in an entire studio you know now I'm kind of like oh I wish you didn't change it imagine all the epic memes imagine the world is still images we could have gotten it would have been awesome Felix downloading my meme with over 60 I'll do whatever it takes I don't care I just got out of an abusive marriage and had to go through two surgeries thank you for giving me a reason to smile in these hard times ah that's nice are you trying to stay honest at me what's happening here what are you doing don't do that don't that'll stop me I'm glad me obviously making fart noises is Jeremy Uwe here's one for you bruh [Music] moving on youtuber hits hunter cave subscribers honey Skillshare nord BPM and that was to introduce ourselves hey skills share what are you doing where's my sponsor come on come on skills [ __ ] emojis bad will you press the button you make $1,000,000 per month but you can't use emojis ever again who craves these I need to make another one of these because I have the best morals of all time and it's so painfully obvious you guys are a bunch of fools it's your opportunity Felix terraria is getting its final update after eight years of success yeah I know I've been getting a lot of comments to play Terraria maybe I will because the mine crowd episodes is becoming very ungrateful okay I buy so much time and everyone it's a planet nobody's waiting to host me movie okay cool so no one epic team behind the viral okay boomer merch rejects 1.7 million offer by replying okay boomer that is the cringes thing I have ever heard is that the personal or what is this team behind a viral merch cool so you put okay boomer as a txt viral March everyone I never heard of it but viral merch cool epic cringe that's a Boomer from from Zoomer I'll cringe at that oh god I need to personally stop him how many is that that's more than I have oh god stop him imagine being this freaky shitty I've seen this dog thrilled to see owners ID shelter but they're there to adopt different done thanks critique Sonic's design son hahaha that's good good meme well done well done Jake Pole cries backstage after Logan / loses - ksi I know so great beautify uploads a Minecraft video and the boohoo award goes to Jake ball everybody well I was so confused was Justin Bieber action at the fight I thought it was like a look-alike that was actually just I'm so confused I guess I forget he's like a kin he probably watches YouTube Justin Bieber put a low gang epic all hail Lord joints Scoob can't wait to see their origin story behind Shaggy's power oh I get it that's funny a friend pointed out to me that scooby-doo clearly are a bunch of stoners they always stay back when everyone else goes to find the whatever they have to find in the creepy area and then they get the munchies and that's when they go in the house my brain just like exploded when I found that out paramount fixes Sonic cast Keanu Reeves Oliver edit I think we're gonna be friends special friends what about me huh where's my movie part huh I can act that's me being sad I got a whole wide range of emotions six cubed remove remove the editing is what you're trying to type you dumbass are you a writer you can't get the title rank for thousand kilo plastic from C in Andhra Pradesh that's awesome good job you can also use that water gun name against the Sun to that but it's still a good effort okay shout out to my boy Steve who stood in front of a green screen for years running in place and talking to invisible objects and animals so kids like me could have entertaining educational television I didn't watch this what is this get this away from me god damn it Fitz turns 30 also boots I like of people legit word about my eyesight he's gonna go Floyd I've always had bad vision redesign sonic Keanu Reeves in sponge Keanu Reese's in the Spongebob Bobby that's awesome I will watch Spongebob movie now first guy that paid 399 for a chair must have been like I guess they all right you know I'm not gonna fight this anymore this meme gets a pass all right you get to pay whoa here's a full scale PewDiePie figurine redline render that is sick I love the jacket that's so cool that insane well done I love that you can also buy this figurine with detachable headphones okay link description I think is the last chance to order now this meme I think I forgot something me if you forgot then it wasn't important this meme yeah you're right oh god what was it but what's it what if we kissed at the pity price good name good name when you see a funny meme and notice that it has 68 uploads this is me after no November am i right gamers Keanu Reeves in the Spongebob movie sonic having a redesign scooby-doo reference yeah oh yeah they reference IKEA it did after all how dare they by the way how dare they steal my culture like that we don't have any culture in Sweden except IKEA and meatballs and if anyone touches those can't believe Target already has Christmas decorations out I'm so glad that this meme got so popular when my Photoshop meme it's coming up in another episode didn't get any traction it's a future meme you understand later oh my god Nate Eric's tagged an insanely good artist it's always so sweet to see what they come up with gout adorable Swedish weapon be like rubberband men again what bang ding seriously I want it all the effort to reload that thing my god Logan poll after snoozing three times half my respiratory organs were destroyed hence me losing the fight or was it because I lost two points I can't remember there was many reasons wet get that thing out of my face Petey pyres Bizarre Adventure chomp chomp oho Jotaro what girls watch on YouTube simple glam makeup tutorial but boys watch on YouTube Keanu Reaves vs. will do the end words apocalypse oh my god can you imagine if they all said it the amount of destruction power in such a small entity at least like at least you can respect that alright whatever you think about it at least respect the power the power that comes with it just like woody in Toy Story said with great power great sources of response coincidence I think not alright I'll stop wearing the glasses fine I don't care they put Keanu Reeves in spongebob movie kids calling him John wick from fortnight I can't believe they put John wick in fortnight though like it's such a violent film it's like they put John wick and sponsor like it doesn't I don't think it works like that but hey dog oh yes wait wat I mean Felix video yay and your meme got uploaded a a new frame to it me rotates my phone by one degree my phone oh which that took me well okay epic oh my god that's a skin oh god stop wait there's more is he photoshopping them that's illegal you can't Photoshop them it's not my garbage but it is my planning oh yeah there's like this Instagram hashtag I don't know what it's called it's like hashtag trash cleanup or