40X 90 pole barn floor part 2

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it's our boy hang on man you hey guys bondo here part two video of our 40 by 90 um concrete pole barn slab that we did here with the radiant heat in it um if you haven't watched my first video guys this is a part two of a three part series we're going to do on this big barn that we uh well we prepped it too there's a prep video and then there's going to be three poor videos so this is number two uh we divided this barn up into three pieces guys just because uh there wasn't enough in the budget to pump this thing so we uh put tubing down the first section and poured it and then this is the second section we put this tubing down after we poured the first section like the same day while the concrete was drying uh if you watch part one you'll see that how we ran that tubing we got it's 1200 square feet so we got 1200 foot of tubing here and that's what we did and then as you can see he drove in here so there's no tubing in the third section yet and after we pour this section we're gonna put the tubing down for the last section and then um we're going to pour this last section here on saturday today's uh thursday so a couple more days we're going to pour that section but we made this shoot guys you know how i made it if you watch the first video i just use a culvert pipe cut it in half and uh i mean the concrete ran pretty good down there we're pouring like this is probably a good five slump concrete it's not really that wet you can see the guys are pushing it around it's not you know real wet self leveling concrete like you see some guys pour really wet self leveling concrete this is this is good concrete because this is going to be a race car shop and you know they don't want a lot of cracks and stuff in this so there is a water reducer in here it's called polyhede and that just makes the concrete a little more workable so um pouring this at a five slump or like a five slump would be equal to probably pouring like a three slump of regular concrete so this is real strong concrete guys here i am putting the wet pads in guys i'll i got a laser level and i'm setting these pads to grade that's me and the red shirt doing it and i got a mag float in one hand and i'll just mag off and keep checking it with my laser and my lasers on spinning spinning that laser around and it'll tell me if i got to go up or down in my pad when i get my pad set i just put a little x on it so that my son's um jason we call him big biscuit he's real good at um leveling this concrete out there he is you'll see him guys just he'll dial it right in if i put those wet pads in all over the place he'll just rake it right out and it'll be real close we don't have to pull a lot off when we're power screen we're going to use a power screed to lay this down we use a regular 16 foot magnesium screen to set our our long wet pads but we'll uh we'll be screening it off with a marshalltown shockwave power screen so these guys are all just i call them puddlers these guys with these flat rakes actually i jumped in there puddling and all we're doing is raking this concrete around and you know by eye getting it to the top of the form and about where we want it and like i said when i put those wet pads in that helps everybody see where grades gotta be so when and we like to dump these trucks out fast we don't you know dump out part of it and then screed it we'll pretty much try to dump this whole truck this first truck out as fast as we can so that we can uh get him out of there get him back to the um to his plant and get loaded up for another load and also to get the second truck in there and we got to get him out of there and washed out so there goes our chute guys we we're done with that we got that whole first truck unloaded and uh oh no there might be a little bit left in it i guess so he's just about empty i added a shoot to him right here so we dumped out everything we could reach real deep with that homemade shoot the culvert pipe shoot and i just threw another shoot on so now he's got three shoots and we're gonna finish dumping this truck out um this particular uh portion of the floor i believe was 19 yards guys so one truck had 10 and one had nine this first truck had had the 10 in it so there i am again putting in my wet pads putting my x's down you see i put a lot of them out there um i find the more of them i put out the better the guys do it getting this thing leveled out before we start screening and especially uh like i said my son jason's really getting good at that so here we are guys putting our wet pads in these are just concrete leveled out to grade and then i got my uh the marshalltown shockwave here and i'm just going to go from pad to pad and the guys are behind me puddling they're knocking everything down here keeping it level and this thing knocks the cream right or knocks the stones right down and brings the cream up so it makes it a lot easier to bowl float my son jason there big biscuit he's got the bull float in hand he's leveling it out you can see how flat everything is guys we got a just a four foot bowl float there with round edges and uh that's all we need because it's it's already nice and level we don't have to do much we don't need bump cutters or nothing like that this floor is going to be real level the way we poured it out you can see the guys pushing around getting everything leveled out here i jumped in helping the big biscuit there getting her down and then we can reach