I Found The Secret At The Bottom

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all the way to the bottom today no excuses starting with two little pieces of iron we'll let those go in back for more add a little more iron to that we're gonna stick to the upper layers for now because i don't have time for anything else obviously i'm an extraordinarily busy person okay luck wasn't on my side now it is give me these three that'll get us started with letting us know when the idiots are arriving and how many resources we have then it's just a matter of killing this guy and we're back to mining again gotta go just a little deeper this time so we can actually see all the new resources or lack thereof iron is really what we need right now that's going to get us the upgrades we need to do more everything plus there's also one of these right away plus some of those round things i'm going to go ahead and hang this stupid thing up because the other things are going to come a little bit with it also i just hope this one is something amazing this one is actually pretty good we get monster repellent uh once we're able to use that the waves take a little longer which means more time for mining which means we get richer then i'm gonna use my resources currently to upgrade my drill strength then we're gonna fight another idiot two idiots obviously a very big challenge you're dead back to work starting with these three and then these five the nice thing about being this close to the surface is we can go back in mine even when we have just a little time before monsters are gonna show up but i could probably get these two which means i accidentally buy faster laser movement speed but that's fine we're gonna need them all anyways and i plan to be so rich that it doesn't matter what we buy that wave's done easy peasy so it's back to mining hopefully there's more iron here than i think there is three will work i really wish i didn't lose my scanner that would tell me how close everything is but we'll get another one okay here's another four which we're going to put into more laser power i didn't really need that yet but that's just gonna be sure that no monsters are gonna over run us for quite some time so i'll take two of these plus there's another upgrade down below and it's time to fight more idiots but with a newly upgraded laser they won't last long at all and now the birds are in so i'm kind of glad we do the faster laser speed was that it no that might as well have been it though because these guys really aren't going to pose a challenge right now i've also used the monster repellent to hopefully stall them for a little bit and i'm hoping this is either an elevator or a scanner it better be something good it's so slow to pull these things up that i almost don't do it but it is the elevator so that's gonna help us out a lot to have it this early no we just need to like actually find some iron and stuff we didn't find iron we did find some of these but the beauty of this lift is i can set these off and i don't need to go back up right now i can keep mining okay here's another pocket of iron i will get more carry strength at some point but for now i'm gonna try and get all this iron going before this next wave kinda screwed this up by grabbing four so we're gonna let one go for now which is quicker to move with three and go back for the rest should be going to the top we're gonna get gradient take one more this gets a little clunky because if you start grabbing them you knock them out anyways i've got things to be killing and i need to start seeing my dome strength because i don't know how much health we have it's okay for now but we're gonna have to repair a little bit so first off let's see how much health we have and then we're gonna repair because we're down to about half health now we're at three-quarter health then i think we're gonna use one of these for more monster repellent no we can't yet it's just straight back to mining just want to finish off a little more of this tunnel as my resources get jammed in a stupid elevator good thing i went over here because we get another two of these then it's time to go down just a little more but that elevator saving me so much time that i can just keep minding like this the resources all make their way to the top this was a particularly unlucky block but there's lots more where that came from i'm gonna pull these ones all the way to the top with me i think unless i start really running desperate on time which i might no bad go the other way there we are i've still got to get used to that but it's okay i could take a little bit of damage now it's worth it for those extra resources because these guys won't really hurt that bad not yet well they did take me down to about half health again so i'm also gonna upgrade my carry strength and speed uh so i'm gonna make the lift go a little bit faster i need to use one of the round resources on that but that's fine i think this thing is full so the monsters are gonna take a little extra time to get here and my extra speed and carry strength is gonna help me move a lot more here i don't know if i'll be able to carry all of these at once but we'll be able to carry for them quite easily then we'll go back for the remaining two set them on their way then we're going to keep mining i really dislike mining i know we get some pretty big deposits and stuff down at the bottom we'll get there eventually but for now i need to you know be properly set up to get that deep i found another pretty big deposit of iron those will jiggle loose eventually there they go we'll set them on their way i'm not quite gonna go to the surface yet even though i probably should i'm going to take these three and drop them in elevator and then we're gonna take some damage again i probably need to stop doing this now but we learned from last time we're gonna set those there that way we don't grab these and we're up in time to start the fight and now the resources are still making their way to the top while we're fighting another wave easily complete we've got 15 points let's spend that right now i'm gonna go for more