something where you post before and they push after what you cleaned up but unless you you're planning to eat that garbage I mean you're not really I'm just kidding all right that's great that's a good it's good movement everyone should do something epic Wow he just sat there well someone was cleaning the beach Wow original content idea okay great feeling stacking Kenny she challenged himself to post five memes anonymously in the subreddit and the one with the most upload Vince okay I like that that's a good idea that's a good idea I might try that or may not how only post it if I win speech pathologists teachers our dog to use sound board and now it communicates in sentences where are my testicles summer where are all their weekend Morty episodes is so good I don't care if it became cringe it's still a good show it's the leg less PewDiePie joke still a thing legs I finally made it I guide others to treasure I cannot present so much time on that video and it did so she therapist the guy from the math problem isn't real it can't hurt you the guy from math problem Oh God where does it get them from does he live in the factory or something everyone is talking about how sonic epically redesigned but these are unforgettable I really hope they make in the movie like an end credits scene or something a no marsh to these legends you know what are you watching son a man who raped my main by calling my PP Baker's mom why is he talking about their baby you wouldn't get it don't even ask mom cringe people large by the way people large Felix nightmares be like Jesus oh god stop why would you do that I told my teenage knees to get me a newspaper she laughed at me and said Oh uncle you're so old just use my phone so I slammed her phone against the world to kill spider challenging PD PI to a boxing fight veggie did it huh he won't feed you because he respect lemon that's true do they'll still beat them up though this comment is completely irrelevant Netflix and chill Hulu and whoohoo watch Mickey and break gay okay okay all right side effects include death nausea heartburn skin irritation people in the commercial oh my god this is the best product ever it's always weird I don't think it's we're allowed to market those kind of Medicine ads in in UK so whenever we go to America and you watch TV how many there are it's crazy oh my god I feel so good and drinky fool it's so good I might heart explode and their code peach pie by the way if you don't enter the computer pie I don't get paid as much ok bees into the code oh my god there it is again upload that is brilliant well played what a great mood that's so clever ha ha ha because that's what heroes do me Wow so I used ready for the first time in an upcoming video and I never understood like how nice it is to get upvotes now I get it like I get it I get your norm a struggle you know you're trying to get uploads and stuff and like why are people downloading my stuff to like that's just mean why would you do that I can see like down votes on my stuff I don't like it stop downloading me ok I worked at McDonald's for two and a half years and I put 11 nuggets in almost every 10 piece of me careful he's a hero Cody bundle chuck if I got it 11 nuggets I know it's something would be wrong with it this post that's a tiny peepee nothing gets through this armor what about our oxygen listen here you little [ __ ] Wow tiny peepee boomers when they watch TV for five hours straight boomers when they see someone on their phone for five minutes what look up look up hello I'm here okay that's all I wanted to do boomers invented phones and video games boomers continue screaming oh my god yeah you're right new research says short people are angrier and more violent than tall people delete this small people downloaded with your current account balance which Apple product can you buy Apple I mean well played wait there's still come on guys check out team trees there's still 4,500,000 treats if it costs $1 to plant one tree surely it's cheaper if we manage to raise a lot of money right or do they count that if they find 20 million trees it will cost $1 right do you understand what I'm saying supply chain management you understand yeah I just want to know how it works okay or does it scale backwards where it's more expensive I just want to know because maybe technically we already erased enough to plan 20 million trees that's what I'm saying in 2015 a Canadian man was arrested after tying more than hundred balloons a garden chair and flying over the city of calgary that is such a mr. B's video waiting to happen good job don't give up etc subtitles hundred Wow fansubs are the best the silver snipers are a competitive gaming team from Sweden between ages of 62 and 81 Dan that's awesome can you imagine in the future retirements gonna be the best Pearce I didn't have many friends when I was younger oh it appears and this is the garbage bread it wasn't even my friend it was my sister's friend okay oh god I had no friends [Laughter] Millennials are killing the doorbell industry by texting here okay boomer how about just knocking in the door is that harder herobrine the most strongest entity in Minecraft Felix thinking he can beat him in a fight hero Brian I'll challenge you in boxing fight alright I think it could be cool I'll do it I'll do it I'll kill him these knuckles can destruction anyone anyone that challenges me the earth is flat so if we just flip it over it will be like the cool side of the pillow and boom no more global warming my god these are the young minds of our generation that will save all our future problems thank you how do I buy a house how do I get a job how do I pay taxes schools yes isn't it weird like the government who is in charge of schools doesn't have anything about paying taxes surely they would want that it's almost like the government wants you to not pay taxes so they can find you and pay you more taxes am I right gamers all of our employees try to stop me after I buy a 6 6 5 inch 4k Ultra HD TV for 1 0 a that self-checkout we can't stop me why is this meat funny it's not even funny thank you guys for watching another episode of smash like if you enjoyed check out the merch and its really put it makes links if you enjoy that game and buy Hado hey hey and we're all excited about the new game that's coming out and I can't wait to play it it starts with the letter P can you guess what it is here the pie pick selling of course what you thought it was Pokemon dumbass you stinky brainer you
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 6,596,687
Rating: 4.9357386 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE, PewDiePie, pewds, pewdie, pdp, lwiay, comments, youtube comments
Id: cOeLz87i0XE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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