My Childhood Obsessions

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[Music] welcome to hogwarts students a magical school that is totally safe all the time [Music] mr bryson no flying in the great hall don't worry i can control this broom perfectly fine [Music] hi i'm bryson and today i want to tell you about all the things i was obsessed with when i was a kid let's start with the first one i was obsessed with trains as a kid especially thomas the tank engine wow bryson trains are stupid why don't you play with action figures or something i used to watch the show my parents got me the little wooden toys of the trains and my dad even made me a train table to play with them on thomas look out there's a child on the tracks oh no his brakes are broken he can't stop they are now dead thomas is tormented by his actions and turns himself into the train authorities thomas is charged with one count of accidental manslaughter and will face 10 years in trained prison honey i think bryson overheard you watching forensic files again i loved thomas so much that my parents even took me to meet thomas in real life see there he is not creepy at all i love trains so much that i created my own train sona bryson the tank engine choo choo that's not true my favorite part of the show was watching the trains crash there was one episode where gordon crashed through a bunch of stuff and basically died masterpiece also speaking of the show i don't approve of the new cg thomas stuff i only like the original stuff where they used actual model trains and then crashed those model trains into stuff one time when i was like three i was making a crash scene with my trains and i accidentally crashed them a bit too hard and thomas got a little bit of his paint chipped off and this bothered me he was no longer perfect so what did i do i flushed him down the toilet of course a while later my parents realized that the toilet was clogged my parents called the plumber and after hours of trying the plumber angrily said there's nothing i can do i've never encountered a toilet i can't unclog you're gonna need to buy a new toilet so they let the plumber smash the toilet open to see what had clogged it it was a big wad of toilet paper and at the center was my thomas train so we got a new toilet and i got a new thomas imagine being a plumber and having your perfect record broken by none other than thomas the tank engine my heart goes out to that guy anyways a while later thomas got chipped again so obviously i flushed it again bryson fortunately my dad managed to fish that one out and he said to my mom maybe you should get him a toy that he can't flush also do you think we should spank him yes okay on to the next obsession harry potter i've loved this stuff since i was a kid me and my friends used to run around the playground holding sticks and pretending to be wizards in fact this one kid josh and his family were super into harry potter as well so much so that the mom made it a rule that you couldn't point a wand at someone and say the killing curse you do know that magic isn't real right yeah they were a weird family they were also all redheads just like the weasleys so that was the first red flag [Laughter] i'm kidding hair color stereotypes are not nice gingers do have souls whatever you say stupid blonde that one is actually true in my case i'm still gonna beat you up though i understand look i'm feeling generous today so i'm gonna give you a pass but know this if you ever cross me again i will end you understood understood thank you also one time on the trampoline josh got gum in my hair and i never forgave him for that a vatican oh shoot magic is real he's just tired i also loved it when my parents would let me get harry potter legos cause then i got to build the magical world i loved so much i liked being able to build cool stuff legos are cool wow bryson you still build legos grow up legos are toys [Applause] i warned you [Music] it's a highly sophisticated interlocking brick system the box for this one said ages 8 to 14. that's a suggestion anyway back to harry potter the sorting ceremony will now begin mr bryson please step forward oh i know just what to do with you hufflepuff why are you crying not gonna lie i was pretty upset when i took the online test and figured out that i really am a hufflepuff aka a disappointment i was also sad when i turned 11 and didn't receive a hogwarts acceptance letter turns out hogwarts isn't real it's a hard pill that you just gotta swallow the reality shifting community is still struggling with that one actually bryson reality shifting is real this tick tock told me so and you can project your consciousness to other realities and nope not real moving on harry potter will always hold a special place in my heart because it inspired me to be a creative and imaginative person and that the most powerful magic of all is love i love you the power it's it's too much see look how powerful my love is he's fine by the way he's he's just tired actually that gives me an idea hey voldemort you dare utter my name you filthy mudblood i love you see love now let's go on a date harry wait um i mean harry potter isn't real anyways they made an entire theme park of harry potter and it's freaking awesome and magical and i like it