drill strength we just need to get to that ground as quickly as possible while i'm at it i'm gonna increase the delay on my little thing that way when we use it it takes the monsters even longer to show up gives us more time for mining plus our new mining strength is uh really helpful because we're tearing through all sorts of things those basically mine themselves at this point let's take this one out and see if we can get them to this yup straight up go up no help necessary that was a pretty lucky find because that just got me a lot of resources with very minimal effort pretty sure there's gonna be some other good stuff hiding somewhere here yeah like this and even up above all that there's a pocket i didn't really mind into properly pretty sure this thing's gonna be too slow to bring up right now but i'm gonna bring it closer if i had more carry speed and stuff i'd be more inclined to try and get this for now i just want it close because i definitely need to get to the top and upgrade my laser so i can kill these idiots extra quick but that timing worked out just fine so for 12 there's power 2 which means things will die quicker and i'll get back to mining quicker plus less damage on the dome so i can use those resources elsewhere i should probably give my dome more health too and i could be a little bit less stressed about it overall maybe when i can afford it for now we're gonna use some repellent back to work do i wanna try and bring this thing up i'm pretty sure the elevator won't take it will it nope this is where the mining might get a little screwy if i decide to just go wherever because we're not finding anything for a second so this isn't fun and then we'd find a deposit of basically everything so give me all of this and then a little bit of this then i'm gonna repair the dome a little bit oh then i'm gonna give it less damage from monster hit so it's gonna be hardened a little bit plus we'll give it a little more strength all right now the monsters really shouldn't be able to stop it but we have our first boss fight so that's going to be fun but now we'll take care of the birds the boss is going to take forever to get here anyway so he's not really that big of a concern but instead now we just shoot the boss in the torso until he dies won't take long and he's dead back to work i'm going to set these two on their way and then i do think i want to take this in case it is the resource finder thing i hate how long this takes but we're gonna do it okay we got it to the top what is it please be something amazing there we go prospection meter i'm gonna hit this delay now also and maybe should have read that better but basically in the lower left it shows like a squiggly bar next to my number nine when that starts to fill it tells me i'm close to that resource so now i know i'm getting closer to iron it's still getting closer still it should be right in front of me therefore right there so that helps a lot because i was able to steer myself straight into this and there's just a lot of iron here i'm hoping to flick that other one with me didn't really work that's fine i want to get this a little more going because i'm grady then we'll go to the top okay we're going to roll that one too i'm going to go like that and straight up as soon as i can i'm gonna increase the uh weapon move speed too that way we can just kill the monsters quicker okay this wave is done instead of doing what i just said i was gonna do i'm gonna wait to see how many resources we have maybe i'll get a better upgrade more carry weight would not be that bad either i would love to be able to carry just a little more stuff now my scanner meter is not showing any more iron over here so i'm pretty much going to start going the other way it was showing me the blocks going up the elevator for a second which had me excited and we're not really seeing any iron too close here yet either so probably just going to have to go deeper i will take that stuff though okay no iron in that direction uh give me these four then no iron down there either we're going deeper i do also have 24 upgrade points so before we start this fight i'm gonna buy faster weapon move speed and more drill strength for now now i can kill these guys quicker because i can get on them quicker with the damage this is actually making a really big difference this bird's gonna show up right about there so he's dead and we're done monster repellent back we go probably should have checked for upgrades for my scanner thing but i'm too stupid for that we're getting close to iron again so it's somewhere in this direction maybe below us but we're pretty close to it now i don't know i didn't show from up top okay it's somewhere like right down here got it plus our new drill uh is going to wow look at all this iron this is why we needed to go deep i'm just going to go straight up to the elevator this way that way i don't have to carry it up i'm going to tell myself it's worth doing that and then it feels like it is i actually got an idea of my next little maneuver here which might be good it might be bad but we're going to let you guys go up here then i'm actually just gonna mine to the left for a second because this is such an empty spot yep there's more iron somewhere right here i'd say we're heading straight forward oh no it's maybe down here yep found it but we're definitely well ahead of the curve we're gonna start these going upwards before i let them go then we're gonna fly past my other cluster and then my other cluster and we're ready to fight okay we're gonna start getting these coming in which uh is pretty early for them it feels like good thing my laser is nice and quick i'm gonna get hardening tube so we take less damage from things just like that uh we can also see the distance to the closest uh both cobalt and water now that's going to be kind of helpful i don't really need the direction because i can figure that out and i don't like the way that works anyways but no it would simply tell me if i'm close to things that's going to be really nice they were close to iron there was also some i think water whatever that one is up there