How much for a Ranch Garage in 2021 ?

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welcome to how much for a garage in 2021 today i'm going to walk through the all the steps from from setting up the forms through finishing the roof and the doors and all the finish work i also want to talk about what we do not do as in the in the contract price we're also for a contract price we're going to guarantee our price for 30 days last year and in years past that was i i might not raise my prices for two years uh but this year it's just so volatile or this past year it's been so volatile that we're having to do that you can see here we're setting up the forms uh making sure with the transit that everything is perfectly flat then we will put in grade stakes we'll square it make sure the corner to corner it's right on we'll put plastic down we dig a trench around the perimeter to thicken that footing all the way around so after we put the plastic down we put half inch rebar a mat of it two feet across uh two feet spacing uh both directions and then we tie it off with twist ties so what we what what we do not include is the earthwork or what that you can see around here that's by others that do that we we ask for a minimum of a 12 inch compacted gravel base on dry ground underneath that we don't like to see clay or anything like that uh that tends to move the concrete so that would be bad concrete we pour 3000 psi mix um depending on the time of year we might use an accelerator to speed that up if it's going to turn cold quickly this was a beautiful day when we poured this one um so we we power screed what i think what you just saw on there to get the initial smoothing then uh in the middle we're putting a floor drain so it'll have we'll we'll go around with a 2x4 and make sure that it's draining to the to the drain um then after that we'll uh finish bowl floating if we have to and then we'll get on it with a power trowel as soon as it's set up enough usually from the time we finish pouring until we power trowel in the summer or warmer months it's maybe three hours and then we're on it with the trowel and we'll have to run over it two or three times to get that finished finished grade you probably can see that we don't have any anchor bolts in there we use um what we call wedge anchors and we'll i'll show you those in a little bit while framing in the shop we it would be the next step we build the walls two by fours pressure treated bottom plate and then the the rest is all spruced two by fours um whenever there's somebody new working with me i always go over safety procedures on how to nail uh we what we call a six inch rule we we never nail closer than six inches to our hand because that's painful we put three nails in a in a two by four wall because going over the road we get a lot of a lot of bouncing with the frosties or whatever there is and we've found that that third nail makes a huge difference so that the thing the walls don't loosen up in the process we use two by ten headers doubled with filler in between for strength we'll build all the wall sections and we'll stack them on the trailer for delivery uh it's always a big day when we go to on-site to deliver [Music] the wall panels that's the day when we put it up it just looks like we did a lot and i actually do but we've done a lot ahead of time before we even show up as far as building the walls a little side note two by four studs two by four eight footers are 5 53 right now uh last spring they were three dollars and something 3 10 315 and that's across the board with the rest of the dimension lumber proportionately osb is still for 7 16 it's i think over 30 dollars a sheet 5 8 cdx that we took quite often use on the roof just went up four dollars in the past two weeks to 44 dollars i think it is you can see here there we level it we've snapped a line all the way across we do that all the way around so that we have a nice straight line when we go across there that way when we put siding and so on going up we have a nice straight line to go and gives a nice line across for the siding so you can see we're putting osb up on the on the back we use that to secure our first truss to it's a really really good way to do that the uh you can see we're putting anchor wedges in here pound those in then we tighten down those nuts and it's it's just like a regular anchor bolt except it's easier to put in for us after we've set the walls so you can see trusses going on they go pretty quickly it's maybe an hour or two putting those up and securing them we used uh roof truss spacers their metal bracket that we use we put on uh we take those on off after we've put the first course of plywood then we put roof wrap staple that on and getting prepared for uh roofing uh after we get the roof wrap on we'll put a drip edge but first we we typically we'll try to do the fascia all the way around that's the white typically it's coil stock that we'll use right here you can see we're putting on the trim the f and the j channel uh we'll do that all the way around the the roof and this is the fascia that we put on put we'll bend that like five inches and an inch so you get the coil stock comes two feet wide so we get four rips of fascia out of one uh one cut so we'll bend that on the metal break in the shop it's kind of fun when you see that going on you start to see color and it just gives it starts to give it that finished look so we have drip edge on now we're ready to do to do the roofing we screw the roofing on we put the screws about four feet apart going up the fewer screws the better and yet you need enough screws to make sure it doesn't fall the the roof doesn't blow off we don't want to have that happen um we screw on the flat the reason being if in a winter we get quite a bit of snow up this way in the winter so if you're using a snow rake to pull the snow off it doesn't catch on each one of those screws if you put it on the rib so that's worked real well for us they have rubber washers in there uh that that suck down really tight to the roof between the roof and the screws so you don't get any leaks then we move on to vinyl siding we've got we've put a starter strip all across the bottom when we put on siding we snap it in make sure that uh it's snug we pull it up just enough so that it's not drooping pull it up put a nail in you don't nail it tight you leave it loose for expansion contraction it moves one 12 foot panel will move as much as an inch in between summer and winter so we have to overlap to cover that so siding is about 85 to 90 dollars per square per hundred square feet of siding now uh depending on which one which what kind of siding you can get we bought some last year that was over four hundred dollars a square foot it was a special special vinyl with an insulation backer so we put that on the windows are vinyl they have a built-in j-channel so the windows come right in there we trim around the garage doors with metal and then we put j-channel around that and the siding comes into that and it gives it a really really nice finished look as far as the exterior siding is done then we're on to the garage doors these are nine by seven garage doors with one row of glass and you can put them either on the third panel or the fourth panel some people if they put it on the fourth panel they just want want it for uh natural light but don't want people looking in some want it on the third third one so they can look out and see who's coming up the driveway so uh these doors are insulated and they have a metal skin on the inside um so after the uh after the garage doors are done we can now see the exterior that will be the finished product um we'll just take a walk inside in a minute and see what uh what it looks like inside and get an idea of the how big it is that's 24 by 24 two car uh eight foot ceiling uh we put a a spacer truss spacer right up the middle um to space the trusses exactly two feet apart going through there so um this year the the price for a 24 by 24 two-car ranch style garage with everything that i just showed you is going to be 19 975 dollars i think it is for everything that i showed you not including excavation or permits um we will guarantee that price for 30 days uh i'll update the pricing on the website uh typically probably the first of them of each month to make sure we're staying current typically when we when i talk with a homeowner about a garage we'll as far as finances what we'll go over is a payment process it's a little bit flexible typically i go uh with three three payment schedules the first first third would be when uh before we show up before we start so that gives us working capital at the start to go out and start purchasing materials labor to do the work and so on after we get the plywood sheathing on the roof we get the next third that way it will allow us to continue working which is always an exciting thing and then the final third will be at the end after we're done we've and we've done a checklist and the homeowner is happy which is the most important thing we sweep up the floor clean up move out and and they pay us and both both parties are happy um that's how it typically works so uh if you enjoyed this video i'd really appreciate it if you'd subscribe hit that like button make any comments if you'd like so we'll have the next one coming out in a few days on the next one will be on probably a salt box style it'll be the type that has a steep shed roof on the back or shallow i'm sorry shallow pitch on the back steep one on the front with a little bit bigger overhang and we'll talk about that next video thank you you
Channel: Kens Karpentry
Views: 1,205,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alaskan, apartment, blessed, box, build, building, cape, car, carport, carrige, cement, concrete, christian, construct, excavator, floating, foundation, gable, gmbrel, garage, house, home, Jesus, paint, pine, plywood, pray, rafter, ranch, rebar, roof, salt, sheathing, shed, shingle, siding, slab, stairs, storage, style, truck, trusses, vinyl, sticker, shock, price, 2021, up, down, volatile, lumber
Id: jO0bs2x1OrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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