in fact when i went there i got chosen to do the wand shop ceremony thing give the wound a wave and we'll see if it's meant for you when guardian leviosa he's just tired next obsession animals i used to love catching frogs and then racing them against each other if my friend had a pet i would insist on holding it and petting it in fact my discovery of youtube was just me watching videos of hamsters for hours on end and begging my parents to let me get one and eventually they finally caved and got me one the day i got him me and my family were watching the bee movie so i named my hamster barry short for barry b benson of course but then i decided to introduce barry to my dog duke without consulting my parents rest in peace duke duke slowly sat down gave him a sniff and very gingerly murdered barry right in front of me mom and that's why i don't watch the bee movie anymore rest in peace barry the next morning mom took me to the pet store and got me another one i named him mario and he lived a long happy natural hamster life of two years they don't live that long also one time i was at a friend's house and he had two little twin brothers they were given two pet guinea pigs the day before but they had already died because the boys were convinced that guinea pigs could fly so they took them on the trampoline and tested their theory rest in peace anyway at that time i also had a pet guinea pig named link and the boys with tears in their eyes asked our guinea pigs died can we have your guinea pig and that was when i learned the valuable lesson of how to say no to people speaking of death i've mentioned that my parents keep chickens in the backyard and one of them is named ham well ham is actually ham too rest in peace ham one my sister's dog got her on a more positive note meet my new son his name is bo and he's a dog how can a dog be my son he's adopted duh he is cute and i love him and you should love him too him and our family dog dixie are friends but dixie is getting pretty old so he's a little too high energy for her sometimes i've been bombarding my friends with pictures of bo and they are so tired of it so now i can bombard you with them look at him he's so cute bo is two years old and i rescued him from an animal shelter in january of this year and i'm glad to have him he can be a stinker though he is a total thief he steals stuff off the counter all the time and he chews on stuff he's not supposed to chew but i'm working on training him the best i can however one time i had to go to the store so i left beau home in his crate he had been doing good in the crate the last few times i left him in there so i thought we were gonna be okay but this time was different instead of accepting his fate like usual he spent all his energy trying to get out of the crate by biting it from the inside and in doing so he broke one of his bottom teeth i was so sad bo was no longer perfect so what did i do i flushed him down the toilet of course no but i was really sad that he hurt himself in the crate so i actually want to get him a tooth replacement he's honestly such a silly baby boy and i love him so much he's very handsome and i get compliments on him all the time hey that's a good looking dog sick em [Applause] that was a joke he's very friendly with people and other dogs so this video was all about my childhood obsessions but i have a confession all of these obsessions have persisted into adulthood i still love animals and i still love trains i'm not obsessed with thomas anymore but i still just like the way steam trains look i even have two electric trains the polar express and the hogwarts express also so far as animals go i've got bo and my two pet tortoises and that's me restraining myself i want a pet pig a pet duck and a parrot and a lizard and another dog i mean i moved out of my parents house so i can do whatever i want but i gotta hold back so that my home doesn't become a zoo and i'm also still obsessed with harry potter i've got like all the lego sets of them and i carved and painted my own wand and i re-watch all the movies once every few months so since all my childhood obsessions have persisted we can conclude that i am still a child a little baby man ha ha stupid baby wait what you've become so predictable bryson now it's my turn hello it's been a while sorry about that but hey look we got more people helping me make the videos higher quality huge thanks to my amazing team for helping me make this video go check them out also i got nominated for a streamy award isn't that crazy also i got my plaque for getting a million subscribers and now we're close to two million huge thanks for that i never thought my little videos would reach so many people anyways how are you doing better now that you saw that awesome video right we worked hard on it so i hope so the next one should be out soon hopefully i don't vanish for five months again do you guys like bo i love him and you should too he is the best dog thanks so much for watching don't forget to subscribe and have a good day and i love you okay goodbye
Channel: Haminations
Views: 18,248,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Haminations
Id: 3PgMZiAdkoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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