but for now we'll take this to the left the water is somewhere maybe right below me actually yep right here so that's easy to set up this thing makes it so easy i just gotta bring stuff to the lift now and set it on its way there's also some of the other cobalt over here pretty much directly in front of me we'll go ahead and free that from its little prison i like to have some of that even if it's just for healing purposes i'm actually gonna fly over here now because we haven't gone this way not seeing anything at all in the meter though so this might have been a bad choice uh there's at least some cobalt over here so and one of those uh which way is a cobalt there's also iron here somewhere but we're also like out of time so we're just gonna free that and move okay the monster wave is already on the way so i'm a little nervous for what's happening up top right now okay panicking a little bit okay we're good now we got this we can heal up if maybe but the dome is gonna be fine i was mostly worried about those uh lasers from space coming in and hurting me for now he's dead and easy peasy okay uh wait wait i thought he was dead why didn't mate it made this sound like he was dead i thought it did oh okay well he's dead now now we're gonna repair the dome a little bit because i'm being stupid i'm also gonna increase carry strength and movement speed that way we can move up and down a little quicker okay monster repellent and now it's time for a good long mining session look how quick we are now i think how much we can carry around to the left okay over here was that thing which i'm just i'm gonna leave right now i don't really want any more upgrades right now anyway okay there's the cobalt and iron is below me i think it's gonna be a little bit uh of a way to carry it out of here luckily we have more carry strength so it'd be nice to get all of this going at once i'm gonna mine it out this way there might also be some more iron somewhere there my compass thing did move a little bit i knocked the cobalt way down there that wasn't really what i wanted to do i should have got this faster movement speed earlier this is much easier plus look how many we can carry at like light speed i'm gonna make the lift move a little quicker simply because i don't want to wait on resources okay you're dead you're dead the wave is over let's go find more everything took a strange way to get down but let's find that other iron it's somewhere right here okay got it okay let's see how much of this we can carry all at once we'll start with that i guess then we're gonna take all of this there's also some uh cobalt there somewhere we can mine because we need that for the heels because we're starting to take damage because i'm being lazy yeah using this extra stuff we can move a lot i could probably take that big chunk up too if i really wanted to i'm just i gotta catch it when i mine it out so got it i do have just a little bit of time so i might try and get it to the surface my upgraded elevator does not help at all well whatever i'm committed to this now uh okay this is making me nervous i don't know what monsters are coming in hi guys welcome to the party i had no idea there was a teleporter that's gonna be hugely helpful obviously we're also gonna take power three super damage that way we'll evaporate things pretty much instantly hopefully okay let's focus on that and got it that was close and stressful the dome is still okay okay but before doing anything let's repair that okay so we're gonna upgrade the teleporter twice the teleporter will work faster shortening the teleportation time and you can now teleport back to the dome i don't really know how this works wait what oh we gotta take it down there that's gonna be our starting point i think so yeah i'll just meet you down there no no no no okay it does take a few seconds to come down here so we're just gonna uh i don't know put it here for now so when you want to move we can but i want to wander back over to one side or the other because i know there's more iron and cobalt over here somewhere in fact there's a little bit of everything somewhere over here i think it's deeper though well once deeper one's lower i'm not really sure where that is deeper i just wanted to fly over here to scan there's some more iron ray below me i think but i'm kind of running short on time so i just need to get some of it to the left and hopefully that teleporter works quite well because i don't know actually how to use it yet so give me any iron at all just so this isn't a complete bust of a run get you guys go up how do i use you got it okay pretty sure i understand how to use that and back to business got another boss guy coming in on this one but we have a fully upgraded damage laser so they shouldn't be able to last very long at all he'll melt fairly quickly we still have half our health great okay so now we go straight back down to the bottom wow i wish i knew that existed a long time ago i would have tried to get one then well we know the drill from here there's a lot of iron here so let's take a whole bunch of before because we'll drag other stuff with it i think that's a pretty good time we're getting closer to the bottom when there's that money resources it's almost annoying having to go and gather them all up now though it is a silly peasant game uh i'm gonna mine down a little bit just for the sake of it i don't think i'm gonna be able to reach over to those the ground is getting so tough i'm gonna need a better drill but i can teleport up anyway so i'll actually get away with this more than i normally would and that's a lot of cobalt there's three there and three there wow i've never found six at once that's huge so those guys can take the elevator and i take the teleporter so next i'm gonna take more drill strength so we can move around quicker that's gonna be the most pertinent thing uh and then i guess it's just back to the good old fight which shouldn't be hard because we're pretty upgraded as long as we keep shooting those when they show up probably gonna need more laser movement speed at some point because uh those things are getting