2020 Memes are gonna be EPIC - LWIAY #00105

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Man you stole a 17:15 watch time of Pewds...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ChhOta_wasim 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
memes loader intro leave your entry close I haven't showered since 2018 you mean 2019 no Dolan take a freaking shower that's so gross I smell it from here it was think you think II piped showered since the last decade you mean the decade from 2010 to 2020 no 2018 first meme Uganda knuckles 2019 first meme mafia City 2020 first me World War 3 I can't wait to get my drafting letter banking news sign me up for that my man man born in four 20 1969 wants to change his first name as nice the World War three memes really lost their meaning quite quickly didn't they suddenly they were just not as important anymore happy new years from Asia imagine still being in the last decade this post was made by Asia game good one Asia good one me accidentally steps on toy pig my dog so you have chosen playtime time to play yes haha banette we have fun now when World War three is trending and you realize we are all 19 year olds now I'm in danger oh god what happened to my audience I need the 9 year olds back I need the 9 year olds back so I can keep making videos and have an audience that watches damn please don't get drafted please go to the doctor and say you got tuberculosis or something dude come on man come on you gotta keep watching bus drivers when they see each other pilots when they see each other is it because is that a pee pee joke I understand when you're laughing at World War three memes and start to wonder why the Sun is coming out at 9:00 p.m. I was a little too dark for me get it because it isn't dark at all it's quite light that's bright the humor so far has just been amazing 20/20 here but you realize that 17 2018-2019 20 had a massive plague outbreak I'm beginning to see a pattern here that not sure I like what is the patent what there's a pattern people talking about World War three happening me just waking up god how old are these two days and it's already irrelevant Jesus PT PI it's really messed up when people pressure you into having a baby also PewDiePie Frick yeah I don't know how I walked into that meme good job Felix when ready goes from talking about the Australia fires to the plague and World War three all within the first 72 hours of the decade oh no it's all falling apart you know war is bad and all and it's bad for the economy in general right but it's good for the meme economy you know at least we'll get epic memes you know at least we can get more pickle Rick missile Rick's and stuff like that that'd be epic all the Zoomers will be fortnight dancing kapa World War 3 I don't flash player shutting down plague Australia on fire my depression a terrible 2020 let's get it let's make this the worst year ever guys starting the decade off correctly or if you got two seconds in you only get one chance on this I can't believe that made me laugh Shrek funny is the equivalent of fortnight bad I swear Shrek funny check from me right Shrek is funny it's ironic I'm being ironic shrek is funny it's not funny but I'm being double double ironic so that makes what does that make shrink petition for peers to review the World War three means so that it dives in the war never happens alright guys I got you on this one don't worry I already killed a new guy memes not gonna lie each baby pewdiepie I would master Yoda you stay away from my child which is me the child of me that is me follow your dreams I'll follow your dreams this meme has cinnamon toast kin energy all over it girls hitting puberty I hate my periods voice I think puberty where is this brother good meme I'm on the bus and this guy is so fine but he has an iPhone 6 and you're on a bus for poor people ride on buses poor small peepee small peepee I don't care this big paper cup where I find big babies change my mind I'm Punk so Hamish rebel I'm Asian so I much like math I dye my hair so bling blong I am a youtuber so I must be sponsored by red shadow legend accept me I have integrity guys I will not know rate shadow ladies if you're watching go away shush shush go away I will not sink too steep level stooped level of patheticness I don't want your money I can't be bought oh Jesus Christ please the delivery guys when there's even order at 11:59 so they don't have to hear the I ordered last a kid it's like one of those jokes do you feel like you have to say I'm not gonna lie I made a decade joke but it was it was a lot of levels of irony behind it and they've timing was completely off as well I did it before so I didn't even make sense Mojang previously stated they didn't want to create sky dimension until they could make the nether more interesting now there are they coming Mojang hives creator of aether mom finally we can smoke the clouds finally maybe find like in viscid IKEA tower up in sky oh my god a decade of PewDiePie