what we screened it off already we can reach that form board with my 16-footer so that's what we'll do next got the concrete truck driver coming in just putting a little bit more in here there where we needed it i kind of direct them you gotta let your driver know what you need you gotta you know you can't see it all from up in the truck so i'll tell them what we need so we can get get the amount of concrete in there we need so that's how we did that and then we're gonna get that 16-footer again here it comes got greg there with me and here we are just knocked we kind of jitterbugged it a little bit to hit the stones down as you can see and then we just pull it off we'll do that jitterbug a couple times and pull it off the jitterbug helps with this thicker concrete guys it's not the real loose stuff you can just pull it off and knock the aggregate down quick now i got the power screed again just pulling it off then i'm going to turn here well i'm going to buzz these all down where i can turn because that's a 12 foot screed stick so i'm going to get closer to that form board where the edge of that is right there and then i'm going to hit that just pull that right off these guys are going to pull keep pulling and filling in as we go if it's high they're gonna knock it down got a little high here looks like yeah quite a bit high here guys you can see the left side's high so he's pulling quite a bit out of there right now that's why i like putting on wet pads and it kind of helps these guys you don't end up with having high spots like that so everybody's jumping in here puddling you can see making things easier we got a little high here so i figured we'd just rip it off with the 16 footer quick just to get some of that material out of there but i'm gonna go back and power screed it after we do it just to knock the stones down so it's easier to bow flow and just makes it that much better that much flatter that's what we're doing here we're just going to pull it pull it off by hand real quick you can see this concrete's pretty thick guys it's at least a five slump it may be a four and a half slump i didn't check the slump the slump guys if you don't know is the thickness of the concrete that's what slump is how much water is in the concrete is gonna make the slump it's gonna the wetter the concrete the higher the number so this being a four and a half five slump is a pretty good concrete versus if it was like a eight slump it'd be very watery it kind of looked like cow manure and it would you could kind of kick in and be self-leveling itself so this is good concrete this is 3 500 pound concrete like like i don't know if i told you that got a little water reducer in it but definitely not real wet soupy stuff a little bit harder to work with but we're pretty good with it we dump this out this whole pad in an hour so that's not bad we put a little bit too much in here guys so got to scoop it out right there put it in the wheelbarrow just a little bit maybe half a wheelbarrow too much so the guys are pulling it out and bam there we go that slab's done she's leveled out big biscuit in with the float floating it down you can see how flat it is guys there ain't no rip bumps or humps when he's floating it that thing is nice and level it's a race car shop so they really want it level concrete laying it down i might have to have a talk soon about you not knowing how to spell any part of my name oh really yeah why didn't i do that evin jesus jeske i can't spell jessica ridiculous i know yeah you're first of a speller i can't read so guys i didn't video it but before we put started putting the tubing down here we put a vapor barrier in a plastic vapor barrier down and then we put two inches of polystyrene insulation that's a closed cell insulation and then we put our wire mesh down we wired the wire mesh to itself so that we get keep our grid nice and straight and then we're just running our tube in here guys we kind of did something cool if you stay with the video um you'll see how we did this where we actually had to put some one-inch conduits under the second slab just so we had a place to stuff it up in there yeah sneaky we are was that hard biscuit said it couldn't be done yeah he didn't think it could be done biscuit did a lot of complaining on that yesterday not gonna lie i didn't um it was stupid i just thought it would be difficult you gotta have faith in me my man cut that in the face take that roll and roll it out uh there it is how hard we're going to run right now so guys that's how we fed our our uh pipe back to where the manifold's gonna be where the boiler room is we just put that's just one inch electrical conduit guys and i glued it all together and it comes up out of the slab with a 90. it like we used a 45 and a 90 and just glued it all together and it pushed right through there easy you could see i cut a little angle on it so it's just fed right in there real easy i highly recommend that if you're going to try to do it this way it worked out real good it's first time i've done that but we had to figure out a way to um you know not get this tubing down ahead of ourselves so that we could drive the trucks in so that's how we come up with it and it worked really good i'll show you a couple more shots of us putting the rest of it up in there so here yep guys do me a favor if you like this video so far go ahead and hit the like button for me that'll help out my channel a lot and you guys that haven't subscribed and a lot of guys that watch my