hard to catch there's on my cobalt we'll put those to good use soon and the new drill strength is absolutely great because i'm just tearing through everything and there's lots of good resources over here straight into the iron we're gonna be so rich after this this is gonna get stupid look at all this good iron we're gonna grab a scoop at the back see if we can pull it all forward because we're greedy that's really nice that's gonna jam up but it might force through because physics come on there we go well i got a few of them closer at least that's gotta count for something i think i can probably just drag the spare three of those yup good enough i don't even know how many that just was there's an iron lying on the ground that i don't even really want to go get i want to mine upwards because this stuff's really easy and i probably missed some stuff through here okay definitely missed some cobalt over here got it and that one so i think it's safe to say the teleporter definitely makes things a little overpowered especially when you combine that with an elevator like this the water is somewhere below me here i think by the time we get to that there might be other stuff nope just water but lots of it bring all that to the surface i feel like there's some uh upper areas too i haven't fully explored yet but um oh yeah we gotta go this way so what we can do for now is make our dome more resistant to damage and then we're gonna take more carry strength now let's do faster movement speed oh and then more carry strength then we're just going to go ahead and kill everything as it shows up should be pretty easy to do getting that and that was close i will repair the dome after this i know it's very resistant to damage but i don't like being that close to the edge plus it only took three things to get us back to full uh we need 18 for the rest of those so what we're going to do is hit the monster repellent and then i don't even know what direction to go right now i did just want to take a quick look up here in case i missed something and i did miss cobalt somewhere up above me i think yep not a lot of it but we'll take it and then there's some iron what it looks like might be directly below me with the way that's sneaking up on us nope we just passed it somewhere here yep it's going to be right here so this would be perfect just drag it into the elevator and be on our way uh there's also some bedrock right over there so we're getting close to the bottom which means we're going to find lots of resources you get in there there's another fairly large iron deposit right here as well so that's gonna make us pretty much get whatever upgrade we want from here on out and there's still that other thing too that we could get for an extra upgrade uh we'll get that eventually i do want to probe just a little bit over here to see if there's anything hiding that whole block is probably empty our resources haven't made it up yet but i already have ten dollars to spend anyway which is actually lots okay i don't know if i can catch both of these just barely and the wave is over we're gonna buy that then we're gonna buy something new so i get either speed for or carry strength i'm going to take the speed because the elevator does most of the heavy lifting anyway now i don't have to carry things super far uh i'm going to buy whatever this is simply because i can't afford it right now and i still got lots of iron make its way to the top i'm also going to move the teleporter down to probably here yeah you go there we'll see if there's anything else hiding down this deep there's definitely some water over here there might actually not be a lot of iron left in this world i might have actually mined pretty much all of it and that's a pretty fun problem to have there's some more iron way over here it's gonna be a bit of a haul to get it from here but imagine if i didn't have the elevator and teleporter i'd never get this i'm getting pretty unlucky with the amount of drops coming off these but there's enough iron that i don't think it's gonna make that much of a difference okay come on guys let's go with the extra speed too like i tear this stuff around at light speed yeah even when i'm slowed down from carrying this much i still move so super quick i want to come all the way over here there is some cobalt below me i think there are some somewhere there not that i need a ton of that but it is there somewhere and there's some on the other side too that i might actually be able to get before the monsters show up uh at about the same time as long as the missiles don't come in i'll probably be fine with this okay i always get a little confused where we spit out there and time to fight a lot of creatures you and you there's a time when this would have been impossible to fight off we just simply wouldn't have had the power to even now it's actually kind of close okay we're gonna shoot the birds we do have damage resistant in a pretty negative mega way so i don't know if these guys will even hurt that much anymore we're about to find out he died before he did much so what this guy said with that guy and we're up to 21 to spend again 13 water and 11 cobalts yeah i'm actually starting to run out of uh things to purchase with this don't really need the repellent i guess more dome health wouldn't hurt then maybe also the targeting thing finally oh yeah we'll use the repellent before we go now do we remember where that one was that block that was sitting there hiding because we can get more upgrades at least the down further i've actually lost it i don't know where it was it must have been up higher yes it was most def i want to go get it anyway just because i don't really know what else are you spending my money on but there's a big blank over here too i'm pretty sure there's going to be some treasure well there's one of them here so that was really lucky but also give me these give me all of this we'll take this up even carrying all this including a super heavy thing were this quick i'm sure that other one was right here did they despawn or did i knock it down i don't remember anyways what do we get from this