tribute is this one of those where it's okay oh wow oh oh wow it's a little annoying because you know it's just like an overlay it's not the picture itself you know what I mean it's not like they found picture that outline this right there's no all right I mean big people you sure yeah yeah big peepee joins the army to pay for college hey at least if you die I don't have to pay back your debt the four horsemen of whom hmm listen send us out to World War three we'll take care of it quite quickly University student in Hong Kong now using trebuchet to retaliate against the police what's what I've been saying this is huge PP energy cuz trebuchet are like a birthright to people and I'm so glad they're yours utilizing it well done Hong Kong I respect you well done big PP trebuchet when in doubt trebuchet that's what I've always said don't know what to say to you a girl during a date trebuchet what no trebuchet you don't understand Trebuchet she's he's speaking French he's so cultured wow he must have a big peepee and then you get laid instantly trust me guys trust me on this one Carson whoops I'm waiting for the day World War three happens and people start making memes of it big peepee here's a mural on wall in my town down in Australia god damn that's a big peepee that slush sucks guarantee you petition to change the up down vote icons pee pee or smoke pee pee smell pee pee all I said was I beat the Enderdragon with no armor on oh that's big peepee that's big peepee when you buy eight Wi-Fi routers to make a meme because it's cheaper than buying editing software stocks okay Felix he just had eight of his friends changed the name of hot spots reddit me knowing none of us redditors have hate shrek funny shrek buddy everyone all right fine you get PP uh when you hear that your husband decided the size of the peepee of random stranger and in it confused ravioli noises might say gets big peepee hey wait what Australians be like 11:59 that's awful I couldn't possibly give this a big peepee I'll give a small peepee whoops misclicked all men are pigs women are equal to men I will initiate self-destruct Wow women just got owned epically that's a big peepee for women world's last male northern white rhino dice oh ah that's so sad small peepee that's so sane there it is the guy on the Left got number two the guy on the right didn't even make the list y'all see the problem you'll see the problem disgusting me planning what to say if I ever saw Felix me when I see Felix there you go it actually happened twice already I know I know I'm supposed to say something I don't know what it is but related si from now on I'm not gonna repeat myself what it is okay I'm just gonna be like password it's more creepy go away but can I have a ship small Fifi go away what is the male equivalent of brick this I'll just be a stripper the military yeah pretty much see you guys at World War two big VP when you make a joke in class and your crush laughed the loudest the best thing that can happen to a potato potatoes would be like I'm not sure if I understand this joke I'm gonna go with small people in this one because I don't get it are you saying that you're a potato this one is amazing field leagues after beating entered agnus 69 Jack after beating Andrew Dragon 69 noise my fellow 19 year olds Australia has been on fire for almost three months spread awareness no way that many what's a hot it's not funny don't laugh at it what's a hot why would you write hi there it's not funny the last video of the decade will be happy wheels so prepare yourself well that was a freaking light well I did it okay I'm sorry was late damn that's sick and you guys complain there's not fanart look at that that's amazing very nice oh whoa I can zoom in instant very large dick I got to meet baby pie today super cool and really nice guy and he passed the test laughs related to science that's how we knew did you pass phrase yes yes it did Felix slowly starting to lose his legs 90 oh my god that's so sad look a totally slow ass I was actually winning that race as you can tell here because there's no one ahead of me no one except the person taking the photo but they weren't damn it baby Yoda baby Groot baby sonic baby Felix PewDiePie pp PI damn I really look like I can slay some you know what I mean I look like I'm not pushing around what youtubers should I fight to the death meet me on the sky block at dawn audio jaxa we both have 69 power level my god for truly a match Poots the person who made this has big peepee Rhino redditor well actually it's a girl did I start it that's a great episode big peepee me dying in World War 3 the guy that killed meat starts doing four do they have for tonight Iran I think this is an important thing before I go mom do they have Ford 19 Iran can we just settle it in like one big battle or yeah said do we have to commit killing right when you realize pewds is taken break when World War three is happening and beginning if a denier that I'm not so sure I like oh good I'll be