videos are not subscribed according to um when i checked on youtube go ahead and hit the subscribe button guys we're doing a lot of these videos and they're real helpful for people people are building their own basements and pouring their own floors and stuff just watching my videos i'm getting some feedback from them foreign gorgeous yeah yeah that's how you put in floor heating in so so i usually just keep one guy back here finishing a floor like this with me guys this is only 1200 square feet so i'm just me and trevor back here finishing this floor um he's over there trawling the back edge i'm doing the front edge where we could walk and now i'm going to hit the side here i just got these flat um stampin concrete shoes they don't really leave too much of a track they're kind of smooth on the bottom but the concrete's sticky right now so it is pulling up a little bit so i'm just walking down through here i like to finish right up in between the poles even though this is going to be a finished building and you're not really going to see in there it just looks nicer it looks like a nicer cleaner job when you're done so i'll trow all that right up in there by hand because the machine won't reach around these poles and stuff and then i'm just going to grab the power trowel here in a minute and wipe out my foot tracks it's just easier sometimes than doing it on knee boards for me i'm just gonna go right through here wipe out my foot tracks i'll pick that bottle up that just fell on the floor and that was just easy right there like i said and that's all finished now guys up in there that was the steel trowel i was using so i might hit it maybe one more time but trevor's hitting the edges here and again that i just hit and uh you know they're hardening up as we go here so we'll just keep hitting it and we do this in patterns doing these floor i i do a half lap guys i just lap the trowel over halfway over the other pass each path i'll go halfway again and i like to work opposite directions i'll go one direction and then the next hit i'll go a different direction and uh usually got a hand trowel around all your pipes and stuff and any of the drains this section here didn't have a lot of pipes in it the first section had quite a few pipes in it because it was uh an apartment going back in there the back half is an apartment and the front half is going to be a race car shop like i was saying so each time we hit this guys it gets a little bit smoother so um we're just going to keep hitting it until it does what's called shining out or uh you know blackening out the concrete will actually kind of turn black you'll see it start to turn black and it'll get real slippery get real smooth um you got to be careful not to polish it up too much because it will get slippery like over slippery so we're trying to find that happy medium there where it's easy to sweep but it's not like too slippery so that's what we're looking for and it usually dries a little bit different rates depending on a lot of things if you're getting any wind or anything on it or sun shining through a window or a lot of things are the different um the different loads this is two different loads obviously but actually the second load caught up to the front load just because it was closer to the door so i'm just going the opposite direction here guys just like i said i went one way and now i'm going to hit it the other way and that just flattens the floor out you can see what i'm talking about with that half lap yeah i'm just going halfway across each pass down and back down and back way to set lights up we didn't get done with this until 8 o'clock at night um concrete was supposed to be there at 10 it didn't show till about 10 30 so that's another reason i didn't pour it real wet because i wanted to get out of there i didn't want to be there all night so if i poured it real wet um this floor would have took longer to dry so that's something i'm always in the back of my mind you don't want to pour these too wet be here all night so guys that's pretty much it for this video i just wanted to show you how we did this barn in three sections uh stay tuned for part three i'll be putting that together in a couple days for you um and if you haven't watched part one go back and watch that and like i said earlier guys if you haven't subscribed to my channel at least go and check it out because there's a lot of good stuff on there we got um we're we're probably close to 140 videos right now 135 a lot of good stuff on there to try to help you guys if you're new to the concrete or you're learning or you want to learn a different aspect of it we do all kinds of different stuff on there and uh also some home renovation stuff during the wintertime we don't pour concrete in the winter that much and uh thanks again guys i will catch you on the next video and take care yo no well yeah he can lock the big door i don't know why but he's been locking it one section left almost got the big barn done just made our cuts there we go
Channel: Bondo Built
Views: 170,916
Rating: 4.9465442 out of 5
Keywords: concrete chute, concrete chute extension, home made concrete chute, concrete shoot, pouring concrete out of truck, 'pouring concrete without a pump, long reach concrete chute, pole barn concrete floor, pole barn radiant heat in concrete
Id: vYzsZ511-Zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 45sec (1605 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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