condenser slowly produces those uh i don't really want any of these but we'll take that then i'm going to take the teleporter down to do a little bit of bottom mining because there's iron over here of course there is hopefully it's a nice big deposit i think it has to be if it's this deep yeah this is i think the biggest one i've ever mined we'll let them all drop into a nice pile because i can use my little trick to hopefully pull them all out of there okay let's grab but we can that should work out they're all going to jam up but come on guys this way everything poke through there you can oh it breaks them okay well let's get some of them coming up before i leave then we'll go back to the surface to deal with the idiots oh that's probably going to hit me and yep it gone oh it doesn't do as much damage as i thought we'll probably catch that one and we'll get you yeah this little target thing does actually help a lot well these guys aren't that bad they're pretty annoying but not overly monster repellent back to the bottom where we left our colossal horde of treasure okay everything can you squeeze through this time there we go that's better i'm not sure how many that was but there was probably 20 in total or somewhere thereabouts which is definitely lots i'm gonna start to pull them up that way yep we're gonna poke down here in case we'll see what level of bedrock that is okay that's fine i don't need to drop any crap lower than that anyway then i'm just gonna go around a little bit see if there's anything we missed over here there's a little bit of cobalt over here okay that was the piece i missed earlier but i don't know what other resources are actually left out here because i was quite sure there was another upgrade block here somewhere but it seems to have disappeared entirely and that's fine i can mine so quickly up at the top now i just brought these to the top while i was screwing around uh let's go down the right side real quick in fact i'll make a highway down this side that way it's easy to get up and down and i can mine so stupidly quick now that it's almost a joke i didn't know things widened out twice uh there's no resources like anywhere though unless there's something in that big chunk right there i think it pretty much got all of everything i'm not gonna take the teleporter i don't even care i moved too quickly anyway so i got 32 dollars to spend and nothing really to spend it on the airlift can let me up too that's cheap i guess i'll take just increase the perspective meter thing cause if there is something hiding down there i guess we'll we'll now find it uh we'll do the production time there i guess i could increase the health of the dome oh that costs 20. i can't afford that anymore i spent it all on stupid stuff uh i don't even know what to focus my effort on i think this is the last idiot on this wave and he's pretty dead do some repellent and i don't know we'll go with our new compass to see if there's anything out here okay there's some cobalt somewhere i think my meter is pretty long now so i can see stuff from a long ways away so i don't really know where this stuff is but we're seeing it from all the way out there yeah so nothing's there's not gonna be anything able to hide anymore well we saw that from all the way down there that's crazy so yeah just by flying around we'll see whatever's left which i don't think is much of anything if anything that literally might be the last two resources in the world yeah there's uh well there's one of these we'll take you to the top but oh wait there is more cobalt somewhere there oh and water interesting okay well we'll remember roughly where this is we'll take this stuff to the top uh i don't know why i'm going this way mostly because i'm just out of things to do really so we'll take this guy for a walk to the top see what upgrades he gets us and i don't know go back to the bottom and mine whatever we can this guy gives me an orchard this done laser could be helpful the orchard could be too though we'll take this done laser that way it could be a lazier okay there's water and cobalt somewhere very close here i think it's over here they like to hide stuff on the edge where it's harder to get it's very close to somewhere here it's lower the range of the meter change so it kind of throws me off but it's all down there in that pocket okay now to get all this stuff i kind of regret getting the longer range on this now because it's throwing out my sense of how far stuff actually is okay from the cobalt it was up top only two of them that's fine and there's definitely nothing on the other side but bedrock which is really slow to go through then there's always that mysterious tunnel but we'll explore that in just a moment i was really hoping there'd be more resources to mine but i literally have them all there's nothing left in the world but now the stun laser can do damage times two and then it's going to shoot for longer and since my time is incredibly valuable i'm just gonna knock out useless dirt for now until the wave shows up okay time for another wave of idiots the sun laser should be able to kill some things on its own if not we can certainly take care of it though they're really throwing a lot of bosses at me these days the bosses really don't last long anyway but uh yeah whatever it's all this more the same now at this point we just keep going slowly taking damage every round and then eventually not being able to afford to heal anymore because there's no resources left even as big buzz drilling right now they couldn't really do a lot of damage uh since we're out of resources to mine and things to upgrade oops well we're um the magical shaft is on the left but we took the one in the center that didn't show up and all the monsters are so happy that i left that they're dancing i usually get that celebration when i leave the world because i do tend to kill things [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 587,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Rvl7iaO6WY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2022
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