in Japan when it happens guys don't worry god damn it maybe this time japan will win if your pangas Sebald i'll be fighting on their side you're a crush talks to you she wants to show you a meme she opens reddit it's your meme damn that's how you know you straight about to get some action like that's just instead pee pee dip how effort is rewarded I hope it's a fact even if you can't draw your meme still gets up votes because it's fan hard and that's a fact been drawing my jersey essence last year what a journey and that's a fact oh that's opposed to be me oh my god I couldn't even tell because it was so well drawn that it was too photorealistic I thought I was looking in a mirror that's big peepee oh my god they made it for the meme and it looks so bad I mean you'd still get a big peepee I'm not gonna lie it looks even worse than the video I'm not saying it looks good I'm just saying that I think it would look even uglier if you painted it gold big P big potential right here Oh God maybe oh that makes me want to try it robell three should be fought on minecraft server so nobody's alright yes let's just Hunger Games it out guys come on we don't have to kill each other hey son I found the picture of your grandpa hey damnit small peepee I don't like this don't make fun of me World War three here we come new USA military uniforms damn this is gonna be the new area 51 meme I feel like that's the energy I'm getting here you know it feels really bad to joke about this but also it's so good for the meme economy so I kind of me winning fake arguments in the shower the shampoo bottles big peepee oh I just jog every once in a while I do CrossFit I lift competitively beard said I have a big peepee big peepee you now you have double peepee how big does that make it peepee huh there's news about World War three and you have a brother he's only nine he watches PewDiePie is actually 19 oh god no you're 9 now again I changed it back don't worry guys if you're watching this you're 9 years old all you got to do is smash like on the video and share it with a friend and they will also turn 9 so you don't have to get drafted don't worry you're safe upload this image to instantly have girlfriend all right maybe large I'm not that type of girl 10 minute later next meme Wow me when I maybe when I see how I hired the bear bear all the games on that lid spotted in Toronto I'm probably a little late but still pretty nice to them yeah it's so nice and I didn't see it I can't believe it I'm so it's still really cool Thank You G fuel check out G fuel guys enter the code PT pilot treat yourself I've seen this and it's really funny so my keyboard broke I can't type are without copy pasting it now I'm using the dreadful ear language to replace the broken key of my that's really funny guys I made an our bench so we don't shoot each other I'm just here for the memes okay alright YouTube okay we're cool let's go no one the camera angling anime when a character is about to go insane that's great yeah they love that angle don't they there's a picture of young piers right before he lost his legs in a shark attack oh my god that makes perfect sense because I remember when we did that they were like there's a ton of sharks out there so don't fall in the water and I was like oh no maybe you know I mean this is cannon huge I don't want to play with you anymore minecraft this those episode takes so long to make and I don't feel like I had no time because I'm so busy with other things so I'm sorry starting from nothing you made us laugh every step of the way helped people throughout the hardest time and we have you through the hardest time just by your mistakes here you are happy that everything you beautify for the best decade and cheers to the next one oh thank you guys big peepee well done Walt I'm not pewdiepie but my name guy Oh oh my god came here for Felix that's so adorable look at them why can't I move I can't scroll down to Edgar but my it looks a few thank you mom an email youtuber is that pewdiepie is that the pewdiepie you're talking about love Y paper review PP is it time for a new name I think it might be time from now on we call it people review when PewDiePie sees a bad name you have lost your PP privilege that's correct that's how that works me relax we're gonna have this all right I'm gonna end it there hope you guys enjoy this episode subscribe and I see you gamers on the battlefield [Music] you are entering a new era where you shall craft the hope the hour of fart smells and poop grades is coming marzia Edgar and buttons need you the timer you will face but crawlers is all about when you are seated on the porcelain throne where T is the game to play I'm not supposed to have my opinion about that but the prices you
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 7,890,529
Rating: 4.96457 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: 4jlDCS-z7TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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